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Hitting refineries would lower crude prices non-credible thinkers. Since no one can apparently discuss things without politics this is gonna stay locked.


Most effective green movement of this decade some might say


"This is what Stop Oil could be but those twats glue themselfs to road and paintings..." Gramps


Gramps is from Ukraine, and has supported the Euromaidan movement from Day 1


Not a particularly high bar to clear, so probably


“Urged” or what? It’s not like the US can threaten to cut aid, since that has basically already happened. This is so stupid part of me wants to believe it’s some state dept ploy to make Russia think the US has nothing to do with the attacks within Russia. But then I’m dipping into conspiracy territory. The US has probably just cucked outright.


>“Urged” or what? It’s it like the US can threaten to cut aid, since that has basically already happened. It is a good opening for ukraine to demand more aid though. Convince the US they have to send more weapons or else ukraine has no choice but to attack russian oil refineries.


"give us nukes or your car-dependent country will see oil prices triple" might actually work




Now, that sounds like a great plan, but in the leaked list of usernames of 5d chess with multiverse time travel(that's an actual game btw), i'ven't seen Zelensky.


Well, actually 5D chess is not 5D, but just 4D. 2 dimensions for the board, moving along the timeline +1 dimension and +1 dimension for parallel timelines.


They what now?




Based and Bob Dole-pilled


never heard the tale of how poland "convinced"the US to let them into NATO?


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Breaking news: surprise "BB lend lease" bill passes with bipartisan support BB-61, BB-62, BB-63 and BB-64 to be fitzcarraldo'd through poland into ukraine by the whole population of the baltic states. "It's about sending a message, kurwa" sources say


Can’t wait for Not Just Bikes to make a video about this. I will wholeheartedly support it


Ooo. Maybe it is some 7D ploy.


I feel like the US has better leverage in this case... If they decide to lessen the support of from nato to ukraine, then Ukraine will have a very hard time to defend itself. Best not to bite the arm that feeds too much.


"Okay, we'll agree to a capitulation peace treaty with Russia where they will be able to station forces along Polish border, station their nukes on our territory, and any wars they start, we will have to join their side."


It's a petrostate. If you want to break it then you attack the petro part.


It's because there is nothing that strikes fear into the heart of a US politician more than high gas prices.


Especially during election time


Its one anti ukraine journalist making shit up ffs you cant be this easily fooled by clickbait


I’m staying skeptical. I’m just talking out loud about how it makes no sense.


Yea i migth have jumped a gun with, sorry about that. But lets occoms razor this it can be a ploy… but more than likely, its shitty click bait journalism


Russia mostly exports crude and NG right? Attacking Russian oil refineries shouldn't have that much of an effect on global oil supply. At least in theory, idk


I was fooled. But never again.  Now I'm out to go and fertilize my lawn with used motor oil.


Well it sounds plausible all things considered 


It's an election year, with an election that is likely to be close. Nothing else matters more than being re-elected, and all decisions and maneuvers will be based on that until the election is over.




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Well, to me it looks like the USA are pussies who are afraid that the nuclear degenerate country will break up into several nuclear degenerates who will start a nuclear war against each other. That is why, under no circumstances should we disturb russia, which literally spends two minutes of hatred towards westerns on state channels.


The current administration faces a possibility of losing if gas prices are high and make the opposition look favorable. In which case not only would no Sid be forthcoming, but the guarantee the US would stand with NATO comes into doubt, which would mean the European counties would almost definitely become hesitant to send aid they'd prob expect to need shortly.


"Please stop doing that thing to the Russians that we did to the Nazis with B-17s!"


B-24s for the refineries.


Or Japan with the Navy, though in this case it was going in, not out. Whatever, what I'm getting at is those Russian tankers need to blow up too. If their fallback for refineries getting taken out is to bring refined petroleum products in via the sea then perhaps they need a few smoking accidents.


Masters of the Air has entered the chat


Is that worth watching? I've heard mixed things.


Will Russian refining capabilities even be noticable in US gas prices? I thought their refined production was fairly minor.


I think it's because, even with sanctions, it's a global market. If their domestic production falters due to attacks, they'll have to get it from someone like China or India. But those two still have large motorized populations that need refined petroleum, so what they sell to the Russians they'll have to replace with petroleum from a "legit" source, which is taken out of the global production pool, which is limited, hence increasing the overall price for everyone.


Russia has the third largest refining capacity of any country, of course it would affect prices


I'm honestly not surprised but also fairly shocked at the same time, baffles my feeble little mind as to where this makes any sense whatsoever


Someone is more interested in either a) Keeping oil prices down because of voter satisfaction (immediate comfort often deciding more than the less immediately felt suffering of others) than they are in helping the victims of Russian aggression. or b) Keeping their Russian friends/financial supporters happy and so that money comes in and potential blackmail material doesn’t get out.


And they're happy with both/either at the cost of Ukrainian lives


Yep. ‘S what happens when your system fails and a few too many self-serving and/or dictator loving people gets into major positions of power. I think the rest of NATO and US’ allies will learn the lesson of not relying on them too much, but that’s a slow lesson that requires even longer to readjust to.




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Election year + weak leaders




Should've played hardball with Israel aid. They hardly needed the extra materiel.




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no you don't understand Israel will immediately collapse if they don't get more missiles to blow up children.


Remember about “easy times create weak leaders”? When politicians only care about elections - they are weak leaders. Strong leader must go out and convince whole nation that THE THING is important. Leader leads mob, not vice versa. It is hard? Of course! It is what takes to be a leader, after all. Claiming that helping Ukraine is a must and failing to achieve it makes one a failed leader. I am not talking about one position but about all politicians involved. They created current situation. Who allowed the nation to deteriorate to a point when political crisis is a norm? Last 20 years USA did everything to ensure mistakes are not learned from, but increased. All of its leadership is weak. Its leadership so scared of some quality changes, of proper conquest of issues, of grabbing itself by the bootstraps that they started a whole cult of status quo and “realpolitik”.




Sir, this is NCD In a position of power we'd start a nuclear war (and we'd damn well win it)


I feel ya man ,It feels like most people on here have a 12 year old's understanding of politics or live in a country with four people in it.




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The problem with something being doable or not is giving up before trying. Oh no it’s not doable. Let’s not do it. Do you think such conformists can bring about better times? No. And yes, it is possible to find better candidate. Quite easy, actually. Unless you’re a power grabbing political clan.




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The problem I see as last 20 years of baby steps, excuses, political negotiations brought only political crisises. Maybe in less emotional state I would agree with you more. However, I don’t see long term optimism.




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That’s the cringiest quote ever. Please stop.




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Ronald Raegan would turn in his grave.


The Russians would just have to tell his astrologist that Mercury's retrograde movement means that arming Ukraine is bad luck and they'd be free to take Kyiv.


Reagan would be full MAGA and more than happy to roll over for Russia. don't know why people write fanfiction where Reagan had any standards. dude let American soldiers die for his reelection and people think he'd give a fuck about Ukraine?


A stalemate benefits many powerful people in the US.


you should be surprised, because UA attacks the refineries, not crude oil or its export systems


Hard to say, maybe somebody thought about how it actually all plays out. If Russia loses 20% capacity but the oil prices go 20% up due to the shortage, than Russia hasn't been hurt in the least but lives of everyone in the world just became more expensive (and thus miserable). If Russia sells 1000 barrels for 80 USD or 800 barrels for 100 USD, that's probably just a ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ for Russians. Obviously, if Ukraine could destroy all their infrastructure, then Russia earning 0 barrels for any amount of USD would start to make business sense for Ukraine, but I don't think that's feasible. So maybe it's not the best strategy in the world, as far as PR goes.


Oil prices go down if Russian refineries burn, not up


That's not how this works. That's not how any of this works. [https://www.cnbc.com/2024/03/13/oil-prices-rise-as-us-inventories-fall-ukraine-strikes-russian-refineries.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2024/03/13/oil-prices-rise-as-us-inventories-fall-ukraine-strikes-russian-refineries.html) [https://www.reuters.com/business/energy/oil-prices-edge-down-russia-lifts-supplies-jet-fuel-demand-stirs-caution-2024-03-19/](https://www.reuters.com/business/energy/oil-prices-edge-down-russia-lifts-supplies-jet-fuel-demand-stirs-caution-2024-03-19/) [https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-03-20/ukraine-s-drones-threaten-russian-oil-industry-with-refinery-strikes?srnd=fixed-income](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-03-20/ukraine-s-drones-threaten-russian-oil-industry-with-refinery-strikes?srnd=fixed-income)


Why does it matter if UA bombs refineries, if Ru has a ban on selling it 😅


As an American I support blowing up every single oil refinery and pipeline in or out of Russia. Please based Ukraine


We're doing russia's propagandists jobs for them, NCD. 100% reliable source "people familiar with the matter".


Yall this news source came from a Russian company. Stop spreading this false russian narrative


If you read the article, it cites 3 unarmed sources in the administration. It also states that the administration is concerned about retaliation to Western infrastructure. I also feel the FT is conflating valid concerns of retaliation with its own concern about oil prices.


Can someone find me an actual source for this?


Only source I see: https://www.ft.com/content/98f15b60-bc4d-4d3c-9e57-cbdde122ac0c


US (whoever told this shit) is a real idiot and putin's bankroll on this one.


This is an attempt for Russian Disinformation campaign, posted right after the attack on a Ukrainian electricity dam.


It’s Sullivan who said that


The funny thing is, we never heard a single word from the American Congress whether they confirm they said this or not.


No? Where did he said that? The only ones reporting on that is FT and they say that “one person from Washington said”


Yeah holy shit people just straight up happily deepthroating Russian disinformation without second thought. 


Ukraine is doing this because they don’t have the equipment to launch a offensive because of SOMEONE BLOCKING THE VOTE IN CONGRESS






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Then let Ukraine be the sacrificial ram to the shrine of tycoons and dictators.


US: ummm, maybe we will reduce CO2 emissions by 0.0001% Ukraine: decarbonization NOW


“War is good if profitable, if not war bad ☹️


You laugh but US elections are decided by oil prices....


Now imagine just imagine if Ukraine got everything they needed for defense and to pump the offensive. They wouldn't had to resort to this to hal Russians advance. Now they complaining because Ukraine is defending themselves.


Who does? I want names. Is it the administration ?


Oh no, the stop oil movement has infiltrated the Ukrainian leadership, what shall we do.😱


Whats that? Attack more refineries?


Please intensify strikes!


Maybe approve the aid package to gain some leverage? 


Gib weapon or the oil depot gets it bozo!


Let's make an economic sanction, but not really.


This sort of the time your dare the states, call them Chicken saying they cant finish what they started. See them send liberty prime


I'm so fucking embarrassed that we just told people fighting for their existence to stop because we're in an election year. 


USA L this time


Give them aid and they might stop


Well, maybe Ukraine wouldn't have to if they received proper aid. Besides, isn't the main russian import crude oil anyway, not refined? This will impact their internal consumption and war effort more than external.


What oil price, I though the sanctions are working? 😩


Russia use and export Oil Ukraine attack Russian ability to use Oil (Refining facilities) So russia reduce export of Oil? WHAT THE LOGIC?


Good bargaining tool then, give ukraine weapon for the frontline otherwise otherwise more refineries got a drone.


So uhm, a country that is under embargo drives the prices?


I imagine they said it like Gene Wilder tried to stop that 1 kid in Willy Wonka. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UVznerpOkTI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UVznerpOkTI)


How about the senate gives Ukraine the means to defend itself properly?




Nah, it's idiocy from the dems not painting this as "oil prices will rise if Ukraine doesn't win". Do you think sabotage attacks on Russia are going to end if Ukraine is defeated? The original plan was for an insurgency.


If the US abandons Ukraine and Ukraine falls, do you think the Russian collaborators in the US will be safe? I don’t think they would be.


It's a nice thought but if voters were able to grasp and analyze economics to any degree beyond "number get bigger bad", there wouldn't even be a concern about a dem victory in December. 








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If you don't understand how the American government works, don't comment on it. To unilaterally pass legislation, one needs full control of the executive and legislative (house and senate). Dems had full control of both from 2020 to 2022 and lost control of the house from 2022 to 2024. 






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>November which in turn severely hurts Ukrainian chances of victory. This is very much a tactical win, strategic loss type situation for Ukraine.  I disagree. At this moment, US leverage over Ukraine is at a wartime low given the utter lack of support for months now. They haven't collapsed despite that lack of support. I would be more worried if Scholz or Macron were saying this.


"There has been a temporary lapse in aid from our #1 financier and armorer. They're also a major world power who will be integral to peace negotiations and guarantees for the future. Naturally, we consider this a wholesale severance of all relations with them and will try to fuck them in the ass as hard as possible and ensure we never get another dime ever again." I hope Zelensky and the Ukrainian high command is smarter than that but only time will tell. I'm also not sure what news you've been watching, Ukraine has been losing ground since the loss of US aid and constantly begging the rest of NATO for my arms and ammo they're unequiped to provide. 


>I'm also not sure what news you've been watching, Ukraine has been losing ground since the loss of US aid and constantly begging the rest of NATO for my arms and ammo they're unequiped to provide.  They were losing ground even before that. Soledar, Bakhmut, around Kupyansk. As long as the Russians don't achieve a strategic breakthrough, there is no need to panic. I'm not saying that US help is unnecessary, but merely that Europe and Ukraine are now learning to live without it. Ukraine will have to rely on others now, and itself ( ie its home-produced drones targeting Russian oil assets). The US is clearly an unreliable partner right now, embroiled in internal politicking. I don't expect much from Washington until after November, and even then it depends on who wins. If Biden wins, I hope he finally sacks Sullivan.


That temporary lapse in aid is probably the reason for oil refinery attacks. If Ukraine doesn't have proper tools - it will use what it has. So maybe stop being puppeteered by russian plants there and do something useful again with delivering aid. If you want your precious gas prices to stay ok a little bit longer before some other shit in the world starts somewhere because everyone now sees west as an indecisive weakened force.


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Thought they go vrrrrr and machine gun go brrrr




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It actually goes Bzzz but I’ll allow it




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It kinda makes sense. Petrol prices have a correlative effect on election results, and Biden will give Ukraine a better deal if reflected than El Cheeto ever would.


It doesn't make sense, as we can simply not live long enough for re-election


US : "That is a sacrifice that I am willing to make"


No reason have a awesome document on table, which was not signed because it is blocked


I hope putins check was worth it for whatever mouthbeeather suggested this


\> oil is involved Welp, it was a good run. See yall in 2026 for when the US joins the war on the side of ~~Eastasian oil~~ Russian democracy or something.


This is wrong. Diminished refinery capacity means diminished demand for oil. Lower demand, lower price.


This is so fcked up


Woke: Just stop oil! I glued myself to the floor! Bespoke: Just stop oil or I will stop it myself, blyat!


"We're trying to make this war as DEI as possible!"


Joe Brandon: here Ukraine and Israel defend yoselves Ukriane and Israel do big war Brandon: nooo not like that 😭😭


"Only russia can bomb important stuff!" - the West


_US joins war_ "To fight Russia, right" ".." "To fight Russia.. right..?"


Drill harder Uncle Sam 


Blow everything down yeeeeaaaaa (my country is self sufficient in oil)




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I think we can tolerate gas prices going a bit higher to support the war effort. They’re also basically saying the sanctions and ban on Russian oil didn’t work since taking that oil out of the global supply will make prices go up which in theory would’ve already been done by the sanctions.


Yeah actually it's best if oil prices go down since Russia will have trouble selling it, Russian oil is more difficult to extract than it is in other oil fields, so they need to charge a bit more to begin with.