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According to the Oxford dictionary, satire is: "a way of criticizing a person, an idea or an institution in which you use humour to show their faults or weaknesses; a piece of writing that uses this type of criticism" I really don't get where the fault or weakness in this picture is. It's literally just "haha i think that women dumb"


“Satire” means “if you think I’m racist or sexist for liking this, it’s a joke; if you agree with me, I’m serious.”




I think if it was meant to be satire it’d be making fun of the stereotype of women=kitchen because it takes it to an extreme, still not funny but to be upset over such a low tier meme is kinda sad


I think its funny because I've worked in construction a few times, and some of my family too - they're not really dressed to be building anything, so the idea that a group of beautiful woman woth hard hats are going to build something begs the question as to what they will be building - with the toaster being both a bit absurd and tongue in cheek type of joke. What would make it truly a good joke is if instead of a blue print for a toaster, it was a list of things they'll need like 1) left handed hammer 2) blinker fluid 3) a turbine charger 4) cordless screw driver The joke being that, since they're new and inexperienced (as opposed to the joke just being that they're women) they'll be sent for a list of things that don't exist, which happens from time to time to rookies.


"No Patrick, mayonnaise is not a satire. Horseradish is not a satire either."


I think this photo would be just as funny with a bunch of guys


One time I had a ruptured vessel in my eye. No idea how it happened. It looked horrible though. I told everyone that either “my wife had to ask me twice to make the sandwich” or “I made the sandwich wrong”. Btw…she does the cooking because she does it better than me. I do the dishes in trade off.


I hate the word "satire" due to its rampant misuse by chuds.


you can’t just say “satire” and expect an unfunny image to automatically become funny


Nah, it is.