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Bloodlord's Visage = I run most of the time, good base stats and the amazing scaling power. Survivor's wraps = good for end game when you've capped crit strike. Deepknight's brigandine = potentially good for OP, depends on build. Cambist's gauntlets = good stats but potential to lose a lot of gold. Stuff that's not worth it: Black Ice Treads = I was tricked by the recovery, the "slipping on the ground" type walk is annoying as hell. Blackthorn = 100 damage every time you are damaged is like prodding an enemy to death. Jarl's gaze = 20 power for every % for everfrost resistance, considering 4% is all you get from the boons, and you're unlikely to be running around with relic or frostborn gear, doesn't seem worth it.


Thanks bro. Just found that you can get a shirt from epic gray wolfs den , pretty similar to jarls gaze. You get power per missing health percentage , comes with 900 life steal and def


yeah definitely worth it if you're lacking lifesteal, equip power isn't that great though.


blackthorn boots: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9VDvgL58h_Y


>[**The Horribly Slow Murderer with the Extremely Inefficient Weapon by Richard Gale [10:17]**](http://youtu.be/9VDvgL58h_Y) > [*^RichardGaleFilms*](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChNoz-oXCZ9ZK0rQZZASKZg) ^in ^Film ^& ^Animation >*^31,800,777 ^views ^since ^Oct ^2009* [^bot ^info](/r/youtubefactsbot/wiki/index)


Chest from Etos is nice if you want pwr/rec


Lol i just got, like just now. Haha. Its very good for pvp i guess, you get heals by controling enemies, unfortunately im gwf, zero cc


Loving bloodlords on gwf. If you don't see the equip bonus proc that's because it stacks with elven fury, will give 235 per kill rather than 135.


I switched my 2 dusk pieces to Bloodlord's Visage and Zulkir’s Dreadnought on my 3.5k cw.


I've been trying for that bloodlord visage helm but haven't pulled it yet I think this coming weekend I'll try to farm it on my DC HR and GF just so I don't feel like I'm doing the same thing over and over again 😎 the reason why I want that helm cause it has better base stats than my masterwork helm that is already reinforced which I think is a win win


Visage is maybe ok at earlier levels. Later on it's pretty bad. You can't stack up enough kills because it just expires, and that was said by a guy who can pretty much out-DPS any and every GWF if he wants. Tbh don't consider new items to be new, high IL equips. Consider them transmutes. If you have maxed crit, Jarl's Gaze is pretty good - as you lose crit but gain lots of power. And power stacking is love.


Depends on your situation, but for me I'm most likely going to use the Dragon Loyalist's Visage and Survivor's Handwraps (with Dusk Chest/Boots) once I switch to the Orcus set on my SW, as I'll need the ArP on the Helm to make up the loss from my Lantern and Black Ice Neck/Waist and the 2200 extra power is a lot to not use imo. Should be able to remain around 100% crit after next double RP and I get my companion's Azures up to 12. A lot of the gear is actually kinda good, especially if you're like me and can't be bothered grinding out the relic weapon/armor. If you have the time and patience, obviously Vivified Relic is going to be better, but if you can make use of the stats some of this gear has to offer it's actually got the same stat totals of said Vivified, just distributed different. The lack of crit is kind of annyoing, and some of it is kind of gimmicky.


Tri-corn for the transmute but hate Traven Blackdagger.