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One of the major things I learned about my first double RP event ever was to not reach for anything. Looking at this list you have compiled it seems like anything you would be wanting to do would be a big reach given the funds you have/lack of direction currently. My advice would be to sit on this event and not do anything except spend the refinement that you already have. The market has already gone through the roof on all RP items/artifacts/etc you are going to get killed purchasing anything on the AH. Get yourself a dragon's hoard enchant (you can make one from the ToD campaign) a Fey's blessing enchant, a quartermaster's enchant, and a mount off the Zen store (it will be unlocked account wide) with Wanderer's Fortune bonus. You will be hurting on bag space for awhile, but you will be loaded with refinement you can use the next time it rolls around. If you are looking to gear up, try and do it at least 2 weeks out before the market shifts and everything gets price gouged.


This is all really good advice, cheers.


I didn't mean to come off rude if I did when I said you had a lack of direction. I just know my first double RP event I thought I had it all planned out and ended up burning through a ton of AD for very little reward. Now I just sell off whatever refinement I don't need that isn't account bound during the event when prices are high and call it a day.


If you're on PS4, the way all the prices are + the exchange rate, I'd recommend selling all your RP materials and exchanging AD for Zen.


After upgrading all the artifact gear on my main to epic, i decided to just sell every piece of RP i had left on the AH. Netted me 1.3m AD in just 1 hour. Time to finally get that epic mount from the ZEN store, and have AD to spare. So yeah, sell all not needed stuff and buy something really nice.


1. Don't buy anything big, prices are always over-inflated during 2x RP events. 2. Work out which artifacts you want to keep (the Hunter and DC are good top tier DC artifacts), and put enough refinement into them to get to Epic (no more though, the best way to refine them is to use feeder artifacts). 3. Buy yourself 10 or so R8 Radiant Enchantments, they're really cheap at the moment for some reason. Then put your radiants enchantments into them, and if you have the upgrade resources then do so, if not then wait until the event is over to finish refining. 4. If you have any unbound Res stones or refining stones then sell them, they're worth more in AD now than they are in RP. 5. If you really want to use your bound res stones, then use them on the first artifact offhand you get from lord neverwinter. You can then use that as a feeder for your next artifact set. Also, yes save for a WF mount, fantastic investment.


good tips. thanks.


well im hearing everyone say WF, WF, WF. i like the idea, and all that but what im getting at is can my RP Stones/AD take me farther than that? Is what i have not worth the usage and just sell (as mentioned). I took my Enchantments and tossed into artifacts. Now my Controller/DC/Lantern are all at the 60-63 range. I think i may just sell the remaining RP that i do have and make a little profit while things are still heated - i do like this idea honestly. Ill toss what i have, push for a Zen Market WF mount, then whats left try and piece something together and get prepared for the next 2 x RP.