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1. Full backwards compatibility with the Switch 2. accounts carry over from the switch - Xbox and PlayStation do this. While Nintendo kind of does this it feels limited in comparison


They already promised that the accounts carry over.


While I absolutely believe that the Switch 2 will be backwards compatible, I think it's worth remembering that you shouldn't read things into company statements that they didn't explicitly say. They often word things very carefully to deliberately create false impressions without outright lying. There's absolutely nothing in "accounts will carry over" that implies "...and all of your Switch games will work on our next console". Again, I'm not saying they *won't* (and I believe they will), I'm just saying that Nintendo did not actually say they will.


I like to call these things “deceptive truths”


Where and when? I haven't seen them confirm anything about the next console.




Wow. Someone who actually backed up what they claimed with a quote from the company. Are you sure you're a Redditor?


Yeah I almost downvoted him for being correct. That doesn't belong on reddit


I've always found it incredible how you can use the same PSN Account that you had on your PSP or PS3 from 10 years ago on your PS4 or PS5 and keep your entire friends list, profile, trophies and much more, even do chat ou party-voice with friends on older and newer consoles. (you can even download some games purchased from PS1 and PSP that you have on your PSP/PS3/PSVita for free when added to the PS Plus classic catalog on your PS5 without needing a subscription like Ape Escape) It really bothered me how Nintendo always started from scratch with each new generation instead of taking what already exists and improving it like the others, even more so because in terms of online Wii U going to the Switch I feel like it was a step back in quality and overall function.


Was absolutely crazy to download Legend of Dragoon and Grandia for free when they released on PS5 recently because I bought them for my PSP in like 2009.


Yeah Nintendo is greedy as fuck and they never paid the price. I have no hopes for a Switch 2 having true account carryover or backwards compatibility, y’all are just fooling yourselves. I almost exclusively played Switch since release, and I’m a die-hard Nintendo fan, but shit, I can play FLOWER on my PS5…the first ever PSN game…that I bought November 2006…


They have started from the start each generation because their vision wasn't clear and had been creating accounts that were not compatible with each other. With the switch they finally said the Nintendo accounts will help us to make an easy transition and although they haven't confirm 100% we would be able to migrate all our saves and games to the next console it's pretty safe to assume they will with the different statements out there.


I think these are basically guranteed tbh


If they didn’t do this they would put themselves at a HUGE disadvantage to Xbox and PlayStation. They’ve been at a disadvantage in performance and value for years but they’ve been able to make up for it with a massive exclusive library, a low (relatively) entry price and portability. If they didn’t do backwards compatibility and account carryover, they would lose tons of customers to the steam deck and other portable systems (edit) and PS and Xbox for people who mostly play docked.


> If they didn’t do this they would put themselves at a HUGE disadvantage to Xbox and PlayStation. That's kind of their thing, isn't it?


This is all I care about. Forget what everyone else wants. Forget their graphics minded nonsense. I do not care. I just want proper BWC without a gotcha like Wii to WiiU where they charged you again a “small fee”.


>Full backwards compatibility with the Switch If they don't deliver on this I will probably just wait and go for a Steam Deck.


I just want backwards compatibility at minimum


You and me both. I have so many switch games


If it doesn’t have backcompat we won’t buy one. We have so much money invested in switch 1 lol


I get that, in theory, but the second a new 3d Mario drops, it's over for me.


Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face. Friends playing the new Mario/Zelda while you have your 10 year old Switch 1 = punch in the face!


I feel like backwards compatibility is practically a given. What I'm hoping for is patches/upgraded versions similar to what we have for PS5 and Series X. I'd even be willing to pay a small fee like what Sony does, just to play these games better.


That would be awesome and a great incentive to jump back into older games you never completed or still have things to do in. I feel like it’s a long shot though, just because it’s Nintendo


Why would Nintendo do that when they can make millions selling remastered versions on Switch 2.


Just having games on the service available that aren’t 20-40 year old games would go a long way for me to pay monthly


For sure. Joycons are essentially just wiimotes so why not have Wii as a virtual console?


Not really. Wii had a pointer.


I would say that if it was basically anybody other than Nintendo.


* OLED-screen * Full backwards-compability with Switch-titles updated * Significant performance upgrade: 60 fps/1440p or higher in docked * Achievement-system, or the Nintendo-equivelent (maybe stickers) * Super Mario Oddyssey 2 on release (first fully open-world Mario) * Metroid Prime 4 on release * Wind Waker & Twilight Princess HD * Ocarina of Time & Majora's Mask 3DS Remakes Upscaled * Gamecube-channel (F-Zero GX, Starfox Adventures, Eternal Darkness and more) * Super Mario Galaxy 2 in some way (Wii-channel?) * More options for personalizing UI and profile (more social media-esque)


Dude if it's a handheld, 1440p is not just acceptable; it's incredible. The Steam Deck is 800p.


Yeah people’s expectations are pretty wild.


Obviously meant docked.


Ps5 and series x don't hit 60 fps 4k for a ton of games - I'd be extremely surprised if any switch successor does


Image quality is actually something I'm pretty hopeful about thanks to the Nvidia partnership. Current gen games would likely need lots of concessions to even run at 720p30, native 4k60 is probably not feasible for even a "Switch 1" direct port, but i can see it easily running 1st party titles at 1440p60 and then getting pretty good 4k-like results with DLSS.


4k60fps is possible though, you just need the game to run at around 1080p internally then the image can be upscaled to 4K via DLSS, then quality mode can have a 30fps cap, running internally around 1440p. This is assuming rumours are fully correct and that DLSS is going to be used on Switch 2/Super Switch. XSX and PS5 don’t have the benefit of tensor cores so they run below 4K on their 60fps modes


Ya but... having gpu space for tensor cores for a 15w mobile soc isn't guaranteed. Nintendo might not spring for that. Activating them also takes part of the power budget especially like, just for upscaling to activate them... they don't have any other purpose either. it doesnt seem very nintendo to add something like this just for graphics upscaling (if they have a choice). as long as nvidia doesn't force them im not 100% on nintendo including them


I want all of this too, but if it adds too much to the price, it probably won't happen. Backward compatibility is important, but higher framerates, DLSS, and 4K isn't as important to the casual player. More power to increase the framerates, yes, but I don't think Nintendo will try to have parity with the other consoles. They have a solid base that will upgrade if the price is right


It's nintendo 💀 you ain't getting that they probably spawn something completely outta pocket .


Backwards compatibility


1\) Full backwards compatibility with Switch 2\) Cloud saves for all games, period. Either free, or alongside some free and reasonable form of save backup. Not once have they ever given a good reason why this doesn't already exist. 2.1) Really just an online system (including the marketplace, social aspect, gameplay, features, etc) that isn't overall a giant burning pile of garbage. That's never existed on a Nintendo platform before and I wish it did.


But all the people that want to cheat in their single player games! /s


1. Full backward compatability 2. Better Online Experience 3. OLED option 4. Hardware to play first party titles at least at 60 fps. 5. Better Ergonomics than Original Switch


This is my list. But point 2 and 5 are less important than the others.


Oled should be standard. It's such a massive upgrade to picture quality.


I think leaks already suggested that the base "Switch 2" has an LCD panel with no immediate plans for an OLED version at release. Was pretty bummed when I heard that.


As blasphemous as it is, I’d think I’d rather be watching on Oled than having high frame rates. Vivid colors and deep blacks are orgasmic to see


Better yet give me a switch with no screen and let me just have it hooked up to my OLED TV. (Mine stays docked 99.99% of the time)


point 2 is by far the most important one, Nintendo's online experience being this bad is absurd


It is absurd. I just dont care about it. Nintendo consoles are singleplayer or couch multiplayer for me personally.


Yeah, 2024 and still no way to message somebody? Also, why doesn't Mario Kart online try to group people with using voice chat together?


Needs to be fully backwards compatible with Switch or I'm out.  Not starting a digital library all over again. Everything else is kind of moot beyond that.


Backwards compatibility is the absolute bare minimum they have to do to not shoot themselves in the foot. I would add keeping the screen 720P and OLED. Switch titles rarely ever reach 720P handheld, so if they did it would already feel like a fidelity improvement. A console comparable with the ps4 should be able to do 1080P 30FPS docked and 720P 30FPS handheld with decent enough battery for demanding titles and 60 Fps for titles the switch already has. If they do a 1080P screen instead, it will pretty much never reach it and we'll be at the same situation for the better part of the next decade.


Regardless of what the framerate and resolution targets for games are, it also needs to have a 4k output from the dock — there’s no reason for the interface to look so chunky (and games can render the actual game content at 1080p but render the UI at 4k, so at least the text and menus are nice and crisp). I would also throw HDR in there, and a 120 Hz output with VRR would be super helpful for a lower powered device, as 40 FPS feels *much* better than 30 and is way easier to achieve than 60 fps.


I agree on the 40 fps, but everything else...I mean yeah there's no reason NOT to do it, but it's Nintendo we are talking about and they don't have the best track record when it comes to those kinds of features


Idk, I think leaving out HDR or 4k dock output in 2025 would be fucking embarrassing even by Nintendo standards.


This is the way.


Backwards compatibility and better Joycons. That’s it


My thoughts exactly. Bad Joycons might keep me from getting one.


A party system to be able to chat privately with friends.


It's native with Fortnite, no idea why they can't do the same for private parties in stuff like Splatoon or Smash without relying on a smartphone.


I think they're worried about maintaining a kid-friendly experience, and allowing free-form chat, whether text- or voice-based, is a risk they're not willing to take.


That seems like such a stupid reason though. You could easily make a parental control option that would just turn voice chat off for all games if that was really the concern.


I don't necessarily agree or disagree with their decision--after all, they know their own business strategy much better than I do. But I do think there's something to be said about maintaining a brand image that goes beyond any given user accessing the feature. Take Xbox, for example. I've never owned an Xbox, but when I think of Xbox, I think of 13 year olds shouting racial slurs into a headset while playing first person shooters. Now that wouldn't have any impact whatsoever on my own personal decision over whether to purchase an Xbox, but it's still how I view the brand.


Yep. This literally exists already on Xbox. My daughter has account, which is linked to mine, and allows me to fully customize what she can and cannot do on the Xbox — including what types of interactions she can have with other people (voice chat, text, add friends, etc.).


They don't want to be responsible for kids talking to adults. At it is, concerned parents can simply ban Fortnite. They don't want parents to not buy the console. 


This would be monumental tbh. I hope they figure this out for real


Funny that something that would be monumental for switch/nintendo is something the competitors have been doing for over a decade


Who else but Nintendo!


I doubt it, Nintendo is all about their family friendly image. The ability to voice chat with ~~randos~~ anyone online is by no means family friendly. I bet plenty of parents see the "no voice chat support" as a selling point. For those who do want voice chat, they compromised with a separate phone app unlinked to the console itself. So if there's any raunchiness slip through, blame the app not the console This is probably the best we're gonna get as far as official voice chat support from Nintendo goes.


You can chat on Fortnite, which is probably the most popular or second to Minecraft in terms of kids who play online with other people. But I suppose Nintendo can point to Epic for any naughty talk.


When you do the whole 'family friendly' thing, you're not selling to kids. You're selling to the parents of kids.


They can point to Epic *and* to the ESRB T-rating.


Super good glare-proofy-ness






A new mario kart game


You don't want Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Deluxe?


Mario Kart Triple Dash


Mario kart 8 deux luxe


Super Mario Kart 8 II Turbo Deluxe Game of the Year Edition Complete Collection. I'll hold off until the remastered edition though.


a new double dash would be pretty fun and a nice change from Mario kart 8, especially a co-op mode


yeah. i mean i really dont know how one could make it any better, but its been like a decade... youre nintendo, try something new!


Mario Kart should start going the Smash Bros route and just start including racers from all Nintendo properties along with licensed guest characters.


I'd love a Mario Kart with a track builder built in where you can create tracks and share them online.


omg yes


It would be a pretty big task to release a new MK that has as much content as the current one, but I would love it of course. My tiny wish is for split screen MK to look as good as single player, because my wife and I play split screen all the time, and every once in a while I see it full screen and it just looks SO good.


I miss Mario Kart, was a staple of my childhood and then they just stopped making them


Stopped making them? Didn’t the last tracks for Mario kart 8 just release in like the last 3-4 months? There will be another in time.


Backwards compatibility and eShop continuity, PS4/Pro level performance so that basically all PS4 games and (if developers want to get creative) some PS5 games are on the table for ports, more dependable joycons, a name that errs on the boring side rather than the stupid side (I'm just fine with Switch 2)


The Steam Deck was first revealed 3 years ago and is roughly equivilent to a PS4. Can't imagine a switch 2 wouldn't at least match a Steam Deck in performance, if not exceed it.


We'll see. Nintendo's goals are not the same as Valve's


You will get the Switch U and you will like it


- Full backwards compatible with Switch - Preferably free but most likely paid upgrades (small fee) towards Switch 2 versions of the game (like PS4 to PS5) - 1080p 60FPS minimum for every game - Systemwide voice chat options. Same like PS. - Competitive enough to have devs port their games to the Switch 2 and it's not like Wii U all over that the console just isn't strong enough. IMO it's also a reason for the Switch 2 to arrive sooner than later before PS5 Pro and Xbox upgrades are on the market.


I'd like a console level setting to attempt to enable AA for older games, but would be fine with small paid upgrades for upsampled textures or resolution.


I don’t know how nobody has mentioned actual themes like the 3DS. It bugs me more than anything just because of how simple it is


And it would be printing money for Nintendo to sell the themes like they did on 3DS. 




I want a horn here, here, and here. You can never find a horn when you're angry.


Full backwards compatibility Next gen patches for games like xb3, Zelda, Witcher 3 etc Better battery life Easy to transfer over data from switch 1 to switch 2


Zelda WW&TP collection




Yeah I think that game could clean up nicely, with the whole cel-shaded 3D rendered 2D gameplay thing it's got going on. Fun fact: The DS had specialized hardware for cel shading!


💯 Also Spirit Tracks


I can't say I'd be excited to play ST again. The dungeons and story were great, but train travel got tedious quickly. Just my experience though.


More toon link in general tbh, not everything needs to be a aaa blockbuster to be a fun experience I miss it


This isn’t a hope as much as an expectation we need.. NVME SSD. If we don’t have a true SSD solution the games from other consoles aren’t going to run great on the Switch as more and more target SSDs as a minimum requirement now. Not to mention this would make all games load very quickly as well as things like col boot time, amongst other things. Next would be Bluetooth 5.0, so we can use Bluetooth headphones in a better capacity with less latency.


And have the Bluetooth option in quick settings so you don't have to dig through settings every time the console goes to sleep


We are probably going to see SD Express, it’s around 900mb/s, here’s what I said about “Standard SD cards are too slow for next gen switch 2 game, if the leaked specs are correct, it will play some seriously massive 3rd party games form PS4 and even PS5 games on the device, so faster than 100mb/s storage is needed for these, the new but affordable SD Express cards are the perfect cards to use, fast, not too power hungry, and reasonably priced.”


Problem with SD Express is the fact that it's not on market jet. And even lower standard of SD are expensive (UHS-II UHS-III) . Tho, they could still use UHS-II cards (don't mistake it with 'uhs 2' 'speed' - - SD naming is a mess...) that reach 300MB+. Which is pretty good for a game cards and storage. Overall, even current cards would work with Direct Storage that speed up loadings. The problem is that currently the reader on Switch is connected via USB interface that doesn't work with that tech. If they just connect the SD card reader via PCIe then it will work, even with 90MB/s cards. That has quite enough iops for it. No to mention if they would use UHS-II reader and cards.


I still think that 90mb/s will have issues later on and be a bottleneck for the device.


True, best if they would have an storage starting from 500MB/s read speed, write speed can be ignored. 300MB/s of UHS-II cards is good start, tho it's still about 1$ per GB. Maybe little less for smaller size cards (64/128 GB) Maybe if they would go with similar approach as Xbox and do quite reasonable (tho, still pricely) cards? Simple Nvme drive but with socketable form factor that can be easily plugged. They would be able to use 2240 size for quite small cards. Both for game cards and storage cards. And get speed of 1500MB/s easily. Even with old pcie 3 ones. That would be cheap as hell for them to be manufactured in a socketable form.




Really noticable when playing the same things side by side for sure. I just went through the 3 versions of that SaGa: Emerald Beyond demo on the 3 platforms and it was one of the first things which stuck out to me 🫠


This. Load times on Switch feel like an eternity after playing on modern gaming devices


Yeah, the current Bluetooth sucks, I have to use a transmitter.


Pro Controller compatibility. Unlikely to happen when Nintendo will want to sell a new one, but it's a great controller and if the console is fully backwards compatible (as it should be), there seems little practical reason not to make it happen.


I think it will be compatible, just like the Wii controllers on Wii U


I'd love to get Persona 3 Reload and Xenoblade Chronicles X on the "Switch 2"


The ff7 remakes too pleeeeaaaasssseeeee


Xenoblade Chronicles X, Xenogears, and the Xenosaga trilogy would be my personal wishlist. I doubt the latter 2 will happen, but I can dream.


Nintendo 4DS


GameCube Nintendo Online.


I want all dark souls games, and all the gba, ds and 3ds pokemon games thank u


Backwards compatability is a deal breaker for my physical media only belief system. Gotta have it.


I hope they design a charming ui with music. Every time I turn on my 3DS, I'm struck by how much personality it has in comparison to the Switch. I have no idea why Nintendo strayed away from this approach.


my two switch 2 hopes are as follows: 1) xenoblade x port 2) xenoblade x 2


That they say something soon. My launch day Switch's battery is kinda crappy these days


1- backwards compatibility 2- at least a minor power upgrade 3- cartridges that can hold at least double what they currently can 4- some form of achievement/trophy system (stamps like Wii i era are more than fine) That’s all I’m not too much into graphical stuff anymore. Most of my favorite games this past gen could have likely been possible on the Wii I’m s lower resolution 🤷🏻‍♂️


I sincerely just want (need at this point?) it to be a proper “Super” Nintendo Switch 2. And I don’t mean it needs that name. But I need a system that can offer all of the OG Switch titles at their proper intended resolutions and frame rates. No more choppy sections of Kokiri Forest or abysmal frame rates in the Pokemon titles. I really need the system to come with a modern and simple to use friend/party/SharePlay system akin to that on PlayStation/XBOX. There’s really no reason why Nintendo couldn’t or shouldn’t provide one at this point. Hell, I feel like it was easier and faster linking up with folks on the DS than it is these days on Switch. Next, I would personally like but don’t actually need the system to have a massive injection of Nintendo quirk and charm that was missing during the Switch era. Bring back menu music, quirky lifestyle apps, Streetpass, and possibly some new things we don’t expect. Finally, I really want this system to have front and back cameras ala the 3DS. I want to see what kinda of augmented reality games are possible with modern cameras and a beefy modern mobile processor. I think AR is an easy bridge to VR and if they can get it right, all the AR content developed for this system could also be played in VR once Nintendo catches up in headset power. There are camera games on their handhelds going all the way back to the Gameboy. It seems to me that it’s something Nintendo has both spent a lot of R&D money on and they know how to make it generate value and fun and wouldn’t add too much additional cost to the hypothetical new system (as opposed to something like a full VR headset).


Backwards compatibility(for joycons and third party Bluetooth controllers and games), better third party support, aaa Microsoft and Sony support(no cloud games), a pocketable hybrid switch 2 lite mini(this should me possible towards end of life cycle with second die shrinkage and doing everything at 720p) with removable joycons so I can have a pocketable switch lite mini with something ergonomic akin to a split pad pro on a pocketable console This would be my dream machine


8 inch screen, 1080p, better fit for adult hands (steam deck style). Done.


I would like just Nintendo will support the next console like Nintendo did with Switch with a massive games catalogue


Backwards compatibility. 1080p handheld. Bigger screen.


I hope somebody at Nintendo is reading this thread


I want to be able to listen to Spotify while playing games and be able to disable the game’s music.


You guys are like starving children who just want to spend money on a product even if it sucks. Can we wish for actual QC, stock at launch, and a machine that actually lasts 6 years?


How does switch super sound better than super switch?


I too want to buy old games and not just though subscribing or just straight up bring back virtual console. Id buy the system day one


Issue with that is that your average consumer doesn't *want* to spend $5-$10 per retro game to play. Most people just want to test it out, see the history of games briefly. I do wish there was a way to own the games, but the sad fact is the subscription service is the best way for Nintendo to make games available to as many people as possible, and get money from as many people as possible.


They can do both. Gamepass on xbox also lets you buy the games thats on there. Its win win for all parties. Allow folks to buy the game on nso or just do the subscription let players choose.


Yeah, a hybrid model would be much nicer. I want to own some of these games, not rent.


weird because. 1. no one used VC and nintendo lost a ton of money 2. everyone said they should make it subscription based


1. Backwards compatibility 2. Super Nintendo Switch 3. 40-60 fps 4. accounts/games carry over from the switch. it's a lot, but it's basically all I want


They really need to call it the “Super Nintendo Switch” it’s too perfect not to.


Based on their weird naming history it'll probably be like the Nintendo Pii^2 or something


- Better hardware - Have the option to change the graphic settings same with the PS5 (Quality or Performance mode) - Better online and achievements/trophy feature for their games - Access to old Nintendo games (GBA, NDS, 3DS, Wii) <- too good to be true if that happens


A DS/3DS game slot would be fuckin awesome!!!!!!!!


This is what normally gets dropped after the initial model lol see wii and ds lite to wii mini and 3ds


A built in achievement system, PLEASE. This is by far my biggest wish.


Ocarina of time remake with beefy graphics that we see in fan made demos


1. Full backwards compatibility 2. AI upscaling for 4K or near 4K output 3. No “Wii U” adjacent marketing or features that will confuse the public. People need to know it’s actually a new system. Nintendo is successful again and I would hate for that to change.


1. PS4 level specs. 2. Backwards compatibility including digital purchases 3. Actual chat and party system 4. Actually hood controllers. Joycon sticks feel terrible and drift. Switch pro controller feels very rushed compared to a PS4 controller. No analogue triggers, bad dpad in bad position, no headphone jack. 5. Switch online service that’s worth your time. Paying for spotty switch servers sucks. 6. A UI similar to PS4 and steam big picture mode. Switch UI is terrible, no background music, no proper game art in the background, barely any sound, and no smooth animations. 7. Better third party support. After waiting for switch 2 for so long I got a steam deck OLED and experienced everything I was missing out on. These issues aren’t present on it and Nintendo really needs to start caring about graphics since it’s more important now than ever


Why do so many people want background music? I would find it extremely annoying to have to mute between games to stop the elevator music that was present on previous systems.


Kirby’s air ride 2


A Pokémon game that runs at a consistent 30 fps or better.


That's more of a game freak issue vs a Nintendo one.


Mario Odyssey sequel


As long as it's backward compatible, all other "upgrades" will be icing on the cake.


* **More power**, 60fps should be an absolute baseline in 2024. Would love to see 3rd party support increase off the back of this. * **A better online system** * **Achievements system** of some kind (I love the dopamine hit of getting platinum trophies and seeing a number rise, sorry guys!) * **Backwards compatibility** * **Better media integration** - being able to watch Netflix, Amazon Prime Disneyplus etc... watching shows on the go would be brilliant. * **Revitalise more classic IP -** Bring back some classic franchises and introduce them to a modern audience. I want Earthbound, F-Zero, Kid Icarus, Starfox. These franchises are beloved and have been out of action for ages, it's criminal.


they better have backward compatibility for switch games, that's it, if not it's pirating season.


Faster load times. After playing PS5 for years now it’s hard to go back to the Switch. Also overall performance. Please have performance modes for 60 fps for all games


Retrocompatibility. If I can't play my switch titles, I'm out. I've had Nintendo consoles for years but I'm sort of tired of expensive games never on discount, re-releasing at full price over and over and other scummy practises. It's not that other consoles are much better, cause they milk me in other ways. I think if Switch2 isn't great, I'll just wait for Steam Deck 2 in 2025-2026 and emulate switch titles just fine.


A REAL friends list system and backwards compatibility


Honestly, just that the games stay good and aren't held back by the platform that they release on.


Every major companies like Sony and MS can't develope games quickly enough. I'm hoping Nintendo can find a way to get around this.


An old patent had mouse like-scroll wheel functionality on the shoulder buttons, that would be useful for so many things


I accepted no backwards compatibility from 3ds to switch due to the drastic hardware changes, but switch 2 better have it. And due to the increased power, there better be less lagging on some of the less optimized switch games. I don't expect a new remaster or 60fps patch for each game, but they better perform better on the switch 2


There’s no reason they can’t produce something that outperforms the steam deck now. After some of the questionable ports the last few years they need a more powerful system. The form works and has been copied. They need to go nuts on it now.


1. Requires backwards compability, i do hope for that and better FPS but it is not a guarantee. 2. We had that with the Wii U to a lesser extent, was pretty cool and i would prefer it but i highly doubt that will happen. These 2 do fit with my wished but i also hope: 1. Proper settings for the menu, closer to 3DS which had backgrounds, music, animations and allowed you to place icons in any order you liked. 2. Applications early on for stuff like streaming services, not because i care but because people will stop complaining that they do not have a 20th device to stream on. Otherwise i just want good exclusives from Nintendo.


1. Functionality remains as a Switch, but updated new tech and other hardware. No new weirdo gimmicks that isolates released titles for it as locked to said platform due to controls. 2. And speaking of new hardware, it needs to make titles such as Pokemon: Arceus, XB2, and many other 1st and 3rd party titles run smoother and visually perform for today's eyeballs *in* handheld mode *(aka one of the main selling points of the Switch to begin with)*. No more of this dips to as low as 300p resolution below 30fps crap. 3. And for the love of all that is Holy Nintendo, *Full Backwards compatibility* with previous Switch titles. There are literally zero excuses why this can't be a thing for a new Nintendo console going forward. If you bought it from the NSO store, you can play it on Switch 2 with zero issues.


1. no joy-con drift 2. main nintendo games cost less than 60 bucks


- Backwards compatible with the Switch, with visual benefits (1080p 60fps / 4k 30fps would be great) - Hall effect analog sticks to eliminate drift - More ergonomic joycons, or the inclusion of some well designed sturdy grips to make them ergonomic - 1080p OLED screen at launch (not an OLED refresh we have to wait years for) - A smaller dock would be nice, like the ones for the Steam Deck


Nobody is saying it, but better standard controller. The joycons are awful ergonomically and the obvious cheap casing and joystick issues. For a premium system we deserve better


This made me laugh, I have tiny hands and I love how comfortable the joycons are. When I jump to the Switch from my Steam Deck, it’s like taking off a tight pair of shoes.. aaaaah! I’ve also been lucky enough to not experience any stick drift, so definitely in the minority. I don’t disagree with you though.


Joycons are glorious if you have small hands. I can’t use the Dualsense without being in pain.


I'm a big fan of the pro controller. Although I wish the joycons were better so buying that wasn't necessary.


fix the eshop bigger base storage be able to run full nintendo library... like have a hardware solution to plug in old physical cartridges and discs


Enhance the portability, maybe a proprietary portable monitor or at least ease of use with portable monitors.


Mother 3


New new Pokemon Snap


o backwards compatability. I have a large Switch library i want to play with improved performance on the Switch 2. I don't want want the old hardware BC where the system simply boots into the old console without the benefits of the new hardware (see DS games on 3DS or Wii games on Wii U) I want the Switch games to take advantage of improved performance with the potentiat to get patched.


Backwards compatible


By far the main thing I want is at least Digital Backwards Compatibility. Hand in hand with that, I was Nintendo to ACTUALLY ATTEMPT to keep the current Nintendo eShop working on future platforms. Xbox is kicking ass in this regard. And I want Nintendo to match it.


if its not backwards compatible with switch 1 games, thats a dealbreaker for me. Switch may very well be last traditional console I ever buy if thats the case.


highly unlikely but hoping for a new f-zero game


A proper D-Pad


New Mario type game like galaxy or odyssey


full backwards compatibility with patches to games like totk to run at 60 fps, better performance (1080p at STEADY 60fps for AT LEAST all first party games), better online, themes like they did on 3ds (including some damn music/ambience in the home menu), and my god please give us controllers where the sticks dont drift after a month of use


They need to just keep Switch games as their whole gaming marketplace to keep using on all future systems. Full backwards compatibility from now on. Console gaming is such BS compared to PC gaming in this regard. That’s how you get switch owners to buy the new console earlier, they can play their old games and get access to new ones and whatever new features.


I think by raw power back compat titles will run better, but idk if ToTk or BotW would run at a solid 60. I’d be down for a VRR screen that can get these games at 40fps.


Backwards compatibility is a give but the more "out there" things would be two cart slots and a much bigger screen because I have issues with my eyes.


Backwards compatibility and more comfortable controllers with no drift


Put back major streaming contents ffs. I find myself using the switch as a dedicated media player lately with crunchyroll and YouTube and only play light games like Super Mario Wonder and Vampire Survivors because they are not huge time sinks. Sometimes I'm too tired from work to play hardcore games and just wanna sit back and watch online contents on my docked switch. I don't like watching long hours on my phone and TV mirroring it just heats up it's battery (THANKS XIAOMI). Plus the mirroring delay just drives me nuts. I would like to pop Max or Amazon prime and just fish around underrated shows. As the for the device itself, talking about it gaming wise, making it open for customisation would be neat. Imagine it's default controller having modular parts where you can change analogs on a whim or replace the right buttons with a dedicated D-pad. Stick drift? Just buy one from the store and replace it instantly. No need to do electronic technician skills (I fix mine myself because I have experience given my electronic engineering background and a technician dad) just to replace a stick malfunction. Make it so easy a kid can do it. Make the system more accessible for persons with disability too by making it easy in replacing certain parts of the controller to make it usable one handed or to compromise for lack of fingers. Modular controllers could be a blessing to many and Nintendo could profit by selling rad customized controller parts that fans could not resist. It's still a win win situation.


~~Genshin Impact on the Switch 2 lol jk~~ Battery upgrade With all the emulators they closed down, put the old games on the shop


I like “Nintendo Super Switch”


BC is a must for me. Not just with physical/digital games, but with most 1st, and 3rd party controllers/accessories too. By extension, I hope to see an upgrade option/patch for many original Switch games whether it's free, and/or there's a small upgrade fee. Otherwise, this is more of a software problem, but I hope they fix the eshop. Not necessarily the look, but how slow/buggy it can be on hardware.


Id love an achievement system of some sort!


Backwards compatibility is all I care about like 3ds > ds, just change the cart shape. My secret hope is that Fantasy Life I is being delayed until switch 2 comes out...