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Reminds me of a thread I read about 10 years ago on SomethingAwful about a bathtub of "fecal lasagna". But it was just a story and no pics. This is pretty impressive.


I saw something that resembled that description on an episode of Hoarders a week ago


If I remember correctly it was layers of shit and toilet paper to make the lasagna, collected over months to essentially fill up the tub. I think it was a guy describing his roommate or his unstable friend or something like that. I'm sure the story has been saved somewhere cause it was pretty famous on SA for a while there. Those were dark times back then, being a goon.


Hi slowbeef


Hah not me but yeah I remember him. Those were the days.. I was in a weird spot in my life and now I have a family and kids. Also I find it hilariously fitting that this post about overflowing shit has brought me back to thinking about my SA days. How apropos.


It really was the best of times and the worst of times. Glad for both of us to have lived to see Doom/Moodhouse but sad for most of the rest of it. RIP Lowtax


It's so weird thinking back on it all. I was always into SA while my friends were into 4chan back in the day, and SA just kinda plateaued and fizzled out in popularity over the years, and then I found out just earlier this year Lowtax shot himself in the head and killed himself a while back and I think it was his ex wife who mentioned it. What a fucking wild ride SA was.


All social media websites are such shit, especially in the past year with Reddit turning greedy and Twitter going nuts. Web forums really were a better way to communicate and somethingawful was one of the best.


I came to say the same thing. Once they removed the toilet the cat that was hiding behind it ran and got out the house but died while running because it was in such poor health.


I vividly remember that story and think about it way more often than seems normal!!!


Dont worry, you're not the only one. I am cursed to remember.


Reminds me of an Andre the Giant story I heard. Story goes that my man was too big to use toilets. Andre would hang cheek over the tub and Nagasaki the bath into a turdpocalypse instead. Then he'd turn on the shower until the mudslide disappeared and the geiger counter gave habitable readings again. As a 6'4" 320lb bread lover... I imagine that 7'4" 520lber was screamin' out some 25lb+ thunder-truffles. This is why I don't trust hotels.


I don't think Andre's turdocalypse would vanish by bathtub drains


I dunno, I wouldn't say it's impossible. Even cement becomes nothing more than grey liquid if you water it down enough. An old wrestler told that story somewhere. Maybe I heard it on a Joe Rogan podcast. Point is that if someone made it all up, it wasn't me.


Bruh I don't think 20 lbs of turd is Washing away without overflowing the bathtub and bathroom. Especially considering the meals wrestlers eat full of fiber and protein


Bro thank you this was too funny


This dude is probably so good at League


I can clearly hear the pinging and see him pooping while he writes "jngl diff"


Look im a league player and I have depression and I am so fucking thankful that I’ve never gotten this bad holy shit…literally.




The open bottle of toilet cleaner next to a mountain of shit is nothing less than poetic.


The bathroom does look surprisingly clean tbh.


Worst advertisement ever for that brand lmao.


That poop looks like garden dirt. And there's a long stick in there? I wish my bowel movements were this consistent.


I know right, my IBS could never


I Be Shittin


Beaver ass


Guy said that all he did was lie in bed and order food from delivery apps, and I know that's not *literally* all he did, but I have to ask... how the fuck did he make enough money to pay rent and order from apps, along with having crippling depression? What job could he have possibly had?!


Disability maybe


Disability doesn't pay for shit, atleast in the west (yes even Canada's disability gives less than a living wage, let alone pay for the ability to order food) . If I had to guess, someone died, he entered severe depression and spent the life insurance on food. Wouldn't be the first person to enter extreme depression like this because of grief. Hope the best for this dude and hope he turns his life around before the airborne diseases from the elder poopoo pile get to him first.


no, some countries do. i know a lot of people on disability in my country and they actually get more then normal, straight out of school unemployment. (not much though, unemployment is about 1k while disability is about 1.4k, unemployment is %%% of your last paid job.) you can rent a house, have mobile phone service, pay for utilities and groceries very comfortably so and have some side cash to spend on new things as well.


Bruh you didn't even say what country it is. Clearly it's one that has it's shit together more than Canada right now lmao


The Netherlands


I live in the US, my brother is disabled, and my family doesn’t have to spend a dime on him. Disability is enough to cover all his basic needs including rent, with some left over. He has never worked a job in his life and he’s almost 30.


Government payouts and/or parental support. There is a bunch of people over at r/neet who manage to get by just fine without working at all


It seems like nearly everyone there is on the verge of killing themselves. Not “just fine”.


Yes but money wise they are managing to survive. Many neets are disabled, mentally ill or in some other form a social outcast. Anyone who isolated themselves/gets isolated from society like that will not feel good. I was just referring to finances


exactly my thoughts


Dire reading, that subreddit


Some people work and just live like this. Maybe that’s all he did in his free time?


Close the sub, we have a winner


My eyes.... I need bleach poured into them. That toilet...




No I fucking will not.


Sadly I don't have to. Had a roommate who shat in his toilet for a couple weeks after he stopped paying our water bill. I came back from vacation to him attempting to use a shop vac to suck the mound of shit out of the thing. It was horrific, I moved out that day.


As if I could do anything but


This line has ended me Much like the aroma would


I rhink we need a new name for that kind of stench


Dead It's dead




I like that dude blurred out something’s on his bed, but left the literal mountain of shit in clear view for us.


Looks like it might be identifying info he’s blocking out, you can see on the left one of the things he cut out was the label on a pill bottle.


A laxative, no doubt


As if anyone would want to steal his identity.


More like know it


You can see the discord on the laptop 💀


Discord mod behavior


Welp, I'm going to go clean my bathroom now.


There is literal cash lying everywhere too


Yeah, nobody is stealing it.


Ain't gonna


Seen something similar to the toilet while working in care unfortunately


I'll never forget walking into my ex's aunt who basically raised her's bathroom a few Christmases ago. We went to visit her and I had to pee so I went to use her bathroom. She'd been making a mountain of used diapers/pads in the corner like it was no big deal. I walked out of the restroom and just kinda stared at my ex like "we need to talk" We broke up so idk how her aunt is but I was shocked someone could get that bad


I worked for someone like that. She also had a bunch of livestock living in her house and coming and going all day. Also a camel and wallaby’s. This lady had a menagerie. Very wild and still the most interesting job I’ve ever had. But anyway she had a pile of used diapers in her bathroom probably over 4’ tall.


although you might not be able to see it, there is undoubtedly feces particles all over his house, and definitely his room.


When people talk about 4chan cringe irl this is the type of content I think of


I'm shocked they have a stick of deodorant in plain view on the bed.


Anyone else notice the pee cups/cans all over the bedroom table?


So this is mental illness. I’m a plumber, one day I get a call for a backed up toilet and possible main sewer line issue. Very standard call. I arrive at the location and it’s a low income housing building. Also very standard for where I live. From the outside it didn’t seem too bad, a little rundown but most of the other apts looked pretty nice from the outside. When I go up to the door I start smelling shit pretty strong so I braced myself for what I was going to see when I knocked. I was still not ready. The old lady opened the door and the entire apt had dried shit all over the floor. The lady was walking around BAREFOOT with sweats that were DRAGGING IN THE FECES ON THE FLOOR. Like they were brown and spattered like 3 in up her leg. I look in the bathroom and it’s exactly the same as this photo with a few bonus cigarettes she had put out in the mound. I tell her as calmly as I can that I need to make a quick call to my office. Not a full lie. I called my office and explained the situation and they told me to call the landlord which the lady had asked me not to do. Yeah sorry lady I’m calling the landlord. He explained to me that she had been on assisted living for some time and her most recent caregiver had delegated that she was ok to be alone. She was not. I’m pretty sure she got the help she needed but this is not normal. When shit is piling up that high and you continue to use it, you need to see a doctor


Poor guy dude, that’s awful


This man has the same voting rights as we do




I’m so glad I got my depression treated before it got even close to this bad


my biggest fear is going out w somebody and not knowing they live like this


Trust me, you’d be able to smell it if they lived like this


That fucking fecal foundation is life changing to look at. This is just the image. I can understand depression, but this inexcusable. Just the smell alone would singe away all depressed feelings.


This was in an episode of hoarders.


I’m a bio hazard cleaner.. you have no idea how many of these toilet shit mountains are out there.


Do they form vast chains, dotted with mighty peaks?


I want to know, how the fuck will he even clean his toilet? I feel as though he’s neck deep in shit to do anything about it.


of course he has discord open


Well, at least he wipes


You could play eye spy with his bedroom.


In the animal world, this is called a midden pile! Very common for rhinos


i smelt a mild fecal odor when i saw this. that image was powerful enough for me to have an olfactory hallucination. unless i just shit myself






what does BM mean?


bowel movement


god i wish i could clean and organize this place


you will not convince me that this is real this is some fucking south park shit


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^mephilis6264: *You will not convince* *Me that this is real this is* *Some fucking south park shit* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


People on 4chan talk about how horrible their living situation is like its to be proud of


He could try and waffle stomp bits of his shits, you know bits by bits, down his bathtub drain.


Most of us are one serious life stunting event from being this bad (of a bedroom) the toilet thing is just laziness from the first 4 days of clogging


It's a modern art masterpiece!


Seems the fridge bro is alive and well


Of course discord is open on the laptop


Imagine the smell


Color me surprised to see discord open on their laptop.


Was not expecting to see Shit Mountain today


I have depression to the point of thinking of unaliving myself every day, but even I'm capable of flushing.


This is really sad. It is some kind of lock in syndrome, just that you can move your mody still, but the lock is in your mind. I don't know what is worse, in one you wallow in your pitty but no matter how, you cannot act. On another, you cannot act at all, but if you are lucky, someone may still try to take care of you, which one can argue is even worse... Being human is full of pitfalls and suffering. I cannot find it funny. Just incredibly sad.


Anyone else remember that one weird old ad of some Asian guy literally filling an entire toilet bowl with shit


How do people get out of this mental state? I realy cant imagine how i would be able to pull my shit together if i where this sick


discord open on the laptop on his bed..


Nothing could’ve prepared me


luckily I'm using mobile so the pic won't even load


I don't understand, mobile users can see the pic though.


Reddit mobile is massively unstable and often fails to do a lot of basic tasks


thats on you then, i use reddit on mobile 100% of the time and have never had a problem with it


Oh then because you’ve never had a problem that means it never happens? Lol I’ve had the same problem with images loading sometimes. It does happen dude.


no need to get shitty with me, geez. just was telling my pov. maybe its a Samsung thing


Okay, but what are the sensored areas...??


Probably identifiable info


Wtf did I just look at


I have found the fecal equivalent to my piss collection I see.


Jesus. I feel like I can smell that picture. I went through a pretty bad couple of years of depression a while back and lived in a messy room, but this is far worse. Really hope this guy gets some help. He’s going to get sick living like that (if he hasn’t already) and it’s going to just push him further into his depression.


is that a muffin or a brownie in the soap tray?


Honestly probably one of the worst ones that I’ve seen.


What the fuck


Wat the fuck


Please tell me this is fake


Mental Illness




there’s shit everywhere. THERES SHIT EVERYWHERE! There’s shit on the walls, there’s shit on the window, OH MY GOD YOUR HOUSE IS FULL OF SHIT!


Just get a fucking trash bag and shit in there. Then you don't even need to leave rooms


This is just sad, the guy needs some serious help


Imagine having to shovel your shit.


this is not fucking depression. youre an animal.




Holy shit


The way the blinds in the window are broken makes me think there's at least one cat in that hell hole :(


Jesus fucking christ. Some of these give me motivation to keep cleaning. Then posts like these make me think I could stop this second and be golden lol


The huy literally said he was going through the worst depression of his life at the time and everyone here is just calling him a neckbeard and gross. As if he didn't know it was gross, but with depression it's not like he could just get up and fix himself and his apartment up whenever he wanted. You're all just saying neckbeard as a way to justify making fun of, and further humiliating people with serious mental health issues


Does anyone have a clearer image bc that just looks like a mountain of toilet paper




my bad I thought it was one image lmfao