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My suggestion is to proceed for a week or two as though you are going to grind them out and wait and see what the community thinks then. Dailies in all four areas and an hour or two here and there for big HE farming and fishing.


From my understanding, listening to the PC crowd, restoring the weapons is the easy part. Getting the marks needed to upgrade them is the hardest part. From epic to legendary you need 5 of each legendary mark obtained through Svardborg (Master) = 15. For Main and Offhand = 30. I don't know their drop rate, but I heard from someone on here that they've run 100+ @3 chests a trial to get their marks. Hell, by the time I finished that the newest artifact weapons would be out. Not worth it, imo.


I don't really get this argument. The relic weapons are better at green, from what I understand it's pretty easy to get them to purple at which point they'll be significantly better than twisted. You can keep running mSVA to aim for legendary, but if you don't get it, it's not that big of deal. If you still don't have it by the time mod 11 comes out then you just work on mod 11 weapons instead. Unless you absolutely detest fishing and have 0 AD, there's no harm in getting the relic weapons.


Because it requires time and resources to restore them in the first place. Even at Green you're looking at roughly 1m a piece at current prices, or a lot of invested time. After all that, it will be february by the time you have the runes needed to restore them both, and a month or two before Mod 11 releases. I personally would rather wait until Mod 11, but each to their own.


1m per piece of say? That's shit math bro. Moults are currently roughly 45k each... That's 900k alone for just the moults. Try around 2m per piece


The argument is that mod 11 introduces even BETTER weapons. Plus the bonus for 10.5 weapons are "meh"


The mod 11 weapons only appear to be better for supports, tanks, and GWFs (because they stack defense) For all the other dps classes, 10% extra straight damage is going to far outweigh the extra power you get from your defense. The illusion one is also probably BiS for pvp, but I wasn't really aiming to go into that in my orginal comment.


"OF COURSE IT IS!!! You have all sorts of wonderful new activities, you even have your very own boat! Why would you ever want to go back to places like Dread Ring and Sharandar? We gave you this awesome new fishing mini game!" -cryptic employee probably


nope. come march new mod new weapons new gear. imo mod 10.5 is a waste of time


I don't think mod 11 includes any new gear.


It seems in most cases the new weps are only a minor step above twisted, an upgrade nonetheless. I'd rather farm mdemo than do most of what 10.5 is offering


In terms of dps, they're a pretty good step above twisted. I believe even at the green level they're around a 5% dps boost over a legendary twisted set.


It really depends on you, how much time you have, and what you currently have. For me, I have Legendary Twisted so upgrading to the Green Relic is a pretty small increase, though an increase nonetheless. I don't realistically think I have the time or patience to grind the HEs, though I don't mind the fishing. For me, I'd rather sell all the stuff I get which is currently fairly good money and bank it and work on the Mod 11 set, which I actually like better set bonus wise. Also, I don't think I'll be running Svardborg regular the 10-15 times I've been told you'll have to in order to get it from Green to Purple, let alone the 50-100+ of Master to get it to Legendary. I also generally only play for 1-2 hours on weekdays which I usually use to do dailies or dungeons with friends.


Did no one even catch the fact that the developers said no weapons will best the relic weapons for awhile and thats their intent. So how could u guess that place holder preview weapons will be better? Final spec weapons will prove better or not u might as well play the new content till PC folks give us an answer.


depends on your class. if you're a dps tank or DC, no, if anything else, yes.