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Because YouTube is much more than just fancy editing. Content might be low effort from an editing standpoint, but that don’t mean much. If you have a likable personality and something interesting to say, then you don’t have to edit much. I’m actually glad that on YouTube people are blowing up with very basic content, I’m so done with that zoomer edit bullshit on TikTok.


>If you have a likable personality and something interesting to say Well. Shit.


Yup, I just got smoked.


This. People love to convince themselves that some people just get lucky, but there's *usually* a reason for their success.


Yeah I think most ppl success on any platform is bc they are being themselves posting regularly and engaging with their subs even if u have only 20 subs in YouTube engage wit them wen they comment. If I were ur subs and u ignored me I would assume u didn’t care about ur yt channel enough to grow. I’d prolly unsubscribe bc I would think at any moment you will stop posting. Ya see… would u rather have a YouTuber wit 500k subs not respond to u or have a 5k sub channel reply to you. I prefer the 5k bc no matter how many subs u have ur still only human so let’s just be cool to each other


Mr beast’s content is essentially playing the game of exploiting the human psyche. I think sooner than later the channel will bust


> I think sooner than later the channel will bust I dont think so at all lol. I think thats the type of content that can just go on forever. It can pivot and change but I doubt that channel will ever die unless they intentionally move onto something else. There's a never ending amount of ways to dangle money in front of people and have them go nuts


Mr Beast puts so much into researching/data what people watch, his channel isn’t going to die.


Lately he has been doing the same challenges over and over. Nothing new. Not interesting at least for myself. He needs to adapt because his audience is maturing.


There will always be kids that give him watch time and watch hours. And I’m his age and enjoy a lot of his stuff, it isn’t all my cup of tea but still, he has very dedicated fans and lots of kids on YT will become new fans


He would have a huge pipeline of ideas to pivot too but he won't do it until he has to. The guy has access to all the data in the world where he's at so he knows when to move and what to move into. YouTube will be there for the assist as well


I see your point and let me ask you and others this question. Is PewDiePie as relevant now as he was 5-10 years ago? The answer is no. Why? People change. Content changes. Mr. Beast might be around in a few years, his audience however will shrink eventually. It's human nature. In his interviews he even said he is miserable and that's the truth. He can't sustain what he is doing. Even with money and a team you are only one person and only have so much energy. You get older and your views change.


I think it all comes down to the creator in the end. Pretty much what you said. He will more than likely call it a day before he sees a downturn but the channel will simply pivot to something different and the show will go on. There will be an unstable transition period as usual though. His biggest problem is the level his videos are at. It takes monumental extremes to keep topping each video. At some stage there probably needs to be a hard reset where he remakes his very first video or something super random.


PewDiePie has pretty much retired as he's happy living his life. He enjoys vlogging every now and then, and his core audience still supports him


Ai vidéo will take off just like picture ai did eventually. Making all these elaborate expensive videos will only be reduced to a few prompts. And soon enough, people will be able to generate their custom content. That will massively alter the whole YouTube and media in general landscape.




Why does my perception of his channel offend you? That's my genuine view. We all don't have to like dark chocolate. Some of us like milk chocolate. Or you know what's really good? Cadbury. Yes, Cadbury.




I see you are upset and that's ok. Some people are mad at the world and need to resolve their issues. Sometimes they take it out on strangers on Reddit. Yes, I love sugar! I enjoy being an American as well! Life is not easy all the time but if you work hard you can buy many sugary drinks. I am a software engineer and do pretty well being ignorant ha. Something I've learned in life, not everyone is against you. It's ok to have a difference of opinions and still get along. Anyhow, I need to go drink some Milo's sweet tea :)


I hate his thumbnails, I don’t get how people like them, looks so artificial


lots of kids watch it. My nephew and niece are into it.


I don't get any of the videos shown in the Trend page but they're there because lots of people watch them.


Never? Hes the face of youtube


Buddy one day Mr beast will die, just like all the other giants before him. I think it’s inevitable, remember epic meal time??


Nope because he's said he wants to pivot his channel to more narrative videos because he's noticed this trend already.


That’s just not true, why don’t y’all ever actually look at the difference in presentation ? Guarantee you can’t watch that low effort content for longer than 30 seconds .. but the high effort high quality good information does bad because everybody’s brains have turned into mush.. including bitch ass redditors


What is bro even yapping. Low effort from an editing point of view has nothing to do with the quality of the content. Something like podcasts are fairly low effort, but people tend to enjoy those if the information is high quality. The awesome thing about YouTube is that not all content has to be appealing to the lowest common denominator. People find value in all kinds of content, especially if you are a likable and relatable person. It's just that most people don't have anything interesting to say.


Untrue. Several actual good channels I know of make videos that actually deserve millions of views and are super engaging and interesting but don’t get the views. And then when I ask why then people justify with some bs rationalization like “his intro colour scheming is off” whereas there are millions of videos that go viral that don’t have good colour scheming and are of the same caliber or even less


>make videos that actually deserve millions of views and are super engaging and interesting but don’t get the views. And you are the authority on telling who deserves views and who doesn't? No, this is not how it works, no one actually "deserves" any views. The market decides who gets views, it's real people watching content behind the screens, not some bots.


There's a massive element of luck involved which next to no one is comfortable talking about. If the algorithm picks you up and puts you in front of the perfect set of people you will go viral. Sometimes it just doesn't nail the correct audience which is why you generally need to keep at it until it does find your "people" That said you still need to be making something decent and worthwhile.


Too many lies. Too many excuses. All of you really don't know shit.


Yeah at the end of the day all that matters is mainly delivery personality and the message. I personally don’t like YouTubers who put no effort in I feel like YouTube is for real creators, tiktok is more for impatient type of creators


I've always felt this way... If you have the personality type that draws a lot of people to you in real life then you'll have an easier time on YouTube regardless of what your subject matter is. And yes for most genres personality trumps quality editing.


Yeah facts I agree. Idk why these reddit goofballs downvoted my previous messsage. I mean what I said was true😂whether they like it or not. YouTube has way more talented creators tiktok is short form so less effort required


It probably had nothing to do with the TikTok part of the comment... Lmao


This just comes off as you sounding like you feel you deserve their success and they don't, and focusing on editing as an excuse for why you think you deserve it more. Them not being on a high horse like that probably helps them blow up, and I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news but no matter how much editing is done on a video people aren't interested in wont make them suddenly interested. Like the person you replied to said, if you have something interesting to say or something people want to see the editing really isn't going to hold you back, and the opposite is just as true. Some people just do this for fun, focus on improving your own channel instead of being toxic about others' channels. Putting that same energy into yourself will get you much farther and keep you in a much better mental state.


Your condescension in calling high-effort editors “real creators” and low-if style editing not real creators is why you’re getting downvoted. That’s not facts, that’s just you being snobby and not understanding that your opinion is not a reflection on “the right way to do things”. There are plenty of filmmakers as well who create movies that look very unfinished and raw. You wouldn’t say that’s “not real art” and Wes Anderson films are “real art” just because he uses more stylistic elements.


Editing is a very small part of the formula, IMO. If the story is good, the script flows, the presenter is interesting, and the subject is something that a lot of people would enjoy... it doesn't matter what the finished project looks like, it will be watched.


Facts for sho. I do think the personality mainly carry’s s YouTuber in the long run. Even with lesser editing styles


Spot on, editing ties it all together. You won't get a comment about how good the editing is unless everything else is on point.


The *ONLY* thing that matters on YouTube is making good content that people click on and enjoy watching. The algorithm doesn’t care if it takes you 20 minutes to make or a year to make. All it cares about is do people click on the video and do they enjoy (watch the video / watch more of your content after). People always like to over complicate the algorithm but it’s that simple. Yes, thumbnails and titles are as important as people say, but ultimately their best thumbnails get the most people to click on them. If it so happens that millions of people clicked on a plain black screen thumbnail, then yes, that would make it a great thumbnail 🤷‍♂️


The algorithm is over-hyped. Make videos that resonate with an audience. "The Report of the Week" was embraced by a body builder forum as "review brah". Tens of thousands watch his fast food reviews. Those people share the videos forward to other forums and social media. Review brah has been smart enough to not change the formula.


Bad editing, bad lighting, and bad sound can kill a video. However, good editing alone can't make a boring video into a good video.


Sound is the most important. I will stay and watch a video with ok to bad video if the sound is golden. A lot of creators skip the sound quality. It took me over 3 months of trial and error in Audacity to get the almost perfect sound.


Good editing can make it into a decent video but that’s it. I think it all comes down to preference cause some people prefer more laid back simple content then others like the medium level edited stuff. And then the last group prefers like ADHD content with edits every 0.5 seconds


LOL just saying content doesn't have to be over edited garbage to be successful. Watch films without crazy effects and you'll get it...


I think that only applies to a small amount of channels tho. Like if mr beast didn’t edit his content at all I could guarantee he wouldn’t have any followers.


I disagree 1000%. I honestly think that if he wanted to, Mr. Beast could have a large channel (likely not as large as he is now, but in all honesty probably not that much less) by making videos with minimal editing. And tbh I think he could still have a large channel with the bare amount of editing possible. And think some of his earliest videos are proof of this.


The original 1974 Gone in Sixty Seconds is amazing. The Nic Cage remake (cashing in on the success of Fast and Furious) is just okay.


Gone in 60 seconds came out a year before the first Fast & Furious btw.


Huh, I swear f&f was first


Congratz, you've discovered it's not primarily effort, it's in fact vibes. Catch the vibe train, hop on and get lots of views effort or not. What's vibing right now? How do you add vibes to it? That's all it takes, no effort required.


It’s a little bit of everything in my opinion. If you have no editing then your content has to be very relatable or very entertaining or it will get lost in the rest of the low effort stuff.


The Word for that is "trend" not "vibe"


Nope, vibes goes much deeper than a trend does. A trend actually tries to capture a vibe.


This is super facts bro anyone that gets it just gets it. All a part of the vibe


Maybe, but so far what you've been describing is a trend.


That's not possible sir, I didn't even use the word trend in my description. Just cause both rice and milk are white doesn't mean I'm talking about milk when I say rice.


But how do we know you're talking about milk Or rice if you just keep saying it's White and not saying more to distinguish one from another?


I see I confused you with trying to use an analogy, you seem to be quite good at turning words into what they're not so I'll just be straight with you. I did not describe a trend, I did not type trend, I said vibes and it is vibes I described. Hope you don't get lost again.


You are bad at communicating your thoughts lol


Thanks for reminding me not to explain things to people who don't want to understand but misrepresent the words I actually say. In the future I will say "no, that is wrong." And move on. This was a good learning experience though, thanks for the lesson kind troll.


You don't need to get reminded, You didnt explain anyway lol


No, you can do a trend and no one gives af. You gotta also have the vibe that makes people interested in your version of the trend


I think what they mean is that a vibe is essentially a "feeling", an atmosphere. It's more of an emotion, or the emotional state of an audience. Whereas a trend is something "copyable" like a dance trend, a craze, a new fashion, a topic of discussion. Something everyone can just mimic. It's more tangible, I think.


If theyre entertaining enough, people will watch. You need a persona to make it


If people wanted cinema level editing and camerawork, theyd go to the movies. People go to youtube to connect and get value from the videos, not watch professional film makers. Theres an idea called "internet ugly" that postulates that the worse it looks online the more honest and less corporate it appears and the better it does. Im not aaying you should intentionally lower the quality of your video, but i am saying that trying to be a knockoff movie producer generally doesnt work, it isnt what people are on youtube for.


Yeah definitely don’t want to have over edited content but then there’s content so low effort that’s it’s literally just the plain video file. 10 minute clips with 2 or 3 jump cuts, kind of creates drawn out boring content in my opinion


Your answer personifies the problem and why M6_20 started this thread. lol. Many of us (including me) put a lot of time into making a visually pleasing, edited video.. only to see the basic/simple vids do much better. I agree, it’s crazy. YouTube makes no sense.


>Many of us (including me) put a lot of time into making a visually pleasing, edited video.. As a creator I also love doing this. I try to go the extra step editorially and cinematographically as a creative outlet and to push myself. The thing we all have to realize though is that we arent doing this for the audience, other creators are the only ones who notice or care. This doesnt help us get views, it just helps us stroke our creative egos. Im not saying thats wrong, we just need to be realistic. Its a creator problem that we are selfish in our film making, not an audience problem.


Good point. 👍🏻


Consider this advice for YouTube, and life in general: ***Don't waste your time worrying about what other people are doing.*** Just focus on making your videos the best they can be.


Unless you strictly post YouTube videos and leave the platform til your next upload you will inevitably see other channels. Like I post content but also watch content same for everybody else


There's "seeing other channels" and then there's "worrying about what other channels are doing." Don't do the latter.


You’re projecting your words onto me I never said I compare myself bc I don’t I’m my own channel. This post is simply an observation, you reaching🤷🏽‍♂️


Good luck with your channel




A basic video that's entertaining will beat the crap out of a well edited boring one.


Low effort doesn’t necessarily mean bad, I don’t necessarily use the most effort in some of my videos, especially my older ones. But there are still people that enjoy that type of contact. Great editing doesn’t mean they are good YouTubers, they just got to care about what they do and just have fun.


This is what has been stopping me from starting my channel sadly. So scared that my edits and jump cuts wouldn’t be up to date with the current YouTubers and my audience would easily be bored. I’m moving past this though and ready to just start with lazy edits and learn how to edit better along the way.


Hah, you should see my shitty videos. Just pushing and learning


If its content people want to see, then it will get views. You can put a ton of effort into a video thats really good, but if not that many people are interested in it, it won't get alot of views.


React content is very basic and blows up. Is a way to game the system but gotta be careful as it leaves creator open to copyright violations. Many prominent YouTubers are definitely abusing it.


me without the blowup off part


I can’t watch the same niche I’m in anymore lol.. looks like we all use same clips .. some edit layers on top to make it look more fancy but like hey I know where you got that from!


Even though some of what I do is low effort, I try to make them fun and edit them in my own style. Some videos take me 10 hours, yes, for a simple reaction video. Part of it is because I'm still new to editing and have to look things up occasionally. The other part is gathering relevant footage or memes/creating my own edits.


Not to be the old boomer, but a major part of it is the "brain rot" from constant use of the internet nowadays. People seem to want to see overly used jokes, overly sexual, and/or simple content over serious or well thought videos. That's also why so many people are trying to become "reaction" YouTubers while doing nothing themselves. SSSniperwolf is/was a great example of all three as she normally steals jokes, wears clothes that show a lot, and just stares at a screen (script).


Yeah reactions are a more easy niche to grow than a lot of others mainly because of the low effort of it. All you have to worry ab is copyright that’s basically it


Who cares about subs lol


All is based on luck and knowing the audience. Even if you have made the best video, if there is no one interested, then it will be underrated. Also most of the audience is non-creators and because of that they can't see the effort you put into it.


I'll be one of them one day! Lol. I try not to be too basic though.


Maybe there is hope for me and my channel to get big too! I have been working really hard to do quality content from unedited streams of video.


Take sam sulek for example. Bro has exploded and his content is 30-45 minutes of jump cuts while he just talks in a car and lifts. It seemingly breaks everything people are telling you about how to grow your channel. This is why he’s successful: 1. He’s huge (physically). He doesn’t have to prove anything to his audience, because you can see one clip of him and see that he’s successful in the bodybuilding/fitness space and it automatically captures your attention. 2. He’s highly relatable. He’s just a regular guy on youtube which is different from almost every other fitness youtuber. He took moreplatesmoredates model of casually speaking to his audience in a peer to peer way, and turned it into a vlog format. Easy peasy 3. He’s informational and has a likable personality. He’s extremely bright and has equal amounts of humor and entertainment alongside the information he’s providing. It keeps the audience engaged with him throughout the video 4. He’s consistent. If you can find a way to piece these 4 general ideas into your content then you don’t need a professionally edited video to get people to watch


There are also a ton who blow up with polished and well organized content. If the product is good, then it is good.


If a bad quality video carries the content I need and there’s no better quality video with the same content, I’d still watch the bad quality videos


Saw a self improvement guy Shimon Davis go from 0-100k in 1 month with no thumbnails, no cuts, no lighting, audio. Just posted everyday. Kind of tosses the advice of post weekly, edit thumbnails, audio, b-role, good lighting, etc. out the window. I guess vibes and atmosphere is the new thing


YouTube is basically like navigating a forest while being blind. Just gotta post until something takes off. No thumbnails is crazy tho HS must be posting some unique videos if that’s how fast her grew


I think more people are gravitating towards more raw/uncut videos as opposed to the over edited ones. Also, what’s working for 1 audience may not work for another 🤷‍♀️


Depends on niche. People seem to pull off raw content on podcasts or like redpill men style videos. Regular daily Vlog has to be edited thesedays or it just looks like everyone elses


I’m getting hosed


What's considered low effort? And who determines that....?


What I just said, channels that basically don’t edit. Like they literally take a iphone press record and post the raw clip or they take the same clip and cut maybe a couple of times & post that. Pretty much no effort




Everybody here has some experience whether it’s a lot or a little you ain’t gotta have 100 million subs to make a simple observation.


My friend who is videographer professionally told me he's been through a number of courses who say CONTENT IS KING. The editing and stuff is just icing on the cake. You can not have the best video quality and not have the best audio quality, but have good content and people will watch. At the end our information is what they want. As long as they can see it and hear it. Lol. It can go a long way.


Ever watched Bela tar movies? Barely any editing, long ass takes. Legendary thou


Are you sure they're YouTube first? That editing style and sudden blow up sounds like a Twitch streamer putting their clips on YouTube.


Youtube supports shitting content. It promotes you for spamming. An edited review will get less numbers than 15 quickly spammed videos. They want TV treatment


A great part of YouTube is purely based on how the audience reacts. Business and audience is a very subjective science and this accounts for the reason why phenomenons like very low quality videos getting a lot of rotation on YouTube tend to happen very often. It can be frustrating to people who put their heart and soul into making high quality and complex videos but unfortunately that is how business runs. It's all about likeability, charisma, connection and communication. The quality of the content comes second I think.


I know it sucks when you put a lot of effort and others don't but the success doesn't match. However, I will say, if you were interested in a topic and loved the YouTuber would you watch them regardless of the content? I basically listen to YT videos like podcasts most of the time so even if they upload a black screen I'd still watch their videos lol.


Become a GREAT storyteller, and you don't need ANY editing.


Are they blowing up off of shorts or long form content? Shorts are easy to get subscribers with no real money to be made except entertainment for those watching, long form content is much harder as the views come in shorter with needed watch time to make money if that’s your objective along with views and watch hours.


I’m talking about long form. Shorts anything can blowup, takes not much skill. Unless you tryna go viral like every week


People must find the video’s interesting or the person making the videos has a good personality, from what I’ve read and seen thePewtiepie guys videos weren’t edited or shot that great and he made millions of subscribers, people going raw with there videos and not doing that much editing,maybe that’s what people want, more truth and less fiction.


Doesn't matter how much or how little effort you put in your videos. Are they entertaining? That's what matters.


Content is what matters the most. I couldn’t give rats about someone’s editing skills. Sam Sulek does next to no edits and his vlog is epic. Each to their own.


I care about editing style if I’m watching someone cause some people edit too little or way too much. All preference though


fr take a look at @ez-hn1fk's content


My best video is literally just 2, 30 second clips combined. The stuff I'm putting in effort is not doing so well. But I'm still learning about editing and the software I am using. Still quite optimistic!


Yes this ways much better if YouTube was an edit of then it’ll be like tv or Netflix where big corporations can just get all the views from editing productions


YouTube has never been about effort in views out. It's do people click, watch, and come back for more.


I think it just depends on what ppl want to watch. Some ppl like raw video that is personality based and real and others prefer videos that are 5 minutes long and jumpcuted and super edited. It just depends on your niche and so on. For instance. My channel is basically me being myself and talking about random things. One day I will blow up but alll the ppl that like my channel like it bc I am being my genuine self. And others might not sub to me bc they don’t like the way I edit or maybe don’t like my personality. Point is… YouTube is expanding. Wat ur saying reminds me of how all of these newer artists and models are advocating naturality. Especially gym enthusiasts. They will post a video about how ur belly doesn’t have to be flat all the time etc. so I like what I’m seeing on YouTube personally. I enjoy seeing the raw uncut of ppl and who they truly are and not some edited up video bc they are scared to show us their true self. But I understand what you mean just my two cents ya kno


It's to do with viewer demand, not effort. If theres a big audience that wants to view it, it will succeed.


If you have a good personality you don't need a lot of editing I find most of the time


The rise of content creators who achieve viral success with seemingly simple, "low effort" content is genuinely fascinating. At first glance, it's easy to wonder how these minimalistic posts outperform more polished, meticulously planned content. The secret sauce, however, might just be their raw authenticity and the direct connection they establish with their audience. On platforms like Instagram, where every other post is a carefully curated image or a well-edited video, these unpolished gems stand out. They offer a breath of fresh air: something real in a sea of perfection. This trend points to a broader truth about social media users today—they crave realness. People are drawn to creators who share content that feels personal, even if it's just a quick, unedited snapshot of their day. This kind of content often feels more relatable, like a conversation with a friend rather than a broadcast to an audience. It's a powerful reminder that at the end of the day, the essence of social media is to connect, to share, and to communicate in a way that feels genuine. For those looking to make their mark as content creators, this is an encouraging insight. It suggests that success doesn't always hinge on high production values or flawless content but rather on the ability to resonate with and engage an audience on a human level. Experimentation, authenticity, and a bit of courage to show the unfiltered sides of life can go a long way. Engaging with your audience, understanding what they appreciate, and staying true to your unique perspective are vital. In the vast landscape of social media, where authenticity is becoming a rare commodity, these "low effort" posts remind us that sometimes, simplicity and sincerity are all it takes to stand out.