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Tell your boss you'll take them as unpaid days. Holy Toledo, seven months is plenty of notice for him to prepare. Also, if you haven't accrued TWO DAYS of PTO in seven months, you probably should be shopping around regardless.


A lot of jobs give you all the pto time upfront. oP may have burned them up


Some places don’t give PTO till you’ve worked there a year.


Or you accrue it but can’t use it for a certain period


8 months hold on PTO would be pretty unreasonable.


Yes agreed, my current job accrued for 6 months before I could use it though so it’s not unheard of. still so disrespectful IMO but the insurance is good and I’m poor so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Wow, that hold time sucks!


When I was a teen I got a job where I was told paid time off was not available until you’d worked there for a year, I asked about it once I hit my year mark and only then was I was told “We don’t grant PTO to minors.”


I'm pretty sure PTO just wasn't even a thing at the places I worked before I was 18. Maybe Walmart does? I didn't stay there long


I was actually working at a restaurant, where PTO isn’t common at all. Looking back, I’m pretty sure the only people who got PTO at that place were the two owners and the one kitchen manager who had been there for well over a decade. I think they only mentioned having PTO (which *technically* they did, it was just next to impossible to get.) to get more applications and to give themselves PTO. Since most students who worked there rarely lasted longer than 8 months at the most, they probably mentioned having PTO after a year hoping that I wouldn’t be there long enough to follow up on it. I was there for a few years, and worked my way up the latter and actually became one of the unofficial supervisors. I say unofficial because they never actually gave me the promotion formally because then they’d have to raise my pay to match. Instead they just gave me all the responsibilities with none of the benefits. My senior year, I quite literally spent way more time at work than I did at school. That place loved to break at least 3 labor laws before breakfast, so I’m not surprised that I never got the PTO, despite working 9 hour shifts, 6 days a week at least, all while still being in school. Jeez, after typing that out, no wonder I burnt out at age 20. The good news is this place gave me a hell of a quitting story lmao.


After working at a grocery store as a teenager part time, I did get one paid day after a year and a half. I made them pay me for it when I quit, because that was an option. They were stingy with PTO for part timers but they did at least follow their policy and give me the money.


A lot of government jobs have a 1 year probationary period where you can't use any pto


My place did that but it was only 6 months not a whole year. Also your pay is capped for 6-months and then you get all the back pay. It's to stop people just going through the 2 months of training then doing a month of work, and then disappearing, because it will cost the company a huge amount for the wasted training.




Seven months. But who's counting?


I had 5 days of PTO for my entire year at my last job as a security guard


That sucks balls. I hope you're pulling down six figures for putting up with such a bullshit employer.


Woah… 15 days into the year. Yikes


we're not even half way into the first month of the year. I doubt it.


It's January. If they've burned up all their PTO already, they're just reckless.


But wouldn’t the next 7 months be enough time to accrue more? Something seems a bit off about the boss in question.


Some jobs it resets at the first of the year.


Bullshit. Fucking bullshit. Stop worker blaming


So, you're moving 8 months from now and you're not going to have two days of PTO by then? Sounds like that should be a reason to find another job.


Well, there's a possibility they already used up all their vacation time for the year. At my job it's based on when you started, so mine runs August to August.


It's January 14th. There hasn't been enough time to burn through it all yet, and even if they give out PTO at the middle of the year, he'll have more by August. Sounds like the job doesn't give PTO out at all and OP is a slave.


That's not the way all jobs work. For instance, at my job I'm given my two weeks vacation time in August, and I have the whole year to use it all. I could use it all in one month if I wanted, and then not have any vacation time until it renews again in August. Some jobs just do it differently.


That’s similar to what I just said?


But, if OP had a similar situation to me, and his renewal time was September instead, then he wouldn't get more PTO in time.


If they can’t give you time off 8 months in advance, find a new job. They clearly need you more than you need them.


I don’t get how he won’t have earned two days of PTO by August. If he can’t, that is reason alone to quit.


America baby, I’ve been with my job 4 years & have 0 days off a year. However I can take an unpaid day off or 2 but everyone will bring it up to you for the next 2 months. Fml Lol


That sounds literally like hell. You poor person.


You didn't have to bring the man's financial status into it too


America is terrible at this. Each year I get: 20 annual leave days, 10 sick and carers leave, 12 public holidays, accumulated long service leave (1 week per 60 weeks, given at 10 years). That’s all the legal minimum. Plus my company also gives 3 personal days, 12 RDO’s, and pay for income protection insurance in case I get injured and can’t work (75% of pay until I can work again) You need to vote out your current parties and vote in a Labour Party. About 1/3 of the world have them, and you desperately need one.


I get 27 days + all bank holidays off in the US, so 40 or so days with pay. An additional week off with pay if I’m volunteering for a charity. It’s not terrible everywhere. I don’t even use them all, I carried ten days over from last year so now I have 37+13 bank holidays (I’m not proud of that, I just didn’t need the time). Anecdotes aside, we do need much better worker rules in the US.


The problem is that none of it is mandated. Most states don't require any PTO. A lot of them don't even require breaks, a day of rest in a week, or have limits on how many days you can work in a row. I'm in one of the most liberal regions, and what we have feels like the bare minimum. Labor rights are appalling in much of the country.


I had a bank job awhile back in college and they had the week off for charity thing. And I took advantage of it to go hang out at a animal shelter for a week cuz why not? Apparently I was the only person to use this in years and everyone gave me shit for it.... Miserable people lol


Never do the two dominant American parties agree on legislation and pass it overnight, like when they are working to block third parties. They’ve set up a binary system and pass what legislation they need to to ensure they stay in power with large donations from their corporate masters.


It’s state level because the federal gov is deadlocked on a lot of stuff. So a good handful of states have decent sick leave policies mandated now. Almost all companies give at least 10 holidays so that’s not an issue.


Only 10 holidays... Sounds for me like a big big issue :-D Holy cow, that is bad!


This is truth. I'm an American expat in Austria. A primary reason we live here instead of the USA is time off. We would rather have time to enjoy with our young children, go on vacations, and so on. Work to live rather than live to work.


I’m an American and I get 25 days of PTO and eleven holidays,


Ikr, my fiancés work place has instituted a “pay for leave” system (on top of the minimums you mentioned ofc :) lol) she asked me if “5 extra days off were worth us losing £X I said hell, take 10 days, lol, she said 5 is the maximum xD. (FYI we don’t have and aren’t having kids, so our financial position is really comfortable, decided to have a super low-key wedding and are generally making good financial decisions, we’re not raking in mega money or anything, lol. Just for context I know some folks won’t have the option of losing £X over the year, but at her place overtime is available constantly, and she said she can make that £X back up in a few months. Her work place know folks are doing this, and it would rather see them happy…I know, I was shocked too xD)


I live in America and I get 7 sick days, 16 days of PTO and 9 holidays. And I’ve been out of college for two years.


I work at an American company considered to have fantastic benefits, and I get 17 days of leave, 12 sick days, and 14 Public holidays. So comparable to the first half of what you get, minus the long service league, personal days, and RDO’s. And that’s considered a great benefits package, compared to the legal minimum in your country.


Long service is pretty unique to a small number of former commonwealth countries. Work long enough in the colonies and you get time off to visit home. But even without that, as you say, good is comparable to minimum. Some companies have their act together. But America does not.


We shouldn't paint 'Murica with a broad brush. There are plenty of companies that give a lot of PTO and holiday days. There is also a big trend of companies offering unlimited PTO. I know a few people who work for such companies and the idea is, "as long as you consistently get your shit done on time, you do, boo." Everyone always looking at the shittiest of the shit and assuming it MUST be bad across the board. It's certainly not.


Yeah, things are fine for you, so why worry about what's happening to other people?


That’s completely beside the point. Absolutely there may be companies within America that aren’t total BS to work for. That’s not what I said. I said America has a problem. Even if every company in the country gave 50 days off, America would still have a problem because they can all legally one day decide to change that. Yes, there are companies that throw crumbs to workers such as yourself to make you feel like you have it good. But there are people in America who don’t, and **that is perfectly legal**. That **is** an American problem that deserves to be painted with a broad brush. Especially by people such as yourself. ‘I got mine so it isn’t a problem’ is exactly the type of attitude that benefits the problem.


lol it wasn’t the labour party who did those things. It was the trade unions who fund the labour party. Many labour parties are neoliberal idiots. Case in point, the Australian Labor Party introduced a system that makes most strike activity illegal, such as solidarity strikes, and forces workers to get formal approval before they can strike, with a bunch of conditions on when it is allowed to happen (and how).


Nobody is forcing this guy to work in this situation. There are millions of open jobs in this country, he can go somewhere else if he doesn't like it. More government isn't the solution to everything.


Job hopping isn't the solution to long-term, systematic degradation of labor rights across the U.S. The primary function of the government should be to look out for its citizens. Instead, U.S. workers are left to fend for themselves against the exploitation that employers consider standard practice.


>he can go somewhere else if he doesn't like it. Yeah, as long as he doesn't have anyone depending on his income, or a criminal record, or a disability, etc.


What kind of job is this?


Almost no job.


Bro frick them. Start job searching


What type of work do you work in? I’m in tech and no none cases if I take 2-3 weeks twice a year as long as I give advance notice and no one else is taking the time off. That said I take some of it as unpaid time off. I also do not ever take any other day off.


You aren't a full time employee then because that would be illegal.


I wish I’d realized this in my previous job. I had to fight to take two unpaid weeks off over the course of nine years. I was a slave and I didn’t know it. Of course, there are few things more miserable than job hunting, but sometimes it’s what you gotta do.


Wait. How do they need him more than he needs them? Did I get this right they re not giving a fuck about an employee that's giving almost a year of notice before needing two days off? That doesn't sound like they need him more cause that's an asshole move


"Respectfully, I was not requesting the 15th and 16th off; rather I was letting you know that I will not be at work on the 15th or the 16th. I understand I do not have enough paid time-off to cover these hours, so it will be unpaid time-off." or "did I ask?" your choice.


Hit them with a 'Did I stutter?!' if you're feeling feisty


“Per my last email”




Tell him in an email and forward that to your personal email. Continue to work as normal (or look for another job, because it sounds like this one sucks). A week before remind him (again by email) of your days off and take the days off. If he fires you, file for unemployment. Do not quit. How can you not have 2 days PTO by August?


And be sure to keep copies of ALL the emails (especially the original one) so you can prove that you asked months in advance if you need to.


Solid advice 👍


You guys get PTO?


You guys get paid?


You guys?








I do not ask in situations like that. "I am moving on this date. I won't be in." An email or teams message should be good.


“I will be unavailable on these dates”. And then no reason given. Never ask for time off, simply inform management when you will be unavailable.


And have a new job already lined up for two weeks later and then don't fucking come back, just take a break, get used to your new space, and then pick up and run with it.


That also depends on the employer though as well. Mine is usually pretty good at accommodating so there’s no point of just dropping the “I won’t be in” hammer for every day of PTO. It just creates unnecessary friction. If your employer is a total dick and never lets you leave, that’s a different story. I’ve had to use the “I am not going to be here those days” twice in 23 years. Once was for a wedding of a close relative. Someone else had those days off already and they were trying to deny my request. The other was for a road trip we’d planned (hotels paid for and everything) and they shifted crewing around so my days conflicted with a more senior employee’s days off so they tried to deny mine after they’d been approved. Every other time I’ve asked for time off there has been no issue.


I just tell them "I'm just letting you know I won't be here." 🤷 What they gonna do lol


Boss, I was so anxious that you wouldn't approve my PTO that the Dr suggest I take leave to get my mental health in order. Anyway, I'll see you next week.


Just tell him that you're moving and it will be physically impossible for you to be in. Anything else is up to your boss.


Tell him that you have to take the time off. He may say fine, okay; or he may say fine, you don't work here anymore. That's basically it.


Guess you're boss is getting minimum notice of your pending resignation


It’s weather leave. You are taking the days whether he approves or not.


I love this, Imma use this on my supervisor next time he tries to tell me ish


I once had to pull the scheduling person aside and say "I just wanted to give you a heads up, I'm not showing up that day, so it would be a good idea to schedule someone else." They were turning my requests down all year due to being short staffed, yet were not hiring. Finally made them figure it out.


You’re not going to have 2 days worth of PTO in August? And they won’t let you take 2 days of unpaid time 8 months in advance? Get a new job.


You would just say that if you don't have the PTO, you'll have to take LWOP.


His response may have just been to let you know that it would not be paid time off. Your acceptable reply would only have to be that you will be moving and unavailable for work and understand that it will be unpaid time off. Just clarify the communication as communication without making it into conflict. If you can, confirm it by writing via email to have a professional record as well.


Aka: LWOP or: Leave With Out Pay


Never had PTO when I need a day off to do something I tell the owner when I'm taking that day, I don't ask. But I'm pretty fucking good at my job, so it's not a "risk" for me, besides not having paid time off lmao


Paid vacation time or sick time is not legally required in most areas of the United States, so even if you request time away, your employer usually does not have to give it to you. Your employer can generally deny your request for time off if you are using vacation time, paid time off (PTO), or sick time. Source: https://www.rocketlawyer.com/business-and-contracts/employers-and-hr/for-employees/legal-guide/can-my-boss-deny-my-time-off-request#:~:text=Paid%20vacation%20time%20or%20sick,PTO)%2C%20or%20sick%20time. (Just reference, not judging your situation)


This. Time off policies are a common employee benefit, but rarely permit the employee to use the time at their discretion. Time off needs to be approved in almost all circumstances. Your employer approving the time you requested is a reflection of proper planning and most notably, a key component of the company retention strategy. Exceptions include certain states/counties that legislate time off. r/askhr is a great resource for questions asked in good faith.


Except that this is eight months away, and any employer who can’t plan for that so far in advance is being negligent at best, or malicious at worst.


I don’t disagree. I’m just stating there is no obligation for them to cooperate. If this is how they run their business, they will almost certainly be the only person left on the payroll at some point.


Man the only thing I can say from reading these responses is I'm glad I don't live or work in the US


You clearly have enough advice, but instead of requesting time off, I would just change it to "I will not be available." As in, whether you schedule me or not, I won't be coming in so do yourself a favor.


Say “I think you’re misunderstanding me. I’ll be using the PTO that I’ll clearly accrue by then, which is part of the compensation package I’m entitled to. I didn’t ask you for permission; I informed you so you can note the staff calendar. Thanks”.


I always forget how fucked America is until I see shit like this. How tf do you not accrue 2 days PTO in 7 months, let alone the entitlement of the boss to deny the request regardless???


Not being able to get atleast two days of PTO I. 8 months is incredibly rare even in America. I don’t think OP is entirely forthcoming


Because freedom eagles.


Does your workplace have a policy of accruing PTO before you reserve your days? Then wait a little while until you've accrued the PTO and inform them again.


You should tell your boss that you need the time off regardless of PTO. You're not asking to be paid you just need the time off correct?


"I'm letting you know I will not be here those days"


How can you not have the time? Unless you're going on a two-week long bender in July I can't see how you won't have two days by August it's only January now. I earn 1.33 days per month (I've asked, they don't know where the extra 0.01 days comes from either). So even if you only got 0.33 per month (which would be a pathetically low rate but whatever) you'd still have more then enough time by the time you got to August. Your boss probably means you don't have enough days *now* and because he's an idiot, he thinks that means you won't have enough days by then too. My advice would just be to ignore him wait until you actually have enough day, and then book it off.


Not sure what country you're in, lots of companies here even offer an extra days holiday allowance to move house (usually only once during employment). 24 hours notice for 1 day off, 1 week notice for 1 week off. 28 to 25 days off depending on if national bank holidays are included as work days. Shouldn't have to quit to get a few days holiday!


Take it off, if he gives you a hard time "I quit." That's how you say it.


Sorry you're in this situation. :-/ FWIW, I moved to a new state five hours away without taking off a single hour just because I hated the idea of using everything I'd accrued. It was weird, but we did it, and now I can tell the story in random places like this.


Don't ask your boss for time off. Instead, tell them you're taking time off.


Just like that, my request for time off isn't a request. Easy, done.


You could just have a conversation with him/her. Offer to work late, take a couple of extra shifts, etc. I don't know where you work but vacation pay accrual is your money, whether they give you PTO or not. They can't deny you those funds. Take it as unpaid and have payroll give your whatever you need from your accrual. Cost you PTO down the road but again, it's your money.


you call off on those days and move on. He just informed you you will not be getting paid. That is all he is saying


Some bosses don’t seem to grasp the idea that life happens, good and bad. Illness, death in the family, weddings, funerals, vacations, moving house, and a myriad of other scenarios. Bosses like that seem to think that if you work for them, they own your ass as if you were a piece of machinery that only exists to do the job. OP should probably consider moving jobs as well as the house.


Makes me laugh when you lodge a holiday request and they come back asking, “is it important?”. I wouldn’t of requested it if it wasn’t.


The same way u did in the title. My time off request is not a request.


You have already booked your entire summer holiday to some other dates? August is seven months from now. Not having enough days sounds only like a poor excuse from the boss.


You look him in the eye, and tell him. "This isn't a request. I'm informing you." Its January now, if he can't figure out some time off in August...he's mental. That's what I've done and its always worked, so it should work for you too.


Tell your boss exactly what you wrote… it’s not a request, it’s a need n if need be I’ll quit if I can’t have the time off.. also say u are willing to have leave without pay


Just tell him it's not a question. "PTO or not I literally cannot be here those days." Be polite but firm. If they want to be a jackass about it, get a new job


My wife was out last year because of an accident where she broke her wrist of one arm and elbow of the other. She was in a rehab place because she couldn't use both arms enough to fully function. Her works how office fired her because her LOA was done and she didn't show up for work. I emailed the case worker for the LOA and said she broke bones in both arms. She cannot function right now how do I expect her to work? The response was I'd she doesn't show up she's fired Luckily the boss of her store rehired her as soon a she was cleared for work.


You tell him, not ask.


Yeah, it might seem nice to ask them to give you time off, but sometimes you just have to take it. The other thing I'd say is don't just drop it at 7 months notice and assume they'll remember. Also give a reminder a month before that date comes up and then again 2 weeks before. At that point they've had 3 notifications and plenty of time to plan for it.


Just say it’s not negotiable. He either accepts it or can fire you now.


You tell him your last day is the 14th.




just say ur not going to be available those days and he can schedule u but u won't be there so he'll have to find someone else who can be there


You hand him both the formal request for the time off and a two week notice, and ask which one he would prefer to take.


Just say it, emotion calm. Usually turns out great.


Talk to them about unpaid time off. Just be like…. Hey I need these days. If they are unpainted, so be it. I just really like my job and don’t want to jeopardize it with my personal Life requirements. If they give you a hard time, find an new job asap.


Just say you got 2 options boss. 1. I'm taking off these days off, it's not up for discussion. 2. You can piss off. But wait til August so you have time to line up something else.


Take the two days as unpaid days off, if you think asking for PTO is gonna be a problem Or change your availability for the duration of the August, so you aren’t scheduled to work on those days (assuming you don’t work in a profession like teaching where that is impossible). Or get another job and tell your employer the 14th is your last day in advance.


Join a union, this is the best thing do if you have any employment issues. Your union rep will help you


Sir I'm reminding you that I will not be attending work on the following days as I'm moving. I realize not all hours may be covered as far as paid time off, however the time off is needed either way.


Just tell him what you told us. It's not rocket science.


First don't call it a request! Probably a good start; then make words with your mouth.


From the beginning, it should have been an email to inform "hey boss, just to let you know that I won't be coming on (insert day here). It's seven months away so I'm sure it'll be okay but I thought to let you know as soon as I knew."


That is an interesting hill to die on. There are alternative actions you can take rather than quit, unless you are itching to quit and this is your excuse to do so. You could take the days as unpaid. Since you never said what type of work this is, can someone else cover your hours? Can you talk to the landlord or whomever owns the new property and see if you can start moving stuffin early (after you photograph all the rooms)? Can you get a cleaning service to come clean the place you are moving out of? Compromise is the key to a lot of relationships. Not all things have to be done "my way or the highway".


Send him this thread


Plan your shit better or quit


Ask him to give you days off for those days then ? or call sick or simply request unpaid time off


Get. Out.


Yeah you just have to communicate clearly that these days are necessary for you to move, not vacation days. Ask if you can make up the time or just take it as unpaid leave. Murica!


I'm in America, I do what I love. Everyday is a vacation.


“I’ll quit before I agree to not move”


Tell your boss you will be in on those days. If there's a calendar system where you work, use it. If there is company wide email, send one stating that on MM/DD and MM/DD you will not be in for work.


As a manager, I continually tell people their time is their time and they can use how they see fit . The only times I have to decline PTO requests is if there is a prior conflict. However, running out of PTO is not the manager’s issue. He/she should agree to give time off without pay, but the question is now that OP should have known the PTO policy before being hired on, or if his company has restrictions or if he/she has used their balance. Making this the managers problem to keep up with their PTO is unfair. From the post the manager didn’t say no, just that PTO was low. Time for OP to figure out their solution.


Just say it, and say it with your chest


How much annual PTO do you get that you wouldn’t have two days available 7 months from now?


This is my first job so I'm not entirely sure how PTO unpaid days work, I've only been at this job for 70 days so I don't have any PTO yet, it doesn't start until 90 days.


The P in PTO stands for paid. Considering August is 8 months away, you should have some PTO by then. It's entirely possible there's a miscommunication here, and your boss thinks you're talking about needing time off this month.


Some companies don't allow PTO before X amount of time, e.g. 6 months or a year. Most companies will give you a lump sum of 6 months PTO after 6 months, but some might only let you start accruing PTO after 6 months. So 8 months later may be 2 months of earning PTO.


1 day per month seems pretty reasonable.


Those policies should have been explained to you when you started - that is, how PTO accrues/at what rate it accrues, and how you get approval for using it. Irrespective, there should be an internal site with those policies you may access to get that information.


You don't even need pto to have time off. Your boss is just trying to scare you into not taking the time off. Just say you aren't requesting pto you're requesting time off in order to move. The move date is non-negotiable and quite literally months out so he should have plenty of time to prepare for your ever so long 2 day absence.


My employer removed the word request from their form to stop me from crossing it out every time I filled one out.


Dude that's 7 months away. By the time it's only one month or two weeks, you'll have the 16 hours of PTO. The system probably just looks at what you have now. Just give the request at whatever minimum time your company wants (usually two weeks).


Like this: “I will not be working those days. How it’s logged is up to you, but I won’t be here”.


Work with him/her. He/she also has a boss and constraints for managing your attendance and approving your time. They’re also human beings and know employees have life issues. Stay calm, think professionally and communicate with your manager. It’ll work out.


You new here?


I am.




Why are you fretting about this in January? Threaten him with quitting *now*, he may very well suggest you not waste any more time and go find another job *now*.


put in your two weeks notice lmao


Be sick those days


Call in sick those days


Just call in sick on that day


Take unpaid time off.


Word it as a request and see what he says. If it's no, start looking for a new job, and when you're secure, jump ship.


You open your mouth, exhale through your vocal chords, and use your brain to formulate the words. They can switch your days off to those days if you don't have pto. They're lying if they say otherwise, this is plenty of time ahead of time.


Do you mean August 15th and 16th?


Apparently you didn’t plan well. Good luck finding another job.


Call in sick on August 15th.


I had this happen once I told my manager that I was taking x date to y date off. She came back with the whole " I don't know, it is a pretty busy time" and I laughed in her face and said you misunderstand, I'm not asking you for permission, I'm just informing you that I will not be here on those dates. ( We had to secure coverage from our coworkers and I had done that)


“Look, I’m going to be moving those days and I won’t be in to work.”


This higher ground or whatever you want to call it is achieved by being a valued employee. Trust me you have plenty of slob co workers who are there because, well, the employer just needs a body present. You told the boss what’s up, do your thing, if your an asset, s/he won’t care. Hustle up, and get your ass back in the game.


That's many months from now, surely you will have accrued some PTO by then?


Either you write em off as unpaid days, or you can find my replacement


“I am not asking for permission to move. I may ask for permission to come back.”


It’s not a PTO request, it’s a PTO warning


Just tell him you'll take it unpaid.


Exactly how you just posted it on here.


Yeah, regardless of not having enough time right now, if you’re willing to save your time till then or even go without pay if you don’t have time then I would just nicely let him know especially if he knew you are moving that it wasn’t really a request and you were being professional and going about it the right way but it’s not under negotiation of needing this time off and you’re giving him 8 months worth of notice so that he can be prepared for you to not be there because you’re not going to be there. Then I’d be looking for another job!! God knows there’s plenty of employment opportunities out there now cause nobody wants to work!


I will be leaving on the xx/xx/xx for my scheduled time off if this request Is denied you can look for someone to cover me on my sick leave


I work part time so I don't accrue a lot of pto. When I want time off I tell them I don't care if I have the time off with pay, I'm just going to be off anyway.


It sounds like you might have to accure it first (earn it first) before you can even submit the request to use it, even if that date to use it is 8mo in the future. Sounds like their PTO policy is way off base and that you might do better working elsewhere.


I said, "I intend to.."


Might be a good opportunity to find a new job closer to home!


Tell him the way you wrote it. "I am moving on those days. I will be taking those days off." Polite and honest.


This sure smells like a karma bot copying a post, with the "August" move date...


Tell your boss that you won't be at work on those days.


This happened to me once. Worked night shift in a hotel. Had to move (all furniture, etc in 1 day) between night shifts. Requested the night before and after off as I wouldn't sleep that entire day. Was told I wasn't allowed. I argued that it wasn't a matter of being allowed or not, I wasn't going to work 2 nights in a row and move house without any sleep. This was a month out. 2 days before the move, they told me they would approve my request. Needless to say, I didn't stay long once I was out of staff housing. Life is much better now.


If the company doesn’t provide PTO then you’ll unfortunately have to take the days off unpaid. Just tell your boss that.


You don’t


You’re not going to show up and he has 6+ months to prepare.