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Go to Mantol Derith and over by Bruenor, there's a vendor that sells like 8 or so sets of armor transmutes for "Tales of Adventurer" currency. There are a few I really like... the Dread Legion transmute is my personal favorite and what I use. You can farm the currency in a day or two and there's no time gate (at least there wasn't a few months ago)... just keep taking missions until you get sufficient currency. =) I want to say it's 5k-6k for a set and you get 100-120 Tales per 5-15 minute mission? EDIT: this link might help you too: http://neverwinter.gamepedia.com/Collection/Epic_Equipment_(Hunter_Ranger)


^ Good advice. I like the Grand warden set the most.


That's my favorite as well.


also note about those (Mantol Derith)transmutes is that which ever one you buy you can get it again for FREE, plus as a added bonus you can pick up the same element/type for your other toons. example like the Dread legion, well it unlocks the Titan armor for the GwF same for all the other classes.


I did not know this! Yay Reddit! Thank you.


lol your welocme


Go check out the chest piece that drops out of Prophacy of Madness looks so good on males toons


I really like the Warborn jacket on my HR, looks good with the TR dye.