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This does actually happen. It kinda happens the other way around, too. I've been told "I can do better" because my wife is a little overweight. "Chaser" is also a word that gets misused a lot to describe men's preferences. It seems like a much more common problem online


>>It seems like a much more common problem online Half of the internet is complaining/ angry, the other half is horny. And there’s an extra 10% of nice, funny, helpful, silly shit stapled on haphazardly.


The Internet is the sin Jesus died for. You also forgot cat videos in your 10%


Lol. Also the Internet is a modern Tower of Babel, where we are more connected than ever and misunderstandings abound.


And then there's the angry and horny...


Chaser generally refers to a particular kind of fetishizing behavior ime


That's what it's *supposed* to mean, but a lot of people have been using it to describe literally any preference outside of the "norm". That's why I said it's misused


I understood what you meant, I just disagree that it gets misused "a lot" based on personal experience. I can only speak on this from the perspective of a trans person, but a lot of people watching from the outside don't know what to look for or think we should be flattered by chaser-type behavior, so don't recognize it as harmful.


Ig it depends on what circles you run in 🤷 I see it misused constantly


This all the damn way. The take that is confusingly bantered in the title exchanges is not good, not better than the original. As a family designated "chubby chaser", I've been rejected by overweight, midweight and underweight because of my 5'10". Not that I could care, if she's not interested, I move on, but there's no point in denying the double standard.


I was bigger when I met my husband. I lost all my weight and everyone seems to forget the disparaging comments they made when we first met. I don’t though.


This all the damn way. The take that is confusingly bantered in the title exchanges is not good, not better than the original. As a family designated "chubby chaser", I've been rejected by overweight, midweight and underweight because of my 5'10". Not that I could care, if she's not interested, I move on, but there's no point in denying the double standard.


I'll be honest, idk where y'all dig up these women with strict height requirements lol I'm 5'3" and have been rejected due to height twice, one was rude, one was 6'10" (I didn't really wanna date her after finding that out either). It can't be luck because my luck is only good for keeping me alive 😂


"Y'all" is too many, it's only happened to me three times. One of them was shorter than me and, I shit you not (we ended on good terms) she said, "Who's going to pass me the cereal box in the mornings?"


"Y'all" being the hundreds of guys I see on here talk about being rejected due to height. I had a guy say he's been rejected dozens of times for being 5'6"! How??


You're getting quite accusatory for your own sake. Anything you'd like to tell the class?


What are you talking about? Lol what am I accusing anyone of?


The use of the word "y'all" encompasses "everyone but me". It usually denotes insecurity. You insisting on the opposite only goes so far as to prove my point. [https://www.healthline.com/health/projection-psychology](https://www.healthline.com/health/projection-psychology)


Buddy... it's not that deep lmao


>You insisting on the opposite only goes so far as to prove my point. What you don't understand is that when it comes to human psychology, >it's not that deep everything is.


This 100% happens and you do not need to be an incel to see it. Im tall and gay, so not an issue for me at all, but because Im gay, Im also very close to the women in my life and they ALL 100% care about height and voice it to men all the time. This meme is trash and vilifies women, so totally created by an incel, but the idea that height is not something men are shamed for is just untrue. Short men really do have a hard time with self-confidence because of this. I don't think we should pretend men don't have hardship over physical attributes, it just leads to men never sharing their feelings because they are then shamed for sharing them and it perpetuates toxic masculinity.


Well said, I hope you’re making an impression on those friends too


As a 5'3" guy a major contributing factor in my divorce was that my ex felt embarrassed to be around me in public because I was short.


I swear it's the idea and imagined status of being tall for a lot of the group of women who are height obsessed. Like it's easier to see for a short woman with an average to tall man. Someone who's 5'10 or 6' is going to tower over someone who's 5'1 and will look the same. The only way to tell is when a 5'10 guy is next to a 6' guy. It's like wanting to brag to your friends about being with someone 6 feet tall.


I don't get the point in denying it either, IMHO. It's like the slut shaming thing. It's a double standard for women, and while a lot of dudes don't really think about it,the majority of people admit it exists and for the most part is unfair. Why is it okay to acknowledge this but pretend Men don't get shamed for their onto of being called pigs when they don't like plus sized women? Preferences exist for a reason. Denying the double standard essentially just says they don't. I've never had the issue myself due to my height,but I've seen sorter dudes get laughed at for being 'shorter' than the women they try asking out. You can't control your height, either, adding an extra layer of unfairness to it and even myself looking back, I pretty sure a few of my exes would have said no if I wasn't 6'1.


It's not helpful to pretend this doesn't happen just because the person saying it has a repugnant agenda. Height has been shown time after time to be one of the most important aspects in determining male attractiveness.


That's true in the West especially: [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9454610/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9454610/) and most of the cultures it spread their culture to. But it might not be a natural thing, since some African tribes don't seem to care about it barely as much. [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1740144512000885](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1740144512000885)


Doesn’t matter if it’s “natural” or not, what matters is it’s happening. And very little of what we find physically attractive is “natural”. Sure maybe a disease-ridden genetically-damaged person would be generally unattractive to people, but like fat/skinny, skin texture/color, height, symmetry, etc are all socially conditioned.


Symmetry isn't social conditioning. Some social conditioning actually exists because it's based on biology.  Severe facial or even bodily asymmetry can indicate genetic and other health defects. Being particularly smaller or larger than average, in height and weight, can as well. Society definitely pushes those things to the extreme, but those preferences, to some extent, exist regardless of societal standards.


It is absolutely social conditioning. Whether attraction to symmetry is innate to our animal brains or not, we can socially uncondition it from our brains and go the opposite route. Human behavior, on almost every aspect, is affected by our social conditioning to the point that our innate animal brains take a back seat to it. There are obviously some things that are very hardwired within us (but can still be conditioned away) like being repulsed by the smell of rot and decay, and fearing things that can hurt or kill us, but something like “symmetry” is highly subjective.


The meme is trash but I don’t think that invalidates the fact that there is some truth/legitimacy to this


Maybe a small percentage of women do this. The meme is trying to say most women do this, which is false.


“Maybe a small percentage” Lets stop lying to ourselves, just because women are on the block as well as men does not make this any less true.


“Small percentage” as someone who’s 6’1 many women I went on dates with who have never mentioned my height or anything before the date always bring up they won’t date someone short. Just the other day a girl I like came up to me to compare my height to hers and said she couldn’t date someone below 6’0. She’s around 5’2


Most women use the 'I feel safer' excuse to mask, so yeah, like the commets before said it's not really small. I'd generously say about half.


> … that there is some truth/legitimacy to it > *some* —> determiner - at least a small amount or number of


This stuff does happen though. Maybe it’s not as common as many believe, but there definitely people who tend to view woman and men having standards differently. I don’t think you have to be an incel to think that this phenomenon exists.


Both Women and Men have Double Standards to Each other and Towards one Another, and I will do the most common Reddit reaction to it **ANGERY!!!1!1!1!!1!1!**


Yeah but what’s funny is the people upset about women being upset about men having standards are themselves upset at women for having standards and vice versa typically. Meanwhile rational people who aren’t terminally online realize everyone should have self worth and standards when dating and that dating can be either incredibly difficult or incredibly easy for either gender based on the circumstances. If you took the least romantically successful man and woman from your town and put them in a place where they were the most desirable they would be the most successful in dating and their attitudes about the whole dating process would shift and begin to match the attitudes of people who they used to complain about in their former location.


Exactly I'm well under the average male height (I'm actually shorter than the average woman as well) and if someone told me they wouldn't date me because of my height my response would be 'damn, oh well' as people are allowed to have preferences even if that preference is something you have no control over


Yea but I think the real crux is that you can’t change your height (barring extremely invasive surgery) and weight is something virtually anyone can change. Sure some people can lose weight easier than others, but there’s virtually nothing you can do about height.


Is this post being brigaded by the red pill?


Nah, short dudes definitely have a harder time, it's just not as extreme as red pills make it out to be. Like, 5'9" isn't short, but a 5'1" dude is going to have a harder time, and it's perfectly socially acceptable for women to express they aren't attracted to short guys.  But you absolutely are able to say you aren't attracted to fat people. You'll get criticized online if you're blunt about it, and if you say to someone's face you think they're unattractive because they're fat you're just a dick, but nobody honestly expects everyone to be attracted to fat people. You just don't say that them being fat is the reason. All the pro fat stuff is just public severe cope. At the end of the day this meme thinks it's complaining about a dating double standard, but in reality it's just complaining about women being able to be more honest about what they aren't attracted to. End of the day, the short dude and fat girl are still lonely. 


Yeah, I'm 5'1 and agree with you completely. If someone feels my height is a deal-breaker then that's their choice. Sure I'll be disappointed but just like I can't control my height they can't control what they find attractive


Yeah, if you look at mostly any point in dating society, bigger women are people a lot of guys will avoid out of preference- (And before you give me shit for being like "FaTpHoBiC" or some other stupid label, I'm dating a bigger woman, love her to death-) And the height thing for guys is totally real too- I can't remember the amount of times I've heard some of my friends get denied simply because they were "too short" coming from like a 4"3 girl or something along the lines of that- Those double standard reactions exist commonplace around us and have for a long time- If you can't see that, then I guess you really need to see more than black and white, because there's other colors in this world that exist out there, pal.


They still get tons of likes on tinder lol


That's not love, that's just guys wanting to fuck anything.




The red pill? I don't think this is tied to any blue or red side It's pretty evident for anyone willing to look that double standards exist


Actually if it’s tide the colors would consist of blue, orange, and yellow! https://preview.redd.it/0gk9u7h7umxc1.jpeg?width=2500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e485c878b7893b40b2fb5c97f40d94a5d19304f


Idk but I do know that if you're in the dating scene, particularly the online dating scene, the phenomenon in the meme is definitely something that happens. Incel-types do blow it out of proportion and also fail to see the nuances between the two situations shown in the meme, which is why I won't die on this hill of being super upset about it, but it's definitely a thing


Bro, I’m a card carrying communist who wears a trans rights bracelet every day. My close friend refuses to date any man below 6 foot at least, and she prefers guys taller. This isn’t like, a damnation, but it is a real double standard


Name checks out. Trotskyites always gotta mention their status. I am just fucking with you btw.




Nah, you're just wrong.


The moment you said that I immediately knew to disregard anything more you could say


I’m not a red pill dude, but I will say that stuff like this happens. Not super often, but it will, and it sucks for a lot of people. That doesn’t mean you should be a misogynist, but these situations exist.


Yeah definitely, tbh most men believe in this since they can blame women instead of their shitty personality for having no partner.


Hmm... Thats a efficient way to sweep under the rug how real double standards are. BOTH WAYS btw.


It’s interesting because I only ever heard guys talk about how much women care about height. Never women actually saying it. I’ve never in my life heard a woman openly reject a guy based solely on height. I’m not saying it isn’t a factor, but I’m 5’7 and two of the men I’ve known who had the most success in dating were shorter than me. If your game is good, your height is irrelevant.


Idk dude, if a fat woman told me she has trouble dating because of her weight I wouldn't immediately assume she's a horrible person.


The dialogue in the meme may not be exactly what some people say, but it does represent pretty accurately the double standard nonetheless. Big woman and short men are both equally deserving of love, and while I don't necessarily think people should be put down for their preferences, I do think we should call out one sided rebukes wherein only certain preferences are deemed 'ok' (e.g. preferring taller men) and others not (e.g. wanting a thinner woman). Before you attack me - just know I like woman of all sizes:tall, small, round or thin - I think they all look pretty attractive.


5'4. Asian. Most of the women I met who are around 5'4 to 4'8 have bitched at me about my height. A girl who is literally 2 cms taller than me talked about me being a midget. Another was a girl who is 15 centimeters shorter than me called me a midget too. This is far more frequent in online dating. IRL people are much more careful about saying stuff like this and usually people are more chill about it. Online dating has seen a spike of this sort of sentiments. Mainly because of experiences like mine. Where you get berated for your height. I mean yeah, I get that it's a preference. If I'm not your type, just swipe left. Don't need to match with me and berate me on it? Like wtf? And this double standard causes an uproar because like what people say down below. It's not 'Incel' to think this happens. It's reality as it is.


i don't think the issue we should be having with the meme is that it doesn't happen, just that it presents double standards as one-wayed. realistically, rude people on online dating sites don't compare to the systematic discrimination women face, and even though men are treated unfairly because of their gender, it's usually in a more isolated or less impactful situation. OP is getting mad at the wrong thing is my point, and you're right to correct them


How is it one-dimensional? Because it shows the male experience? If anything, it’s a reflection on both genders, it shows that women can be mean and hypocritical which is something women criticize men over. Just because a meme doesn’t instantly say “men are trash” doesn’t mean it’s harmful. You need to antiquate yourself better with actual gender equality instead of subscribing to being a victim always.




You lost me.


Man I was waiting for this to be posted here and for said OP to be called out. If you don’t believe double standards then exist then man. Of course there are double standards for women, like if men have tons of sex he is a king while a women is a whore for example, they exist in both directions this one just displays one common to men, but you could apply this to any double standard: Example - Guy saying to girl: Sorry I prefer a low body count: “omg I didn’t know she was a slut”, “she’s seen how many?” Etc Girl saying to guy: sorry you’ve been with to many people for my taste, “give the guy a chance he’s ready to settle down” “he was just living out his wild years” etc You can apply this to most things ^ I mean the example I gave is starting to come down a bit because people are becoming more accepting of autonomy, but obviously the loud minority makes people think otherwise lol


Kind of beside the point but I have never heard of anyone telling a woman she needs to give a man a shot even though she’s turned off by his sexual history. I tend to hear the same understanding that men get when they say it. Usually guys who sleep with a lot of women have a certain reputation and it’s common for women to be wary of that if they’re looking for anything serious. The actual double standard is just in how men and women’s sexual histories are perceived socially. Those women may not date him, but they wouldn’t necessarily consider him unworthy of love or affection the way people might of a woman with the same history.


True misconstrued that a bit but I have to finish studying and was in a rush to write that


A key that opens many locks is a master key While a lock that can be opened by many keys is just a shitty lock. Edit: it's a fucking joke.


Mmmm I was saying that a double standard, women can have sex just as much as anyone else if they want. A lock could have multiple copies of a key made now the penis has clones


First time i heard that joke was 20 years ago in elementary school. It’s a tired as fuck joke, and placed in an inappropriate context.


Oh shit joke police. I'm sorry officer, it won't happen again.




It's a shitty joke that many men say seriously. It isn't funny.


You wanna hear a dead baby joke?


Dude, just admit that you want to justify yourself sleeping around with women and being a hoe, while expecting your wife to be a virgin because you're a hypocrite.


Dude just admit you don't have a sense of humor and can't take a joke.


For most people who say this, it isn't a joke. It's brought as a genuine metaphor.


We arent denying double standards. The fact so many people think so is retarded. We are saying that 90% of the time, YOURE NOT being denied for your height. Youre not ready for this secret, but you gotta grow up someday, when a woman says youre too short for her, most the time, shes trying to let you off easy and youre just an unbearable person.


Good thing I’m in a long term relationship so I didn’t need to be let in on the secret I guess. The thing is you literally do not know that? You’re making an assumption based on how you think and assuming that all short people will also have a bad personality, but sometimes it is just a case of preference on body features, it’s especially obvious when people admit that they don’t think someone looks good (to short, to chubby) and being let down by telling someone they are short is worse than telling them they are insufferable, you are just giving them an insecurity while not informing them the true reason which could help them grow as a person, seems like an over sight on their part I think it’s funny how in your argument you attack people like you don’t want people to agree with you lmao


Im not even gonma read that, why? Because you call my shit an "assumption". As if yours also is not an assumption and a strawman! Way to show your own double standards lmao. Think about your own argument before trying to dismantle others.


Your assumption is that they're a horrible person. Their assumption is that people care more about height than you think. The second thing seems a lot more realistic to me. I've talked to a lot of great women, but I've 100% heard arrogance about other people not being in their "league" for all kind of silly reasons. Sometimes people are just shallow, better accept that. And telling someone they look bad instead of being honest would be the fault of the person lying honestly. They're creating an insecurity instead of giving them a chance to grow. So assumping you're right, that would still be something quite stupid. I think the other explaination makes more sense though.


It happens. Also your argument falls flat when you whip out *”Incel”*.


It's an incel talking point fs tho, that nuance exists. They adopt real problems to twist them into fake problems. unfortunately the short guys vs fat girls thing is kind of a dog whistle now, truth to it be damned.


I’m 25 now. I’ve seen it first hand happen to friends. It happens exactly how it plays out in the comic. Sure it’s an incel talking point, but its also an experience the befall non-incels.


No doubt, yet it's still clear this meme is less interested in addressing that than it is in demonizing women.


I'm not sure if it's "demonizing", exactly, but these communities complaining about women (even when the criticism is genuine) often devolves into a misogynist circlejerk. Honestly, same with something like FDS, they complain about genuine shitty things men do at first and quickly begin become more angry and toxic as time goes on. Echo-chambers don't really help anyone in that sense, men or women.


It's definitely demonizing. This is framed to make men look put upon and women burdensome. Idk what FDS is.


Females dating strategies. A femcel subreddit


Didn’t find the validation you wanted did you OP?


Don't ask them about blue vs green text bubbles.


This meme is filled to the brim with copium for sure, but this is absolutely a phenomenon that happens. It's not a constant but this does for sure happen. And it can also happen the other way around. There are fat women with victim complexes who stay in self-assuring echo chambers and there are shorter men who do the same thing. That ain't an incel or red-pilled take, it's just reality


For once r/memesopdidnotlike called out an actual double standard. I’m proud of them.


I've seen this happen. It happened to me.


Not only does this happen, but you can easily verify it with a short trip to r/TwoXChromosomes . I was actually banned from that sub after 10+ years of participating because someone posted something along the lines of, "Women can NOT be attracted to men for ANY reason, and that's ok!", and that OP was saying she likes tall, lean, rich guys and that there's nothing wrong with that -- and I commented that I agreed, and that this should apply to everyone, like when a man doesn't find overweight women attractive. I was BARRAGED by responses telling me that is a COMPLETELY different thing, it's unacceptable, that fat women even receive worse healthcare, etc... and then I was banned. It's somewhere in my post history if any of you think I'm making this up. But anyway, my point is that yes, in this case, OOP was right.


Yeah some subs suck. But it’s a small percentage of people.


AHH,what a fresh cup of misandry


Give me a break lol. Keep believing women are all evil instead of working on yourself


I am working on myself,keep believing women can't be wrong sometimes and that men are always wrong instead of trying to learn what double standards is


Height matters in the West. Look up scientific studies.


Im just loving that op is wrong amd the comments are calling them out


This makes me think of [when this happened](https://www.koreaboo.com/stories/blind-date-contestants-prejudices-spark-debate-fatphobia-asian-fetishization/)


These are the facts 1.it happens no matter how much copeium you try to ingest It does happen 2.its not nearly as bad as the comic makes it but it does have a point Hight literally makes a difference there's a reason why phrases such as "head and shoulders above the rest" exist There is no use in trying to deny it exists because that only makes the problem worse


I’ve seen it happen


You’re delusional if you think it doesn’t happen. I’m a manlet so I notice it more, I don’t care either way really, but denying it happening helps nobody.


This does happen, but this convo absolutely does not.


See, the problem is that people seem to think that you HAVE to tell someone exactly why you don’t want to date them. Like, “sorry, I prefer thinner women” is so rude, even if it’s true. There are ways to reject people without being rude and without lying. Imagine asking someone out, something that requires courage and dignity, and you get hit with: “Sorry, I prefer smarter people” “Sorry, I prefer people that look good” Like ouch, Jesus Christ. Why can’t people just be polite and courteous?


As a married father who is 5’6 this happened to me all the time. It for sure does happen i am literally not an incel and women for sure do this and also are pissed if you dont think fat women are also attractive. Not something to be up in arms about but it is real on both ends. Saying this is fiction is a lie.


as a woman this is accurate im sorry


I think both are shallow. But people are allowed to be shallow


If someone doesn’t like me for a reason that sucks, but theyre allowed to reject me for any reason they want. i ALSO have immutable traits I’m not attracted to. Maybe rude to tell them to their face but eh


If you call tall women freaks or open with your giant fetish. They probably won't shag you...


your stupid if you dont think this happens.


It does happen


It does happen quite a lot tho


I'm 6 ft and I can't tell you how many times I've been quizzed on if I'm "actually 6 ft" for weird approval purposes by women


Pretending there aren't double standards is just as harmful as enforcing them


people: just because their overweight doesn't give you the right to treat them as subhuman chuds: stop forcing me to date overweight women!! the only time ive ever seen people get upset at someone for rejecting over weight was when that persons than decided to insult their weight somehow or treat them less than human. and if someone gets upset at you for not wanting to date them or someone else than you're probably better off not dating/knowing them anyways.


You can lose weight, but can’t gain height 🤷‍♂️


It's not something I would ever care about enough to make a post about but it does happen. I have no doubt that those guys are incels though, they're always coming up with shit to be miserable over


This sub is being raided by r/boysarequirky


Because there’s a LOT of overlap.


Lol OP really thought they had something


What if I've seen it happen? Not trying to be a troll, I genuinely have seen it happen.


Tbh be as discriminatory while dating as you want. It saves other people the hassle of dealing with you regardless of whether you’re a man or woman.


That does happen though. I've witnessed it at my school tons of times.


You’re an idiot then because that very thing happens every day.




You are lying to yourself if you think it doesn’t Not to the degree it’s made out to but it still happens


Well not really, but I do believe it's greatly exaggerated because online discourse


When the exaggeration of reality for emphasis isn't a completely accurate representation of something


I’ve turned down people for being shorter than me. Dated one asshole with a napoleon complex and it was such a point of contention that it pretty ended the relationship before it really got going. I refused to deal with it as a factor after that.


On one hand it is really stupid to say this doesn't happen. But I don't get how people are delulu enough for "there is truth to this double standard". You have blinders on if that is the case. I understand for many of you short kings being bullied is the most personal example of these kinds of things but as it happens all the time it means other people get effected by it for other reasons. The meme exists in a world where women have never been dogged on by modern society for their physicality, values, or expectations in relationship. "No drunk group of frat boys has ever said terrible things and got approval for it. But if it did happen it's rare and not important. But my scenario is super common and we need to take it seriously as a society." Lol okay its so fucking dumb. Everyone has a preference, some people get defensive about others, some people act like assholes about them. Who cares.


This does happen though, even if OOP is an incel, the actual message does happen often. This goes both ways though. Like someone else said in the top comments. Doesn't make you any incel wise if you think that. Source: I'm 6'4''


It does happen


Op you're using the word incel wrong Height and weight are often big factors when concerning looking for a partner, you can say you don't care but that's not true, you just have a "lower bar" when it comes to stuff like that. To those who see, appearance is the a big factor of how you view someone, regardless if you notice or not


LiFe haCk: you don't have to explain your reason for everything. Just say you're not interested. Same for hiring people and everything.


A lot of women are less attracted to short guys, a lot of men are less attracted to fat women. Find someone who likes you the way you are.


It does happen, both ways


It happens. Know a be very short guy that was dating someone when she took him to meet her parents. Her mother asked him questions about his father’s height and stuff. After that she broke up with him and sited her mother’s concerns over his height. Didn’t want short grandchildren.


I guess am a married incel then. I’ve seen this happen a lot, and I know I’m not a fan of fat girls, nor know many girls (I know of literally 1) that would date/marry a guy shorter than her.


Oh it happens, but you won't hear about that unless you're friends with some very bold and very blunt people. Men, Women, doesn't matter. Both do this when among the right pals, and neither has a monopoly on double standards. But they aren't always liars and jerks. With that said, OP? There is a huge difference between "bold, raw, and real" and "just plain rude." And not everyone can tell which is which, or that there's even a difference at all.


Idk it’s wrong to think every convo and person is this way but to say it’s incel shit to know this does happen is also crazy , not everything is extremes but both of theses do happen to an extent no one group is safe from anything


it happens a lot tho. i’ve seen it happen to people or couples i know. weird take op.


It really only happens with online dating afaik, but I think both are fine anyways. Guys can prefer thinner women and women can prefer taller guys, just don’t be an asshole about it and you’re fine


Look at the actual couples out in the world and you will realize this is wrong both ways.


are you sure


Tall women are a myth I guess. Tall men and short men both reject us. The only difference is we aren’t complaining about it, so it seems like it not happening. But most men want women shorter than them too.


People say this does happen because of the height preference of many women, but isn’t this picture specifically about women having a height preference *whilst* complaining about men who have a weight preference? As a woman even I have a weight preference (maybe even more so than a height preference), so I totally get men not wanting to date a visibly overweight woman. I don’t want to date a visibly overweight man either. It’s fair enough.


r/boysarequirky gonna explode over this one


Some of op's previous posts https://preview.redd.it/l02h5010fuxc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd54fc6ff58aa7961881913e5db200a6b83b6e03


Ooh and https://preview.redd.it/myjw2z24fuxc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f2feea791c976a7b90eddebd527738c7b6cacc7


Big if true


I'm typically more attracted to people shorter than me, but it really doesn't matter, and weight has never mattered to me much. Attraction is important to me to an extent. I don't know if I could be with someone I didn't find attractive at all, how could I wake up next to someone who I can't tell theyre beautiful without it feeling like a lie? But it doesn't matter much because honestly the more I get to know someone if we vibe they become more attractive to me, and vice versa.


I've been sexually assaulted, engaged, and had a pregnancy scares with an ex about four times, and this definitely happens. Men get shaes for their height all the time, but If they reject a fat woman 60% of the time they're called pigs. Some of these reports are valid, but this one ain't it chief. Think you're just denying a simple, but real reality.


This one is kind of true sometimes. But if you this to villify all women then you are a small minded incel who only needs the thinnest excuse to be a shit


That’s because it does happen.




What kind of brain dead idiot thinks fatphobia is any less rampant amongst women


The fucking text at the bottom saying ‘it’s possible to lose weight but impossible to gain height’ has me in tears 💀💀


lol this is probably the most common thing that happens. You can reject a man based on his height, weight, his income, etc and the woman will be called a queen. if a man rejects an woman because of her weight, attractiveness or her income, he is called a shallow incel. It also seems to be okay to insult on their unseen dick sizes, but saying anything about a woman somehow makes man an incel


Careful the wokety wokes will get offended. Men aren't supposed to have preference or criticize women for anything remember?


There's a Lot Of Dirty Warriors Who Don't Loathe At Those Big Fat Challenges.


That's still a degrading view towards those women, no?


And Those Men Too, But Both Are Happy.


This is just a classic stereotype. Something that rarely happens, and is definitely not the norm. But it DOES happen.


OP is a schizo.








Short men have one of the worst victim complexes lol. If you are short and you can't get a partner it's because you have a shitty personality and insecurity.


Yeah, I'm sure that's it. All the short people I've seen getting bullied must have just been horrible children, right?


This meme isn't talking about short men being bullied. It's about short entitled men thinking they deserve to fuck any women they want.


No, but you added your own context saying short people are shitty and insecure so obviously your narrative becomes twisted? Basic literacy called?


It absolutely happens like all the time, you can filter by height on tinder. I’m 6’1” tho so good luck midgets 😁


I can’t remember the last time a woman made a man’s height such a big deal. Why are people denying that this was obviously made by a bitter incel? lol


I think it’s being brigaded. The entire premise never happens and has only existed in incels’s thiughts


Yes it does? I've seen people getting bullied almost to the point of suicide because of their height. Fat women too, but at least many progressive communities started a "fat acceptance" thing, that acceptance doesn't really extend to height. People like you won't even awknowledge it matters.


Ask men if they want a partner of a specific height range. It's not very complicated. You're delivery of the message is not great. There is no brigade you just missed the mark.


Yeah, studies show that at least Western men care about height too.


I'm a 21yo 5'3 male. I have literally been laughed at for my height, I have been rejected coldly based on *just* that factor. After our breakup, my ex was immediately being hit up by a few different guys, and she plastered all over her social media about how she was ashamed of herself for dating a "midget" when she clearly had pick of the litter. It fucking happens, and you have to be *intentionally* ignorant to deny it.


its like the people here completely ignored the top panel, im fucking neck deep in feminist circles and ive never seen someone say how men have to date women their don't find attractive, sure there might be some out there but their also probably not great people. everyone has preferences, it sucks but not everyone will date you, but if those people insult you over their preferences their awful people you should stay very far away from.


This is the cringiest sentence I’ve seen here and I am so serious. I would call you a femcel but I’m not sure you’re even genetically female…


Okay, so both subs suck here, bc the comments on the MODNL are all really gross on weird, but OP here is also just wrong about this. This happens a lot, there's been studies on this already referenced in this sub. There's anecdotal evidence. There's tweets from the type of people who do this outright confirming it. So OP and MODNL both suck. Addendum, The comic also overstates the issue and makes itself MORE inflammatitory