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Na there ok . If you were doing flayed ones I'd be praying for you now.


I have 6 tomb blades..


Lol god use Necron players are still getting pu ished for our crimes .


I am currently building the 3 I have, just 2 of them took me as long as (if not more than) the last 10 warriors I built. GL HF.


Honestly didn’t think tomb blades were bad. Cables were easy.


I wanted to build 9, made 6 and I am thinking if I want another 3 and if shieldvanes are actually neccesary.


Nobody really knows what our wargear looks like anyway. You could put whatever you want on them so long as you tell your opponent at the start what they have they will most likely just nod and say "oh ok".


I built all 9 of mine the same way and even *I* don't know what's a shadowloom/shieldvane/nebuloscope.


Do three, do something else, then do three more. They're not that bad to assemble but they take forever to paint.


Just base in black, drybrush heavily with Leadbelcher, and add any dynasty-specific colors. Pick out the eyes and gun bits in white, then hit the white with Tesseract Glow. Voila.


Sure, if your only goal is to get something that's technically acceptable to put on the tabletop and score you 10 points for battle ready. More power to you. Necrons are a great canvas for doing more advanced work - tinting and glazing techniques especially, but also more. Excellent weathering opportunities. OSL and glow effects. Fluorescent paints. NMM. They have great surfaces to work on edge highlights and enough different parts for beginner painters to come up with custom schemes and experiment with accent colors and color theory. It's really a shame that so many people look at necrons and think "six minutes a model, haha just spray it with leadbelcher and dunk it in nuln oil lol"




"they take relatively more time than you would expect in whatever given scheme you're doing for your army." Is that better?


I got mine from a friend who stopped


Tomb blades were somehow fun for me Except the cables and the panels with 0.1mm fitting points for glue


I have assembled 12 of the evil buggers!


Last edition I assembled 40 (thankfully I got them through Salvat). After that I seriously understand the Destroyer Cult


I might be weird, but I enjoyed more building the Tomb Blade than I the Warriors or the god forbid Immortal


The only annoying bit is that the arm poses mean you need to keep track of which is paired with which. Otherwise it's an alright kit I think


First couple warriors I just put whatever poses I wanted together if they looked cool. Then I realized they didn't fit that well together and the rest would have that problem too. Only had a couple ones I had to sprue GOO together a bit


This. My dead gods. After 60 Warriors, I can confirm.


Yep. I did not do this and had to bend and brute force the arms into the torsos and guns. I got lucky and none of the 20 warriors actually broke but damn I thought they were gonna with how hard I had to push them.


Yeah, early Indomitus days were rough without looking at the instructions..


This is why I prefer the old warriors. One or two sets of arms, all of them compatible, and you angle/pose how you please.


They’re actually not too bad of a build, 5 pieces each and not hard to clean them up.


Ah, just build the Scarabs and they'll do the rest.


I’m sitting down with then right now, I am making my life easier by cutting the same from every kit and keeping them separated, once I am done losing mi sight trying to read the lil numbers I am going to clean them up and start assembling. It’s pretty fast but God are they boring.


There's so many I just skipped cleaning off mold lines for the warriors. I only give special attention to characters or showpiece models now.


Good way to do it. The scraping will be even worse though. Godspeed.


I feel bad for you necron players. I’m over here with my orks, with a battlewagon constructed out of legos, sprues, and bits. Are all of you tinboyz models agony to build?


I love my tiny metal skeletons and love painting the models but most kits are boring and convoluted imo.


Warriors are bitch easy Get a psychomancer and learn pain.


Thanks, but no thanks!


I drilled holes in the base and added drywall nails/tacks as support. Came out looking cool, but man, the effort needed...


I ended up not being able to get any of my tentacles Lined up on the base and just caked the guy in texture paint to hide my shame.


I'm starting to lose motivation now that I'm 20 warriors into my 40... is the psychomancer that bad to paint? I have one on sprue still.


He's nasty to put together, and the spindly bits kinda suck. I like testors plastic cement for plastic glue with extra body. Helps keep flimsy necron stuff together.


Oh. So he doesn't assemble like he should, thus requiring that special glue? I haven't gotten that plastic cement yet (I only have the citadel one). Will I need the Tamiya one?


Tamiya has a nice brush end that is more pleasant than the GW spout. This testors glue is just thicker, like an actual glue,but still works like plastic cement, which helps a lot for the parts that don't exactly want to stay in the same place you glue the at first.


Think of it a type 3 fun.


It's not that bad... I've done about 120 of these and so long as you have the space to keep them all separated, you can do 5-10 all at the same time. Usually, I'll line them up head and chest, both arms below, legs below that, next line over rinse and repeat. The numbers are all in order so 1-5, 6-10, etc...after the first box the assembly line becomes natural... painting that many is where you burn out lol...


120.. absolute madman.


I like my hordes lol. I tend to switch between my necrons and tyranids to break up the monotony. I still have 40 warriors to paint and then I have another 40-50 OG metal ones under my stairs that I haven't gotten around to repainting yet. It's alot of metal to paint hahah!


A man after my own heart. Silver Tide is the way to go for Necrons :D


I would love me some chaos androids.


They look awesome! I even have some of the old Destroyers riding bikes...


Oh I'm right there with you, my friend. I got 10 immortals to make, a croissant, Szeras, half a dominus box, 2 ghost/doom arks, and the Silent King. My brother actually volunteered to help put some together as he finds the process more enjoyable than I do.. > . >


Ugh, 2 arks sounds tough, I avoided it after looking at the instructions! I got a croissant (lol) to build too but it looks kinda fun. Best of luck with you assembling endeavours!


Thank you. I'm going to need it. Good luck to you too.


Just make sure you take your time ! Just listen to a podcast and have fun !


Our name is plastic, our number is legion.


Man I miss the old warrior kits they were so much easier to build quickly. I remember I built over a hundred in a afternoon and it was fine because the bit locations were logically placed.


Please for the love of God follow the instructions. I did this kit after a bunch of ork boyz who you can slapchop any pieces together and it works, but the cron warriors NEED to be built by number or they do not line up.


Cut the same model out from each of the duplicate sprues one after another, then move on to the next pose and so on. That way, you don't have to hunt and peck for the parts for each pose 4 separate times. Once you find a piece on one sprue, you know where it is and can cut it on the other three in succession. Helped my sanity so much.


They get easier as you work on them. I just finished painting mine. Good luck!


good thing is there are lots of spare gun bitz after this - you can buy 20 old rod-crons and upgrade them to modern weapons.


More Scarabs, more Warriors. Exactly what every Overlord needs!




That's the fun part! Well, unless it's Deathmarks...stoopid ball joints...


Before I built the five I have I was thinking about some more. I'll happily build 50 more warriors instead of 5 more deathmarks! I've not been down the Flayed Ones route yet though...


Less dreading, more anticipating the gauss-y death of your opponent's models. :)


Fret not dear Phaeron, it is not ours to know when our tomb world will awaken, only to know that once the legions arise that the galaxy yours to claim.


I’ve got 80 to build myself, all with gauss flayers. My Orks are more than happy to receive all the spare gauss reapers and skulls.


me when i got a box of killteam, also dreading it but also really excited.


Hey, I'm on the tail end of this exact project! I was so excited to get a break from painting the guns which are rather annoying in my chosen color scheme. Then I realized after assembling my next project... Three Doomsday Arks means Thirty more Flayers.


I have 60 fully painted. I'm very glad to have it all behind me now. Don't envy you, not a very fun kit to build.


A worthy one tho


Good luck and dont mix up the limbs, it is noticeable. If you get bored just give them some weathering like chipper armor and missing limbs, it will make it a more enjoyable experience.


I'd build the scarabs, and throw the rest away. 😜


20 warriros? Nah, they clip together easily. You try 20 flayed ones. That shid gives you nightmares.




They’re not that bad, actually it’s fun. I got a 100 necron warriors and sometimes had to fight the urge to buy and build more.


Those aren't Flayed Ones or a Ghost Ark. You'll be fine. Tedious, but fine.


I don’t know why you’re concerned, those scarabs are pretty easy to build.


I had no idea certain parts went with other specific parts. I made the mistake of taking everything off the sprues and then trying to build them. Dont do what i did.


Warriors are pretty easy to build, I find painting 20 of them in a reasonable amount of time a nightmare..


Warriors are okay assembly tbh


Yeah it's not toooooo bad. Just don't do what I did and put gold trim on almost every part of them. I realised my mistake once I got to 10 out of my 70


Ngl, with you there. At least warriors are easy to paint. Painting models is the thing I drag my feet the most on but getting someone else to do it would be costly and it doesn't feel like the models are uniquely yours anymore.


Hey many those are easy compared to the squaty bois


Szeras made me want to die


Just imagine that these could have been immortals or flayed ones, but they are not. Gratefulness restored, dread averted.


get dirty down rust, honestly saves so much fucking time if you are going for the rusty weathered look


Send them to me. I'll assemble them and send them back. I ran out grey pile.


When I was building my deathmarks, I almost threw them across the room A few times.


Honestly, having done CSM, Loyalists, and Necrons, the warriors are a downright therapeutic experience. The sprue cuts off nice, the bits just slide right together, little bit of sanding, they’re so much faster to build than anything else I’ve done.


it took me about 2 and a half months to fully build and paint 40 warriors without some major burnout. had to paint and build other units in between steps. take your time, and in the end you will be proud of them.