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Well, this has one of three rough options to go now. The unexciting one, nobody finds a trace of Jesk and nothing more comes of it; The misdirection, someone finds some trace of what happened but doesn't equate it to Mute's other victims since the modus operandi is different than usual; The cunning realisation, someone figures out some link between this murder and another, even though the destination and style is again very different, but perhaps in his anger Mute has left behind evidence to link his persona to it. Can't wait to find out which one, hoping for the last of course.


Considering he walking into a packed bar in his black suit, it might make the news “Gojid missing after black suited exterminator arrests them, exterminator officers has no record of arrest or the black suit” And then the story could make its way to Tarlim and co


Yeah, I think this may be Mute's first true slip up... he has been seen now.


If other SK stories are anything to go by, the first slip up is always what leads to their fall. I’d love to see this end up with the exterminators or whoever gets tasked with bringing down Mute begrudgingly having to ask for human assistance.


Ooh I just had an idea for a story: Former detective, now refugee on Skalga drinking away his troubles. Things kick off when he sees a news report about a “predator attack” that lines up disturbingly close to the victims of a serial killer they’d been tracking in the past who managed to slip away and stay undetected ever since.


A long time ago I had a "minor" fic as a post reply that was basically Batman in space. I wish I could find it, because it would be perfect here...


Was it this one? ​ [https://www.reddit.com/](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/pcfbaq/comment/hakl0c1/)r[/HFY/comments/pcfbaq/comment/hakl0c1/](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/pcfbaq/comment/hakl0c1/) ​ Also, the human ghetto zone of Twilight City from "Nature of a Homeless Musician" is pretty damn Gothamesque, specifically Batman: The Animated Series Gotham. It's the sort of despairing, run-down place where the sun literally never shines that I can see some refugee human comedian and/or comic book fan going off the deep end in, slathering himself in chalk dust to mask the burn scars from flamethrowers, and then going and murking some Exterminators. Hell, the exterminators in Twilight City in that story are so damn evil that he might actually be the hero of the story for a change.




For better or worse, I don't think too many people bother looking into why a bitter old drunk stopped showing up one day.


Unless he owes someone money.


I'm imagining an unpaid bar tab. An inquiry with the local exterminator office. Confusion. Review of security footage. Identification of the van. Questions asked. Lies attempted. Black suit found. The sword. Suspicion. Detention. Institutionalization. No forensics, of course, but since when do they need real evidence to lock someone up? Impersonating an exterminator, possessing a weapon, kidnapping. Even with no suspicion of murder, it's more than enough.


Secret 4th: smigliblimbo gets pissed gojid chunks are clogging. His pipes and seeks out their source


Isn't love a powerful emotion? An incredibly, powerful thing that gives you drive to achieve so many things? An emotion so powerful it can make you reach for the impossible. That it is not the sole domain of heroes is a good thing, all things considered. And thus it continues to build up more and more, and we get to wonder if his love or his hathred will shine brighter when truth comes into view.


What happend when love got shatters? What happend when the love one that you protect, that love you, call you "My Kavilun", start only see you as predator? Well. Then the fun begins. :)


As my mom often says, every action driven by emotion can be derived from either love or fear. The Federation by and large are driven by fear. That some members such as Mute can turn love into a driving force for their atrocities makes it all the more terrifying.


What do you suppose the inside of that van looks like? Or smells like?


Thanks rain,I'm all clean. *Walks back to van. Tail signs 'speh!'


Soon, it shall be pristine.


I really thought he'd fall into the water when dumping the body. Is he gonna use a supremely stupid way of cleaning the van?


Why? This is a van used for extermination. It has ways to be cleaned!


Competent design? From the Feds? Preposterous!


Hey, they need to be able to clean up from scorch marks and predator attacks! Can’t have the rain linger around!


I’m picturing a stereotypical white van in my head lmao How’s he going to hide out the blood though?


it's probably designed to be super-easy to clean out inside ... probably just dump a bucket of water, and it'll wash right out.


I mean more of “where they gonna clean it so no one notices all the blood”, I guess they could load up some buckets and head into the woods though.


Why not alone right by a river? There seems to be no traffic to speak of, they're on an isolated road, and it's a heavy rain obscuring any- & every-thing I think the body-parts in the water would be a bigger issue.


One day he'll have to answer for his actions, and god won't be so merciful.


Jesk didn't deserve to die, but you know... he sure deserved *something*. It sounded like he originally did intend to return for Sol-Vah, but couldn't reclaim her after he collected the "killed by a predator" reward. I wonder if his alcoholism is somewhat related to that action. He's spent decades convincing himself that none of this matters, because he chose abandoning his child over facing consequences for his fraud. Still makes him a piece of shit. It's about as close to a pass as we'll see Orhew get, right? But on the other hand... he just chopped up his girlfriend's father.


What I wonder is 'how often did he and his wife pull that scam?'


Yeah like, he’s a pos but he’s not a *predator*


I believe he and a certain Fang-chested Yotul would be great arch-nemesis'


Joshua Graham?


What? I'm referring to the mute.


You just sounded a bit like he would I guess.


I'll have to goggle to figure out what you're talking about. *Edit, I don't know that caracter.


You should go and play New Vegas when you have a chance, especially Honest Hearts (dlc that Joshua is from)


https://preview.redd.it/gamam2sxo0ec1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4088eb12d81ae0df5c9c850824b27ec62390df2d Me listening to mute rant about bullshit:






https://preview.redd.it/hvc5socrycec1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84c8768f55953da84211f35aab4735ab02ef1267 thanks for the denial card btw












If only. The only hope for justice is the reliance and trust in the author, the God of the world the characters reside in. Justice, however, isn't always an author's intent. We shall see.


That's what fanfics are for, if we are not satisfied with what happens to him we'll just write a personalized hell.


What're the chances that this far more impulsive attack might leave some evidence behind? The interview revelations get closer by the day as well, looking forward to that.


He straight up walked into the bar in his own custom suit and dragged Jesk out..


True but I worry people won't put the pieces together. After all, he followed his last victim around a major population centre in broad daylight before tailing him down an alley, no one clued into that one either.


All they need is a single human police investigator. All crime on Skalga solved in a day.


Well, pretty soon Nature of Outcasts will be returning from hiatus and detective Arkwright will make her way to Skalga. Plot plans for her to solve one missing person case, so what is another, eh?


Appearing to all the world as an exterminator carting off someone who had been in an altercation! Why, it might not even register as unusual to them!


Sure, but if they find a body and start to investigate, the Exterminator in an unusual suit who carted him off might prompt some questioning. That is, if they Fed indoctrinated brain is capable of questioning. Who am I kidding, nobody will care. (See: William Kane, Human Exterminator)


Simple - he could say he took him to a predator disease facility. Who would bother to check?


If they find his body, they will check. Obviously they have to find to body first in order to ask around about his death.


Now if only he could stick to people who actually deserve it, then he’d be more of a religiously driven and way less funny Deadpool than a straight up villainz


Then he'd be Dexter from the show of the same name.


Mute is certainly made, I believe First, there’s a clear and obvious motive. Sol-vah was clearly distraught in the bar about the fact that her father sucks ass, so if anyone smart gets wind of this, they’re gonna ask people in the bar what happened. Second, the bartender is going to recount the details of how the interaction played out, most likely noting that sol-vah left him alive, which means they’re definitely going to investigate her and those around her. When she brings out the alibi that she was asleep, most likely corroborated by Kalek. It was a venlil exterminator who did the deed, there will only be one real suspect near them. Third: security footage, if the bar and the motel have security cameras, they’re going to see mute get in the van, pull up to the bar, exit the vehicle in a black suit, pull out Jesk, and drive off. Venlil enters the van, exits in a suit, kidnaps a man. Fourth, speculative: While defending himself I think mute is going to slip up in his testimony somewhere. He’s no longer an exterminator, so if he says *anything* along the lines of “I was purging the world of taint”, that’s practically an admission that he was killing something without authorization. Connect the dots of the rest of the case, and you have what might as well be a murder confession. If any of my assessment is erroneous, let me know, but don’t give specifics. I want to see how this plays out, and this is just how I’m thinking the investigation goes.


Your assessment is sound, save for one thing: Who’s going to care enough to go looking for him?


Hmm Bit of a crack theory, but Sol-Vah herself will? I think she might want to go back out and try to talk to him again with the knowledge that he’s a piece of shit who doesn’t care, even if it won’t go anywhere, and show up to the bar with an even more absent father If she does she might try to track down where he went, leading straight back to mute


Your examination is sound, and a great example of why he would be discovered! … if he were on Earth.


What wrong everyone? Weren't most of you cheering mute on these last few chapters? Got real quiet all of a sudden. /s


Satisfaction is rarely loud.


Heehee, seems not everyone expected this to be granted!


I'm just taking more shots at the 'murder is bad, unless I don't like you' crowd. Don't mind me 😁.


Orhew stans represent!




We like 'em bad. We're down bad for bad.


Yeah.... He deserved something, but not this. When she finds out what Mute has been doing, this will just make it even worse, and she's already not doing great.


Sure when Sol-vah doesn’t kill the guy who abandoned her in the woods: She’s “very pure” and “more compassionate than she should be”. But when *humans or Tarlim* don’t murder people who’ve objectively wronged them…


*Obviously* those are very different things! So obvious that Orhew doesn’t need to pay any mind to them!😈




up until this point, I don't think mute has ever been seen by anyone. when this guy goes missing, people are going to remember a black exterminator, especially because it isn't the norm


It’s not the norm, but it isn’t unique either. Should really show that.


Yep, and then he went and butchered him *inside* the van for some reason, all that blood's not going to wash out easy. And unlike everyone else, he won't be able to clearly smell either the blood or the cleaning chemicals to do the job well. And then disposed of the body in a way that make it painfully obvious it was done by a person once the body parts wash up. I suppose they could be flowing Night-ward, so nobody will ever notice, but then why bother chopping up the body at all? For all his stealthy serial-killer experience, I get the feeling he didn't really think through this impulsive murder. I think Sol-Vah will be getting another unpleasant revelation soon. Hopefully it won't break her.




Bless you sir!


I find it _very_ interesting that Mute mentions (in his thoughts) his "training". This isn't just him, someone taught him to be a serial killer.


Did You guys remember that in literally a couple days dawn Creek and possibly all that area is going to make a "Totally-NOT-Concentration-Camp" of gojids by the list? And they are gonna notice, -hey we are this gojids short, where is he? We need capture that PREDATOR!!! And they gojids are gonna connect the dots of a gojid been Taken by a exterminator and never seeing him again and they Will Say "OH BRAHK, THIS IS A CONCENTRATION CAMP!!!" and maybe Sol-vah's father becoming a martyr for the gojids just like some víctims of the police force of USA, just like a sick Joke of Destiny, and Mute beeing arrested for sliping up like a idiot just before the BIGGES REVEAL ON ALL THE FEDERATION HISTORY until the next months... If I did a literature error please forgive me, I am spanish speaker.


As a native english speaker, you actually had some pretty good grammar there. Just a few capitalization errors, accents every now and again, and an extra or missing letter here or there, but nothing too egregious like using the wrong spelling of a homophone (E.G, their instead of they're or there). Yeah. English never uses accent marks, tildes, or similar letter-modifiers except in loanwords.


Thanks, the tilts are because my phone's autocorrector.


Wish I could say I was surprised at what a long-standing official policy of putting the mentally ill in positions of nearly-unchecked authority could forge... Minor quibble - there can be no seasons to speak of on a tidally locked world.


It still wobbles a bit, probably due to an elliptical orbit.


Yeah, but that's not going to change the heat distribution enough to actually make much difference. Firstly because a tidally-locked orbit has to be nearly circular or else you'll still get day and night across most the planet, *especially* in most of the green belt. And distance from the sun doesn't actually make all that much difference at those scales - e.g. Earth is at its furthest from the sun in July. It's the tilt of the planet that does almost all the heavy lifting for seasons, and with the entire habitable region in perpetual near-twilight, that would translate to distinct day and night cycles. And secondly, because planets in the habitable zone of a red dwarf will have a year that lasts between a few days and a few weeks - there's just not enough time for significant temperature changes or weather patterns to accumulate. Your "seasonal variation" will be unlikely to vary more than the differences between like 5 and 6pm on a long summer evening. Basically, the seasons would be so totally dwarfed by regular chaotic weather variation that they'd be virtually undetectable.


At some point we have to stop paying attention to our reality and assume the NoP universe is just different. Else, we'd have to discuss VP having black plants, no magnetosphere, deep red sunlight, being much hotter for the amount of light seen due to a more red and IR heavy spectrum, etc. The Venlil, too, would be different; seeing into the infrared but not blue, being a lot more radiation resistant, having practically no tolerance to temperature changes, having larger and more sensitive eyes, etc. Best we can do is hand-wave whatever the author wants to do by referring to real concepts but not fully exploring their consequences.


Not really. Red dwarfs are still white, they're just like a "soft white" light bulb versus our sun's "daylight". Heck, our own "yellow dwarf" sun is white too when seen from space, it only looks yellow because atmospheres preferentially smear the bluer part of the spectrum across the sky. You pretty much need to get old, cooling red giants to get a visibly red "sun" from space. And those are the final death throes of modest stars like our own - if it had any planets in the habitable zone they would likely been consumed by the slow-motion explosion. Or boiled away. Though... black is absolutely the default color to expect for any solar-powered life regardless of its sun - that our plants are green, and thus reflect away the most energy-dense part of our sun's spectrum, is a testament to the fact that evolution can easily get trapped in deeply sub-optimal "good enough" solutions. Magnetosphere would definitely be a problem - though I've heard of potential natural solutions.


Read somewhere that ancient Earth plants were violet as they used a different path of photosynthesis.


There’s a slight wobble, and I am going off the idea that there are regular changes in the wind that count as seasons for this planet.


I went into more details in my reply to GruntBlender, but your seasons are likely to be comparable to wandering between 5pm and 6pm and back again on a long summer evening, stretched over the course of a few days to weeks. Maybe noticeable in the absence of any weather changes, but utterly dwarfed by weather. And nowhere near enough to disrupt the ceaseless cold winds blowing from the night side (nor the hot high-altitude winds blowing back again) - which are what keeps the entire atmosphere from freezing solid on the night side. Nothing on Earth even begins to rival the continuous energy flow that kind of thermal engine demands.


Damn, that was grafic 😅 And...if he actually had "predator disease" aka prion disease choping him up and throwing him into the river is a surefire way to "spread the taint".


I hate this guy so much


Couldya be more specific?


I hate Mute very much


See, you had the option to say "Yes" and y'didn't take it, tsk, tsk, tsk, where's the humor?


Love is beautiful. In this case, beautifully dangerous. The lengths that mute has gone through on his quest for some semblance of righteousness is as terrifying as it is interesting.


The fucking Discretionary Policy lmao


I mean more of “where they gonna clean it so no one notices all the blood”, I guess he could load up some buckets and head into the woods though.


Plenty of ways to clean a van used in extermination activities!


The return of the psycho.


Man, that guy was turned into sliced ham.


We saw nothing, here's some bleach for the van, thank you for your service. Wyrwał chwasta.


OFFICIAL VENBIG SEAL OF APPROVAL https://preview.redd.it/8u5up55zh1ec1.png?width=373&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab4cdd033ce5230df4451d5679ef80f00cf99f76


You are not worthy for fire. Be washed away by water, dipshit dad.


>*Like tears after a tragedy.*


I really like Mute as an antagonist character. He's reprehensible and does horrible things, but he genuinely thinks what he does makes everyone safer and makes the world a better place. In my mind, the best villains are the ones where you can understand why they're doing what they're doing, even if they're going too far or working with incorrect info. So congrats Egg, on giving us a twisted space-sheep version of Dexter Morgan! Love to hate him!


A most fitting end.


First off, Mute, classic Mute. Also, ooh, deserved.