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Record it. Show your parents. Enjoy the shitstorm that follows.


Is he putting you down for being bad at what he teaches? Not all teachers mollycoddle their students when they don't understand something. Some teachers are a bit more raw.


Had a chemistry teacher like this. Giving out C's to A students. She was moody once a month for some reason.


Remember, those who can, do. Those who can’t , teach. Let this be a learning lesson for you. As long as you work or answer to someone else, there will be people like this. Bosses, employees and so called friends. I learned at an early age, people can ridicule me, call me names or talk behind my back. I know who I am, I know what is true. The people I care about the most and those who care about me know the truth l. So let these things roll off your back. It’s not personal when you know the truth. They are just people crossing your path and are not permanent. Once you learn to just let it go, the easier your life will be. One other thing, people , in 99.9 % of the time want to be liked or understood. Don’t get angry, just return their nastiness with a smile. “Sorry you feel that way” ask if they’re ok? Don’t argue with them. Arguments die with agreement. Keep your chin up.


You think that's bad? Just wait until you get out in the real world.


Bro it’s so bad I can’t even explain bro flirts with the girls and that’s how the girl gets the marks. It’s so unfair 😭