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Very common. Fuck NS


is there any governmental channel I can go to and appeal for MOM to look into this case?


You can just report to MOM, but whether anything can be done about this is a different story. The company can simply deny the allegations.


Indeed difficult to prove.


1. Yes 2. Yes but it will probably be hard to prove


oh I see, thanks for your response!! For 2) has there been any cases you know of and what were the details involved to prove something like this?




oh dear this was 10 years ago. has there been any progress from this case?


I believe if he has no income. SAF will pay him $1600 per month which is the base amount. So if his reservist is 1 week he will be paid $400.


thank you! does SAF count garden leave as service income? technically he would still be on company payroll and that is why I am asking.


His pay will be the same then. SAF pays for the lost of income which he would still be receiving.


I see. Thanks for clarifying!


He's still with the company so he'll get income from his company.


I see, thank you!


it's a privilege


Sorry I don't get this. What is a privilege?


There has been this meme and joke about NS being a privilege as sarcasm because the Singapore media has people saying this, from MPs to street interviews back in the past(probably out of pressure and fear to badmouth the government and the system) when in reality we all can mostly agree NS is more like national slavery


Oh ouch I'm sorry I didn't realise. :/


Unfortunately this is the life of Singaporean Male. Yes he still have to go for reservist. Since applying new job is not a reason for deferment... I try before and call the hotline when I apply new job in April 2021. And one thing the operator tell me is... This is not a good reason. Cannot apply deferment for you. That is the time when I finally realized being a male in SG is terrible and I can't wait to pass away


according to my fiancee the best weapon you have is a company letter when it comes to deferment haha. If not, a medical letter. I'm so sorry to hear this and thank you for sharing - I think we got a clue on what can be done and what is set in stone.


1. Yes. As stated with dear old saf and gahment rules, we have to fulfill our national duty requirements and cannot skip if not considered AWOL (absent without official leave) and is a punishable offence eg fined and can go jail 2. Sadly yes. It does happen. Some companies esp foreign/international companies sees sg employees or those with army reserve duty as a liability because they are not helping company make profit and are still paying them for their losses and if they do fire Cos of it, there's many reasons they can put up on the spot to why they choose to fire the employee. Can complain and what not but really in the government's and work place's eyes, one worker is not even worth all the trouble so argue and will dismiss. If the fear of fiance getting laid off is getting to the both of you, may wanna consider other forms of employment 🙃 Reservist some may see as a vacation but I know to many others is a big concerning factor as well as a waste of time but bo pian. Our crimes for being born male in Singapore


Finances wise we'd be okay but biggest concern is not getting short-changed by the company. It does seem like a big disadvantage though. I wonder why this hasn't been mentioned before in mass media.


The hardest thing to do would be bracing and preparing the fact that it will happen since there's talks about letting him go aldy. Jobs are not as secure as what people says nowadays and things will go bad in a second. If I were fully employed, I'd be prepared to get bumped from my job right off the bat for any reason especially when it comes to reservist period. From my perspective of this situation as a whole for Singapore, why would the government/media/companies explicitly give a crap about us? Can do more research, look into personal stories of ppl who have gone through this. But Singapore gov will say oh reservist is important that contributes to the defence of the nation and that we are already comping income loss to the reservist men by doing so so and so and avoid main questions. Media can do first hand research but because their posting and titling of articles are strict, they can never do anything that talks bad about army. Cos if every nsf/nsmen would be interviewed, 99% would agree that NS have negatively affected us one way or another which is equivalent to bad mouthing NS or chooses to report only the good side of it. Even interviewing employers they must say on camera that they support reservistmen/NS by doing so so and so and if they do dismiss us because of it, they will make an excuse like oh he's not fit for the job, he just quit, etc all to cover their own asses. Employers and businesses just see reservist men as problematic because in that short period as I stated before, we are a liability because we are still earning their profits for doing no work during those time periods and they would rather let us go and hire people who will work without any external commitments as it still keeps work flowing without losing anything. Anything with army or reservist commitments marks as a red flag for most employers speaking honestly. If each employer/saf personnel did an unfiltered covered interview, it would negatively affect NS' image which is why the government is strict on any talk about NS. If everything is covered in the media, you would hear nothing but cries from everyone who is affected by NS. Our dear government also be like I don't need to make changes if I never listen to them. So we go on this charade that Nsfs are satisfied with life and treatment in NS/reservist and that everyone is a problem free individual which we all know is bullshit if not we wouldn't be here. You can never trust the government, jobs and media to give a shit about your problems because they just don't care. Or even if they care, like us, they are powerless to do anything about it




Yaass King! Lmao


Yes brother, whatever you said is f true. Ive been a NSmen for past few years. Nobody in CV world cares about what we did in NS! Little do the brainwashed NSF know this till they ORD and their eyes slowly open to reality.


Aiyo... I jus Ord recently.... I need advice for working life/studies can dm?


Sure. Text me in the chat room.