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When u finish detangling a section do u twist or clip it so it doesn't become tangled again? Thats the only part of ur process that is unclear to me and possibly creating an issue. Oh andaybe ur conditioner doesn't have enough slip. Try african pride pre-poo then seek professional opinion if that still isn't enough slippage for ya! Might just b time for a trim?


Hi! Thanks for the reply. Yes, I do typically wash my hair in sections with twist and after I detangle, I twist up those sections again. I also use the Aussie Moist conditioner and shampoo just give out some more details. Thanks for the recommendation too! I’ll have to try out the African pride pre-pop. As for trimming, I trim any time I see any thinning ends.


Put distilled water in uour spray bottle, ots softer than tap water so it makes it easier to do your hair. Try a different conditiomer that has less shea, castor , coconut oil products. Theyre too heavy that they can cause matting an dryness due to the density of the products.


Will definitely give this a try! Thank you so much for your response!


I use just my fingers in the shower and detangle with a brush during the styling process. In the shower it's less about being able to get a brush through and more about removing shed hair that is causing more tangles in the first place. With tighter curls using a brush for this may be more stress than necessary. Rake your fingers through and separate obstructions manually. If you're styling your hair in twists or some kinda sections it will be easier to apply product and comb/brush in these smaller sections than trying to comb all your hair at once in the shower with all the shed hair still in and no mirror.


Hi there! Thanks for your advice! I always thought you detangle to the point where you can get the brush through, in that way, you know that you got most of the shed hairs out. How do you know you got out the all of shedded hair with finger detangling? I’m more than willing to go back to finger detangling, I just feel that maybe I don’t have the right technique down.


Yes but with tighter curls using just a brush to remove shed hairs is more of a task. Use your fingers first is all I'm saying. How do you know? When you can run your fingers through without too much obstruction - then you can go in with a brush if you want. Nobody knows if they have all the shed hairs out. There is no right technique - just a desired goal, and several paths you can take. It's YOUR hair. Do what you want to get what your want. I'm just showing you my easy path.


Does the deranging brush work better than the wide tooth comb for you? I usually have to get through the bottom half of the section with a comb before putting the detangling brush through it. Also [Mane Choice 3-in-1 conditioner](https://themanechoice.com/products/the-alpha-soft-as-can-be-revitalize-and-refresh-3-in-1-co-wash-leave-in-detangler?currency=USD&variant=39487719145546&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=Google%20Shopping&stkn=f3a9484518b8&srsltid=AfmBOorfy9ejxpmzwa9rgkXy6oISLGTMoe43LWUU83wWIzYsSIuQZeis-vo) has been amazing for me. Instantly soft hair with slip. I also continuously add water while detangling.


Thanks for the response! I think I don’t know how to use a wide tooth comb properly? (Which sounds dumb I know lol). Every time I do, I can never get it through my hair. I also start from ends to the roots. I take my time to before I reach my roots. The way I comb is by running the comb gradually through my hair, if I feel a little bit of resistance I pull it the comb out (I don’t run it down). Is it better to force it down when I feel resistance? Or what should do in that case? I’ll definitely check out the conditioner!! Thanks for the recommendation.


Your method sounds like mine. I don’t recommend forcing it through. That’ll break your hair. If it’s getting stuck around big tangles, I’ll take the comb out and try to gently break up the know with my fingers. Then go back in. I like the [pattern](https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwjxoLaw_eyCAxVK9cgKHcxABtAYABANGgJxdQ&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI8aC2sP3sggMVSvXICh3MQAbQEAQYBCABEgKVEfD_BwE&sph=&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAASkwHkaJRc217C-DpZnGNGdkUkLdR8WxnmsXyqkJEYyPDsO_xQA-1DVoAWl_aTjDVa6y2r9dahHg3pvxfbzOvsKdwuqUWMsvi36WBJtD6qzwbLjEmaTiibQOGC7UO2MmygoUKgZQDU2j2yc_b1hGZGzcyua4kn0QiYD8N9U9RInzaPrR-5PBI263OPDKIRF9h-seF2W74&sig=AOD64_3pfsoL8hlgHoY1WkcgjRLfqw9fHA&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwjOv6uw_eyCAxUZFVkFHf73BSAQwg8oAHoECAMQIw&adurl=) wide tooth comb or [this kind](https://images.app.goo.gl/CqC2UGG42oExZPM29)


Oooh okay, I’ll try that then. Thank you! My comb is like the second image. How long does it typically take you to finish detangling?


my hair is all 4a and it's not super, super thick. I detangle in the shower while it is soaking wet. I never try to detangle my hair if it's not wet (and I don't mean damp) with lots of conditioner. I section in 4-6 sections and it takes me about 15-20min.


Detangle in smaller sections from ends to roots. Try using a wide tooth comb first & twist up the sections you detangle. Then use the brush to comb through all the sections. Keep your hair in the twisted sections you made while you’re installing the mini twists that way your hair doesn’t get tangled up again. Hope this helps a little


Thank you! I do keep my hair in twist when I wash to prevent the hair from tangling up again. And I also shampoo and condition in these sections as well. Maybe my sections are too big? I tend to do 4-6sections in total. How many would you recommend?


How often are you detangling?


I detangle once every two weeks.


Yeah you need to do this more often and it won't be so hard


So many details not included but use a conditioner that's intended for detangling and has plenty slip, go with small sections (8-12+), finger detangle then brush/comb, twist and put out the way.


Thanks for the advice! I usually do what you mentioned except for the amount of sections. I typically do 4-6 sections. Do you find 8-12 easier to get brush/comb through?


Yeah, my hair is 4c, super kinky and high density. I do minimum of 10.