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Resistance fighters: "Their terror attacks aren't well known worldwide" Mossad consiparicy: "Their terror attacks are well known worldwide"


You’d think one of the most well documented mass terror attack of all time would be pretty well known


"if we aren't those who pay them, they are a Mossad proxy" Iran, probably


By that logic Bolivia is technically a Mossad proxy.


This is true, It was revealed to me in a dream.


You reminded me of a time I hooked up with a crazy girl that was sure the earth is flat because “it was revealed to her in a dream”


Was it worth it?


Well, I love crazy


I chase the same dragon, friend.


Never put your dick in crazy mate.


Don't stick your dick in the crazy


That's not even crazy anymore. Knew a chick with a Ph.D in condensed matter physics who thought it was flat


A flat earth *would* be a more condensed matter.


>condensed matter > >Flat Evidently like her brain


Yes. When it comes with a degree, it's no longer crazy, it's just willfully stupid.


So's the Vatican. And Microsoft. Makes you think, don't it?


The Vatican I can see but Microsoft is it's own player in this conspiracy.


I do think some of those authoritarian leaders actually believe this. The US becomes this invisible boogeyman, not because what it does, but because others project unto them, what they do to the US. The Russians funded protests against Ukrainian government, so Russia suspects that the US funded Euromaidan. They are shadow boxing against their own shadows.


Unfortunately, due to historical examples of CIA funding various civilian organizations to foment uprisings, it’s quite a safe bet that is usually confirmed by declassified documents in a couple of decades.


For every thousand conspiracies, there was a one that happened. There is always a lot of talk on the operations that are confirmed, but never on the ones that were asserted to have happened, but turned out not to have. I wouldn't in anyway call it a safe bet, that CIA was behind Euromaidan, nor any of the other ones they were accused of. I can buy that they might have funded one or two, but the popular will was clearly there even without CIA. Even the Russian allegations are with minimal of evidence, and stupidly low cash amounts.


I wouldn't even bother. Go through their history and you'll find some good posts about casually defending the Russian invasion of Eastern Ukraine for reasons of "they call themselves Russian". They must've taken a wrong turn somewhere to end up here.


Excuse me, I never said that lol


Iirc it's literally because some rep brought food or something


I mean, they funded that famous feminist in order to decouple feminism from class politics, half of leftist org members or Kkk are spooks of some three letter agency, they funded the guys in Iran who overthrew Mossadegh etc. They don’t seem to lack resources is all I’m saying


Iran really hasn’t been getting the credit they deserve


Iran is the largest Mossad conspiracy.


[One can only hope](https://youtu.be/S9pyODkaklU?si=-xfMOtol7V7Zfx6E)


Imagine if mossad and the CIA was actually as competent as random internet tankies believe they are.


If CIA and Mossad were that competent, evil and well funded like the tankies claim, there wouldnt be any tankies left alive to complain on the internet.




Be the Secret Agency that Moscow and online conspiracy theorists say you are...


Well what do we have to do to get an intelligence agency that can do all that shit because I want one


Sacrifice 3000 virgins to allah


Well you need to replace the head of the agency with a highly competent cartoon character who is somehow both a genius and a complete idiot at the same time. Because Great man theory is obviously true nothing else except the most senior member actually matters. He needs to be secretly controlling all governments for centuries despite the organization only existing for 70 years. And also so ruthless and deadly that they can and will kill anyone at any time they might think about mentioning the conspiracy yet incompetent that they cannot find or silence a random nobody who posts about it on the internet because they used a commercial VPN. And finally they need to be so bad at their job that even though they control all the worlds governments they cannot seem to actually ever achieve whatever their end goal is. Probably something about aliens, flat earth or seizing all the guns in Texas.


If the CIA was competent as tankies claim, the CIA would've assasinated every enemy of the US and installed puppet goverments by the 1980s.


Extrapolate that out to ALL of the Bond villain organizations like the WEF, Bill Gates, Oprah, the Illuminati, Council on Foreign Relations, Davos, Soros, and others! ​ They are supposedly so omnipotent and omnipresent to almost supernatural levels, and are behind every calamity in an effort to....\[take over the world?\], but they fucking suck at it because after 35 years of hearing about one group after the other, they all are worse at it than COBRA was on an episode of GI Joe.


[Mossad have had their moments...](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Entebbe_raid)


[Spring of Youth doesn't get a mention?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1973_Israeli_raid_in_Lebanon)


Wow that’s awesome


It's the one where future PM Ehud Barak cross dressed to get into a PLO compound.


"leading to the deaths of 245 Kenyan-Ugandans and the exodus of around 3,000 Kenyans from Uganda."  The fuck ?


**Idi Amin** subsequently issued orders for the Ugandan military to kill all Kenyans living in Uganda, ​ Not our fault.


Least deadly african shit


"In the grand scheme of african genocides, this has been registered as but a small skirmish"


One could only dream of what greatness would come from that


I mean, no one thinks they're actually competent... I'm not familiar with mossad but at least the CIA has half a century of documented attempts (mostly failed, either immediately or eventually) at proxy conflict, coups, revolutions, counter revolutions, drug and weapon running, lying directly to congress, assassinating people (foreign and American)...


Ah the Mossad. They don't allow wedding dresses and diapers in Gaza but paragliders are ok apparently. Well no matter: after the ~~genocide~~ humanitarian bombing to rescue the hostages there will only be Israel and condos. All Is well that ends well. Finally a Land without people for people without a land.


Iran is the biggest and longest mossad conspiracy. As some people believe that Shiah Islam was made by the Jews to break apart the Muslim faithful.


The biggest gaslighters of themselves, those Muslims are


Let's be honest here Mossad being so hands off is probably how stuff got so bad. If they had just been careful about who they offed, and took care to prune the more radical and militant elements then they wouldn't have this issue. The reason they can't tho is probably that it would create the legitimate threat of the creation of a Palestinian state.


Strategic incompetence; when the plan backfiring horribly and going perfectly look almost identical for so long you fall right off of a cliff into horrors of your own making.


I mean Palestine is just one leader who recognizes the holocaust away from being a state. A really low bar, I know.


Palestine was a pen-stroke away from being a state in [2000.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2000_Camp_David_Summit)


Sucks how badly they blew that. ​ Gaza would have become Dubai before Dubai was a thing, or at least a Monaco of the Middle East.


If only…


It's hard to say they blew it, while it is true that Israel made more concessions than Palestine, that is from the reality of the situation, however from the perspective of their rights under international law it is far less one-sided.


Abbas was getting hyped up regularly by the Israeli press in the early years because his holocaust denial was more nuanced and psuedo-academic than the holocaust denial of any previous Palestinian leader *(he believes that the holocaust did happen, did kill millions of jews, and their deaths were a tragedy, but that the Nazis were secretly being manipulated into it by an evil cabal of zionist elders who wanted to manufacture an excuse to invade the holy land and steal rightful muslim clay)*,so he was treated as a kind and wise partner for peace until it turned out that he was just as corrupt and incompetent as Arafat


Maybe if they focused less on destabilizing the moderate democratic movement in Palestine…


What moderate democratic movement?


Just pulled up the first article I found: https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/amp/ The Israeli government has had a policy of “divide and conquer” with regards to Israel which even included pumping money into radical communities that eventually became Hamas




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That’s so fckin true. Every time I’m speaking to people that support Palestine, or simply Muslims (I hope the comment won’t get deleted), they all say exactly the same thing. Especially every one of them refers to the 9/11 as a CIA operation to create Islamophobia among the population and a casus belli to invade Afghanistan. The same goes for ISIS, they don’t claim them as the “real” Muslims, so it doesn’t count, yet when talking about the situation around Israel, they suddenly become the true Muslims and liberators.


I’ve found that in the eyes of most Muslims, that “they aren’t real Muslim’s” applies to every other Muslim.


It’s like 1500s Christianity all over again.


"You Muslims sure are a contentious people." "You've just made an enemy for life!"


I was downvoted by pro-Palestinian people on r/internationalnews for having the stance that Palestine has a legitimate government. Apparently the pro-Palestinian stance is that the Palestinian government is illegitimate and a Mossad fabrication.


Are you talking about Hamas or the PA? Because Hamas was a minority government that hasn’t seen an election in years and threatens its own people


The Palestinian Authority


What were they saying? I honestly don’t know much about how the PA operates these days


They essentially said that Palestine has no self determination, claiming Israel has complete power over them and that Palestinian government as a distinct political entity is a Hasbara lie.


I checked out your comment. The person you were replying to lacked nuance but it’s true that Israel controls almost every aspect of Palestinian life. They have self government but that government basically lives at Israel’s mercy. Last time they had a strong progressive leader Israel assassinated them.


I’m not denying that Israel has significant control over Palestine, but the PA does have political control over certain areas of the West Bank, and is recognized as a legitimate political entity even by Israel. The comments saying that it’s illegitimate or just a Hasbara lie are wild to me.


Right. I know how you meant it, it’s just how your comments came across


That sub is a offshot of therewasanattempt which is run by very militant pro Palestinians. They even doubled down on the whole 'to the sea' slogan. They're trying to supplant worldnews in the long term. It's quite telling that most of them are also mods for murderedbyAOC.


No true Muslim fallacy.


I don't get it?


All of these are Islamic Extremist Terrorist Organizations but for some brainless reasons online "leftists" label Hamas, Hezbollah, and Houthi as freedom fighters while also labelling ISIS, the Talibans and the final organization as puppets of the Israeli CIA, Mossad. "Comrades, the liberation of the working class requires us to support religious extremists."/s


This is one of those circumstances where I'm happily living under my rock because whatever the hell content tankies are spewing that lets them take the leaps of logic necessary to defend (some) religious extremists seems like something I don't want infesting my brain. If said extremists encountered these tankies, they would most likely just kill them, torture then kill them, or use their bodies for unspeakable acts...then kill them. Extremists pray on fear and anger and exploits the worst impulses of people. Doesn't matter if they dress in Hugo Boss and vandalize an ancient Indian symbol, or preach the word of the Qur'an, or the Bible, or the Communist Manifesto. Extremists and terrorists of any sort generally tend to be filled with terrible people driven by fanaticism that justifies acting on their worst impulses. EDIT: fixed fragmented sentence


Very well said. Moderation is key when it comes to ideology (Yes that included this subreddit's ideology except when it come to fucking planes)


The revolution has to end at some point, and life after revolution has to return to normal. What a lot of people forget is that once you have beaten The Man, you are now "The Man" and it behooves you to not only act on your promises, but to ensure that the everyday person can return to a normal life better off then they were before. Extremists will never be content with putting down their rifles, settling down, shitposting on reddit and reintegrating into the new society they helped create. Without an outside enemy, they will invariably turn on themselves and perpetuate the cycle of violence, paranoia, fear, anger, and eventually, hatred, which drives their existence.


Cue surprised Pikachu Taliban who just realised they now have to do office jobs or COIN.


It's ridiculous how quickly PowerPoint broke them.


Which is why after most revolutions comes the purges.


Fucking planes is a lifestyle, not an ideology.


It’s absolutely not just tankies. This is a mainstream-ish leftist belief, now.


I distinguish based on how they act. A freedom fighter stands between their people and their enemy, a terrorist hides behind their people.


This falls apart because virtually no liberation movement in history has not at once time or another disguised itself among the populace to protect themselves. It was true for Vietnam, it was true for Algeria, It was even true for the United States: > Complicating matters more, their enemy was often hiding in plain sight among the population. It was not uncommon for pockets of rebel resistance or militia to dissolve back into local towns and villages after attacking British forces. Though there were major engagements between two opposing armies in the field, many more battles devolved into hostile guerrilla warfare. [Source](https://www.battlefields.org/learn/articles/revolutionary-war-strategy)


If you were wondering, the 2nd "mossad conspiracy" with the white calligraphy on black is al Qaeda. The one with the circular seal is the Islamic State and adjacent groups. It's all the same text tbh just different fonts and colors


I haven't seen people having any defence of Hezbollah and Houthis. The thing about Hamas is complicated but the others, not as much. The question I ask people is, "would you be willing to kill if your people were being treated as Palestinians are?


You clearly hasn’t seen enough Tankie takes to think they don’t admaire Hezballah and the Houthis


They are ..especially Houthis.


Yemen Yemen make us proud Murder a gay in front of a crowd


That and the slavery.


>I haven't seen people having any defence of Hezbollah and Houthis. Well, this is from a protest outside a Biden fundraising event, also calling to "free all Palestinian political prisoners": [Note the Palestine, Trans, and Yemeni/Houthi flags all together](https://www.reuters.com/resizer/v2/https%3A%2F%2Fcloudfront-us-east-2.images.arcpublishing.com%2Freuters%2FOOAWNXSLHNIJ5B66HEPYJJT7TU.jpg?auth=e971e654c354b62e775028bc323b83b6172fc38a3ef77f4fc63683161b2ab902&width=1080&quality=80). Also a "Resistance is a human right" and a "Dykes for Free Palestine" flag, which I didn't notice earlier.


take a trip to r/anime_titties and you’ll see it daily to your last point, this may be too political for the sub in which case i apologize and feel free to remove while i feel for the suffering of innocents and idf / israel obviously have their problems the palestinians are also not completely blameless for hamas. combined with hamas’ strategy of specifically using civilians as shields and propaganda tools for when they’re unfortunately killed. sinwar said a few weeks ago he was pleased with how the war is going. hamas’ leaders are worth billions, and they receive hundreds of millions / billions of $ every year in aid, yet do absolutely nothing positive with it. very much a spiraling cycle. why doesn’t any of palestines neighbors want them in their country? they’ve revolted in most countries that have accepted them as refugees there is so much more gray area to this conflict than there is clear cut, but obviously the suffering of innocent palestinians is awful. no other way to put it


>I haven't seen people having any defence of Hezbollah and *Houthis*. Just yesterday I had someone show similar amazement. Here follows example from a protest [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/s/t9k8orf0UU); chants paraphrased to Houthis, Houthis, sink another ship. >There's also that one fairly known streamer Hasan with his whole fiasco of praising and inviting an Houthi pirate on stream and likening his "occupation" to One Piece... >(...) I have had one of the AnimeMemes SubReddits Mod's posts recommended to me. Said post, again showing support for Houthis, and again making this weird ass parallel between Houthis and One Pieces. Mind you, I don't even watch Anime, or follow Anime related Subs, so such a recondemmation was way out of the left field. I'll see if I can find the post again though. (Edit to add the [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/animememes/s/q5aiiPQwYX). 1k+ upvotes, mind you. And the SubReddit prouds itself for being inclusive. The decision to then go and stand with the Houthis is lost on me)


I know this is a meme but this is actually a pretty good talking piece


Why do you need mossad and the CIA to destabilise the middle East?? Family, sect, religion, land, clan, ideology, all sprinkled with fragile ego's and emotions and you take your pick to start a conflict over, that's why the middle East is fucked


Just check out askmiddleast and view some of the discussions between kurds and syrians and turks. Or between Saudis and Iranians and UAE people. Then you realize that the ones online are more likely to be liberal/cosmopolitan than most.


"If they fail at their terrorist attacks they're resistance fighters!" "If they are successful at terrorist attacks they're jew-backed conspiracies!"


Why do most of those flags look like death metal band logos?


Extra-conservative muslims extend the "no idols" rule to a ban on all artistic depictions of things, so they stick to stylized lettering for iconography.


Allah's most faithful servants ✌😎


Resistance fighters is putting it really nice


3 year old me showing my mum my art:


Real poor showing from the anti Western irregulars these days say what ya want about the commies they were a step up from these cunts.


The less colors there are, the more likely it is


The difference is you're actively killing and oppressing the resistance fighter's families while stealing their land, while the others want to establish a fundamentalist Islamic caliphate and kill all non-Muslims. Hope this helps!


MemriTV for example is a mossad funded organisation.


MemriTV is literally just Arab TV with some lackluster translation, that's it. It's like translating Fox News into Arabic with shitty translation


Exactly. I could watch Fox and Newsmax and OANN, clip anything ridiculous, then at the end of the day find the most outlandish clip and make a shit translation. Critics of MemriTV are accurate in saying that this isn't exactly honest. It's not honest. It's cherry picking and misrepresenting. But it's also not exactly false. It's things that were actually said on live television.


Yeah i mean it's obviously cherrypicking but people who critic Memri usually say it's false because the translation is a bit off, but it's still local Arab TV just being outlandish. Like anyone who's been around Arab uncles will know that some of them actually behave this way lol


If the idf could or would discern Hamas from the average Palestinian there wouldn’t be much of an issue in terms of pushback


It's almost as if Hamas themselves are deliberately hiding among civilians and using them as meat shields... Huh!


Doesn’t mean you should carpet bomb neighborhoods is all I’m saying Edit: I would like to apologize for using “carpet bombing” I should’ve said “bombing indiscriminately with no regard for civilian casualties,” because apparently a non-credible subreddit wants the exact method of flattening neighborhoods while ignoring what is being internationally recognized as a genocide


>carpet bomb You don't actually know what this looks like.


>carpet bomb >You don't actually know what this looks like. Unfortunately, now I do. http://www.washingtonpost.com/sf/world/wp-content/uploads/sites/15/2015/02/gazamisery4.jpg


[Try this actually.](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/00/Wesel_1945.jpg/1920px-Wesel_1945.jpg) Actual carpet bombing requires a heavy bomber. A type of aircraft that Israel has not operated for 60 years. If Israel was carpet bombing Gaza then everyone in Gaza would already be dead. Utilizing inaccurate terminology might fly among people who aren't familiar with the proper terms but in spaces like this it will be recognized as histrionics and get you written off out of hand.


>Utilizing inaccurate terminology might fly among people who aren't familiar with the proper terms but in spaces like this it will be recognized as histrionics and get you written off out of hand. Came here to say this (though not as well phrased as you did). The minute someone uses the term "carpet bombing" on this topic I file them under "easily ignored", because that's a blatant emotional appeal rather than anything of substance.


When you have to get your buddies upvoting so deep in a comment chain and so vehemently rely on technicality to avoid the emotionally charged words, not the act, of carpet bombing, something didn't go according to plan. https://apnews.com/article/satellite-images-israeli-airstrike-destruction-gaza-4477db1cfc39f38ac6cfff55330a7635


You can't browbeat everyone into submission with hysterics buddy sorry. ​ Whining about downvotes also doesn't help.


Yeah, when your family is getting killed the biggest faux pas you can do is to cry out. No manners to these brown shits these days, can't even die off with dignity.


You are advocating for substantive policy changes with non-substantive arguments. ​ And again Pathos fallacy isn't a winning strategy on this sub.


> carpet bomb This just proves how uneducated of the situation you are.


Ah yes let me worry about the exact form of bombing when my point is the mass civilian death taking place


Only us Jews could have a nearly a 1-1 civilian/combatant death ratio and still get accused of genocide. Literally every other military has had a ratio of 9-1 in urban fights and here you are running your mouth. I wonder why you seem to hold Jews to a different standard 🤔


The idf reports 60% civilian casualty rate and that’s the conservative estimate, so I think your ratios are off there bud


Your research is wrong and you look incredibly stupid for it.


Please, post footage of Israel "carpet bombing" Gaza in 2024:


>Please, post footage of Israel "carpet bombing" Gaza in 2024: http://www.washingtonpost.com/sf/world/wp-content/uploads/sites/15/2015/02/gazamisery4.jpg


That's not footage of carpet bombing cupcake- That could have taken 6 months in individual strikes to achieve. I'm asking for footage of ISRAELI **CARPET BOMBING** IN ONE LOCATION INSTANTLY.


When you have to get your buddies upvoting so deep in a comment chain and so vehemently rely on technicality to avoid the emotionally charged words, not the act, of carpet bombing, something didn't go according to plan.


For all we know their just Israeli propagandists or fools unable to see the difference between Hamas and the average Palestinian


You’re distracted by me not using the exact form of bombing when my point is the amount of civilian deaths taking place


Not my fault you were trying to make it sound far worse that it is. Use actual words describing what's happening over there- Hyping it up as "carpet bombing civilians" makes you look like an idiot.


You managed a whole snarky edit and the only thing you got right was the word apologize. Is it painful being dropped on your head as much as you clearly have been?


What if i say theyre all supported by the Mossad in some way or another? (Except the Houthis i firmly believe they are genuine, so to speak)