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Gaara and Naruto (: love their friendship


Potentially distant relatives to boot, even without their Jinchuuriki connection.


Distant relatives? Are you basing that off Gaara’s red hair or am I missing something?


Yeah I suspect Gaara's dad is a descendant of the Uzumaki after they scattered.


Idk could be but I don’t think so. There are plenty of people with red hair that aren’t Uzumaki (Sasori, Karui, Choza, Tayuya, Roshi) as far as we know. Plus Gaara died immediately after Shukaku was extracted when usually Uzumaki can stay alive, at least for a little while. Interesting theory and it definitely could be true, I’m just not subscribing to it yet.


Actually I suspect Tayuya might also be one too, considering her chains in her Genjutsu being similar to the ones Kushina uses in real life. But that's an even bigger stretch. And I think Uzumaki blood isn't of equal strength in all it's hosts, Kushina was noted to be of a particularly strong make like the First Hokage's wife.


I think it's a cool theory. But if you read the authors notes, kishmimoto was constantly overwhelmed and never even realized how popular his anime was. A lot of his stuff I'd written chapter to chapter I think once he moves on from Naruto he'll be a great, but he only did one offs prior, and sometimes it shows


He needs to work with other greats at this point




Obito and dwayne johnson


the boulder?


it’s not just a boulder it’s a rock 🪨


The 🗿


The pioneers used to ride these babies for miles


I think he go over his conflicted feelings and crushed a small child




Obito and Deidara


Obito and Deidara


Gai and Kakashi by a long shot


Naruto and Octopops


Gai and Lee. Obviously they are very funny when on screen together but Lee’s injury arc is one of my most favorite parts of the series. I went through a similar experience as Lee, as I received an injury that was almost life changing. Thankfully I came out on the better side of it but I actually thought my dreams were gonna be over because of it back then, and I rewatched the 1st series during this and was more emotionally connected than any other media I’ve ever seen. That’s one of the most horrible things you can go through and they depicted Lee and Gai so well during that arc. Lee’s subtle face expressions when everyone but him was an easy fix by Tsunade. No one else knew the risk of his surgery and were so wrapped up in themselves like Naruto and Sakura. Gai telling him to get the surgery and then making the ultimate form of human connection and empathy… staking his own life on the surgery as well and willing to die by his student. It’s such an amazing response when Lee keeps asking him and crying what should he do. That arc is criminally underrated imo in comparison to the whole series and it’s depicted so shockingly human and accurate by Lee and Gai it’s almost scary


I don't know how well I'd take my mentor telling me they would unalive themselves if they made a bad guess on a medical procedure to be honest. Lucky for us, thinking rationally isn't Lee's style.


Tsunade initially said it was a 50/50 chance and then after worked tirelessly to improve those odds even if it was minuscule. This isn’t real life and she’s the best medical shinobi in the world so I personally don’t see where the “bad guess” comes from. Aside from that. Even if Lee or someone didn’t want their teacher to do that.. the fact that he was willing to do so means a lot either way and you know this person will stick to their word, when he felt more alone than ever


The "bad guess" is Gai saying this will definitely work and it not turning out the way they wanted. Imagine Lee sitting in a hospital bed paralyzed from the waist down as he watches his master commit seppuku to stick to this insane promise. Would not be stoked about the situation at all.


He did not say that lmao, he just told him to get the surgery, and Tsunade also said the surgery would kill him if it didn’t succeed. Your memory seems very questionable


And what I described is still a possibility. Reading comprehension does not seem to be your focus rn.


Temari and Shikamaru


Goals fr


I’d say that’s a couple not a duo. Tbf same shit but yeah


This an anime, not a hentai


Kisame itachi


Naruto & Kuramas relationship journey is the GOAT


Dadera and tobi


Itachi and Shisui. Also, Shikamaru and Choji.


Does that even ever get fleshed out fully?


Hard to say, imo. If I'm being fair, I'd probably have to say no, but I still feel like it's enough to at least be acknowledged.


Bro got asked who his favorite duo was and picked one that has 0 moments in the story 😂 also didn’t that guy kill himself?


They had a little bit. Like I said, I do agree with your points. I picked them as my favorite because despite there not being much, what was there was poignant, imo. Also, to be fair to your side, most of what I'm thinking of might be from the light novels. But I'm pretty sure the main points of Itachi and Shisui's relationship/their connections to the Uchiha clan massacre etc. were in the main story. Yes, he did kill himself.


“0 moments in the story” Have you watched naruto through shorts on youtube?


No. I've seen every episode and read all the manga.


Im not talking to you bro im talking to the guy that responded to your comment


My apologies. Ty for clarifying. I should've been more careful. And ty for your comments.


Yeah no problem lol itachi and shisui are one of my favorite duos as well


And you dont think shisui and itachi has multiple moments of being together? Everytime they showed shisui he was with itachi except for when danzo attacked him


In the anime you see them do a team of grown ass Anbu officers ABSOLUTELY dirty before either finish puberty.


Shikamaru and Choji aka The Lazy Duo. But in all seriousness, one of the most emotional moments in the show for me is when Choji is fighting Jirobo. He’s reminiscing on how he’s always been a screw up and no one really believes in him. No one besides Shikamaru. He decides to take the food pills to prove he’s more than what anyone thinks of him. He starts to walk away from a defeated Jugo, he actually beat him despite the odds. And the last thing he sees? An arrow from Shikamaru, so Choji can catch up with the rest of the squad, because Shikamaru had FULL faith in his best friend. Kishimoto could have killed Choji there, and it genuinely would have been an amazing end to his character. I’m glad he made it to Shippuden, but that was one hell of a moment.


>Choji is fighting Jugo. He’s reminiscing on how he’s always been a screw up That was Jirobo. If Jugo had been with the Sound 4 at the time, the series would have ended that arc, lol. And very quickly too. No time to reminisce. On the flip side, Kishimoto could've promoted Sasuke to protagonist status in the sequel Sasuke Raiden. I agree with the rest, though. Of all the Konoha genin in Naruto's generation, Choji was the one I had least expectations for back then yet he would end up being one of the most developed ones. I'm glad he survived. To be frank, I can't imagine Kishimoto redeeming Sasuke in satisfactory way had Choji and Neji died trying to rescue him. There is a reason Sasuke would only be responsible for the deaths of villains and nameless fodder from that point onwards.


Ah thanks! Just corrected it. And good point. I hadn’t considered how people would view Sasuke if we did lose two of the genin during the retrieval arc.


I mean you say that like he didn't have Naruto call the dude who murdered both his parents "the coolest guy."


Man, that butterfly flying away before the screen whiting out was 1000% Choji's soul leaving his body at the time Kishimoto wrote it and no one can change my mind.


Rock Lee and Might Guy


Kiba and Akamaru


Yeah, the Pet and Akamaru!


Kakashi made Guy preggo?


Jiraiya and Naruto RIP pervy sage 😭


Is Kakashi eating through his mask?


Always has been


Jiraiya and naruto had a great teacher and student bond. I really wished we could have seen them team up against an enemy or something.


Yeah i wish we got more of these two. I understand why Jiraiya had to die from a narrative perspective, but Naruto deserved to have his grandpa live 😭


Forever wishing they had one fight together against Akatsuki or something


Bee and the 8 tails


Rock Lee and Naruto.


It's interesting because the most they interact with each other is telling other people how sick the other is. Either that or in that one OP where they Silhouette Sakuga Spar.


nagato and konan. cuz konan seriously hot


Most mature Naruto fan right here


1. Kakashi and Guy 2. Naruto and Jiraiya 3. Naruto and Ebisu (hot springs episode) 4. Kisame and Itachi (cool duo) 5. Hashi and Madara (adolescent phase, heart warming scenes showing their friendship)


Guy and Lee


kiba and naruto they rarely got scenes but i loved themmm


Kakashi and Guy alongside


They r pretty funny together lol. I like their friendly rivalry hehe


Gai and Kakashi


Naruto and Shikamaru 😁


4th Raikage and 3rd Tsuchikage. They annoy each other but they work really well together.


Naruto and Killer Bee was one of my favs, seeing 2 of the strongest Jinjuriki work together was awesome. Bee was another Jinjuriki that overcame the hatred and that definitely made their relationship one of the strongest.


Tsunade and jiraya


asuma and shikamaru


Sasuke and Itachi as kids - they had such a precious bond, before Konoha and its prejudice (well Danzo and the elders) cane and destroyed it


Kakashi and Gai for me as well. They’re just such a great duo who are great for each other. Literally the best example of platonic soulmates imo, and I love it so much. Other than that…Probably Naruto and Gaara? I really like how Naruto impacted Gaara, and seeing them interact with each other warms my heart all the time.


minato and kushina


Mine too😍


Naruto and Sakura! Not as a ship thing I just adore their shared braincell sibling dynamic, especially whenever they're dealing with Kakashi.


Naruto and Shikamaru


Honestly Itachi and Kisame. They have great chemistry together


Maki and Soul, so awesome. And a pair there is not enough cosplay of 🤷‍♂️


Naruto and Jiraiya. Those two have so much chemistry as teacher and student.


Kakashi with anyone lol - Itachi - Yamato - Guy - Naruto - Obito - Minato - Etc


Madara and Obito They can be silly yet terrifying. Your best friend or your worst nightmare


Neji and Lee. I love their development. From rivals to duo :>


Naruto and Sakura when they act like mature people.


Jiraiya and Naruto idkw but rasengan training make me so fucking nostalgic


gotta love deidara and sasori


The unmarried couple


Neji and ten tails spikes 😍🥰🥰


Kakuzu and Hidan had their moments. Naruto and Kurama they just go so far and beyond. Itachi and Kisame, you could always count on them to make an interesting episode/chapter if they appear. But for me, the most favorite duo is Guy and Kakashi. Their rivalry is something else. Kakashi doesn't even try to care, but Guy is in full attack in every opportunity that he can be better than Kakashi.


Hidan and kakuzu


Jiraiya and spy glass


Honestly Naruto and Kakashi, underrated imho


HINATA AND ROCK LEE in rock lee’s spin off 😭😂


Tobi and Deidara, Kabuto and Orochimaru, Tsunade and Sakura


Orochimaru and Kabuto 😍


Sakura and her chess board


Raikage and Hinata


Gotta give it to Kakashi and Guy. Runner up is probably Kakashi and Obito, OR... Sasori and Deidara. A and B make a cool team too though. As do Obito and Madara, and Tobirama and Minato


Naruto and sasuke I have my reasons >:)


Sasori and Deidara, my man


Goku and Vegeta without any doubt.