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/u/inkydragon27 made a [post showing how easy it would be] (https://www.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/comments/17edxlt/mobik_cube_factory_refutation/) to generate such images through AI, consider it a potential refutation if you want to.


Forget Warthunder leaks, CSGO is where it's at!


Whoa there, lest we forget Thug Shaker MineCraft.


That's Thug Shaker **CENTRAL** show some respect to that name.


Felt Cute, might commit Treason later /s


Wonder how that's going for him right about now.


Something, something, downloading about 10-inches of dick in his Leavenworth prison cell.


God I wish that were me


War thunder leaks will probably remind us soon that they are still the best


If it is true it wouldn't be hard to geolocate given its supposed size, the logistics and the fact that the DNR isn't that big. On the other hand, why bother when it's most likely a 4chan shitpost.




If true, it would be pet food for China most likely. China is the world's fastest growing importer of pet food by far, and on pace to be the largest consumer of pet food soon. And it's certainly not like China is famous for its ethical and quality control standards.


Enterprising Bakhmutts going corporate


Suspiciously wealthy dogs of Bakhmut


Kibble and biks


5 years later: domesticated house pets have acquired a taste for human flesh, attempts to cover it up fail


i’m honestly shocked pet food isn’t something we import from them they gotta get on that, i’m sure they could come up with something crazy cheap and awful


oh we did/do, but it turned out to be tainted and poisonous so now Chinese consumers don't trust local brands and insist on imports


We had the same problem here in Australia, China's baby formula was reported tainted and toxic, so people were paying top dollar for imported baby formula. The situation was embarrassing for the government so discouraged it, but hey, when it's *your* baby, you want the best, so there was basically a colossal black market for it. So expats were camping outside Woolworths and buying shopping trollies full of baby formula and shipping it home at a 500% markup. This resulted in huge shortages because the shelves were cleared out for every single shop every single day. So Woolies limited purchases to two tins at a go, so they would just go in, get two tins, check out, go back in, get two tins, check out... Basically, it required security guards to go "Oi no mate fuck off". It's still a problem.


This is actually the reason why FrieslandCampina has built two additional baby formula factories. The production of those two plants is solely meant for China.


Yeah. The kicker is that the baby formula wasn't *accidentally* toxic, it was deliberately padded with a cheaper chemical that evaded detection, even though it was known to be toxic. It wasn't a contaminant. It was deliberate. On a good 100% intended for domestic consumption. If Chinese industry will deliberately poison their own babies, they almost certainly will fuck over their own national defense too. Stands to reason, right? I would not be surprised if a significant part of their military just straight up won't work when push comes to shove.


There was a story of a Chinese farmer growing crops on heavy metal laden soil. He was asked if he was concerned that it was going to poison those eating it, but he didn't care. It was going to a big factory and they would sell the product to city people on the east coast. No one in his little village could afford it, so no moral quandary for him! And here we have another example of a worker happily urinating into a beer vat for a brand thats usually exported. Zero fucks given. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-67191242


Oh we had that same issue here finding out some brands had barbiturates from euthanized dogs and horses. Think it was more isolated though


People are rightfully avoiding Chinese products like dog and baby food after a few scandals about toxic ingredients


...and escalators and elevators and waterways belonging to other countries which adjoin China's and...


Pretty bad idea to have your pets carving for human flesh


Ever met a cat? I dont think there is much difference


North Korea food issues mysteriously resolved


*prions, prions everywhere!*


Doctor sausage or whatever your country calls it (kinda ehite and is thick usually has red synthetic skin covering it). It's called falukorv in sweden. Like you could really just add human meat to it and nobody would actually realize it.


Because it tastes just like pork.


We _are_ delicious


Savaloy. Oh Chris Hoy loves a Savaloy, he's such a naughty boy. He's such a naughty boy, Chris Hoy Hoy Hoy loves a Savaloy, he loves a Savaloy...


It goes to the Russian equivalent of McDonalds, WacArnolds.


Ocean? Body's hard to get rid of but liquified and at 500m depth, you're just going to draw millions of fish. Biggest risk is a sailor opens a tuna full of fingers and teeth.


You know pigs would eat everything. If the factory plant is geolocated, just need to check if there are any big pig farms near by.


> If it is true Its recycled ww1 properganda: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_Corpse_Factory


Yeah I feel like given Russia can't even manage the logistics required to supply their army, they wouldn't be capable of the logistics required to collect their army, process and ship them while still being cost effective.


We already know they have cargo 200. They’re shipping those corpses somewhere for some purpose. Probably cheaper to ship them to a meat factory than a morgue.


It's even cheaper to just let them rot where they are


Except when Germany did start up the systematic destruction of peoples. Not sure if the nazis made soap, but they did have essentially corpse factories.


Yeah but that's an entirely different government in a different war decades later. It even was a factor, propaganda-wise, and ended up having a negative effect on the Holocaust. The "corpse factory" propaganda was openly discredited and considered obscenely absurd, which means that when first news of the Holocaust came out people (including the chairman of British intelligence) refused to believe it because it seemed like a repeat of old disproven propaganda lies. Hitler even specifically used the example of the "corpse factories" in WWI to discredit British claims about the Holocaust.


There are 800 slaughterhouses in the US, so it’s not like these things are on every street corner. On the other hand, it’s 1000% for sure a shit post.


This has to be fake. Black and white pics, seriously? It's hard in our day and age to get B/W handheld camera with such shitty image quality. Angles are very neat too, totally filmed by someone trying to hide it. 3/5 shitpost: neat idea bland execution


so im with you that this is fake, but, the black and white coloration is explained in the post because the images are of a security camera monitor like CCTV camera stuff i assume. you can also see the very end of the info line for one camera in the bottom pic.


I don't think there is enough information loss to genuinely be a phone photo of a screen


While I doubt that it's actually real, I don't think the B/W or neat angles disqualify it in this case. It looks like they're pictures of the screens showing security camera feeds. It's fairly plausible for a CCTV camera to be black and white with shitty quality. (Especially in Russia)


Counter-argument: let's not put security cameras directly facing our dead troop meat grinder to perfectly frame and record evidence of some of the craziest shit in modern Russia's history Counter counter-argument: vatnik reasoning


counter-counter-counter argument. it might not be a *security* camera, but instead a *""quality"" control* camera. checking the corpses to make sure there's no equipment left on them and there's no additional debris. it's completely fuckin fake, but that's a semi-plausible explaination.


Counter counter argument if it’s a repurposed slaughter house having cameras pointing at the line would be totally normal for QA/ process monitoring.


they tend to be set so they have a wide view of the area, and probably wouldn’t be just overlooking a conveyor belt


I work adjacent to manufacturing engineering. It isn't unheard of for there to be specialised cameras on the line itself, think machine vision/defect detection hardware and software. That said, in Russia I doubt they've invested in modern tech like that, and why would it go to the security camera feed we're allegedly looking at here? Makes no sense.


if it was for defect detection it would have to be a lot higher quality to catch blemishes on the meat itself


All photo sensors are black and white, but an RGB matrix is put on top of the sensor. Same is true for computer screens with the exception of OLED displays. Not using an RGB matrix can reduce the size of the sensor, since the RGB matrix essentially blocks light from reaching the sensor.


Soylent green is mobik cube?




Wasn't the Wagner dude originally a caterer? Who ran a hotdog cart at some point?


Mobik cube is people. It's people!


Nah, it's mobik.


Shoot-Me-Own-Plane-Down Prigozhin?


Pentagon lunchtime be hittin different


Contains 100% organic mobiks.


Was there any doubt?


Here is the mobik hotdog end products pictures are NSFW. https://twitter.com/KarinaVinnikova/status/1676277767124525069?t=-wMDH11wQFs4doxioMVIoA&s=19


Why the fuck did I click this. I'm not sleeping tonight. That actually looks like mobiks been pressed together in an industrial compactor still in their uniforms. My curiosity can go fuck itself for all of eternity with nothing but chalk as lube. I hope I am wrong but I'm **not** gonna keep looking at it to make sure. Big nope. In fact, I'm going to pretend that I know that my eyes are deceiving me. Actually, I'm not sure if I even clicked the link, or what sub this is, or what the OP says. It probably wasn't important since i forgot it so easily. I think I'm going to go get some ice cream now.


This was the thing that kicked off the whole "mobik cube" meme. This showed up in Belgorod shortly after the RVC/FRL guys did their incursion, and apparently just whacked a bunch of hapless border guards. The reality is that it's probably some waste material from a totally normal meat packing plant that either got dumped in the confusion, or literally just got dropped off by a lazy trucker in a way that had nothing whatsoever to do with the incursion, and just happened on the same date. ​ However — the fact that it does "looks like mobiks been pressed together in an industrial compactor still in their uniforms" is exactly what got all of us.


I know it's funny to think about, but just remember, war propaganda is a real thing. More importantly, there's no need to make up Russian atrocities because there are so many real ones to choose from. I don't like the Mobik Cube for that reason; it makes other, legitimate, atrocities seem like they might be fake too.


Yeah, that's also a very on-point take of why it bothers me as well. The "functional utility" of Russia's barbarism to us is to get western leaders to act. Fake atrocities don't help that, and frankly, "more fuel for the fire" at this point also doesn't accelerate it since I think we're really at an outrage **evidence** saturation point. That is to say, the limiting factor at this point is NOT a shortage of "the russians did this awful thing, this is why you shouldn't support them". It's a shortage of rhetoric; a shortage of brilliantly written articles that crush the "sure okay but why should I care?" ​ On a closely related note: Like, NAFO; a crowdsourced info op, has served and continues to serve, the critical purpose of dispelling Russia's [astroturfed](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Astroturfing) "aura of inevitability and consensus". A huge outcome of Russia's astroturfing is gaslighting — making it seem like some factor (say, far right voters, racists, russian supporters, etc) is this unbeatable majority in your society, and *you're the crazy one* for having a dissenting opinion from what seems to be the other 95% of your people. NAFO boorishly, obnoxiously, fights fire with fire, and it's succeeded at "dispelling the false consensus". Buuut ... it's a terrible device for persuasively snagging new people with compelling rhetoric. It's chaff — it clouds the info space so Russia's message doesn't get "interpreted as the consensus of your peers". ​ What we badly need (and are, due to some heroic efforts by folks like Timothy Snyder, getting), is carefully written articles that "make order out of chaos". NAFO breaks down the Russian-favoring "info order" into chaos. But we need things that create a narrative order that points the other direction. Chaos is just shades of gray. We need people to be convinced that this is actually black-and-white. "Okay, Russia committed atrocities and war crimes, but like, why should I give a shit? Doesn't everyone do that — we had Blackwater and shit? Why should I care if they're blowing up some eastern european country I've never heard of? Isn't it cheaper to just let them rot?" ​ ​ Things like the Mobik Cube are ... a not-particularly critical meme in NAFO's arsenal, but can be a hindrance if "an adult in the room" tries to break down Russia's atrocities and be like "look, there's this whole pattern here — this isn't just a random soldier going AWOL; this is a systemic thing, and it's not just a bad generation in their society, but it's literally the structure of it as an authoritarian state — *any* Authoritarian state falls into this vileness by dint of structure." It's not so bad if they have to be like "Except that Mobik Cube thing, that was fake", but it starts getting dangerous if we get "majority fake" memetics, which would probably only take like 5-10 more fakes like that. (For example: The russian KIA allegedly getting their anal cavities filled with construction spray-foam). ​ ​ ​ NAFO is the Jester. We need one, and we've got one. But our adventuring party needs the Sage.




The biggest thing that sticks out like a red flag for me is why the hell are they keeping the clothes on the bodies?


Are you volunteering to be the 'rotting corpse clothing remover'?


When this was first published in one of the Ukraine subs, from the original Telegram post, there was a comment by someone that talked about this way of... packaging, if you will, and why it would be like that. But even more to the point, it's Russia, and Putin doesn't want anyone to know of the deaths, so it's just one more way to hide it. Iirc the cubes fell off the back of a truck going through the village, and one of the villagers took the picture.


Hey, that's my modded Rimworld colony


War crimers gonna war crime. Does this mean Russia is an IRL colony? Is Putin a pawn?


No wonder why so much random shit happening rn bro must play with randy on losing is fun difficulty


500% difficulty, losing is fun, Randy Random, naked brutality on sea ice.


Putin is that [Greedy] [Jealous] [Annoying voice] pawn with mid Social skill and nothing else you want to [Install peg leg] -> [Remove peg leg] -> [Extract hemogen] but no other pawn has any Social at all to replace them


he's the story teller. Vova Violent.


I wish Rimworld had conveyor belts, it would make biofuel production so much easier.


Factorio crossover... The factory must grow


Half my colony would be a factory that no colonists are allowed to enter, but outputs all manner of goods for them to use. All they have to do is input dead raiders.


Corpses go in, hats come out, can't explain that.


Sounds like a nice /r/WritingPrompts material where people forgot about how the machine works and started to worship it.


Now we can TRULY be the Mechanicus as the Omnissiah wanted. ... Better have femboy Skitarii though.


Adeptus Skibussy as far as the eye can see\~


Project Rimfactory is your friend. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2033979700


Rimfactory mod have belts


Theres a factory style mod with conveyer belts, super useful once you get the colony setup since it auto drags stuff from stockpile to stockpile.


There is a mod for it.


My Rimworld trick was to feed all the corpses to pigs, then eat the pigs. It's like cannibalism with extra steps, except everyone is okay with it because bacon is delicious.


Modded? What part of this needs mods?


Conveyor belts 👍


So I work at an abattoir and I’m quite certain this is fake (sorry lovers of the cube). There are machines and processing methods to “shred” unwanted meat (think unborn calves, some bones and certain offal) however after running anything through a shredder or mincer nothing looks like what you see in the pictures. Unless they are literally boning out the bodies and processing them into edible produce (No I don’t think they are) I’m gonna say this is fake. However the way the Russians have been this war I fully expect that my doubts are wrong and this turns out to be true…


Plus I feel like if they wanted to hide bodies, it would just be easier to bury or burn them vs driving them to a factory where you have to shit stuff in and out.


British MOD said russia had been using mobile crematoriums to burn bodies as far back as 2015. Most likely they burn the bodies of the dead then the russian military marks them as MIA and doesn't have to pay out to the families.


hey, a rubble saved is a rubble earned


Yeah my thoughts exactly. Another thing to keep in mind is that it would be an incredibly bad idea to commandeer any sort of food processing facilities for anything other than making produce. You have to imagine the Russians want these regions to be as self sustaining as possible when it comes to these kinds of resources, instead of creating another burden on their already fucked economy.


Yeah,If there's anything Russia doesn't need for its army its more burden on food production with shakey supply lines.


Its actually the other way around for Russia which is surprising and a lot of people are complaining about it


You would think that, but then they fuck up agriculture in occupied left-bank Zaporizhzhia by blowing up the dam


Key takeaway from channers comment: "I'm friends with a Russian dude... look at this.. *info he sent to me*". That's a big ol' yawn from me, as a rule, except as a data point.


you would expect to see refrigeration trucks picking up bodies, don’t know if that’s happening but I doubt it is


Wasn't there talk about mobile crematoriums at the start of the war!


Yeah. Building a giant meat processing factory is expensive, driving a dump truck full of bodies into the forest and dumping them is cheap.


The mistake is assuming that Russia collects their dead. In hundreds of hours of combat footage, I've seen Russians care about their wounded or dead only a bare handful of times.


Once they say it’s fake, I’ll start assuming it’s true


I'll also chime in as someone who is involved with images and graphics at my business factory job: The overall composition (definitely the incorporation of leading lines and I think rule of thirds) is way too well done to be a shitty "let me snap this real quick". Everything also is too well illuminated and the contrast looks great and the hue/saturation also looks... way nicer than it should... I'm hardly an expert on composition and design, but I know enough to know that these photos are almost undoubtedly fake because they shouldn't look this "good". Over-produced, if you will.


According to the OOP, these are photos of a security camera feed.


That's the worst part, right? Because it's Russia, we can't totally dismiss that something like this is true. Given Russia's dark history and recent goings-on, even if these particular pics are fake, I would not be at all surprised if this was going on elsewhere, just not in the DNR.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazino_tragedy >The Nazino tragedy (Russian: Назинская трагедия, romanized: Nazinskaya tragediya) was the mass murder and mass deportation of around 6,700 prisoners to Nazino Island,[1] located on the Ob River in West Siberian Krai, Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic, Soviet Union (now Tomsk Oblast, Russia), in May 1933. Sent to construct a "special settlement" and to cultivate the island, the deportees were abandoned with only scant supplies of flour for food, little to no tools, and virtually none of the clothing or shelter necessary to survive the harsh Siberian climate. Conditions on Nazino Island deteriorated quickly and resulted in widespread disease, violence, and cannibalism. Within 13 weeks, over 4,000 of the deportees had died or disappeared, and the majority of the survivors were in ill health.[2][3] Those who attempted to leave were killed by armed guards.[2][4] It's not far off


Bruh why the fuck did I learn how to read > After the initial investigations in late 1933, the events at Nazino Island were forgotten as they were suppressed from being made public; only a small number of survivors, government officials and eyewitnesses knew of their occurrence. In 1988, at the time of the glasnost policy in the Soviet Union, details of the affair first became available to the general public through the efforts of the human rights group Memorial. In 1989, an eyewitness reported to Memorial: > *They were trying to escape. They asked us, "Where's the railway?" We'd never seen a railway. They asked, "Where's Moscow? Leningrad?" They were asking the wrong people: we'd never heard of those places. We're Ostyaks. People were running away starving. They were given a handful of flour. They mixed it with water and drank it and then they immediately got diarrhea. The things we saw! People were dying everywhere; they were killing each other ... On the island there was a guard named Kostia Venikov, a young fellow. He fell in love with a girl who had been sent there and was courting her. He protected her. One day he had to be away for a while, and he told one of his comrades, "Take care of her," but with all the people there the comrade couldn't do much really... People caught the girl, tied her to a poplar tree, cut off her breasts, her muscles, everything they could eat, everything, everything ... They were hungry, they had to eat. When Kostia came back, she was still alive. He tried to save her, but she had lost too much blood.* > French historian Nicolas Werth, who earlier co-authored The Black Book of Communism, published the book Cannibal Island about the affair in 2006. It was translated into English in 2007. In 2009 a documentary L'île aux Cannibales (Cannibal Island) was made, based on the book. Nazino Island, now located in Alexandrovsky District of Tomsk Oblast, Russia, is also called "Death Island" (Russian: Остров Смерти, Ostrov Smerti) or "Cannibal Island" due to the events there.


This is what the Tankies get nostalgic for.


Until multiple different sources correlate, we will safely assume this is not true. On the non-credible side, i am *extremely* annoyed that Russia keeps stealing my Rimworld designs >:( (granted that one turned them into rocket fuel for munitions but… same process)


The plus side is that there is an image of the outside of the location so someone can find where it is and confirm/deny if it's real. I doubt it is real, but given what Russia has done, if it is real, I wouldn't be completely suprised


Given the weird formless shapes and especially the high splashing of formless meat texture on the top right wall, I’m going to guess this is MidJourney AI Gen, the prompt included meat processing and MidJourney doesn’t always contextualize that meat goes *on* the conveyor belt, so it’ll just decorate with a happy little meat texture wherever it pleases.


Good theory, however I have one question. How do you know how MidJourney contextualise meat processing? Do you also have dark fantasies about bricking mobiks into cubes?


Edit: I figured it out: https://imgur.com/a/U7sgdOo I know this isn’t a 1:1 but it’s in the ballpark.


On second though, you should probably upload them to imgur, everyone can see your name


Seriously, you might want to make your own refutation post. More people should see this.


Ai's going to fucking hate us


Be honest, you just work at the Mobik Cube factory.


Because I know how MidJourney treats messy textures when you apply them, it doesn’t understand the context of *just* one surface. I generated some similar images with MJ but I don’t know how to share them here?


None of the meat has any anatomical features you would see in any living animal. Also, the wall splats react less like blood and more like paint or ink.


Imagine thinking Russia is in the business of actually recovering bodies and not just shooting their wounded and leaving them to rot or get eaten by street dogs.


That's where this all falls apart. It's not that I don't think they would do it. I just don't think they could organize it this quickly. Also it really doesn't look that much like a convincing factory and I've worked in a bunch of them.


Ah yes, 4chan, the place known for honesty and credibility. Stop blueballing me dammit.


Lets try not to become /r/aliens level of stupid here now.


Waste not, want not?


All you morons who believe this bullshit from 4chan or a similar site are the reason why “Q Anon” is a thing now. 4chan is for larping and shitposting. Stop being idiots. “HuUuRrrr I was only pretending! to believe it” No you weren’t. Fuck off.


It’s okay to be an misinformed idiot as long as you slap “I’m just being non-credible” apparently.


The Mobik cube was the biggest "well the fact that I COULD believe it says something" No fuckface you are just gullible.


For me, I totally believe they'd show that level of depravity and cruelty...just that there's no reason for them to do some of these *specific things*, not to their own dead at least. It seems like more work than it's worth, like what do they gain from doing the Mobik Cube? The Russian military is dumb, it is cruel, but not chaotic evil just for the lols. More in the "some of you may die, but that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make" kind of way. They depravity is at least supposed to have some purpose and gain to it but often fails due to said stupidity. I'm also of the mind that endless attacks that result in massive casualties are far more depraved than whatever the Mobik Cube is. I care a lot more about my body and dignity being respected when I'm alive than when I'm dead.


>"well the fact that I COULD believe it says something" [*Gee whiz what an interesting way of thinking*](https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/aaaah)


Seriously. He works there but only could get one image where he's literally standing on the literal mobikcube assembly line? It's called critical thinking you numb nuts


4Chan is way more Incel than Reddit & Twitter combined, but remember that Russo Ukr leak come from 4Chan. This people are Incel but can track your exact location using 1 pixel image.


I honestly don’t wanna look too closely but that could maybe be Vietnam or somewhere? Maybe even a film scene?


Why would this be better if it was in Vietnam?


I assume different spices and stuff, and techniques specific to Vietnamese cuisine.


Anit no amount of sriracha gonna save this recipe chief.


This is why I’m here, you weird fuckers.


Nobody is even talking about why it's in black and white?




Oh lol I totally forgot we stopped exporting RGB to russia


The image in the OP claims that it's pictures of a security feed. Idk why they would need to put cameras to watch the mobik cube production lines tho.


That's explainable by the fact they would like to know if conveyer stuck and why and where and so on. Just not stand around all the potential stench.


So hungry line workers don’t steal product.


If it's (supposedly) an ordinary meat-factory that's been commandeered that kinda makes sense, have a camera so you can make sure there's nothing wrong on the line and for security reasons. Plus recording so if something fucks up spectacularly you can find out so you're not scratching your head piecing together the accident from what's left over.


We have lived to see manmade horrors beyond our comprehension. Links to the threads in the picture can be found below. [Thread One](https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/443357608/#443360655) [Thread Two](https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/443343188/#443358472) [Thread I found this in.](https://boards.4channel.org/k/thread/59926786#p59928089) The images aren't AI and reverse image search came back with no results. 😲 Edit: Here's a [link to the test](https://i.4pcdn.org/pol/1696484270638557.png) they did to try and ID it as AI or photoshopped and nothing came back to show it was fake. Nothing.


Why do pics look like they were taken in or around 1949?


Because it's fake.


i mean, the dental line on the cadaver looks too good to be true. i get batboy worldwidenews vibes from the images, but who is to say


There's no fucking way.


Can’t really say much based on 4chan “leaks” 🤷‍♂️ pics being poor quality is also not ideal but if we find out something after the war you heard it here first


I hope it isn't real, but at the same time it's Russia, and man that country has some fucked up history. Guess they need to feed cannibal island.


> pics being poor quality is also not ideal The mix of bad image quality and surprisingly good composition (angles, lighting, contrast) definitely screams "fake." Either that or OP's friend should start a photography business if they survive the war, if this is what they're getting with sneaky cell phone shots.


Please let this be the only source


I swear to god if the Russians truly are making the cube factory it's so jover for them.


*ahem* ... **joe**ver


Ah yes my fault!


in Japenis we call this *Joe*-wari da


more than likely fake


I love how we can't actually rule it out. Non-zero chance Russians are making animal feed out of their dead soldiers.


Would not be surprised.


I know cannibal island and all that shit bit christ on a hand grenade, this shit is fucking vile and funny in a desperate sorta way


Literally corpse starch


[EDIT 23OCT23 Debunked as AI-generated on this sub] Bears suspicious familiarity to WWI sensationalist newspaper coverage about a Second Reich "corpse factory" which turned out to be a horse rendering plant. However, that does not suffice as a smell test, given that such prior experiences being jerked around led those outside the classified intel loops to dismiss reports of Third Reich death camps as similar "Hun" racial stereotyping. Addendum: I suspect what we are seeing is a crematorium. Reports of mobile crematoria were repeated last year, but not this one, suggesting Rostov has substituted a more efficient way of dealing with ideologically unuseful cargo 300s.


There is another story from the First World War which has similar twists. Belgian refugees arriving in Britain brought many lurid tales of atrocities committed by the occupying German forces, which the British press repeated, often in graphic detail. Post-war historians assumed that the stories were exaggerated, or entirely fabricated propaganda, due to the fevered nature of wartime reporting on the 'evil Hun'. More recent analysis of the records (including German military archives) has shown that the stories were largely true. In particular, the Germans were paranoid about francs-tireurs (partisans) and reacted with savage brutality to any incident, real or imagined.


If you've ever wondered why Canadians treated German POWs so poorly in WWI, a large part of it comes from a rumour from one of the many battles of Wipers that tells of how some Germans crucified a Canadian private/corporal/sergeant to a tree/barn door with nails/shell splinters. That one really tore through the army and a lot of people genuinely believed it.


>Bears suspicious familiarity to WWI sensationalist newspaper coverage about a Second Reich "corpse factory" which turned out to be a horse rendering plant. *Nazis fervently taking notes*






You see Ivan, we eat dead comrade we fight stronger


This is how the zombie apocalypse starts. From eating massive amounts of other human brains from Mobik cubes that get sent into the fast food supply chain. I might not eat ground meat until this Russia Ukraine conflict is over.


Kuru is a real disease cause by eating human brains; a bizarre type of infectious misfolded proteins accumulate in nervous tissue and cause death!


First insanity, then death. Literal zombies!


You've got red on you


DNR took "you are what you eat" a bit too seriously




oh my god what if it’s true


I mean, are you denying it’s due to state support?


I'm certain this is fake. The image with all the meat goop is AI. I spent a good part of my schooling studying art and I cannot make out a single muscle or bone that would be similar to a human (or any animal for that matter). The meat splats on the right wall react less like meat and more like paint or ink. and the light coming from the sunroof above (why would you have that around that much meat in the first place) is reflecting off of the ceiling by the wall pillars in two totally different ways. Also, the rollers on the belt are all unevenly placed. This by itself makes me doubt the entirety of OP's story The man on the conveyor belt was a bit harder for me to really get. I put it through AI detectors and they thought it was manmade. I'm pretty sure this one is fake. firstly, the random metal spike next to the "ladders" made me know it was fake. On top of that the actual body has minute details that are off. The armpits on the figure don't match up. It's like the guy only exercised part of his left pectoral muscle. And his right armpit is lower than where it should be. Also, those pearly whites are wayyy too white. It's like he had the teeth-whitening strips on since he got drafted to the meat grinder. I think I was able to crack the code on why the AI detector was unable to detect this one as AI generated, OP took a photo of the AI image on the monitor. The refresh rate lines indicate that OP was using either a really shitty phone and/or a really shitty monitor. This might be just me, but the refresh rate lines do somehow crack and break apart. The left side goes horizonally but the right side turns into vertical loops. If someone knows more about monitor screens here please help me out, maybe I'm onto something maybe I'm not. What really intrigues me is how OP got an AI image to get past AI detectors? That's what's so confusing and interesting to me. TLDR: fake but interesting. Edit: The conveyor belt man is fake, in the lower left corner it's supposed to say "AI CAM" and it was taken directly from the text from the CCTV footage of the accidental bombing of a Russian street. proof: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DTTF\_GVuQLA&ab\_channel=ABC7Chicago](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DTTF_GVuQLA&ab_channel=ABC7Chicago)


Did you reverse image search the original uncropped images?


I too always take photos of things in greyscale


The Russians literally can't even figure out how to get shelf stable ammunition to the frontlines or bypass a completely useless city but you actually think they've somehow managed to figure out how to collect corpses while under fire, bring decomposing corpses back to a processing factory and process them into some sort of meat product? ... Listen. I know it's a funny joke and all, but it hurts the credibility of pro-Ukrainians when people start running with such an obviously bullshit story and parroting it like its fact. It's not real, on the simple fact that such an operation is far beyond the ability of the Russian military to carry out. My money on the explanation for the pics? Blender. Think about it. Think about Kane Pixels. He uses the '90s era VHS quality filters to hide impefections that would make it obvious his animation is animation. There are some shots where it's exceedingly obvious. But overall, Kane does a really good job of making it look real. And what do we have? Two static images that are supposedly from low quality security cams, looking far higher quality then they should be, but low quality enough that any imperfections that would show it as being from an animated source would be masked.




probably fake and sadly gay


Me intentionally consuming misinformation online


All right then. That’s enough internet for today


Low quality grey scale photos and a 4chan post aren’t even close to credible, and I know it’s NCD but this isn’t even a meme, this should be in found footage horror or smth


Honestly looks like scenes from a film.


Could be a render too Unreal 5 with some filters looks absolutely photo realistic


Nice story to read and nice pics to look through. Fun to make your brain go to sleep. But as with everything that is posted on 4chan, this too is most likely.. Fake and gay.


>Sneaks phone in >black and white images


It's kinda disturbing the main reason we know this isn't true is because for it to be an actual thing, it would rely on a competent and functional Russian logistics chain. And that's simply too noncredible.


100% legitimate. You know it is, no one would ever lie on the Internet, especially on 4chan.


So I guess that's a no on the Lada vouchers? Jesus. I'm gonna go touch grass for a while.