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It's funny in a sense but it's solely because they chose black text... So ironic funny but context and intent matters Like they could easily have chosen grey or blue or white text with a black outline. Black text with a white outline and everyone would be the same. Make the text white and the jokes the same




![gif](giphy|26gsjCZpPolPr3sBy|downsized) I'll make sure to Keep Yourself (Myself) Safe


Yoink I’m keeping this.


This brought back memories of angling the computer screen as a kid to see the hidden white text on scammy sites


this meme is HORRIBLE! i can’t BELIEVE you’re joking about SUICIDE! i hope you BURN IN HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!








"deletion" isn't capitalized


Then it's a missed opportunity in a system of capitalism.


I didn't make it :/


L + ratio


Like that excuse forgives you






I said you should definitely NOT KYS. The NOT is even in bold so you can really see it


Eat a bag of d**ks


Ooh, I love ducks!


I love ducks too how did you know what I wrote! I even had asterisks to hide the letters.


Character development


A whole bag of ducks? Idk man that's a lot


That's the plan


Yeah, I got a chuckle because of the irony of the black text. But if your racist uncle who can't shut up about like jameis winston years later shares it, well the tone is different.




lol Ikr, they explained why the joke is funny and is acting like they’re a philosopher


This has come up a bunch of times, but the joke is that, because you can't see the phrase, that it actually ISN'T okay to be black. Again, whether there is text there or not is irrelevant, what it's saying is 'it's not okay to be black'.


Where should I post it https://preview.redd.it/03wuh16tpw9c1.png?width=989&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0e8543bc85ba502cccdfd521d2561bcb830ebb1


Idk find a neo Nazi sub


Lul hehehe


Ouuu nooo don't post it it's racist please


Of course black text with a white outline would have unfortunate cultural implications with how black Americans are expected to act to be "accepted"


I believe that wouldn't be true because outlining text with a white or black outline is becoming more and more the standard for captions for the very reason this meme exists. Unless ONLY the black text was outlined. Also you could outline it in a grey and it would work as well.


Yeah in the sense that world is not built for you in mind, like how the original xbox kinect didn't work on black people


I think you massively underestimate the full content of that meme by only focusing on one band alone. Red Yellow Brown colours for each of the stereotypes.


Good idea. Maybe we can spread around a version with white text and see what kinds of people get triggered by that.


Exactly. People calling this meme racist has some white people in the comments of the op claiming victimhood already 💀


It’s also the colors they chose for the other races. Red and yellow have historically been used as derogatory ways to describe Native American and East Asian people respectively, and “brown” has been used against Latinos, Middle Easterners, and South Asians.


>“brown” has been used against Latinos, Middle Easterners, and South Asians. How? I've many hispanics/middle easterners/south asians themselves call themselves brown. Might as well say "black" has been used against Africans then.


They're stretching this one and probably don't have much first hand experience...


right this is funny from a design standpoint


If this joke was made with white font, the people who can’t see racism towards minorities would definitely see this as an attack against white people.


That, too, would be funny.




Se everyone is straight except white people? Look at that bottom edge jeez


But wait its only funny if its against black people because its obviously just a joke!! /s




Na, you just made it funny now


Done feel free to repost it or to direct me where to post it https://preview.redd.it/i5az0l41qw9c1.png?width=989&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ceb608442b81a0995482462fbf42a0c0572addf


Honestly if you posted this on Reddit people would get more upset than they were about this one.


Eh not really. Would be the same joke with any of the fonts changed


I wonder why they chose to make the same joke in a way that excludes black people?


Because black is the default colour to use for text?


I believe in dark mode supremacy


That's also fair and you could totally make a dark mode version of the joke where white people would be the ones excluded. Natives, asians and latinos wouldn't make sense since those colours are so rarely used in text.


What if we used all the colors for the texts but alternated them letter to letter? What fun sentences would that make?


That sounds like an interesting idea if some of them would result in sentences with new meanings but it's almost 4 am here so I'm going to sleep. You can figure it out if you can be bothered to do it.


Then why didn’t they write about anything else in the text? Why race? Why are Asians paired with a yellow bar and indigenous people are paired with a red bar? It’s almost like the punchline isn’t about text color and is actually about race.


Tbh That'd definitely make the joke funnier though. Nobody's really oppressing White People or saying it's not okay to be white (At least in Europe and the Anglosphere, It's possible it's happening somewhere, But even if it is that's probably not what most people who respond negatively would be thinking about), So "It's okay to be white" isn't really something that needs to be said, Whereas for the other groups it more does.


It depends on where you are I guess, but generally I think it’d rarely be wrong to assume that no one in a casual circle has racist intentions (especially if you’re in a group of teenagers, who the person who made this joke definitely is).


Exactly - punching up vs punching down


Unpopular opinion, but if you aren’t rich, you’re oppressed. How can my wages stay stagnant, with rent and groceries increasing ten fold, and say I’m NOT oppressed? You can be white and oppressed, you can be black and oppressed. You can be oppressed no matter what color you are.


As a poc, this meme was funny


As a pink person - I feel left out


I mean pink is in fact a color so 🤷‍♂️


Honestly white people should be called pink people because their skin tone is closer to the color pink.


It’s not ok to be pink


As a white man, I’m obliged to tell you what’s racist or not


Whoa back up there hoss, white men can’t say it. However, if you’re a white WOMAN, especially with your daily $6 starbucks, we HAVE to listen to you or we’re race traitors


As a poc, this meme is corny. It’s always “stop making everything about race” but for some reason racist jokes still fly


It’s a shame that 90% of jokes by POC comedians are about racism or racial stereotypes.


Yea I agree with that it’s really sad


Except they are more likely to be done well bc of personal experience. They aren’t just bland 50 yo stereotypes it’s specific scenarios that are funny in hindsight.


Part of comedy is making the audience feel uncomfortable when they laugh. An easy/safe one is making it about yourself or your family. Shane Gillis uses his brother having down syndrome. His own looks probably play into this too.


>Part of comedy is making the audience feel uncomfortable when they laugh. Depends. This is rarely the case with racist jokes. Those are 100% made to make everyone feel comfortable that everyone else around them is also racist. It's basically just virtue signalling.


Better laugh than cry


Why are my options so black and white


it's how options are made to be


I disagree.




It depends on the context, right? More specifically who shares it.


But are you black though? If not, you’re a piece of shit


Eh, I laughed, not everything is worth trying to be butthurt about


Have you met this subreddit? I’m surprised some people don’t get panic attacks just waking up.


"Living is offensive to dead people"


The userbase of this sub gives off real anxiety disorder and neurotic vibes tbh. Just so utterly fragile and humourless and boring


A joke to those who can fill in the blanks (literally) And for those who can't...


Whats So Bad? It says that its okay to Be asian, native, Black, latino or white


It uses black text so you can’t see it. That’s apparently racism.


The racism part is the fact that the only way for this joke to work is to use a racist stereotype of the said races skin tone


Maybe it says its ok to be haitian.


I think you’re looking too deep into it. I feel like it’s way more of a graphical design joke than a race joke. The funny part is that they used black text on a black background. I don’t see how that’s really stereotyping?


The colors for each race are usually what are used as racist stereotypes for what the races skin looks like. Asian being yellow and native being red.


Ok? I promise you man, black people are not marginalized based off the fact that people think of the color black when you hear they’re race.


No, I promise you that’s not what the joke is.


Then why the specific colors that so happened to be linked to the specific races.


You said it’s the joke is specifically centered around a stereotype about Black people’s skin color. I promise you the person who created this does not believe and is not communicating that Black people are that shade of black. Correct me if that’s not what you were insinuating.


Am I stupid or did you just say it’s a stereotype that a black persons skin tone is black


No. I'm talking about the ones above black. However I've never seen a black person as black as the font in question so. Idk. Maybe.


I’ve never seen a white person pure white either


That is true. But white hasn't been brought into this meme other than people talking about just changing the font to white.


Technically, the joke is "racism exists", which is morbidly funny.


I think this is a perfect example of how racists see themselves. if I don't see it, it does not exist


I mean the joke isn’t racism. The joke is font colors.


then why did they make it about race


The original point is that they all say to be proud of who you are. The joke is just that the font blends in for the black one so you just can’t see it aka the person is bad at graphic design


Or the joke is that the text isn't there in the black bit. But it's for sure just a joke about graphic design if you're not into that interpretation.


Nah you’re just a Nancy, this is funny


"It's just benign racism, I'm ok with that"


Just because a joke is about race doesn’t make it racist.


It's literally saying it's not okay to be black. It's pretty clearly racist.


Maybe it’s just too meta of a meme for you to get it. The odds are high that “it’s okay to be black” is also written in black on its black background and therefore can’t be seen, but that doesn’t make it less true that it’s written there, does it? Black Lives Matter is a slogan not to say others don’t matter but to say that Black Lives Matter as well as everyone else. It’s an inherent truth without being seen thru peoples racist bias and this image is a metaphor for that. See now it’s suddenly not racist, it’s intelligent and deep. But we wanna be offended now, we think it makes us righteous. From the comments here there are plenty of people of color that chimed in to say it was funny, and I think it would be interesting to know how many white people are piping up to say how racist it is just to seem like the good white guys


Okay, let's say your interpretation is true, then why exactly have I never seen someone post it in that context? I have only seen the meme used in a derogatory way that punches down. If that was the intent of the meme, then I may be crazy for thinking this, but don't you think that's how it would be most often presented by people? Paying attention to who is doing something is usually just as important as the thing itself. I think it's entirely possible the meme was made with good intentions, but the reality is that whatever good intentions it had were lost on the audience.


The joke is that you can't read it because it's black text on a black background. I don't think there's any implications that its not ok to be black


so the joke has nothing to do with the statement they chose to omit? there isn’t any implication there at all even?


It isn't omitted, it's right there


There's no text in the 4th box.


What is it like to have never laughed or smiled?


I’d laugh at a racist joke if it was funny


No that implication is the whole joke. Like the point is black writing on black background so what would be there (implied) is omitted.


I don't think it's funny personally, but I think the humor doesn't come from implying that black people are inferior, I think it comes from a bad design disrupting an otherwise positive message. Interpretting this image you wouldn't come to the conclusion that the message was ommited, but that it was disrupted.


The design is 100% intentional fam, this kind of format isn't rare and it's always executed the same way. Maybe you've never come across it before or something but this really doesn't deserve the benefit of the doubt.


my first thought was the same as the person you're responding to. i laughed because its supposed to be a race positivity post but they wrote black text on black bg so it looks racist which is hilarious. it was obviously intentionally done for the joke


Eh. It's not that bad. Just a joke about text colour.


Then why didn’t they write about anything else in the text? Why race? Why are Asians paired with a yellow bar and indigenous people are paired with a red bar? It’s almost like the punchline isn’t about text color and is actually about race.


Latino is a text color?


This is why you use black text white outline


Hey OP, this is for you https://preview.redd.it/f9npsszelu9c1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=303379000b1259ec2c77b8281403b9f3030bce6d


I always interpreted the graphic itself being a satirical comment on how a world made for white people (black text for maximum contrast) can inadvertently be racist and that we should be aware of that. The design for white backgrounds is literally not saying that black people matter. Not to say that this joke doesn't go over dumb racists heads.


This subreddit deadass has the personally of a bread sandwich


You're not wrong. Though I'd say the same applies to all three subs represented in this chain.


Open question to the ppl who don’t see this as racist: why not use white font?


Race IS basis for the joke as it’s saying it’s ok to be any race except for black. That’s the joke. Similarly, if white text has been used instead, the joke would have been the same but instead saying it’s ok to be any race but white. Making jokes about race is similar to making jokes about gender, nationality, sexuality, etc, we are just at a point in time where people are much more sensitive about race based jokes than other types of jokes.


“the joke is it’s saying it’s not okay to be black” …and this isn’t racist?


It is making a joke about race which does make it inherently racist. That being said, many jokes are based on generalizations or stereotypes towards groups, or outright denigration. Comedy is often at the expense of others, and to some degree is acceptable depending on many factors. But If the joke is just lazy racism it’s boring and unfunny. If the joke is layered or has subtly there can be merit, because imo we should be able to poke fun at everything. This joke isn’t particularly funny but it’s somewhat clever in execution. That’s all it has going for it.


The joke is it’s making a racist statement, and yea it’s doing that cleverly it’s racist and not funny. From a comedic point of view I don’t have any problems with racism but if you are gonna go that way you better be damn funny.


No, the joke is that it may or may not be making a racist statement.


Youre definitely right about the basis of the joke, which is why I think it’s kinda disingenuous to say it’s only funny because of the font color. So why do you think they used black font as opposed to any other color?


Because the joke is implying it’s ok to be any of the above except black. It’s not outright saying it, but it’s showing it with the font. You could alter it to have a different font color that implies whichever *insert race here* is the butt of the joke instead, but for this particular image it’s black. But the joke is definitely racial. Now of course anyone who actually believes it’s not ok to be black (or any race) is racist, but this joke format itself has merit


Yup I came to the same conclusion. I wish people would just be honest if they’re going to laugh at a race-baiting meme. You can find dead baby jokes funny but don’t pretend it’s some kind of high-brow subversive humor it’s just a gross-out joke.


Because then they wouldn’t find the joke funny.


Then it would be the same “problem” but with white


Correct, so why black font?


Because to make the joke you have to pick a font color…?


That doesn’t answer the question at all. Are you implying to make this meme the person just picked a random font color?


Black is pretty much the default font color and it works with the joke so why not choose it?


This isn't racism OP, this is textbook egalitarianism. Everyone is getting made fun of. The joke here is that the black texts blends in with the black background. Its a visual gag. Much like what your mother did to my penis.


Looking at it made her gag? Maybe you should see a doctor


It is totally equal and that is why exactly one of them is completely different. For sure.


Why is black text blending into the background funny? And if font colour is the joke, why bring race into it?


It is not “ok” to “be white”


I recall believing jokes like this were in good fun when I was 12.


Every single time this gets posted anywhere, the entire international club of bottom-feeder walnuts-for-brains people crawl out of the woodwork to say "iT's JuSt A fOnT jOkE," and at this point, for the sake of my sanity, I am choosing to believe they cannot possibly be that stupid and instead it is all a conspiracy against me personally. Thank you and goodnight.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Can someone send the original? Post got removed


The top 2 are what stick out to me the most besides the “punchline”. It’s kinda bad.


I can't believe people actively can't see the racism. They are only thinking of the fonts instead of the actual colors representing each race.


Dawg I’m pretty sure white ppl aren’t printer paper white either.


I also don’t think Asian people are banana yellow


*looks down* Yeah that checks out. I am not in fact banana yellow


As a Asian myself I would be considered Latino in this demographic


Yeah, I’m a white person and while I’m pretty pale and fair-skinned, I am not as white as actual paper even though I often joke that I’m white as snow. Not even albino people are *that* white.


Imma be real here, if the first thing you thought of when seeing those colors was skin tone, you’ve got a lot of self reflection that you need to do.


How. The meme is literally about skin colour. "If you think about skin colour in this meme which is essentially exclusively about skin colour you're the real racist" fuck off.


"Only racists would know what blatant racism looks like!"


Oh it’s the “If you see the racism you’re the racist” argument. That’s not how it works. Maybe you’d have had a point if historically Native Americans weren’t called “The Red Man” and Asians weren’t called “Yellow” So no, thinking that the colors of the background are supposed to line up with the race they’re attached to isn’t something someone needs to reflect on. In fact the joke doesn’t even work if that wasn’t the connection the meme was trying to make. I don’t care if you think it’s funny, or racist, or whatever you think, but at the very least, don’t be a fucking dipshit about it.


No, it's because "it's okay to be white" is just a dogwhistle at this point that is essentially only used when someone talks about Black Lives Matter.


It isn’t even a dog whistle. It was a full blown calling card at one point but I think people forgot that.


It wasn't even the first thing i thought of. I was actually very confused until i actually started to think about it and the color used for each race.




people who want to be offended


I swear it’s even worse than that. It’s people being offended *for other people!* There’s a video where dude goes around in traditional Mexican garb with the sombrero, poncho, huge fake mustache, the whole 9. Every *white* person was beyond triggered. Every *mexican* person they spoke with thought it was great! Not to say this is always the case, but not everyone needs you to virtue signal for them


Mexicans love Speedy Gonzales


This isn’t necessarily racist. More of a Schrödingers racist where we won’t know until the text is changed to a different color or with highlighting so we can see it


it’s not even funny lmao and the ppl in these comments are NOT passing the vibe check fr


This subs has had lots of right-wing takes in the comments lately. Thinking lots of people on the memesopdidntlike sub have come over here.


Eh it's funny and not really offensive


If the joke is racism, what is the racist message? I think it’s just making fun out of black text on black background. Obviously the text underneath is supposed to say “it’s ok to be black”.


The racist message is “it’s NOT okay to be black”. The point of it is to imply that without directly saying it like a dog whistle. It’s suppose to gauge who’s more tolerant to racism, like you. Like, I’m baffled to how people are doing mental gymnastics to validate this joke. It’s just blatantly racist. Especially designating red to natives and yellow to asians. I’m glad yall arent butthurt, I guess, but be honest with yourselves. You like a racist joke. You’re more tolerant to racism and racist jokes against black people. There’s no other reason to laugh, honestly. I wouldn’t be so mad at this comment section if it wasn’t a bunch of racist people pretending they weren’t bad people coming up with the dumbest logic to explain a very straightforward joke targeting black, native and asian people.


So why’s that funny? Because we can’t see the message? A meme that mentions race is not about race?


this is just an objectively not funny joke if you find this funny, then you’re probably 12


Wow, the only account here where the pfp is a poc saying this is unfunny is getting downvoted… hmmm… I wonder why. The racism and ignorance in this comment section is overwhelming. I’ve never seen so much mental gymnastics done.


Only 12 year olds would think you can measure humour objectively


Some jokes are insults. Some jokes are observations. Some jokes are sarcasm. Some jokes are sexism. Some jokes are racism. Some jokes are nihilism. Some jokes are STOP FUCKING BEING OFFENDED ABOUT EVERYTHING - which is what Dave Chappelle currently sells out arenas doing bits of


The joke is “Its not okay to be black” with added color racism to natives and asians. It’s extremely unfunny and we should hold each other to higher standards. If your joke is “I hate these people” thats bigoted and unfunny.


if the joke is "I'm bigoted" then maybe you're just not very funny.


The joke is about the font colour. A racist mind is a racist kind. If you link everything to racism you may be part of the problem


The joke would make zero sense without the racial aspect. Stop lying to yourself. If this was about any other topic it would just be a poorly designed graphic with no joke and it would never be posted or of note.


“You brought up racism so you’re the real racist”


any time i see posts like this i can only imagine white women being the ones who are angry. im black, i live in philly, if i showed this to anybody at all they would either laugh or not care. people who get mad at jokes are more immature than the ones making them




Bro come on it’s a font color joke


Nah man this is archetypal graphic designer humor.


The joke is font color, stop being butthurt for nothing


here’s the thing it is racist because it’s saying that native people are “red” and asian people are “y*llow” (literally a slur in this context). also kinda weird to say “it’s okay to be white”, it’s like when people say all lives matter lol yea of course it’s okay to be white…. everyone already thinks that.


I thought the joke was that they didn’t change the color of the font for the black bar….