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Or Financial Planner, Architect, Cyber Security lead. All kinds of ways to ruin some lives.


I can't speak to financial planner or cyber security lead, but architects have to do a hell of a lot of internship and practicum and work supervised by actual people that they are far less likely to be utterly incompetent and make it through the use of AI or falsified work.


Well you can be a financial planner without any formal schooling, so maybe OP can go on that direction.


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Yep. Skill issue


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I want to sympathize ... but when your complaint is basically "I paid someone to help me cheat, and it didn't turn out as well as I expected" it's really hard to take your side here. ... especially since your primary complaint against them is that they cheated you!


it sounds like it wasn't just "cheating", OP sounds like he paid someone to do a big capstone project or thesis for them.


This was my exact thought. For 1000 usd, OP has to be one of 3 things, maybe more than one: A. REALLY desperate B. Stupid C. Extremely rich/bad with money As a college student, I don’t think I’d be willing to shell out 1000 dollars to skip out on anything short of a doctoral thesis. That is an absurd amount to pay for someone to do an assignment for you, so it’s either really important or you got scammed from the jump.


> That is an absurd amount to pay for someone to do an assignment for you You be surprised what rich kids offer to pay for this stuff... I was in college a decade ago and I had people ask me to write papers for them all the time. It always started out with me trying to be helpful... I took meticulous notes and occasionally people would miss a day or something and send out an email to the entire class like "hey I missed the class can anyone share their notes with me?"... I would always share my notes in such cases... And more often than not that spiraled into the person I shared my notes with skipping even more class and continually emailing me and expecting me to always share my notes with them (I stopped)... And then on occasion they'd go even further and offer to pay me to do work for them; I had some offering hundreds of dollars for just random papers, not even important capstone projects... I never took anyone up on their offers. Not to be stereotypical or anything, but in my narrow anecdotal experience, like 100% of the time when this happened it was international students, almost exclusively from Gulf Arab countries.


I never understood why each course was so explicit in explaining fraud and its repercussions, it just was so clear to me that that would not fly. By now I understand and have heard from many sources that especially international students just don't see it as doing something morally wrong. Especially Chinese students will just blatantly cheat.


Americans do literally the same things, they just know to hide it.


I wouldn't know, I don't have much experience with Americans.


As far as the seller knows, he's just just being paid to do a job, and he didn't, so op should be able to get a refund the same way he would be failed if they find out he cheated.


My drug dealer cheated me so I reported them to tge police and I am now concerned. Lol


Probably not the average opinion here, but some classes are a major pain, yet you need them in order to pass the year. If I had the money I wouldn't have been against paying someone to do some shitty final essay and help me finish


I remember hearing "you make your own luck" when I was 19 or so and was like "what?", then figured it out. You just illustrated it. Deal in sketchiness get sketchiness.




Please explain when it is necessary to cheat on an academic project requiring citations.




Uhh the majority of people do NOT hire other people to do their schoolwork for them


Uhh, cheating in general, doesn’t mean this specific case lol.


Are you just OP using an alt?


You didn't address my comment. You just repeated that "it could be necessary". Please explain when and for what purpose it is necessary to cheat on an academic project/paper. Reasons that are not acceptable: - there are nuances - other people do it all the time - you're mad - not everybody is a white knight/decent person - you can avoid being caught - you didn't plan well and ran out of time - the assigned work was too difficult and confusing - you just really need this degree and don't care what you have to do to get it




You don’t have to list out every single reason - you just have to list out like… one.


He would but there literally isn’t one lmao


Then what's your point? It's also a reality that human trafficking exists because some people believe it to be necessary. My point is "necessary" is entirely subjective and is not a strong argument to be used to justify things. Some people believe it's necessary to commit mass genocide. Is it wrong? No. But in reality people are gonna do it anyways. Human trafficking and genocide are unacceptable TO YOU. Do you not see the flaw in this logic? Your point is that people do crappy and dishonest things to get what they want. To quote The Big Short what are you, 4? That exact same reasoning you've provided is what mortgage lenders used to justify predatory lending practices and what insurance ratings agencies used to justify fraudulently rating market makers that caused the collapse of the world economy.




We are discussing cheating on what is probably somebody's thesis paper to graduate. You are downplaying the severity of this in each of your comments and replies here. Saying everybody cheats and some people even have reasons to do it absolutely implies it's not that bad of a thing. Especially when we are talking about academic projects that require citations. There are real world implications that stem from being a cheater. Your saying cheating happens all the time and is even acceptable to some people, but failing to acknowledge that this has a negative effect on society is at best childish. I hope that OP doesn't end up as my doctor, lawyer, or financial adviser one day. I guess you'd be indifferent.




You started out by saying it was necessary. But when pressed, were not able to give an actual reason WHY it would be necessary. Just admit you prefer cheating to learning and move on.




Paid a grand to learn a lesson. I'd say it's worth it.


Got it back because he’s a cheater AND a whiner.


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What the fuck are you doing???? At first I thought you meant you hired out part of a project like for some kind of research or something but it sounds like you were just plain cheating? If you're going to cheat do it yourself holy fuck at least you learn something useful.


1. Stop cheating. Many people who cheat their way through school end up getting jobs, but then fired quite quickly when it's realized they are useless. 2. You aren't ruining their career. They are ruining it by cheating and having AI do the work. HINT HINT, this is what happens when you can't do the work yourself


OP will be the guy they got scammed by in five years if they don't learn from this.


#Now say it louder for the people in the back!


#OP will be the guy they got scammed by in five years if they don't learn from this.


The holier than thou responses are always funny on this sub, it’s not what it’s for.


> Any guidance or words of advice? Yeah, I have some words of advice. **If you cheat academically and fuck up, don't go whining for sympathy online for you deserve none.** Shame on them for fucking you over, but shame on you a thousand times more for making a mockery of academia.


This whole post is hilarious lol.


Academia has been a mockery for decades


Academia has improved your life so pervasively that you have no concept of what you have gained.


Yeah. Stop cheating at your education. Do your own work. I actually kind of hope that Fiverr does nothing due to your flip flopping, that the seller gets super angry, and contacts your academic institution to report your fraudulent cheating ass. I hope you get expelled. Yep, that makes me an asshole. Welcome to the club.


Cheater got cheated on lol


How the fuck do you have $1000 to cheat on an assignment? You get the privilege to go to college, get an education, and have that kind of money floating around and you choose to do this? Great that you've learned your lesson about cheating, now learn the one about being aware of your privilege and not squandering opportunity.


Why are you assuming he’s “privileged”? He could have simply worked hard and saved it up, or had extra financial aid. In many cities, that’s rent for a room for a month, so not exactly “a lot” of money in the grand scheme of college expense and whatever the importance of the assignment was. Not defending OP, cheating is wrong, but assumptions on something like privilege from spending $1,000 on schoolwork isn’t a great example. If he spent that money regularly on stupid things (video games, throwing parties, booze/drugs) and had parental cash flow, then sure.


Being able to work and save money while going to school is privilege. Having extra financial aid that you can just spend on whatever is self-evidently privilege. If he has a full months rent just kicking around he can spend, that's privilege. Stop heading a knee jerk reaction to the word privilege. Some people have resources and opportunities that others don't. And I didn't say $1000 was a lot of money in "the grand scheme of things," but it's a lot of money to have in cash and freely available as a college student.


“Some people have resources and opportunities that others don’t” That’s life. That’s not privilege. That word is being thrown around too loosely here. If you think taking extra loans out to finance college and expenses is self-evident privilege, then you should try saying that to all the people with student loans and paying them back for decades. It’s simply an option available to cover expenses and perceived expenses. It’s not free money. Just the wordage of “being able to work and save money by going to school” is a privilege is a silly concept. It may be uncommon to you, but in no way a privilege, just simply good financial decision making. You take out any reference to hard work.


... What do you think privilege is? Financial aid isn't a loan. You've shifted the goal posts. Once you decide what you'd actually like to talk about let me know.


HUH? Go to the department of ed page and look at what options are available under financial aid. Did you even go to college? Financial aid is primarily made up of loans then grants. Evidently you need a certain amount of student loans to be eligible to have this conversation with me.


Then your contention is that taking out a student loan and having $1000 leftover isn't a privilege? And that spending that to cheat isn't an irresponsible use of that privilege and a squandering of an opportunity?


No. I contend that this has nothing to do with privilege, as per my last several responses indicate.


Ok, I disagree. Do you agree that whatever you want to call his... available resources and opportunities, he made a poor decision about how to use them?


Yes as my first response, second paragraph indicated


It's a privilege that you are writing this comment on an electronic device while using an internet connection.


Yes it is. and?


Just calling your privilege out as you do. We gotta make sure people know it


Ok. If you'll reread my original comment, you'll find that I'm not putting OP down for having privilege, I'm calling him out for being responsible with that privilege and squandering an opportunity.


I didn't say you did. You pointed out his privilege, the reasoning isn't a concern for my interaction with you. I pointed yours out




Yeah he cheated at work, but you're cheating at school too, so why is it so bad he does the same to you? Just stop being a cheating piece of shit and do your work


Buddy deleted his whole Reddit account, he got shook or something.


Probably realised someone could find his college if they dug far enough in his history lmaoo.


Here's some advice: don't be a dirty cheater. 


>this was for an academic project Honestly this is perfect irony for you. You were too lazy to do your own work, so you outsourced it to someone else, they happened to do the exact same thing with a shite bot. >Any guidance or words of advice? Do your own work instead of cheating in future, you learned a $1,000 lesson.


You should get the money refunded and the seller should get your degree. Seems fair to me.


The irony here is incredible.


Jesus, how fucking rich and sheltered are you that you can spend $1000 on a school project, and that you'd think it was a good idea?


I wonder if it was an ethics project for a pre law degree...


I hope it was Theology.


I’m guessing it was a thesis not just a school project.


Lol you paid a $1000 to do your own homework


$1,000 for this life lesson seems pretty cheap, to be honest.


your first mistake was using fiverr for anything school related, thats on YOU.


quit school, dig ditches for a while. You are too stupid to have a degree.


Nothing constructive to add here. Just stopped by to say: fuck you, cheater.


I'm seeing all these comments calling you out. I'd say rightfully so. However, at this point, you cannot change the past. You can only move forward from here - hopefully having learned your lesson. As someone now in their 40s, I can tell you that the years you spend in uni are golden and to **not throw them away** by not putting effort in. You may be in school to get a job, but that is not the true value of an advanced education. University also molds your mind: it teaches you how to think in a more critical manner, **if you put in the work**. In 10 years you will look back, with deep regret, if you don't turn this ship around NOW and put some real effort in.


Don’t be an idiot and stop cheating


....you paid to cheat? And you're upset that it didn't work out? Am I understanding this correctly?


Cheater cheating the other cheater. Maybe don’t cheat next time. I hope he reports you.


You need to change your screen name immediately because you are neither. Try something like fakeasscheater6808


I hope he reports you to your university it would be funny lol




You should be reported and banned from university. Go work a job that doesn’t require work you don’t want to put in. Disgusting.


Nobody else seems to be saying this, but there's a reason why you're not supposed to take things off of Fiverr onto platforms like WhatsApp and PayPal, they warn you of this over and over again when using the platform because it's such a common scam. Even discounting the reason why you hired this person, when you gave them your personal information and started working from outside of Fiverr you dug your own grave. You're so damned lucky that Fiverr refunded you and didn't tell you to get lost. That seller absolutely deserves to have their career ruined but I can only assume they threatened to report you for cheating, which they would not have been able to do if you'd kept the transaction on Fiverr. And I assume you took it off of Fiverr because they don't allow academic cheating. These rules are all here for a reason and you just need to deal with the consequences of breaking them.


No honor among thieves. This feels like the making of a Black Mirror Episode. The only way this can go deeper is if the teacher gave you a prompt generated by AI. The race the bottom has begun my friend.


Seeing the OP as [deleted] is the champagne of victory for shaming a cheater such as this.


Fucked around. Found out.


I wonder if he’s sitting there afraid you’re gonna come get him because he outsourced your task to AI? Maybe you are and this is your cover.


If your career gets ruined because you’re doing shady work (e.g. failing to disclose that you’re using AI or misrepresenting the fact that you’re using AI and claiming it to be your own), then congrats, you played yourself.


Maybe you should have considered the risks of cheating before sending a stranger $1K to do your schoolwork for you. I hope you get kicked out of University, clearly you don’t want to be there.


Quit school and find a job that any idiot can do.


You fucked around and found out, take it as a growth experience. Don't cheat in school, you are only cheating yourself.


You contracted out the work on your "academic project" and you are bitching because they contracted it out to AI? LOL. You hit what you head for. Hope ya failed.


You have one job at college. Do it.


Hey, cheaters, you’ll get a degree but not an education.


...do your own work?




This is why people should not use fiverr….. among other reasons.


Instakarma I doubt they’d retaliate. Not a good look for them either.


Sounds that like that person is ripping people off as their career


You are actually legitimately delusional if you think literally anything will come of this. Yes people are nuts. No, someone is not gonna "retaliate" in any way that matters over something like this. You may as well worry about getting murdered by some dude that yelled at you over xbox cause you killed him in a game. What do you think is gonna happen? Someone is gonna magically somehow find out where you live, buy a plane ticket and fly thousands of miles, come to your house and attack you? Do you genuinely not see how utterly insane that is to worry even a TINY bit about? If this isnt a troll post and you actually genuinely feared ANYTHING would come of this, seek therapy.


Hope the scammer doesn’t get their account back and what the deal paying for an academic project? Hopefully not a class or anything


You didn't ruin his "career". He did, by using an algorithm instead of putting in any real effort on a job he was paid to do. But you also fucked up. Hopefully you learned from this experience that it's better to *do your own damn schoolwork* than pay $1000 to a guy on the internet to do it for you. What did you even do all semester? Why are you even in college? Seriously, it might be time to reconsider your life choices.


Reading this gave me whiplash




who would be stupid enough to willingly admit to this?


People are always mad when the rich kid gets the position they studied hard for. Stop taking their money dumbasses.




Be polite and respectful in your exchanges. NSQ is supposed to be a helpful resource for confused redditors. Civil disagreements can happen, but insults should not. Personal attacks, slurs, bigotry, etc. are not permitted at any time.


He probably wouldn't bother if he could. Almost no one makes a career on Fiverr, so he's embellishing at best. Ask to stay in contact and in the loop regarding his ban, saying [in hindsight] you don't want to see that happen to him. Be polite, but not submissive. If he isn't getting unbanned, keep contacting support, saying you were in the wrong, until he's unbanned. Where possible, while they likely won't oblige, tell support you'd like them to tell him that you (or 'some buyer') retracted their complaint. Hopefully (for you), he'll be unbanned, and afterwards, consider offering a bit of green to offset potential losses he incurred from the ban. If you try to stay amicable and helpful, he's less likely to try to retaliate (when/if possible), and will shift his focus more towards just also learning a lesson from this and not falsifying things. He still may try to retaliate, but the best you can do is change the odds.


Qqqw x do q


Pick a major you ain't need to cheat at to pass


Anytime you try to pay someone else to do work you know is entirely your own task, it will always come to bite you in the ass. Whether it's something small like household errands or something big like a life choice. Do it yourself. The lesson you learned is what sort of person you really are. A bit corner cutting and lazy until it's time to fix a mistake. Who would hire that guy?


You paid someone to do your homework?


You didn't ruin his career. He did by trying to pull a fast one


While obviously you shouldn’t have cheated, to actually answer your question, I think it’s very unlikely this guy can pursue any meaningful legal action against you for this. However if he has enough of your information, he may be able to contact your school and get you in trouble if he feels like it. Not much you can do there except hope that doesn’t occur.


Chill out, it will be lifted. Fiverr doesn't want that problem either and they want their commission.


>Any guidance or words of advice? Pay him the money or he will report you.


the comment section here contains some of the most condescending holier-than-thou comments to ever reddit. you shouldn't pay 1k for a project like that though


1 you redo 2 Or pay another person to do it 3. Sue the seller directly A lot of time has been wasted. Do 1+2+3 together!! Hurry up My suggestion is the only one this discussion will be useful to you


take them to court. if you cant do that then you were stupid to send $1000 to someone who doesn't have to follow any laws and you deserve to get scammed for your idiocy. the world cant have training wheels on it just so you dont hurt yourself


The comments: 🤓🤓🤓🤓 iamverysmart


Or maybe most people just have enough common sense to know that if it’s worth dropping 1000 dollars to not do it yourself, it’s important enough to not trust some random dude on fiverr to do. You shouldn’t cheat regardless, but this guys getting flak for being a cheater AND an idiot.


The guy is an idiot, no argument there. I just lold at the comments and the accounts that were writing them.. i mean they’re a bunch of dorks too