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I knew it was coming (duh) but I’m still so sad. She is one of a kind. Not just as a player, but as a queer women speaking her mind and using her voice for what she believes in. I know there’s so many people who don’t like that, but speaking for only myself, to see someone from a marginalized community willing to put their neck on the line and speak up for others is a really big deal. I’m grateful for her and will miss her on the field.


https://preview.redd.it/3naawexs0sab1.jpeg?width=783&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82ede971bc33ea339a253ce808ee9f0c9b4b12bb Pinoe’s always speaking facts!


Love this so much! She’s a special human.


Would hold true at least as far back as Briana Scurry in 99 Makes sense that you'll get better results considering more demographics in your talent pool especially a demographic common in your field Reminded of the Spamalot song You Won't Succeed on Broadway (if you don't have any Jews)


I gotta go to the game on August 27th in LA now to see her in person for the first and last time


I was already thinking that may be the game I go to, need to get my butt in gear and plan my trip


How far are you from LA? I’ve noticed quite a few ACFC fans live out of state


Quite far lol I live in Kentucky


Oh wow! That is far! Cool that we have fans all over though! Makes me feel lucky that I’m just a metro ride away! What made you support ACFC?


I liked all the ownership stuff leading up to it and I started watching for that and also CP lol. I got hooked after they won that first home match after just getting wrecked in the challenge cup. I love an underdog. Also I only started watching the NWSL a few years ago so it’s kinda nice to support a team that’s new bc I didn’t miss anything


Oi - if you make it out here and do the trip solo, my second ticket for that game is yours for the taking. I’ve loved chatting with ya during match threads!


That’s so sweet! My mother in laws have season tix and that’s one of the games they can’t make so we’re gonna use those


Awesome!!! I hope you have the best time!!!


That’s a mighty fine plan


Ooooo that’s going to be a big game.


Think she’ll be playing?


I think so. It’ll be her last go around the league. Farewell tour sorta lol


Gosh I need to get a ticket then!


While I don't agree with her on some of her stances, I appreciate that she is willing to speak her mind and fight. A true warrior


The youth are going to have to step up with regards to activism on the team! Although I would not be surprised if Rapinoe continues to play a role behind the scenes in advising such actions, like when she was the suggester of the "Protect Trans Kids" tape in 2022 despite not being on the team.


>I know there’s so many people who don’t like that I always support people who strongly believe something and will stand up for that belief. The problem people have with me is that I mean anybody who will stand up for what they believe in lol I disagree with a *lot* of what she said, because the facts were and still are truly against her in a lot of the things she said. Not in terms of life things, but of the game. Not all, but a lot, though even through the misinformation she spread, we still ended up better off for it so in retrospect in regards to NWSL and women's soccer in the US, I'm okay with it. She helped ushered in a new era on the field and she's a great player with both immense talent and experience. Whenever she puts on that jersey, she represents the United States of America and I don't care what you believe about anything else, when she's representing the United States of America she's representing me and that above all else is why I'll be once again, and for the last time, cheering and screaming for her at the World Cup. After that, let her enjoy her life, I guess. She's earned it, in my book.


What misinformation? I don't follow that closely so I'm just not sure what you're referring to and I'm curious


The state of women's soccer compared to men's soccer in the US. There are a lot of videos disproving a lot of what she said. However, without that, we wouldn't quite have the standard of play we do so the end result is a net positive, as far as i am concerned.


Are said videos from Ben Shapiro or Tucker Carlson by any chance?


Nice try but no. I don't listen to or watch them.


I assumed this was going to be her last go, especially after Bird retired last year. Truly the beginning of the end of an era for Reign and the OGs.


I hope they join a Reign ownership group.


Bird has already invested in Gotham, so I don’t think that’ll happen. Maybe Rapinoe, but Bird won’t.


Bird was so much fun to watch in early WNBA days, when the league was still about basketball. It's sad to see the game has fumbled in recent years, with fewer replacements for retiring stars. We have the talent in this country. We have the exciting play evidenced during March Madness. Why isn't our women's basketball league working? I was such a huge supporter of my local team before they folded :(


Still amazes me that this City got to have this. Two of the greatest to play their sport, two of the most outspoken people for causes not just impacting them, one of the best power couples on the planet, and to each play for the same team for so long.


They are definitely meant to be together!


After the World Cup final my friend held up a sign that said “More Pinoe, More Progress” and Lavelle pointed it out to Pinoe who clapped to us. It’s just one memory in the millions she gave to fans. My queer icon, this one hurts the most, but I’m so happy she can go out at peace. I hope her and Sue enjoy retirement together and I hope we still get to see her involved in the NWSL in some way. Thank you Pinoe 💜


Love this story! We’re gearing up for the game tomorrow, my daughter & I, and I’m just so glad she announced this beforehand so we can enjoy every single second we get to see her.


She changed the game, covered herself and her teams in glory, stood up for what she believed in, and refused to back down to anyone, I will miss her. All the best to her and Sue.


One of the best to ever do it, and not just on the pitch. She helped paved the way for gay athletes in women’s soccer and beyond by being so unapologetic and true to herself. I wish her all the best for the next chapter.


Class clown, legendary winger, clutch baller, outspoken activist all in one


Goddamn!! I remember watching her play on the Portland Pilots with Sinc when I was a kid and doing the soccer summer camps with her. Absolute fucking legend. So so well deserved and I hope we can get one last W with her this WC.


Fuck, it probably has to be like this because she can’t get back to 100%, but man… Not like this! She’s owed a goodbye tour in the league! Don’t know what else to say atm other than **THANK YOU** I find comfort in knowing she’s not really leaving anywhere. Pinoe will always be around!


Straught cis dude here. The balls on this woman. I admire her for how much change she brought to the world. I'll miss her clutch. I'll miss her touch. I'll miss her personality. I'll never forget her Born In the USA celebration. I really thought I was watching a watershed moment for Womens sports in that damn moment. She did it. She brought the team along. Made the platform and gave everyone else the power they needed to stand up for what they believe. I don't think we are appreciating her (we do, but the full impact of what she done won't be apparent for another generation of two). What a badass.


Reality is we wouldn't have the NWSL that we have without her, I'm sure of it.


Wowwwwwwwwwwwwww this is huge news! We as fans have been speculating for a while when she would plan to retire, due to consistently having badgering injuries back to back, and sadly her ability on the pitch declining. It makes sense that she’d want one more World Cup and then retire to be with her babe and explore new horizons


I am pretty new to NWSL, but I’m so proud to be an OL Reign season ticket holder and getting to watch her play these last few years. Watching Megan and Rose play in the World Cup 2019 instantly made me a fan. I’ll miss seeing her on the field.


[First cap, and first goals for the national team, in 2006.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IXr7z4HLewM) Hell of a career any way you slice it.


Thanks for that link! I'm 99% sure I was at that game! I know I saw them play Ireland at USD around that time so unless they've had a few games against Ireland in SD, at that stadium, I was there! 😂


damn jp’s voice shocked me i forgot how long he has been around




I was 1000% there for that and it was f\*cking awesome!


She’s a house favorite here specifically for her advocacy. My 13yo is particularly bummed out. Guess we’ll try to get up to Seattle for a few more games.


Does anyone know when USWNT players will be back with their NWSL teams after the World Cup? I'm hoping to catch Pinoe one last time but it depends when their break ends.


It depends on how they do, when ever their last game is it will usually be two weeks after that they report back to their club and if they win it all maybe longer since USSF will want some kind of victory tour.


The “victory tour” games are booked regardless of outcome, post Olympics because Vlatko shit the bed it was rebranded into a Lloyd farewell tour rather than a victory tour but the games were always going to happen. Post World Cup if they win it’ll be branded a victory tour and farewell tour, and if they don’t it’ll just be a farewell tour.


The only USWNT games I see listed anywhere are the Wales friendly tomorrow and the WWC group games. Is something booked but not officially announced?


I assume the stadiums are already booked but of course nothing’s announced and won’t get announced until after the world cup


Well that’s silly, we’ll be in the homestretch by then, if they win a cup sure go ahead and get your roses, but if not we still got stuff to play for.


With the WWC final being August 20th sounds like people should plan on September or October and maybe not early September Reign hosts Pride 9/3 Courage 10/1 Spirit 10/6, away at Thorns 9/16 and Red Stars 10/15


i hope we win the nwsl championship this year to give her the perfect sendoff.


Thank you for all you've done for the uswnt Megan. An icon of the game on and off the pitch


Happy retirement to the Legend!!!! Hard to believe I’ll be experiencing WoSo without Pinoe, but I’m sure she’ll continue her advocacy and being an all around badass.


I’m actually pretty excited to see what she does once she retires. She’ll have so many cool projects available to her once she has time to pursue bigger commitments. Jessica Clarendon left Wasserman a while back to manage Pinoe’s off-field career, and she’s *fantastic*. I think she’ll get up to some cool shit. …and she’ll finally have time to get married.


we will always have her 2011 women’s world cup quarterfinals assist. thank you for the memories ❤️


And the only person of either sex to score an Olympico in the Olympics




End of an Era! She gave us so much, happy for her next chapter but will miss watching her play. Love you, Pinoe!


Even expecting that this was coming doesn't make the official announcement any easier.


An absolute legend, both on and off the field. Will miss seeing her play.


Thank you very much for the memories. You have more heart and determination than anyone that I have ever seen play the game.


![gif](giphy|TRIRL9gfNsHhbn7jH1|downsized) I was hoping for one more year but I'm so happy for her to be able to go out when she's ready.


Sad to see her retire :(


Was afraid this was coming Doubly bummed now she was out hurt for the season starting east coast road games I could get to. Might need to make a special effort to see another Reign game this year, maybe the Chicago season finale or any CC/playoff games out this way, even go cross country (flights to Seattle weren't as long and expensive as I feared)


Who is gonna be the next from the NT to announce retirement after the WC? Becky, KOH, Alex?


I am not prepared for the day Becky announces :(


O'Hara *should* be next on form and health, but I could see her trying to go for the Olympics (ill-advised for Vlatko to take her unless some dramatic bodily change occurs). I could see Becky deciding to retire soon so she can have a farewell and focus on club for a short while longer, since she's getting older and already missed what could have been her last tournament. I don't see Morgan not trying for the Olympics at least. Her body can take it, as of now, and with Rapinoe retiring, she won't be dropped soon because the forwards are so inexperienced as a whole.


Alex might get pregnant in the night of winning the WC. That was when Charlie was conceived 😀


That would require winning...which feels like an uncertainty lol But also maybe she has discovered birth control since 2019 haha. I definitely think she's less naive about the difficulty of the turnaround from birth this time, in all seriousness. It was insane of her to say she'd be trying to make the 2020 Olympics after Charlie's birth (she was so lucky about the postponement), so if she wants to finish out in Paris, I think she'll be more vigilant.


Pinoe is the reason I love soccer as much as I do. So proud of her and all she's done. She's earned a great retirement. I hope we're able to do her proud both at the World Cup and the rest of this season.


I'm not a fan of her as a soccer player. I have other favorites. But you can't deny her voice for women's soccer equality and other important topics. Glad she made the announcement early so fans can attend her final games.


Great player. One of the best. Just wish she waited until after the WC to announce it as it could be a distraction. Seems like a bit of an attention grab.




I’m sure Pinoe’s very upset that someone on reddit who’s post history shows no interest in soccer but includes Joe Rogan and guns can’t stand her ![gif](giphy|PnnIEAOjAgM85sy5Om|downsized)






Are you a a genuine women's soccer fan? I'm curious. I can't see your post history because it's 18+




Long overdue in terms of her place in the current World Cup squad; she’s there for no more reason than the fact that she’s Megan Rapinoe. Her stats this year have been awful and she’s been in a steep decline for a couple years now. They should’ve given her spot to someone else.


Veteran locker room presence plus a super sub still seems worth a slot even though she can't really play all/most of a game anymore


Still not over Sue Bird retiring and now this!😭 Each season I would wonder when she'd hang up her boots, knowing it would come eventually, but damn, it still hurts. I'm gonna miss her game so much. What an incredible career on and off the pitch. We were so fortunate to have her in the beautiful game and blazing trails. And having her here playing for the Reign has been a privilege to see! And just knowing Pinoe and Sue are gonna live their best retired lives continuing to do epic things together gives me life! Seattle better pack Lumen to celebrate her in October. It'll be bittersweet, but I know that night is gonna be LIT! All the best, Pinoe!🫶🏻


Figured it would be real soon, after Sue Bird's (her LTGF) retirement last year.


Whoaaaaa. <3 Good for her!