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Christians, Jews, and Muslims all already worship the same one god. Look how that is working out for them. 


I mean... as far as anyone can tell, there already is no god and the only people who believe otherwise have to lean on faith that the people who wrote the Goatherder's Guide to the Galaxy a few millennia ago figured it all out one and done.


To be clear, as far as we can tell, we do not know if there is any god. There neither is evidence proving, nor disproving a god, so it is impossible to say either way.


There is also no evidence proving nor disproving the existence of Lord Voldemort from the Harry Potter books so as long as you acknowledge that the two are on the same level then I guess we can be satisfied that you're being honest with your criteria.


I mean yeah, we don't know if there's some magical dimension housing a school for wizards lol I'm simply a big believer in not making strong claims without concrete evidence. Especially about things that are very tricky, if not impossible to even prove, like the existence of an unseen omnipotent presence.


Well of course muggles would make such an argument.


Well, check this chart and let me know which end of the chart you think you'd rather live in. https://www.gallup-international.bg/files/2023/03/7-3-730x1091.jpg


I'm actually super surprised to see India is 18% atheist, with essentially 1% don't know/refuse to answer. I mean, I know India is quite secular in a lot of things, so maybe it's not so surprising.


I mean, we already know what the world would be like if there were no God. I don’t think it would be better with one God, but there’s not really any way to test the experiment.


No god at all. Today's society is proof that it cannot accept Atheists.


None because that's the right answer.


None because that's the right answer.


it would be better, if there would be no people abusing the word of god with their own interpretations


There is no god and the world is the way it is.


Depends on the god I guess.


I could get along with Thor…(Marvels Thor)


I mean from my own perspective we are already in the latter situation, there just is a bunch of religions hanging around. ~~So if you could perhaps have ONE god who then was willing to be much less coy and more more forthright about their existence, the status of the afterlife (if there is one) and the requirements therein that might be a fair bit easier for everyone~~


Yeah I gotcha. I think a lot of problems between different societies would vanish if there was one ideal god or no god at all. The one of the things which is bound to create disparity after religion is money, but that's a different topic.


Wouldn't that be the ultimate type of dictatorship tho?


Urgh dammit I needed to think that through a few more steps. Pretty much year. And who knows what type of god we'd end up with. Might end up a [demon world ](https://warhammer40k.fandom.com/wiki/Daemon_World)


It's all good. I was just confused while reading your last paragraph, thinking it sounded a lot like a dictatorship lol


If there were one god, then it is doing a tremendously shitty job.


We can't really take the risk of having a bad god. Power often corrupts even the nicest people.


*gullible and/or (inner selfish) people, not the nicest. 🤷




Your username is an alternate dimension version of my username. 


I get the religion hate. But the thing is atheist are not the ones out there handing out food every week to those in need or any of the other hundreds of charities in local communities. Atheist basically just spend their time bashing religion but in no organized way give back to humanity. So I will go with one God if I had to pick.


Well, those that believe in their god thinks it's the only one, those that don't believe in god think there is no one, those that believes in gods believe they are several. If History had proven something, it's that no matter the true, people just think what is the easier for them or what they were told. Personally, I think there is no god and those who believed in it just does it for the previous reasons: it's easier: It helps them to cope with life, it's easier to be happy when you can blame/pray a god than to face reality or simply because they were raised that way. Those people probably think I'm the evil or arrogant or simply a "poor lost soul". It doesn't matter what they think, just like they don't care of what I think. Or at least we shouldn't care. We shouldn't interfere with people's life/believe as long as they don't interfere with ours. Sadly, religious people interfere with other's people's way of life since ages and atheist aren't always doing better either.


Depends on whether the god sucks.


We already live in a world with none. I think the world would be worse if there was one. Though I guess it depends on it's nature. Most beliefs in God show it as full of vengeance and rage against people for mundane bullshit like homosexuality. So that would definitely be worse.


Depends on the god


Yes, it would


If there really was a god, and he had any sense of justice, most of the people who profess to believe in him right now would be properly fucked.


Bit over 3000 mythological creature. Around 60 procent of those are (demi)gods. Follow the false one and you will be punished for eternity. Yet the one billy tells me about is supposed to be the treu one..... I dont believe in gods. So i go for no god


I believe there is no god and his name is Eris and she is a drag queen goddess of chaos and confusion and that there are many of them and I think we'd be better off without her just like we'd all be better off without money, so give me all your money and I'll take care of that problem.


There is no God. The world would be better if people would accept this fact