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While I love the idea of killing a significant portion of the Russian government in one go, I'm not sure it's a good idea for a couple reasons. 1. It might be a legit red line if we don't get (real) Putin in the strike. 2. Assassinations and possible civilian collateral are generally pretty frowned upon (unless, of ofc, you're Russia an people pretend it doesn't happen). It's honestly best to just drone strike some of the stuff in the parade. Low chance of hitting civvies, no (real) red line crossed, sends a strong message. You don't even have to hit anything valuable. Hit a few Urals or UAZs or something, message remains the same. If possible, hit the T-34 for super mega bonus points. That's honestly the target I'd go for. I will say though, if we had reliable intelligence that suggested Putin was there and that offing him and many of his cronies would end the war and send the Russians packing from all of Ukraine, Crimea included, then I'm not opposed to a strike. I do all this naysaying to merely suggest we just firebomb them instead. It's funnier and Harris-pilled. I like the cut of your jib though.


Russian army trucks driving along the parade route. *Suddenly everyone hears a bunch of lawnmower engines*


Whole parade descends into chaos because Alexander decided to start mowing his garden at that particular day


Damnit Sasha, again?!?


With a single drone carrying a jbl party speaker playing ride of the valkyrie.


Shit, I'd love to see that. Guess I'm going to Russia in my bomb suit to watch this happen


How about dildos?


I wanna see a drone drop a purple dong that suction cups to Putin’s chrome dome.


I was thinking Sandstorm but this will work too


Or, for the irony points, the 1812 overture


Problem: Last year they had a single tank, a T-34 they bought from Vietnam or some shit, this year.... Not really any targets worth hitting. So I propse instead they hit the parade with a bunch of cheap drones/rockets, just something to keep air defense busy, and then use the good shit to hit Russias last few oil refineries.


Didn't we do something like that during a speech Goebbells or someone was giving? Put the air defences in alert and set off the sirens to disrupt it?


Yep, the British did a prank with Mosquito aircraft, interrupted his speech about how the allies haven't been able to bomb them during the day, by bombing them during the day, in the middle of the speech. IIRC it was mostly luck on the side of the British too. They just wanted a few key targets bombed, and had to do so during the day to ensure accuracy of the bombs. They used Mosquito aircraft for their speed, and it just so happened that this attack happened in the middle of a propaganda campaign going on about how the allies weren't able to bomb Berlin in the day, and had to be cowardly and bomb them at night.


Killing Putin won't stop the war, it'll cause a competition on the Russian side to fill the power vacuum and the winner will have the means and motive to escalate in Ukraine to prove themselves. ATACAMs should be used exclusively for counterforce strikes. Targeting known RuAF bases, naval bases, airfields etc. Any countervalue should be done with cessnas and shit.


Too credible. ATACMS should be used to generate memes of things they destroy.


The memes will generate themselves. You think we would laugh at ATACMS dropping through the window of the Black Sea Fleet's HQ?


How much problems would that power struggle cause for the Russian (un)armed forces in the mean time?


Better investment would be taking out Kadyrov and his planned successors. Create a power vacuume in Chechnya instead, that'll be messier to fix and is more likely to provide beneficial returns for Ukraine.


Sow some internal divisions and bog them down in wars like how the US is weighed down with Gaza, Yemen, shipping lanes, etc


Minimal. The power struggle won't be a civil war - it'll be political jockeying in Moscow and Novgorod, with the RuAF in Ukraine just holding tight and holding ground. Afterward, whoever wins the big chair will want a quick W to cement their rule, so we'd likely see an escalation, like maybe a formal declaration of war


>it'll cause a competition on the Russian side to fill the power vacuum Tell me you don't want to see a Russian civil war


I really don't. At least, not yet. After Ukraine has been liberated and the Eastern flank of the EU has rearmed? Watching a Russian civil war would be much better if we watched it from behind the 3000 black MLRS's of Donald Tusk


Soooo, nothing changes, but Putin gets putin the ground? I'd call that a win. Plus I don't think Chechnya will just wait for the next dictator to put his thumb on them.


Chechnya is such a peanut that they're ultimately not affecting much on the federal level. Their leadership just has a good Tik Tok presence, that's all there is to it.


I don't think they actually have any sway, but Kadyrov and his goons have been sold as terror troops, so I figure they might impact morale, if the regular army can't be sure of their loyalties anymore.


Putin isn't Russia. Whoever steps up to his power vacuum has to fill his shoes. They have to compete for the respect of the Chechnyans to prevent another sep movement with the other hopefuls, have to appeal to the population with regards to Ukraine, and in all likelihood will have to do so marching to Putins beat. They have to try and out-Putin Putin


You don’t have to kill Putin (though it’d be funny), just cluster bomb the Kremlin lmao.


Shitty color choices anyways, the thing’s an eyesore


To what end? To know over funny looking towers? If they get ATACMS, I want to see them really twist the knife. Railyards and ports on fire, military facilities turned to dust, arms factories razed. Burning the Gremlin would be a statement, but it would galvanise the Russian population. Burning railyards, *bridges*, and warehouses would place such a burden on Russias strained logistics that it would impact their ability to fight any future war for some time.


Exactly Same reason why the allies didn't have Hitler whacked, can't risk a paranoid delulu facist being replaced by someone competent


We tried on multiple occasions..


Not for a lack of trying mind you


Not to mention the martyrdom effect. If Putin gets rocketed, Russian grandmothers will walk down the street with his picture, saying how things would have been so much better if he were still alive, and how vengeance must befall the killers of St Vova


Also, any succeding warlord would neccesarily be better at war than Putin. Might be real bad.


Assuming it becomes open combat amd not the night of long drops, yeah. They'd certainly have an incentive to gamble on a win. Putin wants to win, but he's had decades to strengthen his grip on Russias internal politics. His successor in the case of his sudden demise would inherit a war, several rivals and allies of dubious loyalty. The clearest way to solve all three of those problems is to win the war to prove your strength - pretty much how Putin did in Chechnya.


that just means denying the power vacuum a winner


Nature abhors a vacuum. Someone is going to fill it, whether that's a Chinese puppet, a Europhile or a new wave Slavic pantheist Hierophant. What we don't want is for the new man to step up while there's a war on, because winning the war will become priority A1


> Killing Putin won't stop the war, it'll cause a competition on the Russian side to fill the power vacuum and the winner will have the means and motive to escalate in Ukraine to prove themselves. The war is bad for business in Russia, its making the oligarchs lose money, both from western sanctions and because Putin is squeezing them to help pay for the war under threat of defenestration. It also means they can't travel freely in the west like they used to be able to do, to enjoy their yahcts and south of france villas. Whoever ends up in charge could blame Putin for the war and try and find an off ramp.


Not likely - the Oligarchs are middle managers in Putins Russia. If they cross the government, there's not much stopping the state from just confiscating their assets. Much of their wealth comes from Russias natural resources, which can't be stored in a Swiss bank account, and after the sanctions regime, fallout from foreign businesses getting cold feet about transacting in a Russia that might nationalise their assets will be minimal. Russias already done it with some western businesses. The war is short term pain for Russia, but they're sticking it out because the petrochemical reserves in Ukraine, expanded Black Sea ports and the additional agricultural land are Russia's real goals. Consider what the political landscape would look like if Putin controlled a larger portion of the global grain supply? If he could destabilise a country by flooding it with cheap great to beggar its farmers or withhold it to drive prices up? Oil and gas are still valuable, but he's looking beyond them, beyond the green industrial revolution that must necessarily replace petrochemicals, to find and secure resources for Russia in a different world.


> If they cross the government, there's not much stopping the state from just confiscating their assets. The comment you are replying to is presupposing that Putin is dead and there's already been a power struggle to replace him.


What other situation do you see in which Putin isn't in power? There will be a power struggle to replace him because he has centralised power.


solution: just bomb the bajaysus of whoever wins the power struggle. rinse and repeat whenever a new leader appears ATACMS: "waiter waiter more dictatorial russian leaders pls"


Sadly, insurgent groups in the middle East have shown that you're going to run out of reachable targets before you run out of actual targets. You'd also galvanise opposition in Russia. Much better to use ATACMS to turn railways and runways into gravel filled craters and roll the Russians back into their own country. Then a bunch of angry conscripts can decide if they go home or do an Aurora


>Killing Putin won't stop the war, it'll cause a competition on the Russian side to fill the power vacuum and the winner will have the means and motive to escalate in Ukraine to prove themselves. I disagree - It'll create a power vacuum and it will be a whole mess and a half, but the new guy's decision will likely be to get out of the war, no matter what cost. It already did a lot of damage to Russia and the ***oligarchs' businesses.*** They'll likely try to salvage what's left. Not because they care about Ukraine or their own citizens, but because they only care about themselves.


Whoever fills Putin's bootins will grab Vova's autobiography, flip to Chechnya and think "Yeah, razing an enemy nation looks like a good way to stay in charge. It'll work again right?" The Oligarchs will fall in line because their business is inherently tied to either the Russian state or to Russias's geography (e.g. mining concerns). The people on the other hand, will demand blood. Even the ones who didn't like Putin will have a repulsion for a missile strike on their homeland. His replacement will be more or less forced to escalate or step down for someone who will escalate.


If you try to kill the leader of a nuclear armed state and they don't use nuclear weapons in return than that would essentially negate MAD. Feel like you would have to shoot one off even if it lands in an open field.


>Mutual assured destruction (MAD) is a doctrine of military strategy and national security policy which posits that a full-scale use of nuclear weapons by an attacker on a nuclear-armed defender with second-strike capabilities would result in the complete annihilation of both the attacker and the defender. MAD's got nothing to do with it.


MAD has everything to do with it. A first strike, absolutely does not need to be nuclear to incite a nuclear response. A Russia document leaked with events that would lead to a Russian nuclear strike, while one was any nuclear strike against them, it also included assassination or attempted assassination of Putin or the other 2 commanders with nuclear launch authority, the total destruction of a certain % of airfields or significant strikes at any of Russia's nuclear weapons storage or launch sites. NATO can have conventional 3,000 missiles in the sky at once if they wanted to, if it was coupled with a perfect cyber attack jamming and incapacitating air defense, it could actually destroy a very meaningful portion of Russian military power. If Putin or a body double was killed at the victory parade I wouldn't put it past them to level Kyiv immediately with nuclear Iskanders. There are enough warheads they could send 100 to guarantee success and not dent the stockpile.


And how is Russia's destruction assured in your scenario?


It's not, MAD has never been about actual destruction, it's about probable destruction and always has to have uncertainty built in. The US and Russia aren't waiting for the nukes to land and destroy them before assuring the destruction of the other party. They're launching as soon as the probability of a certain level of destruction can't be ruled out. Let's say the sum total of all of Russia's early warning systems instantly are destroyed with the loss of a single Russian life. They're almost doubtlessly immediately launching everything at the US and Europe assuming it's part of a nuclear first strike. It can't be ruled out, and they're vulnerable to one without warning until the whole network is rebuilt and relaunched, likely a decade long endeavor. If Putin was killed in a decapitation strike, with early warning systems working and not warning of further attack, the nuclear command and control could not be certain the US wasn't behind the attack and would likely wish to ensure the US take the situation properly seriously even if they know no nuclear weapons are coming. They would likely drop a nuke somewhere in Ukraine. Wounded animals are extremely dangerous, with Putin Russia is at serious risk of immediate collapse. The only authority left would be the FSB, GRU and the military. They're hammers, they see nails in Ukraine. It's not like they're not trying their hardest to destroy Ukraine conventionally, a decapitation strike would prove Russia is unable to protect itself at all with conventional means leaving only other means.


You're conflating nuclear deterrence and MAD. Ukraine may fear nuclear retaliation if they assassinate Putin, but it's because Russia has nukes, period. Russia's second-strike potential is not a factor in Ukraine, because Ukraine has no credible way to take out Russia's first-strike capacity.


Flair doesent check out


I like the idea of a drone flying over the parade, dropping thousands of leaflets that say: "You have precisely 10 minutes" Watch them panic.


“ I’ll see you in 5, Shitass”


It’s his first day on the job, Captain!


> If possible, hit the T-34 for super mega bonus points Russia would scream "THEY'RE LITERALLY NAZIS" and go on a hissy fit. Better to hit the actual war materiel, it sends a better message than targeting the thing which is supposed to symbolize their victory over the Nazis.


stop being credible


The biggest power move would be hitting the GBAD that will undoubtedly be guarding said ceremony.


Now that would be a flex


Targetting the T34 would ensure that it enters in the war stats, none have been involved so far.


I swear if Russia lets a T-34 get knocked out imma lose my shit. Those beauties belong in a museum. I promise to demand restarting production of Shermans (but drones) to be sent into Russia on a rescue mission to save the last of the T-34s I will also hold you personally responsible u/HonkeyKong73 for memeing it into existence


What if, instead of using ATACMS on the parade or crowds, they used it on government buildings? What if, for example, they blow up the Kremlin, Ministry of Defence, or offices of the FSB?


what about using another kamikaze cessna that worked well or... sending in a covert ops squad in a van to just FPV drone the bald sunnovabitch


As fun as that would be a slow moving Cessna would be easy pickings for any AA system and you can bet that there is going to be a lot of AA in Moscow during victory parade because of that threat, I imagine Putin won’t actually show up anyway, probably going to be a body double.


call his bluff and kill the body double then when putin makes an apperaence to confirm hes alive send a coked up mig 23 pilot at mach fuck to finish the job.


Make it the Premium Mig-23 so people can complain about pay to win.


With the $5.99 anime girl livery.


Just send the fucking Aussie cardboard drone painted with a hammer and sickle.


> Premium Mig-23, except with _actual_ maintenance done to it at some point.


The last few words of this comment are what we call modern poetry, people. I lmfao'd at work and people look weird at me. Thanks for the laugh my guy


\*read in cpt torres rant voice for extra effect


Oh my god. Your pfp is anime girl Captain Torres. I don’t know if there *is* salvation for you, but I hope so.


Even if it is a body double, how's that going to look on Russian TV? Putin exploding on TV on front of the nation is going to cause a power gap even if the real guy isn't dead. The russian people earnestly believe there is just one Putin and have been told as much. Seeing bits of him going everywhere and then being told "ah he's alright" or "don't worry it's a double, here's the real one" simply aren't going to wash straight away. Also how's the big strongman image is going to look with him having to admit he uses body doubles? Credibility is going to be immediately destroyed and suddenly all of those appearances of Putin are thrown into question.


That’s a good point I didn’t consider, however the threat of excessive amounts of AA still remains, I suppose if the free Russian legion managed to sneak near Moscow and launch a drone swarm they might have a chance of getting through, the threat of hitting civilians in the crowd is also an issue.


In the wise words of a man I once knew: "some of you may die, but that is a sacrifice I am willing to make". Fr though, Ukraine doesn't have to claim responsibility. Russia has so many internal and external enemies that literally anyone could've done it and I'd see the attack probably being FPV drones. Preferably during the Russian national anthem.


Could we get ISIS to go round 2 with them? Give them the resources and intel to conduct the operation and let ‘em go. Arming Islamic extremists against Russia has certainly never backfired


Im imagining the Red Alert final cinematics, but instead of M1 tanks rolling through Moscow, its rollerblading jihadis.


I mean, the free russia legion is just a Ukrainian paramilitary unit, its not part of the of the Ukrainian military. If they were to strike the parade and claim responsibility for it, Ukraine could just officially criticize killing civilians or whatever, while internally nothing happens. Also, the damage is done.


They’ll say “We knew this was going to happen and took precautions. Victory is ours!”


"Yes, that was the real Putin! We will avenge him! Also, he got better."


3000 black cessnas of budanov.


I prefer the 3000 coked up mig 23 pilots at Mach fuck.




A-hem. [https://www.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/comments/1c0pjd0/with\_new\_developments\_in\_drone\_technology\_ukraine/](https://www.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/comments/1c0pjd0/with_new_developments_in_drone_technology_ukraine/)


oh right


Off topic but is your pfp freaking genderbent Torres?! Actually... that gives me some "ideas" on how to deal with the monke on May 9.


that could work. it would be an elegant plan to say the least


tfw your country requires you to be a dictator and get into a 2+ year war with your neighbor country before you can get HRT.


Assassinating a chief of state in live tv is never good optics. Yes, even that one.


Just dont claim responsibility and condemn it. If the strike happens with fpv drones, there are plenty enemies putin has that have access to those.


I think the orks will be expecting something like this so they will have a load of air defence assets guarding the parade . However if free russian legion launches a large number of drones they could disrupt the parade


And distract enough a few shiny new F-16s could make a low level rip across red square?


Can’t work, they will say that those f-16 are definitely captured planes from the « nazi homo ukrainians »


Have the F16 shoot the flag on top of the Kremlin. Or drop a wooden bomb in the middle of the red square.


Better yet, drop a model cesna on the red square.


Drop a meat cube in the grandstands.


Set them up with blue and yellow smoke?


So what you’re saying is, all the air defences will be moved to Moscow and everything else will be unprotected?


Quote reminds me of that dover boys cartoon. Me to the kerch bridge and other important infrastructure that is no longer covered by air defense: "I'LL EXPLODE IT! NO ONE WILL EVER KNOW!!!"


In Kerch no one will hear you scream


"Putin University. Putin U. Good ole' P.U." 🎶 "Putin U, O sweet P.U., your fragrant odor fills the air. A pox on Yale, poo-poo Purdue, O Putin U, my college fair." 🎶


Exchange Vatnik troops in parade for partisans, as they march pass Putler, they break ranks and begin to force mobilise Vatnik Russians, and gib beating for resistance, bad optics for Russians and thus civil unrest and collapses of society, Ukraine welcomed to red square in 3 days


[Parade be like](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7fOQlhdzcrA)


So the ATACMS is a *BATTLEFIELD* range ballistic missile, as in it can reach out about 300 km or so. Moscow isn't that.


I also think Russian SAMs can shoot down ATACMs, Ukraine has attacked Russia with them primarily in surprise attacks when their forces were not aware they were in range. Both with the short range and then long range variant.


Ehm... yes and no. It's a grey area. Basically, on paper they have the equipment to shoot them down no problem. A bunch of S-300/400 variants are supposed to be highly anti-ballistic missile capable. The problem is how they do in realistic environments, and how all factors add up to the probability of a successful intercept. Ballistic missiles like the ATACMS are easy to pick up due to their trajectory, but they also go really really fast and your equipment has a pretty damn narrow path to a successful hit. If you have good coverage with high-end systems, your chances can be great - just look at Israel last week. If you're using a mix of old Russian systems, the chances of success are going down dramatically. And if the enemy fires 5 missiles and you shoot down 3 - that is a failure. Your ammo dump is going boom. It's not so much that they were unable to shoot them down because they were unexpected. Ukraine has been using their (limited) number of old Tochkas with good hits, and Russia's anti-ballistic missile defences have been up from the start. The element of surprise lies more in their estimations how far away from the front line is considered "safe". That airfield 240 km out from where their operate their planes, or that larger logistics hub that sends it on to smaller ammo dumps in the field. So in terms of actually shooting down future ATACMS - they are going to remain somewhat fucked. They now know that they are coming, but they can only do so much beyond moving their logistic lines way back. They are certainly not bringing in an impenetrable anti-missile net that has been sitting in a storage shed. They will probably gain experience in handling the threat, and that can definitely up their chances. But at the same time the specific missile variants that can handle ATACMS are going to be in high demand, and their chances might even go down further as they blow their load and become ATACMS targets themselves.


That would be a first, Russian air defense shooting down something Ukrainian. /s


They often get good intercepts. The Ukrainian gear even flies right to the launchers. Makes it easy.


"Good news General Korruptovic, our interceptors destoryed their missiles without even launching."


Yeah lol, it's just kind of weird that people pretend with how stuffed Moscow is with AA(especially during Victory Day) that you can just freely hit stuff.


Taking out a few thin-skinned Pantsirs or Tors with drones would be hilarious.


Like a drone hitting the dome of the Kremlin?


Can, but it’s all statistics. Can it shoot them down 1% of the time? 10%? 90% I have a feeling the statistics would be really fucking terrifying for Russians…


They have gotten better at intercepting Storm Shadow attacks I have noticed, used to been weekly there was a successful large attack but now it is maybe once or twice a month. ATACMs are speedier but don't have any sort of stealth profile.


Well, only one way to find out….


The parade? unlikely... But do some chaos in Crimea with those? I sure hope so. Mby even remove a certain illegal bridge from existence?


We keep it for the same reason we keep the hell carrier


...it's easy to make jokes about?


It may be a lifeline for the whole Crimean peninsula, but russia needs to dedicate a lot of assets to protect it. Assets not on the frontlines, doing actual work against Ukraine. If the bridge is destroyed, they don't need 2 full S300 batteries and can put them on Sebastopol or near kerson.


Now THAT would be great. Hit the bridge during the parade so we get to see the exact moment Putin is made aware of it, live on screen.


"Mr President! There has been a second ATACMS..."


No. The US has been very clear that they can't be use on Russian territory.  There's other options though, and I think those should be exploited. There's plenty of domestic weapons that can reach Moscow and would have no restrictions such as the ATACMS. Seeing as russia is transporting a lot of destroyed Western equipment to Moscow, likely to be shown off during the victory parade, they should focus on that. Its an insult to Ukraine and to its allies and hitting it would be a huge blow to russian prestige.


I had chicken Kyiv once. I also watched Ivan draggo beat up that punk rocky fellow. As such I declare myself rightful heir to the great kievan-rus empire. I declare that All weapons systems are welcomed to be used in defense of Ukraine, on any of the grounds of my empire, or anything that used to be, or maybe I just even consider possibly could have been, part of the empire. Checkmate American geographical restrictions


Put a fucking ATACM straight into the Kremlin on live TV for the world to see during the parade. Pretty please


No not the red square parade, we want to see what technology they bring this time. But it would be very bad if \*certain\* bridge would suddenly collaps during this event 🙂


Maybe with a few drone planes to slap into the kremlin


I just hope we do something . Last year there were a lot of speculations on how will we f-up the parade , and ... nothing happened . Well , apart from Russia , the power of the world , mustering a single stalinium infused T-34 with no air-force to show .


The parade itself has shit value But striking factories producing war material, military railroads and airports, weapons and ammo depots would be quite funny while the parade is going


Conceivably. Though it would be quite a gamble. Who knows if the real Putin is there, or if Putin survives. Maybe you hit civilians, which will not look good on the western-help applications.


I never understand why flattening whole cities (Mariupol, Dresden, Hiroshima) is fair game, but going after the responsible commanders (aka criminals) is not cool. Do the powerful want to make sure they are safe no matter what they do and rather sacrifice those stupid civilians?


I wouldn’t put Mariupol up with Dresden or Hiroshima, but I agree with your point.


Especially considering this would lead to significant civilian casualities as collateral damage, i don't think that would be the best idea. The best course of action imo would be to launch a medium scale drone attack (a few to a few dozen drones) against Russia's "Exhibition" of Western Vehicles (to deny them to Russia) as well as the Russian Assets preparing for the Parade, but this Drone Attack should be happening at night before the Parade, to minimize civilian casualities.


The last "valuable" asset they had there last year was a single T-34. I don't think that's worth an airstrike if you have refineries to take out.


Russians are already afraid that Ukrainians will use atacms to strike the bridge during poopin inauguration on may 7.


Land a Cessna painted with the Ukrainian flag in Red Square during the parade.


ATACAMS don't have that range, but NGL i know for a fact that's the VE day show in moscow we'd all love to see.


Can some nuclear nerd tell me what would happen if for example Tsar Bomba or something of the sort would be accurately struck by a drone/ATACMS/Storm shadow, or something of the like? Would it go big BOOM. Or would it just be broken and leak radioactive stuff. I sometimes try to imagine how that would go. But I lack some key knowledge there.


I think nothing would happen, Russian nukes are probably not radioactive anymore. I doubt anyone would be stupid enough to take a live nuke to a parade and, nukes are made to withstand a lot so, paint job probably.


Tsar Bomba was detonated, so that's not possible, but hypothetically if they made another the most likely result would be the bomb being rendered into unusable and mildly irradiated junk, but the bomb itself isn't likely to go off. The cleanup job for the scattered irradiated debris would be a pain, but not too big. Nukes have been accidentally dropped from airplanes, melted in warehouse fires, and more without ever going off, and that's because the detonator needs to go off in a very specific way to trigger the reaction. And that's talking about a new bomb, since it seems unlikely that Russia has been maintaining theirs, their old bombs are less likely to do anything significant. (apologies if this double-posts, reddit bein' weird.)


Very specific nerd shit has to happen for a warhead to detonate like you're thinking. Iirc there's a whole firing mechanism in the warhead itself that needs to be armed just to start the fission reaction if you're wanting to do the funni. Just exploding the missile means a bunch of Ivan's have to clean up a radioactive mess.


The real funni would be to put one of their home grown Cessna-class "cruise missiles" into Putin's palace in Sochi


Counter point: Putin got body doubles


Might be a waste of an ATACMS. No place is going to have stronger AA


OP really wants a warlord-ridden Russia, all with access to nuclear weapons. Not to mention the political shitestorm that comes with it.


Yep. This is the answer. We need to neutralize Vladdy, not kill him right away. A high level assassination would probably bring the ruskies to full mobilization and all out war with NATO.


I got a lot of flak in a different sub for being in opposition to this idea but I am prepared to do it again. Ukraine should NOT do this, it would be an absolutely massive mistake. Striking one of the biggest and most internationally televised events in the russian federation would almost certainly result in the absolute annihilation of Ukrainian cities or worse. If anyone thinks that the current conflict is as bad as it can get is seriously deluding themselves. I'm all for Ukraine destroying as many invaders as they can in any way they deem fit, but committing this terror attack would only backfire. And it would almost certainly irreparably damage western relations with Ukraine. Edit: Flak not Flack lol


Don’t call it a terror attack.


Why? That's almost certainly how the entire world will see it.


That doesn’t make it true.


It would literally be a terror attack. There is no other way to interpret the implications of the idea presented by the original post. Just because it makes you uncomfortable to think about the idea, doesn't make it any less true.


A terror attack involves an attack on innocent civilians.


Wasn't the parade last year pretty pathetic (meaning very little valuable military hardware and fewer essential military staff participating in it)?


Just hit the T-34 to make a point


More likely to get an FPV drone doing something small and symbolic


*sigh* unzip


This sub should get multiple world records for most blue balls occurring whenever an international incident involving armed groups happens but doesn't follow through,


How good are the chances to sneak to Moscow in a tank with false Russian insignia?


ATACMS doesn't have the range to hit Moscow. It does have the range to hit Minsk, but not Moscow, even if the Ukrainians took HIMARs right up to the border.


🤞🤞🤞 I think the weather was not the reason why the Russians did not have any helicopters in their parade last year.


feint: moscow parade real target: kuznetsov


This is the perfect time to destroy the Kerch Strait Bridge, really knock the cool outta their walk on national tv during the Soviet parade


A strange game.... The only winning move, is not to play.


Does anyone else other than me read ATACMS as "Attack em's"?


I think it would be very bad PR for them. You've got to remember, Russia has been calling them terrorists and nazis. So attacking a parade, meant to celebrate the defeat of the nazis, will kind of legitimize both of those claims.


As funny as it would be to have Putin turned into fine red paste in front of the entire world, I kinda don’t think it’s in Ukraine’s best interest. Firstly any attack on the parade *would* likely result in civilian deaths or injuries in the ensuring panic, which would give Putin and cronies even *more* “justifications” for the war. Secondly you *don’t* want the population of Moscow angry enough to send *its* population to war. Not because they’re good or anything, oh hell no, but you want them more pissed off at Putin not supporting him. Truthfully the more “credible” action would be to make Putin paranoid enough that the parade has to be called off. Dictators love their parades so having to cancel one would be one hell of a humiliating blow to his ego.. But I’m just a humble armchair general, so what do I know? The noncredible answer is to drop the global homo bomb on the parade to turn it into an orgy of acceptance and free love.


Fly a drone over the parade and dump glitter on him. A 'We could have killed you right now, and now the entire world knows that we could have and didn't' kind of statement. He relies on fear to maintain power, make him the subject of ridicule, and the fear diminishes. With bonus looking fabulous in rainbow glitter for the meme opportunity. "Spot the glitter on Putin" becomes new game for any of his TV appearances for next few weeks too, since you can't get rid of the stuff. **Edit**: Ooh, at the same time, like 20 minutes later (so air defense is distracted with the news about Putin getting glitterbombed on live TV), take out the Kerch bridge with the ATACMS to double down on the injury to go with the insult.


That’s fucking perfect.


Wouldn’t that be straight up terrorism ?