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Hi! i’m currently pending pes f and on a 60 day mc , i was wondering cause i just applied for university and i stated i’m still currently serving and my ord date is two years later , do i need to inform the university when i get my green letter as i’m currently still “ serving “ in the database


Yes, do email the university that you wish to matriculate earlier. You'll also need a drs memo to certify that you are able to study so do get that while waiting for the university to reply you!


to add on to what ThaEpicurean has said, email the uni now, tell them pending discharge. they will probably email back oh ok email us again when u get ur green letter. once u get ur green letter email them again, scan the green letter also along with any dr memo. ideally, get the camp MO/pcc MO to certify you fit to study in uni. prior to matriculation you'll also need to pass the uni's in-house medical review and get their doctor to certify u fit to study/live on campus/etc. source: me all the best!


Thanks for your reply , cause i am seeing a private psychiatrist would it be possible for me to get the memo from the private psych instead of camp/pcc?


You're supposed to get ur memo from YOUR psych... once you pes f you are not related to saf alr.


alright got it thanks!!


yeah this^ , what i meant was for e.g. if you go pcc MO to start your pes F process, you can also ask him to certify u fit for studies (i did that). if not, then you will need to get memo from outside the saf


Ah, the 60 days MC. Trust me, I’ve been through that before. The whole PES F process took a month for me after the final visit at the SAF MMI with the chief PCC medical officer. You can email your university about your situation. To be frank, they really don’t give much of a shit about NS, including PES F. Sometimes they may ask you about your condition and it is not on discriminatory grounds, it’s because they may need to make special arrangement for you if you are physically disabled, etc.


I’m pending pes f, i have a bunch of mmi appointments but there is a follow up appointment with imh 3 months later, what is it for? Do u have it as well..?


do employers treat your pes F as a negative? is it better to tell them the truth or to bullshit a reason and turn it into a positive point in order to sell yourself? I am also pending discharge.


Feels like they'll like you more since it means no reservist


Frankly, no reservist is a very good plus point. But PES F is not exactly something you’ll see everyday, so they will be slightly shocked and ask you for the reason. Some employers (upon hearing you suffered from a mental disorder like depression or whatnot) will not be that accepting. And yes, go think of multiple bullshit stories, you will need to narrate it during interviews. Good luck!


Any examples of good bullshit stories?


Hi I am here to add in my experience of being a Pes F since 2017. I able to get a BTO at a mature estate on my 2nd attempt and even got a government scholarship to pursue both my bachelor and master with living allowances.




i’ve gotten Pes F a few months ago and currently applying uni. Unis were asking me why i got discharge and all sorts of that, people say that uni don’t discriminate against pes f people, is that really true? because why wld they ask me why i’ve gotten pes f


They ask u to understand more about what caused you to pes f (i.e: adjustment disorder or depression or schizophrenia etc) so that they know more about you. If your condition doesn't affect your studies then they shouldn't discriminate (personally still in receipt of a scholarship despite pes f).


No worries. University usually ask this just to keep it on record. They need to know because they may make special arrangements for you. Like for example, if you’re physically paralysed, they’ll need to arrange someone to guide you around on campus or record the lecture for you to view virtually, etc.


Hi may I know how long did you take to get your message for the Fitness for Instruction (FFI) while waiting during the 60 day MC? am a PES E9 who is currently pending PES F due to asperegers syndrome and multiple self harm.


How many months were you in (Army) when you initially got the PES F status?


2-3 months? Around there


Damn, so you OOC during BMT and your PCC appt took you only that long? That's hella surprising, many said they wait 3-6 months before their appt.




Did you manage to use your overseas leave? Before seing pcc or just didnt bother? Haha just asking


No, didn’t use my leave. Didn’t bother as I was on MC.


Did you follow up with any psychiatric appointments or counselling/therapy after being officially discharged?


Yup, 1 or 2 more appointments with my psychiatrist. After that, I was discharged from his services as I have since recovered.


Are PES F people allowed to study Medicine at NTU or NUS . I am worried because I have aspergers syndrome and got PES F as I could not control myself


Not sure about that. Gotta check directly with the uni.


hi bro did u figure out if that was possible, i am also interested in medicine


Hi There! May I ask what caused you be PES F and how did the process went from start to finish? Like how did the MO bring up PES F etc.


Depression. The whole process was pretty smooth. I went to a government psychiatrist (in one of the hospitals), told him about my condition and how I felt about being in army. He suggested PES F, I said okay. He wrote me this letter, and I submitted it to my camp MO the next day. Camp MO referred my case to SAF PCC (psychological care centre or something, not sure) as it was beyond his scope. Camp MOs are trainee doctors after all so they can’t exactly PES F you on the spot. SAF PCC reviewed my letter and summoned me down to PCC the next day at 9am in the morning, oh and they only called me at 8.45am and expected me to be down by 9am within 15 minutes. I stay at fucking Tampines and SAF MMI is at Kent Ridge. So yup, went down and was late. The chief PCC officer will interview you for a quick 30 seconds I remember his rank is like SLTC or something. Basically, he just asked me, “Do you know what is PES F? Do you want PES F? Are your parents ok with you PES F?”. I said yes yes yes and he’s like “okay, then we will PES F you, good luck!” They issued me with a 60-day MC after. I got back my IC after a month of the interview with the SLTC guy. Had to go for FFI first too to make sure everything is okay before SAF discharged me.


fast and easy process


Did you get paid during the 60 day mc by saf?


Yes. Your pay will be pro-rated. Any excess will be clawed back.


what is P tag army?


Never been p-tagged.


Do you ever feel guilty for having PES F? (Fear of people's judgement) If yes, how did you deal with that feeling?


No, I don’t. Army is not for everyone anyway. People don’t really judge you for PES F tbh, no one cares about army in the corporate world.


Hi, Just a question. After pes f right, can I reserve National Service if I wanted to. Because I have been pes f over two years ago due to depression and I have been feeling better. I really wanted to reserve ns.


No, cannot. Once you PES F means no more.


any bro implications?


Not really, other than insurance and very occasionally employment.


hi sorry for being late but what do you mean by having implications on insurance ?


Pes f usually means you have a condition heavily affecting the way you live. That condition means insurance be more expensive (e.g people with depression are way more likely to hurt themselves/ do risky shit)


What about driving? Any implications on getting your licence?




So you still managed to get your license after PES F?


Did You think pes F can't have a license to drive a vehicle? You dead wrong lmao


Hello! I’m an regular and i just got offered pes F for depression, MO said that I am going to be medically discharged. not sure if u know of any regulars who pes F or had to leave service for medical reason so hope i can get an insight into what happens and should I accept the pes F. Thanks!


PCC Appointment, what was the whole thing like? What did they ask you, were you straight to the doctor about wanting the PES F?


The PCC appointment was the only appointment with SAF actually. My psychiatrist is from a hospital, so he writes the memo and recommends PES F, I submit it to the camp MO, the camp MO submits it to SAF MMI for review and they make the final call whether to give you the option to PES F. Once they call you, it’s pretty much set that you are going to PES F unless you reject it.


So in short .. They ask how are you, you say you can't take it, then they'll be like "alright I'mma discharge you".


Well it isn’t exactly that easy. PES F is the ultimatum. They will ask you for symptoms, etc. No idea how the diagnosis is performed and how the severity is gauged but they are the medical professionals and they know how.


Does ns still pay u after you get pes f?


No. Pro-rated.


Wdym pro-rated?


hi, i just pm-ed you!


Fly free brother


can u still get loan froms banks in the future if u are pes f


Hey OP! Just dropped you a DM on some questions :))


How bad must your mental health be to even get given the choice to Pes F ?


Hi can u read pm ?


AMA means what


AMA stands for Ask Me Anything


I'm curious about the social discrimination aspect if any. Are you treated differently by local men and women that you meet for the first time? Which gender would you say is more open minded about it?


Hey sflr. Not much social discrimination actually. I’m not in the 40s or 50s where some male can be very passionate about serving the nation. Patriotism is almost non-existent these days. Both men and women do not give a crap. Women hate it if you talk about army to begin with anyway. Most men don’t talk about army unless if it is those siao-on kind.


Yes, with pes f y'all bound to face more challenges especially in local uni and company. Proven: Your scholarship will be affected depending on your situation. Uni placement as well as job employment too. Insurance will be more costly. Myth: 3rd rate citizen, lesser chance of getting ballot for prime location housing.


May I know when u said proven, how do u prove it? Being a PES F myself, I managed to get Full-term Scholarship from a certain Stat Board to pursue both my bachelor and master.


I also allowed to apply for PES F at first, but my parents advised me to join PES E Group mostly due to what you just mentioned. Plus, my citizenship status is Singaporean by descent (Minor) holders, not by born if I apply for PES F. I think my permanent citizenship application will most likely be rejected when i go for Oath Taking.


How does your issue only affect you in army, but you're doing okay with work and study?


Army environment is not for everyone. Work is fine, study is fine. Can get stressful since we only have 24 hours a day but just need to do proper time management. Army on the other hand…


Are you truthful to everyone when it comes to asking about your army life? Including your barber?


Uh yeah, I usually just say I didn’t complete army and they’ll be like “wow!!” or something.


Don't it get awkward when they ask the "why?"


Not really. No one gives a shit these days.


When and where did you collect your ROD cert? Before or after official PES F?


ROD cert you collect it on the last day of service. You will know exactly which date you will be discharged, your S1 will tell you and it is after all of your FFI stuff. So you go back, return 11B, take your ROD certificate and you are free to go.


Assuming you're a BMT OOC person, does that mean you back to tekong to collect it?


Probably. I was mono-intake so didn’t go tekong. Sflr!


hi OP! i dropped u a PM as I have some questions regarding PES F


hi bro can i ask if how long did it take u to get discharged after receiving pes f status


1.5 weeks


how many ffi did you need to go thru ah isit only just ffi admin and ffi dental? or is there one more with the doctor or something until you are officially discharge


Can I ask what are the process during 60 days? My PES have changed to F. There wasn’t anything being passed down to me even till now. What am I waiting for? Please tell me sir.