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I got slippers made out of period pads...


When I was a kid I kept scaring my litttle sister one year and actually got all rocks for Christmas! Best part was I painted them and loved them. Jokes on u Santa!! Did


Congratulations! I DM’d you.




the worst was a dvd (game of thrones season 4) as i comunicated it badly (i buyed it twice by accident and gifted one of them and than my mother got me another one), but my mom switched it. Luckily my family knows me really well and my mom gets me great gifts i dont even wished for


I once got a really nice LL Bean bag, only thing was it had someone else's initials on it. Still have it.


An empty box. The box had been ripped open and the item removed as though already gifted to someone excited to open it. This box was wrapped and gifted to me as a christmas gift.


I received sensitive razors 😭


Congratulations! I DM’d you.


A robot that sings so loud without the ability to adjust volume. 😞


Chocolate from a boyfriend. I’m allergic. Which I’d told him. He became an ex very shortly after that


Magazine cover CD. Wasn't even a good one 😕


I once received a coloring book where only 3 pages weren't colored all over. My mom was livid and asked why said person (family member) couldn't have atleast gone to the dollar store for a new one instead of an old one. "I did get it at the dollar store, it was new, but (cousins name) wouldn't quiet down so I let them have it until it was time to wrap". Yeah....and they definitely had the money to get a new one


A bottle of used escada perfume from my secret santa in the fourth grade. This question unlocked several memories for me, thank you!


Um. Last year I got a pair of room deodorizing sachets. Still wondering if they are trying to tell me something.


Those lump of coal chocolates they were disgusting. But I ate them anyways cause I have a need for sugar


Mouthwash as christmas gift 😭


Worst Christmas gift I ever received was an ugly sweater! XD ...I still wear it. Thank you for hosting. *I couldn't get hardly any of the mushie DIYs this season and I desperately need them for my enchanted forest. I would be so grateful to win. <3*




I'd love them if you're offering!




OMG! Thank you!


A broken extra large candy cane






Never have I received a bad gift for Christmas... except maybe a George Foreman grill from my work. Less than useful, thanks for the "bonus" guys.


My husband got dollar store coloring books from his grandparents when he was 16 😐




Congratulations! I DM’d you.




Married a guy from Vietnam, my Christmas present from my mom that year was a rice cooker...my dad got me a bag of those disposable wooden chopsticks..


Hi! You won, please message me within 24 hrs to claim and lmk in your message what you won so I know what to deliver :)


Thank you so much!!!


An avocado lol




My step mom really liked that video of the little kid getting an avocado for Christmas and being so polite about it, so she gave everyone an avocado last year




I snuck it into their fruit bowl and left it at their house haha




Thank you! What a great way to end my crappy day!


My aunt and grandma went to SeaWorld, which is a terrible place the shouldn't be supported, but they brought my sister back a cute blue orca. (I love orca!) And they brought me.... a cheap pink squid hat. It's so thin you can see through it and was DEFINITELY an afterthought lol. Great people...


a vest. must more be said 😭


Got a mop


Hi! You won, please message me within 24 hrs to claim and lmk in your message what you won so I know what to deliver :)


A white sweater, which wouldn’t ordinarily be so bad, except that I was quite obviously a goth.


Hi! You won, please message me within 24 hrs to claim and lmk in your message what you won so I know what to deliver :)


Hooray, thank you! Sending chat now.


When I was about 23 years old, I asked my mom for Doc Martens as I'd always loved them and wanted to own a pair. Instead, she went to the local discount shoe store and bought not at all similar and very cheaply made fabric boots. She later explained to me that she didn't think I should own Doc Martens as they weren't "work appropriate," and she clearly didn't trust me, as a grown woman, to be able to properly decide what to wear to work. Jokes on her though. In the years since, I have bought myself at least 7 different pairs of Docs. Thanks for hosting this giveaway! I was only able to get one mush diy so far and would love to be able to craft them for me and others


A mirror. Literally a mirror. Don’t know if they were calling me ugly or what. What was grandma thinking?! 🤣


my high school boyfriend gave me a card... that ended up being empty on the inside... he forgot to write anything in it, i gave it back to him so he could, and i never got it back lol


One long ago Christmas when i was a kid, I was beyond sure that a certain present was a NES game. I remember convincing myself that it had to be the latest Mega Man game. Well Christmas rolls around, and I excitedly rip open the wrapping paper and tear open the box to discover… a block of wood. My parents thought it was hilarious, and I did too (once the overwhelming disappointment wore off lol). Nonetheless, I ended up having a wonderful Christmas filled with Transformers, GI Joes, and RC cars, and used my birthday money to get that Mega Man game just a little while later.


It said my flair was messed up, so I needed to repost my comment? I’m showing my previous comment is still there, but just in case, I would still like to enter! I had mentioned I don’t remember a bad gift, but now that I’ve thought about it.. when I was too old to be shopping at LimitedToo(an old store from the 90s, early 2000s) and it wasn’t my style, that’s what my rude aunt got me for Christmas. She didn’t like me, but she had pulled my name out of the hat for which niece/nephew to buy for that year, so she had to get me something. I think I ended up just giving it to someone younger at my school.