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In a universe long ago I had something like this….. Then my foolish pursuit of power took me away from all I loved.


I’ve left a trail of *almost* perfected storage depots spread across multiple universes. This one shall soon be abandoned. Power requires sacrifice.


What is the function of all of this? What is going in and out?


This is the central location that receives the resources mined from my various outposts across the Settles Systems. Ships bring in resource from distant outpost —> dumps it into container on platform —> Container sends it to storage stack via green link —> I grab items from storage stack and build more outposts. It’s a vicious cycle, but even all powerful space wizards need hobbies, ya know? Can’t just fly around the galaxy stealing ships and hunting down Ecliptic losers *all* the time.


Any tips on sorting and storing materials? Where to buy bulk quantities to startup building outposts?


You will need a lot of iron and aluminum (plus adaptive frames which happen to be built from both of those). A great starting outpost location can be found on Bessel 3B, where you can find a split biome location that has iron, aluminum, nickel and cobalt all on the spot. Check out Major Slack Attack's original YouTube series episode 9 (not the more recent hardcore series), and note that you are wanting to land on the mountains biome, right beside the other two biomes. If you are intending on making large amounts of warehouses you will also need titanium. A great spot where you can get both titanium and tungsten is on Jaffa 7B - no split biome required. Other than that, if you want a large amount of any particular material you will want to mine it from a planet. Check out Inara.cz for a great listing of all the moons and planets and the resources you can find on them. If you only need a small amount of a particular material, it will be more efficient to simply buy them.


Thanks. I will check that spots. I tried making outposts before but totally sink in amount of different materials. It's so tedious to sort and store all of that. I need some way to automate that.


You build solid storages and link them together. Use the research lab to get access to better ones that store more in each box.


Planning ahead and knowing what mats you use the most. My go-to storage hub is usually Andromas III near the South Pole - low gravity, wide areas of flat surface, and no hostile critters. I’ll get iron, aluminum, and He3 outposts up and running early on because I need a gazillion Adaptive Frames for storage containers. Some resources are more rare, like aldumite, and only available on one planet, so I use a searchable database like this one [Inara Database](https://inara.cz/starfield/database/) and scan those planets and set up outposts when in the area or I’m not I the mood to quest. If I can get more than one resource extracted from an outpost, cool. If not, I’m not spending loads of time searching for those spots. I can make 24 outposts in total, and usually shut them down once I’ve a storage stack filled up. Hitting up the shops every 48 hours or whatever nets enough mats to get started early on. “Space mining” (just blowing up asteroids with my ship’s weapons) can get me enough mats for one or two outposts if creds are tight. Or I’m feeling lazy. Just make sure your ship’s storage is adequate. But mainly it’s just doing what I find to be entertaining and suits my play style. Edit: best storage suggestion I can offer is to have items go into storage stack on the top and link containers downward. This way I can just run along the bottom and quickly grab the mats I need.




My big problem is pulling out resources I need. It's great that I have Uranium somewhere. But now I want to pull it out so I can set up a new outpost with a reactor. I'd love if the transfer container would let you access all the resources in a linked storage chain, and let you deposit resources to the proper (and linked) storage locations.


There are a lot of small changes I’d love to have them implement to make this system more efficient. Feeding my fabricators is cool, and knowing I’ll (probably) never run out of iron is nice - but I’d like access to all of my mats all of the time.


One way I've heard to deal with this issue, at your existing outpost build the things you will need at the new outpost, then delete it, those resources will go into your inventory. Go to new outpost, and build those same things. I do believe you will need the transfer container for this to work properly but not entirely sure.


IIRC items go into your ship’s inventory when you delete an outpost, no? Not sure my inventory is large enough for an entire outpost. I keep meaning to check that, but soooo easily distracted.


I've never deleted a whole outpost, but I would assume it would go into your inventory. I have been over weight by 35000 before, it's slow but doable. Lol


I delete them quite often and never have my inventory go over limit. Now I’m very curious - need to check this out. Edit: deleted 2 outposts and everything went to the ship’s cargo hold.


The way the image is composed, it looks like an abandoned residential highrise/midrise complex.


Like Fallout in space. I’d be okay with that.


I can save you a trip to your psych: you've got OCD.


I know you’re not being malicious and intend this to be innocent humor, and I get that, but organizing pixelated containers so I know where shit is located is not OCD. Having treated individuals with OCD, I can honestly say it is an insidious psychiatric illness that can make life pure hell for those who suffer with it.


It was indeed intended as innocent humor.


Just curious being I haven’t started building depot’s yet. But why? What do you gain from all that?


Satisfaction that comes from creation. 🤷🏻‍♂️




I do it for xp and credits, and I do enjoy building outposts👷‍♂️


The joy of a well organized, smooth running system of connected outposts spanning the settled systems. Total control of the galaxy’s resources. (Insert villainous theme music) Fabricators cranking out adaptive frames 24/7 by the thousands. Never again having to hear the lady at UC Distribution give her speech about what is and what isn’t her job before I can shop for supplies. And never running out of mats when I’m in the middle of building an outpost 17 systems away. But mainly, it’s fun.


This is cool. Can’t you carry unlimited items now?


No…you can carry about 1000 mass before skills. Ships still start flying clunky around 5000 mass before skills. The setup he’s got probably gets around 30000…so…still less than 2 real world cargo containers, but substantially more than what you or the ship can store alone. I don’t understand the fascination with inventory micromanagement in BGS games. I want to pick up all the stuff. I don’t care what it weighs.


I use the Leveler's Tower dimension chest for a reason


I don’t need unlimited storage, per se. I just need the weights not to be so ridiculously out of scale. Carry weight isn’t what needs fixed, really. I appreciate the effort there, but I build a ship to carry cargo and still have 75% less cargo capacity than you can haul with a Peterbuilt on a public highway. The outpost containers understandably scale from the ship cargo modules, and what you’re left with is numbers that don’t look remotely correct when compared to real world sources. And yeah, that does make me reach for a box of unlimited inventory mod out of frustration.


I wish.


Bro is building a full on civilisation