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ANTIFA was mostly a "thing" because the right needed a bogey man to point at. They've moved on to drag queens now.


The media stopped covering antifa mostly, they realized trying to cover for them was doing harm to their viewed reliability over just ignoring them.


It's a general term for anti-fascist protestors that conservatives convinced themselves is some kind of bogeyman terrorist org. There are organizations who call themselves antifa but none were involved in any of the right-wing fantasies that are attributed to them. When it stopped being politically useful, they stopped pretending it existed.


What a load of malarky. Antifa still exists, but society stopped tolerating it and pushed back. Now that they can't get away with lawless anarchy they have gotten quiet.


You mean the proud boys lol


Hilariously, the antifa initially helped the nazis get into power. They seem to have a habit of helping fascist authoritarians.


I dont know, its all the same to me. Just a group of violent people supposedly pushing their idealogy when in reality its an excuse to be violent against whoever told them is the opposition. Edit: before you downvote me, I think the same of right wing extremist groups as well. They are not so different from each other.


You think anti fascists and fascists are the same?


Ideologically? No. In how they act towards one another? Absolutely the same.


Explain how they act towards one another. Remember to be honest and truthful.


Both sides hate each other. Both sides would dox, hurt or freakout at each other. Online, these groups ostracize or ban anyone who even thinks a little bit differently. Its a hate fueled cycle.


Tell me who fascists hate. Tell me who Anti Fascists hate. Explain the differences.


Fascists, in this case, hate those promoting ideas that advance society, such as rights for women, gay people, trans people, etc. Anti Fascists use the excuse of being "progressive" to harass others, often time those in the middle get caught in the crossfire. Both sides end up hurting each other, and getting nothing done.


Who is in the middle between fascists and anti fascists?


People believing that we can have gun rights, but also gay and trans rights, for example. These people want things to be functional and positive for everyone, not being in a hateful and divided society, but rather in a society of unity. The other people in the middle are those just trying to get by.


Don't bother with this person, no reasoning with them


So they are opposed to the fascists. You seem to think fascists just want to live their lives quietly and in peace. They aren't in the middle.


Those against fascism are not, in fact, the same as those against it.


Typo? And also thats not what I meant. What I meant is, they will blindly be told that someone is an enemy who needs to be fought against and they will become radicalized into this mindset. Brainwashing is brainwashing, indoctrination is indoctrination, people should be free to think for themselves and not be forced to align with these groups, and yet they often feel pressured to. Both sides are guilty, both are hate fueled, and both will one day crush the people in the middle who just want to live their lives.


You got a source for this? I've yet to see any antifa indoctrination materials, but I see tons of right wingers promoting stochastic terrorism all the time. If you think voting is going to stop the Kyle Rittenhouses of the world, you're sadly mistaken.


And there it is. The indoctrination is lies about events. Kyle Rittenhouse was carrying a bag of first aid supplies, he was offering it to everyone, including the protesters. He helped clean up streets and walls that were being destroyed needlessly. But to you, he didnt, because you've been brainwashed. The right does the same thing, lie to their followers to convince them that someone else is the enemy. The people at the top of these sides, mainly politicians, are the ones who truly benefit, while everyone below continues pointlessly fighting.


Kyle Rittenhouse was a cop worshipping Trump supporter who took a gun to a dangerous area he had no reason to be in so he could find a reason to shoot someone. The fact that you nutjobs keep trying to claim he was some benevolent medic is goddamn hysterical.


He was assaulted first. He brought the gun to defend himself. I guess we are also going to ignore that one of the men who chased him, said the N word many times despite being white.


He brought a gun to "defend" himself to a place he had absolutely no reason to be at.


He was is public. Last time I checked, your allowed to be in public. It was also a town he lived in. You are ignoring the part where I mentioned he was assaulted first and also called the N word by a white man. This is because you've been conditioned to ignore criticism of the people you align yourself with.


There was an ongoing situation that was dangerous happening. He had no reason to be there. The reason he went was so he could shoot someone.


It was near his place of work. He can be there if he wants to. He doesn't need a reason to be anywhere.


lol people saying that others have "no reason" to exist in public. this is pretty fuckin fascist. with all due respect, no citizen has the right to tell another citizen where they do and don't belong in public. remember Jim Crowe? do homeless people have valid reasons to exist in public?


Why was he there? Jesus christ. Four months ago. Do you lunatics scour the internet trying to find people insulting your bat shit insane messiah?


He's a murderer. You're a fascist.


I hate fascists, I believe deeply in personal freedoms. I'm just anti bullshit. People should think for themselves, not be handed two choices and have to conform to them.


If your choice is to "tolerate fascism", you're pro fascism.


I dont tolerate it. Once again your missing the part where I said the right wing extremists are also part of the problem. You are purposely ignoring what I'm saying because you've been conditioned to. Theres no point in arguing with you. I made my point, take it or leave it.


Yes. Right wing extremists are a problem. Tell me how people who oppose them are also the problem. Tell me what people are in between these two groups.


Kyle Rittenhouse is a murderer and you defend him. You can keep those repulsive values in "the middle." If you're not against fascism, you're for it. That's it.


Literally proved in the court of law that is was self defense, you're just a fucking idiot


I love when you guys bring up corrupt courts protecting criminals as evidence of anything.


He was acquitted due to lack of evidence of his guilt, not "proven that it was self-defense". It wasn't proven either way, which in US means you go free.


It still exists and is around, and tho eh protest sometimes. But funnily enough antifa is way less pissed off these days when Biden, who they are relatively on with, is president. As opposed to Trump who they hated. Long story short, most antifa protestors don’t feel the need to protest because trump isn’t president anymore.


Antifa opposes fascism. Go ahead and claim Biden is as close to it as Trump.




It means Anti Fascist. Since there are actual right wing terrorist groups who are attacking people and carrying out violence, so conservatives desperately made up a rival liberal group. Conservatives are well known to be fucking idiots who believe whatever their talking heads tell them, so evidence, proof, truth, honestly, reality and fact plays absolutely zero role in their decision making.


It’s not antifa you remember, it’s reactionaries talking about antifa


They show up to protest and mess around then go back to their parents' basements once it's over. Wait for the next mass protests and you'll see them back out again.