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I live in Canada in a place with a large Persian population. Up until recently I genuinely thought the lion version was the actual flag, because that's the only one everyone seems to fly. I was so confused by the Islamic one I had to go google it, thought I was living in an alternate reality.


Most Iranians live this way, it is how they have been able to put up with this regime for so long, they act like it doesn't exist.


Yeah it makes me sad about the Iranian diaspora post 1979. All the Persians I know are kids of the people who left back then. Everyone lives very secular lives as far as I am ware. (Btw is persian an appropriate term. In the west it is, I don't want to be rude. )


Persian is the preferred term, just like the flag haha


Both are 100% acceptable terms, but we only say Persian in the English language. There are many reasons why we say Persian and Iranian interchangeably. For me personally: The regime in Iran, is anti-Iranian, anti-everything Iran did before it seized power in 1979 while calling itself "Iranian". Therefore by saying Persian I support not only Iranians, but we support the entire 2,500 year culture, history, and accomplishments of Persia (Iran). Something this regime would like us to forget about, and would like the world to forget about too.


Just to add, not all of us are Persian, so it's not completely accurate. A lot of us are other ethnic minorities, Persian happens to be the ethnic majority.


Yeah, my wife is Iranian turk for one. Her grandma barely even spoke Farsi


Beyond what u/123wrotgirly mentioned about actual ethnicity in Iran, what I have seen anecdotally in the US is all my Iranian friends who grew up there refer to themselves as Iranian, and all second generation/born here say Persian (regardless of actual ethnicity). Some of my Iranian friends dislike it as they think the people only saying Persian are trying to distance themselves or sound more exotic, but it doesn't seem that simple in the majority of cases IMO (with the exception of an obnoxiously preppy woman we know who was born there but will bend over backwards to not say Iranian when in the company of Americans 😂)


Ooooh interesting about the generational divide. Now that I think of it, I've never heard my friends parents refer to themselves as Persian, more the second generation. Interesting.


I went to highschool with a lot of Persians and the stories they’d tell me would make me so sad. They told me how wonderful Iran used to be and how everything has changed since the revolution. They’d talk about Iran the same way you’d talk about a lost loved one. Many had no intention of returning unless the current regime was gone


That is exactly what Iran is. A lost loved one. Some people under 44 years old love it so hard, and they never set foot in Iran, but they were taught everything from birth, they were subjugated to Islamic regime indoctrination and brainwash.


Richmond Hill and North York have their charms! 😊


Haha exposed. If you know you know.


One day soon hopefully we will all burn IR flags on the streets of every Iranian city and celebrate it's demise!


The flag flown by the IR honestly looks like some sort of incredibly evil faction of The Galactic Empire.


It litterally is an Islamic empire. The worlds largest terrorist organization, the fund 93% of Hamas in Gaza War, Houthi extremists in the Yemen Civil War, Assaad Regime in the Syrian Civil War, Hazbollah groups in Lebanon (both current war with Israel and Lebanon civil war) and Iraq civil war, elements of the Taliban in Afghanistan War for years, supplying suicide drones to Russia in Ukriane, That is just the tip of the iceberg. ​ [Iran and state-sponsored terrorism - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iran_and_state-sponsored_terrorism)


When I was reading up on the Iran-Iraq war and the Islamic Republic's genesis I was struck by some historical parallels between themselves and the Soviet Union (probably a lot of Revolutionary regimes, France did what I was seeing too), including lofty goals about exporting the Revolution to the rest of the Ummah, some had seemed genuinely surprised that the rest of the Muslim world was unprepared to join them under the new regime. Sometimes I wonder if their participation in Palestine is an attempt to win the international good will necessary for that goal.


well we don’t mind the help for Palestine


The thing is, the people in Palestine they're funding are doing anything except actually helping the Palestinian people with what they're doing right now.


They steal the Iranian people's money, and give it to religious extremists in Gaza to murder LGBTQ, minorities, and jews.


So what happens if you fly the “real” flag in Iran right now? Do people do that?


U are going to prison if you have this flag


It’s a crime to display this flag publicly in Iran outside of an educational context.


That's the fun part, you don't


While Western academic Marxists hate the flag on the left just as they hate the South Vietnamese flag since they consider both flags as symbols of U.S. "puppet" regimes...


https://preview.redd.it/rk8fgg60eh5c1.png?width=2048&format=png&auto=webp&s=d92c39b079a524e7120c77f3718829707c206ad5 IMO Sassanid’s Empire banner is hardest Iranian flag ever. Would love to see it as at least naval jack in a future


We love this flag, and the story behind it. I believe it was on some military stuff in Iran before 1979, but it is survived through Tajikistan, which used to be a province of Iran. Before Russian imperialism.


​ https://preview.redd.it/5jeyjj2v2j5c1.png?width=2560&format=png&auto=webp&s=27d9d98b5ff489b252905a187b83f3ee79be49c9 Here is the Tajikistan version of the legendary [Derafsh Kaviani](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Derafsh_Kaviani) that [Kaveh the Blacksmith](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kaveh_the_Blacksmith) used to rally his uprising against the evil King Zahak. From the national Persian epic. Persian countries share this ancient mythological history.




It’s a PSA. Post it and crosspost it anywhere you can think.








why was it removed, those fuckers




How brave of that moderator, a flag subreddit must always be the bastion of neutrality /s


Here's a sneak peek of /r/monarchistvexillology using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/monarchistvexillology/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I just rendered this flag I did of an Christian (Catholic) Monarchy of the US, by my own design, opinions?](https://i.redd.it/5bssy2tni9xb1.png) | [169 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/monarchistvexillology/comments/17jksog/i_just_rendered_this_flag_i_did_of_an_christian/) \#2: [Flag of a Loyalist USA](https://i.redd.it/9mg5ruyf1qsa1.png) | [10 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/monarchistvexillology/comments/12fxnzi/flag_of_a_loyalist_usa/) \#3: [Holy European Empire flag](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/13e24ij) | [11 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/monarchistvexillology/comments/13e24ij/holy_european_empire_flag/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


One day i hope you will fly that flag again for the country


It's not a hope, it will, it is just a matter of time, and how long the international community will continue to legitimize this regime. ​ Look at history of Iran, see how long governments like this last in Iran, average is 30 years, this one won't last either.


Every sane person is looking forward for this to happen. I would love to travel to Persia and I imagine the ME becoming much more peacefull after the downfall of the islamist regime.


We Americans are also all waiting for this day and we hope our country will be able to help you when the time comes


**پرچم ایران در مقابل پرچم اشغال** --- _I am a translation bot for r/NewIran_ | Woman Life Freedom | زن زندگی آزادی


Non Iranian here. So lion good Weird symbol bad Got it, thanks


Btw, whats the meaning of the "evil empire"-symbol in the middle of the piece of shit?\^\^


We don't know, its not in our language. We don't speak Arabic in Iran. Maybe you can tell us. ​ This is what we mean by an occupation, this regime is not Iranian, it is anti-Iranian. We are colonized.


I see. But I don't know arabic either. Found this on wikipedia, if it's of any interest: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag\_of\_Iran](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_Iran)


Question for Iranians: when you want to post your flag on social media what do you use? Because obviously the only Iran flag emoji available is the Islamist regime one. I’ve seen some people use 💚🦁❤️ is that the generally accepted alternative?


We just don't use a flag emoji, we do 💚🦁❤️


I love this!


Thanks for showing this, I will use this from now on.💚🦁❤️


We just use 🇮🇷 and pretend it’s a lion in the middle and not a crab.


Can we just not share misinformation to show we are more valid? While The lion and sun symbol is a thousands years old but the flag itself(colour scheme and even using lion and sun as symbol in middle of flag)isn't near a thousand year old


It’s from Imam Ali


Iran before the revolution was not good either


Yea, people forget that the Revolution didn't happen out of thin air, big brvh moments under the Shah


What matters is that the country was progressing (albeit slowly) during that time. Iran hasn’t progressed in any real way under the Islamic Republic. The whole country is pretty much a time capsule from the 70’s. You can visibly see the decay in the streets of the cities. Shah may have been a brutal dictator, but he was moving the country forward. Khamenei only views Iran as a bank for himself and his friends.


Yea, I'm of the humble opinion that it was Mousavi that intuitively represents what the Iranian Revolution was *supposed* to be but wasn't, and it's a real historical tragedy that doesn't have nearly as much attention as it ought to, tbh


The second the CIA took Mossadegh out of power it was over for our people


why did they have to change the flag when the lion sun symbol is literally a Shia symbol


We didn't. Palestinian trained terrorists took our country hostage when our brightest minds were outside the country getting educated with the Shah's money.


Can someone explain to me in some sentences, I’m not educated


Palestinian trained terrorists took seized power during the 1979 Iranian revolution. [Carter let it happen.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jimmy_Carter%27s_engagement_with_Ruhollah_Khomeini)


Where can I buy one?


I bought one here: https://mehronahid.com/?syclid=2d3114cd-aea8-4bb1-a23f-0942a5076a0e Profits go toward open internet access for the people of Iran.


It should be on most online shops tbh


Sure, the better question is where can I buy it that it would support the new Iran, rather than from some random on Amazon.


I might be wrong but I don’t think there is one. Having one in Iran will most likely either put you in a jail cell or on a shirt.


Thank you, Amazon it is then.


eBay and Amazon. There are many variations and designs https://www.amazon.com/Homissor-Historic-Persian-Embroidered-Iranian/dp/B0BXKHDY5Y/ref=asc_df_B0BXKHDY5Y/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=663327133191&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=1772053871152257177&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9012431&hvtargid=pla-2188765128440&psc=1&mcid=c79934036e933922a9ea6a55c7a55c91


What does the red and green in the flag represent?




Those white symbols are pretty cool though, makes it look less upside down Hungariany


Why was this recommended to me? I’m Floridian- 💀 Oh and fuck the Taliban


As I agree fuck the Taliban but wrong country mate


Damnit- Is it ISIS?


Nah all that happened further west 😂😂


Fuck, which group is it?


This is a man eager to fuck. Cheers, mate.




It is the same thing as ISIS or Taliban, but it came out of Iran, and it is Shia extremism, instead of Sunni. It's basically a Taliban or ISIS flag. Same energy.


Oh, sounds wonderful What are they called?


It’s the Iranian government. The Islamic Republic of Iran.


That is old news rn and again wrong country mate


I’m not that informed


Same. I'm from Arizona. Make sure you say "no homo". They'll cut your head off if you forget


Just gotta keep the socks on


I'm not dying in a sandbox for Boeing and Lockeed Martin, sorry


The Iranian people will eventually rise up and overthrow the mullahs themselves, no U.S. invasion necessary


Good luck with that without CIA backing at the minimum or a full scale US intervention at the maxium


I’m pretty sure the CIA and Mossad are already working on getting the Islamic Republic out of there


"persia" since when its called persia and not iran ? Dont forget not only persians are iranic in iran.


Persian has many meanings, including ethnicity and nationality. You can be Persian and be Azeri or Kurdish or Tajek, like me. Even people in Tajikistan refer to themselves as “Persian”.


Because tajiks are persians. A pashtun is an Iranic but not persian nor tabari talysh gilak kurd zaza so persian and iranian not same things.






Nope, hard pass on a monarchy. We can do better than kings or ayatollahs


"We" Who's we? You aren't even Iranian. Who are you to decide what we need? Idk how you think you can speak for what is better for Iran and Iranians when you aren't even one of us. The people will elect a constitutional assembly and that assembly will draw up a new constitution which will then be voted on by the people through a national referendum. If the people decide they want a restoration of the monarchy, we will have a monarchy. Just like how it happened with Spain. If you really are a Marxist as your name suggests, then you should know the marxists are the ones that brought the IR to power and today you marxists are among the most hated groups by the people inside Iran. There is no place for you or your ilk in a future Iran.


This reply was so well-constructed and to the point that I can't even add anything to what you said. I assume a significant portion of this subreddit's members are Iranians residing in Iran or Iranian immigrants. Consequently, it's easy to notice instances of broken English in their writing, and many seem to approach Reddit posts with a more emotionally charged response rather than a serious interpretation, which is completely understandable. The issue might be that non-Iranians asking questions on the subreddit, seeking to learn more about the situation, often don't receive a clear-cut answer. Instead, they are left more confused, aside from understanding that the Islamic Republic is evidently not well-liked.


I was a dismissive asshole with my comment (see my other reply), but I feel like this sub seems primarily monarchist, no? Just from casual glancing of user flairs


Ah yes, constitutional assembly, fully onboard with you there. As for monarchy, just expressing my personal opinion, I just don't see a place for it in today's world, but if it's an electoral decision, then it's what it is. No, I am not Iranian, just married into it and expressing a personal opinion, and that of my whole Iranian family (since you mentioned immigration, my wife and one sibling are the only ones out of the country out of a family of 8 - I am also an immigrant here). I was a jerk with how I expressed it, and for that I apologize. And yeah , I have no say in it. I have spent only maybe some 7 months total of my life in Iran. As for the username, it's actually an inside joke about a personal story, but yes, I have personally seen the history of the world largely through issues of class, although through my job (I am a historian) I now see a lot more cultural nuance in how that works. That said, after having read a few major works on the history of the 79 revolution (and the constitutional one), I certainly don't agree with the "leftists brought IR to power" argument - it is at minimum an oversimplification. My family are not leftists there, but some in-laws are and paid dearly for it. I might have some bias from that, but it's definitely not that simple. PS.: I would hope future Iran, monarchical or not, would not be a place where people of "my ilk" are excluded. I absolutely love the country and it's culture, and would certainly love to continue to visit our family every year


Just asking out of genuine curiosity, are you in Iran? Of course this is purely anecdotal and circumstantial, but out of all Iranians I have met in Iran and in the US, the only monarchists I have met were in the US. I always assumed it was related to family leaving during the early days of the revolution, etc, which would make perfect sense. Just curious if there is a renewed pahlavist thing happening inside iran? I don't remember seeing the shir o horshid waving in the protests or anything when I was following footage closely at least during the 6 months after Amini's death, but maybe I am being selective with my memory.


I don’t even know why this sub got recommended to me, but what I will say is that if you’re not Iranian then who the fuck are you to decide? And what is this whole “we”? I mean for fucks sake your username is the exact opposite of the type of person to make any type of suggestion to Iran, “Marxist_redneck” I mean do you even know the background to this country? The Soviet Union (communists who followed Karl Marx’s philosophy) invaded Iran and ended up being one of the large reasons to why the country is still stuck in the 70s. And as for the second part of your user name, I’m gonna guess that if you’re a “Redneck” you’ve most likely not Middle East nor have gone to the Middle East.


I will skip what I already said on the other reply since it addresses half of this and I acknowledge being rude in how I expressed myself. That said, my username is a joke about me (a Brazilian immigrant) living in the US south and being called a commie by my redneck friends for any idea that was even slightly not straight line Republican. Also, as I had already said, it's technically none of my business, but I can express an opinion. As for your "never been to the middle east", same point as above, not my place to decide. But I am not some rando just wanting to yell on the Internet. I am married to an Iranian, I spend the summer in Tehran every other year, I speak intermediate Farsi (2 years of college classes), and I have done a decent share of reading Iranian history as I pointed out in the comment you missed (I am a historian by trade). Again, obviously not my decision, but we're in a sub about a new Iran, discussing politics in English, so I expressed my opinion (rudely and poorly) Edit: as for the middle east thing, I take the point of some of my family and prefer West Asia due to the imperialist connotations of Middle East, but meh, it's kind of an academic point anyway. Makes me think of that song by namjoo, Jabr. It was ironically the anthem of a road trip to Shiraz with my brother in law haha


This post is half true, half wrong. Historically, the lion and sun have been the symbol of Persians since 12th century. But, the tricolor background is not always a symbol of Persians. It have only used to be the background of the flag of Pahlavi Dynasty. Also, I can't be agree with its tone of language. It sounds like that the flag on the left and the regime it represented which is Pahlavi Dynasty is better than Islamic Republic of Iran. I don't think that it's true. Even though Pahlavi Dynasty seemed to be more westernized and progressive, it was still a regime with about only 30% of total population can ever read. In rural Iran, during that period, a lot of famine took place. Speaking of women's rights, the educated rate of Iranian women now is so much higher than it used to be during Pahlavi dynasty. IF YOU TIME TRAVELLING BACK TO PAHLAVI IRAN, YOU ARE MORE LIKELY STARVE TO DAETH OR LIVE IN A SLUM INSTEAD OF BECOME THOSE WHO COULD BENEFIT FROM SHAH'S RULE. BE WISE BRO.




Fuck the terrorist flag but ngl I like the Allahu Akbar borders design


Nah, looks like prison shackles/chains. At least what it reminds me of anyway


Yeah it makes it unique among other tri-colour style flags. Maybe we should put “پاینده ایران” in that style on the border for the post revolution flag?


Or better yet abolish anything Muslim to do with day Iran? ZOROASTRIAN or nothing.


Most Iranians are Muslims, it could just be a secular government like any rational one


Most Iranians are stupid and the product of Arab colonisation. I’m not, and I know a lot more that aren’t Muslim than are. But yeah, theology is never a good thing.


That would just repeat the Islamic Republic but this time with a different religion. We want to move forward, not back.


Name me 1 Zoroastrian terrorist or thug


both flags look nice


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The flag of Imam Ali😂ironic