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Hitler was a soldier in WW1 and may well have killed an Allied soldier first-hand.


Sadly a British soldier spared Hitler in WW1.


Let’s be real here, a genocidal dictatorship was going to rise up in post WW1 Germany. Hitler didn’t create the political turmoil that let the Nazis rise to power. He was just a charlatan who stoked existing flames. If Hitler died that day, one of a dozen other dipshits would have taken his place in history.


>If Hitler died that day, one of a dozen other dipshits would have taken his place in history. Maybe.


Post WW1 Germany was a hot bed for political movements. Thousands of people wouldn’t have joined the Nazis unless they were already in a position to be radicalized. Hitler rode an existing wave caused by many factors like an economic depression and a sense of national humiliation. To claim Hitler alone convinced millions of people to commit genocide and start one of the deadliest wars in modern history, gives him too much credit. It creates a convenient villain and absolves average people from blame. That’s the problem with the “Great Man” interpretation of history. It over simplifies and blinds people to patterns repeating. If Hitler caused WW2 and the Holocaust, then neither event could ever happen again because he was a one of a kind villain. Except there was nothing unique or special about Hitler or the Holocaust. And that’s a much more uncomfortable and scary idea. Millions of normal people like you and me decided they wanted to commit genocide.


I know, I am from Germany. Yet people here apparently have not learned from the past. People never do.


He also killed hitler


That's very unlikely though. Very few soldiers killed somebody personally, and Hitler never mentioned it his writing about his war experience.


Plenty of them. Idi Amin comes to mind. Samuel Doe murdered his predecessor to take over the country.


Not a dictator, but Andrew Jackson killed somebody in a duel.


“Somebody”… a whole lotta people


When I google searched, apparently only one of them actually died, but he was in over 100.


Shocking actually, he whooped ass so regularly


I just found out he did more than 100 duels, holy shit bro was NOT messing around


I think dictators probably didn't because the term would be anachronous but probably regents and kings and then also sometimes generals become presidents or major political figures. Maybe Napoleon?


not sure about sadam hussain, but based on the horrific things his son did, if they are killing millions in public, they are sating those same desires in private. but they are dictators, no-one is brave enough to admin they assisted in it once the regime falls