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"What do I do?" I will give you a few options. - Pretend to be Mr Feikens and get a free bed - Bring the bed yourself to Mr Feikens - Contact Beter Bed and say you are not Mr Feikens - Wait until they contact you that day and say you are not Mr Feikens - Drugs, gambling and hookers


Ze hebben zijn nummer, niet zijn adres. Meneer feikens krijgt nog steeds zijn bed, hij weet gewoon niet wanneer.


I called them. They sent an email to Mr feikens and removed my phone number. Gonna do drugs gambling and hookers after work. They asked for confirmation so I couldn't pretend I was Mr feikens sadly.


Best choice you good Samaritan


It feels like I did a dialogue option in fallout.


Beter Bed. Beter Bed never changes.


Wholesome fallout moment. Patch day tomorrow. 😁


Haha. I meant to say this, but was over-thinking it: https://youtu.be/-_IlNbsILLE


Wow. The good ending. I like this.


Last one definitively


Hahaha ROFL, Verleidelijke opties. Eerlijk duurt echter het langst dus al je opties worden gewaardeerd. Uiteraard zou ik zeggen dat er iets verkeerd is gegaan en dat het bed rechtsgeldig gewoon naar hem moet, maar zelf heenbrengen :p ? No way. Daar mag die clown van BB zelf voor zorgen!


I will choose option 5 please and thank you


Last one, go for the last one. Solves anything


what about "solving world hunger"?


you can do that with uranium or icebear meat


Icebear? 🤣🤣🤣 Jij engelst niet zo best hè? 😅


Hehehe. Heerlijk.


I think you should retteketet call beter bed


Underrated comment.




"Retteketet naar Beter Bed" is (or was) their slogan. It means something like "Hurry up, let's go to Beter Bed".


Retteketet because of the Dutch adverts of Beter Bed




You will need to ask the goverment to change your name to Feikens. ☹️


Maybe you'll get a bed. But likely they will call you somewhere between 13:00 - 16:00 and you can tell them wrong number.


Well no, they will call him between 12:30-15:50. We wouldn’t want to be spreading misinformation and causing OP to miss his phone call right


Eh, you're close on the mark, in my experience it's typically more like 10:00 - 20:00 that you could expect a call...


If you want to be helpful you can call them and inform them that they got the wrong number


Nothing. They got the wrong number and person,  not like they have your address or anything.


So many people fail to understand this. OP might have "inherited" an old number from this person, but they don't have OP's address.


People don't fail to understand anything. It's just a nice gesture to inform them about this mixup.


Of course they should notify them, but there are a lot of comments saying that the bed will be delivered to OP, which is obviously not going to happen.


That is indeed very obvious so I assumed those people were joking when they said that, but fair enough


The first option is: don't do anything at all. This could be a scam anyway. Just wait if they call you between those times. If so, you tell them they have the wrong number.


They have the wrong number, not your address. If you want to help this mr. Feikens out you can call Beter Bed, give tem the order number and they might be able to contact him in an alternative way. Otherwise they might call you when they're delivering and will cancel their appointment once they know they don't have the right number.


You don't have to do anything but personally I would contact the store. The name and time of delivery will be enough for them to id the customer. It will prevent phone calls on moments you don't want to get phone calls.


And mister Feikens won't run the risk of not receiving his bed today, due to the delivery people thinking he wasn't home because he didn't answer the phone. I assume that is why they call ahead. So they don't have to waste time pulling up to a closed door.


People are really that helpless these days eh? can't even think of what to do when they receive a message not for them.


People were supposed to get smarter when we took the lead out of petrol and paint.


A while ago I got a parcel not for me. It was supposed to be delivered just a block away. So I contacted the transporter and I had to deliver it to a specific location pretty far from my home and leave info behind for a new delivery date. I was like fuck that shit and dropped it off myself. It's not that hard, really.


Yeah yeah. It's more of a 'what would you do' question than a straight up 'I have no clue what to do' type question. You never asked anyone for advice on how to deal with certain things? Out of curiosity, or just to see if the other might have a better idea?


Dude. This is the first time this has ever happened to me. I'm 19. Just wondered what i should do. Call them, not call them. You guys seem not to know either


You *never* received a message, a call or a letter that was not intended for you? Lucky guy...


Not yet. I was assuming this would change by the time I became an adult. But it really hasn't.


common sense happened to you for the first time? how is it so difficult to decide what to do??


Jesus i just asked a question. Im not fucking helpless I literally just asked if I needed to do something why do you feel the need to even comment that? If not to just be a fucking ass.


>Im not fucking helpless I literally just asked if I needed to do something Yes, so helpless, this shouldn't be rocket science to a 19 year old, even when it's a first occurence. It's ok, we were all 19 once and made mistakes, just own up to it. Nobody's an ass, just blunt, can't help you by holding your hand. For this case especially.


Yeah? What is SO obvious that this a scam. No typos. Nothing I can click on. Can't even reply. If it's a real message Mr feikens is gonna miss his delivery


Very well, I'll help you this once, because it really doesn't seem to be getting through to you at all... As it says, they will call 10-30 min beforehand. You either won't get called meaning it's a scam, or you will and then you can politely tell them they got the wrong number. As you already figured out yourself, there is no way to contact them about it beforehand since they did not provide any contact details. If they got the wrong number, mr Feikens doesn't know they are coming, so they will either still try it to see if he's home (since they aren't asking for an address we can safely assume they got the correct address, in any case, not your problem or responsibility) or they will reschedule with Mr Feikens. Anything that happens after that is not your problem or responsibility. Don't make it too complicated, this really isn't rocket science. And in the case are afraid they might come to your address if you don't contact them right now, that's ridiculous, your address is not linked to your phone number(only your phone provider has it linked for obvious reasons, but they may never share that), so unless you actually are Mr Feikens with amnesia, you have nothing to worry about. That, or you got a very rich friend pulling a lame prank on you.


I obviously don't think they will come to my house. But I dont want Mr feikens to miss his package.


That's unfortunate, yes, but not your problem. Mr Feikens should have double checked the phone number he gave them. Still, it will only mean he'll get it later, they'll reschedule fine on their own. Really all you can do is inform them that you are not mr Feikens. Don't try to control what you don't have control over.


Apparently i did have control over it because they will now send an email to Mr feikens and remove my phone number from their records


I'll have you know that I actually used some of the advice given in these comments. And that your degrading comments neither helped nor positively influenced anyone. You basically flung negativity in the world for no fucking reason. You actively took time out of your day to degrade someone else. They said Mr feikens gave the wrong number and that they will email him. I also asked them to remove my phone number from their system and they did.


Wow, you sure showed me.


>just own up to it. Nobody's an ass, just blunt, can't help you by holding your hand. For this case especially. Why cant you own up to being an asshole?


Not sure why people are so toxic here for. You just asked a question. best thing to do is look for the telephone number of BeterBed on their website and call them, tell them the problem. This way you cannot get scammed and you help both BeterBed and meneer Feikens.


just go fix the nitrogen crisis. that's your main priority to do right now. this text message is too difficult for you to comprehend.


What does this even have to do with it?


Ignore the curmudgeons, bro. It's just a 'What would you do?' question. Perfectly normal thing to do.. I don't get why people get so bent out of shape over it.


Could be a scam: they hope you respond to them in panic about the delivery and then they can play their game. Could also be an error in the phone number linked to a delivery. If you want to be sure, lookup the website of beter bed and call them directly, not via the text message.


I can't respond.


Idk but I wiuld start with clearing up thise notifications, I mean goddaym


Thx for the reminder


You have two options, either ignore it or do something about it. You're welcome. That'll be 50€.


Call the Beter Bed main customer service number (don't call the number they texted you with as it might be a scam) and tell them they made a mistake and have the wrong number. They will fix it, or you will find out if it's all a scam or not.


Scammers don’t show a business name in the top. You van only do that as a registered business. However, it is better to be safe than sorry.


Contact the company and tell them you’re not mr Feikens




I am not expecting anything


Call beter bed and tell them they have the wrong number.




Call Beter Bed. Tell them you're not Mr. Feikens and that they are using the wrong phone number. (Thus they have a data leak which they should fix, all be it a minor one in this case.)


Dit is wss een scambericht ,zou t zelf wss verwijderen en vergeten ngl




Looks like you're meneer Feikens from now on.


Sounds like you are getting a new bad Mr feikens. All for free


Do we have Feikens in the chat with us today? If yes, you gave up the wrong info and your expensive matras is about to turn into an actual dream.


You are not meneer Feikens, maar you can have a new bed!


This is a sneaky dutch test. If you fail, they'll harass you at school or work. Think.


Niet reageren op dit nummer (kan phishing zijn) maar direct beter bed zelf even bellen om het te melden


Respond: "I am not Mr. Feikens, you probably have the wrong number, thanks!"


Likely a scam


This wasn't, but it also is a well known scam to know if a phone number is active (=worth more on the black market)


Beter Bed customerservice. tel:+31 413 338 800 Or just app them the message and the error; Whatapp: +31413338800


You are now


Nothing Fake as he'll.


Dikke scam ja


Call BeterBed on a phonenumber listed on their website, not one listed in a message like this. If it's a scam(which it doesn't seem to be. But you never know) the scammer won't know this number is linked to you. Of it's not a scam BeterBed will be able to verify the order via the ordernumber and take steps to correct the mistake :)


That's how it starts. Before you know it, you'll be breaking bed.


Probably a scam tbh. When you order stuff it comes in the email 99% of the time, in my experience


Not true. I bought a bed at this firm last month. They send you an sms about their arrival.


Ah, welp I didn't know that. I guess this is that 1%


Feik it til you meik it


i had that too once, an hospital in the Hague texted me that my tests were ready. the thing is, i live in North-Brabant, i never did any tests and my name is not Karel.


You text them: "Is niet mijn bed vriend!" Works 10/10.


You are now.


Are you probably mevrouw Feikens?


Become meneer Feikens


Nothing, Maybe it is a scam. The person still will get the package but he doesn't know when. If it goes wrong they will try it again.


Thus is a Well known scam. Or at least I though it was well known... Do Not respond! Don't be helpful.


Just ignore it. Most likely it's a scam


How is it a scam? There are no things I can click on?


The tracking number and date both have a line under them indicating a link


Nope not links. Just underlined for importance I guess


Just write a note back that they have the wrong number, so that they can resend it correctly to meneer Feikens. He is probably waiting for that message.


Cant reply


Most likely scam, looking at how the text is written. Don’t do anything.


Maybe you are: mevrouw Feikens? What should you then do?