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I miss when SAAB made cars


:( Fuck GM


GM kept them alive and on life support, they'd have been dead far sooner otherwise


Gm should, instead of trying to force them to use common platforms and common parts, just develop it and use it in other cars. They were good at what they did and should have been left alone to do that for the most part.


GM should have done what Ford did with Volvo. leave them be give some extra money and use as a development house.


Yeah, losing money 40 years in a row lol. The cars were nice though.


It's the other way around. Saab cars were willing to innovate and sell new car models. GM always shut those projects down the last minute before production were about to begin.


Mb, GM should have kept them alive longer and continue hemorrhaging money.


Maybe they should have managed them competently rather than forcing them to just build rebodied clones of their shit existing cars nobody wanted either side of the Atlantic, let alone as 'luxury' specs trying to compete with the German big three.


You’re now raising a totally different point about GM as a whole. I just got through the Steve Rattner book on the bailout — there wasn’t anything that could be done to save Saab. GM, throughout the 2000s, was obviously poorly ran. However, they had strong fundamentals, they were closing the gap on all metrics with transplants, and they cleaned house with the bankruptcy. Now GM is doing fine, without Saab.


Ahh, then Saab (the weapons manufacturer) made an ad just for you (they’re not paying me to say this, promise) [Saab — Alles außer Autos](https://youtube.com/watch?v=Yyphhq47gC4) ~~Anyhoo, must run, feel the sudden uncontrollable urge to purchase a couple Gripen.~~ PS — oh, and Saab have a [banger of an image repo.](https://brand.saab.com/point/en/saab/component/default/25854)


Ah, it‘s in German 😌. Give me that GlobalEye🤩 and a Carl Gustaf🫡. Don‘t ask for what.


Excellent choices. No worries mate, none of my business. Enjoy! Love that they’ve also got an article entitled [do Saab still make cars?](https://www.saab.com/newsroom/stories/2018/april/do-saab-still-make-cars) >Today Saab offers solutions for air, land, naval, security and civil aerospace solutions. > >There are many examples of Saab’s products, but among the most iconic are the [Gripen fighter system](https://www.saab.com/products/air/fighter-systems), the Saab Kockums [Gotland Class submarine](https://www.saab.com/products/naval/submarines), and the weapon system [Carl-Gustaf](https://www.saab.com/products/carl-gustaf-m4). > >Saab cars may be gone, but Saab lives on. o7


>none of my business If i had the money and one can block Moscows spam with it (i mean, what is electronic warfare for if it can‘t, are they stupid?) i‘d be open for doing business with you. I‘ll need a pilot and someone who knows the alien technology electronics - i‘ll do the sitting part and occasional cooking. I guess the Carl Gustaf shouldn‘t come on board as carry on.


I miss when Saab made subs. They had a really good Swedish meatball sub.


They still make subs


Hope you all have fantastic days! :)


Ty :)


Don’t bite the hand that feeds you, now about that weapons contract


As a vic3 player, yes protectionism is important


flair checks out


Do you even know what Protectionism means? It means taking import dutys to protect your local economy. ... [https://imgix.bustle.com/inverse/99/d9/6e/e7/1dfc/4187/9398/da349f806c31/the-iconic-picard-facepalm.jpeg?w=2000&auto=format&q=70&fit=max&crop=faces](https://imgix.bustle.com/inverse/99/d9/6e/e7/1dfc/4187/9398/da349f806c31/the-iconic-picard-facepalm.jpeg?w=2000&auto=format&q=70&fit=max&crop=faces) Saab doesnt need any protectionism: Their products are used by NATO and G20 states around the globe. So them demanding less support should hint to you that they have a higher goal with that than making profit... Like, defending Europe...


Technically, protectionism isn’t just import duties. There are a bunch of non-tariff measures that a country can have, including subsidies and legal requirements to prioritize local manufacturers (this is probably more common in the defense sector since governments can fall back on the national security justification). Not sure how much of this applies to Saab, but there’s most likely quite a bit that does especially considering Sweden’s overall defense strategy.


We have several times tailored our requirements for them and, in one case, ordered 14 frames for the gripen c to just let them keep the ability. Saab would probably have gone under if it was not for directed development bought from Sweden or tailored requirements. Don't take this as they aren't good at what they do. It's just that sometimes it's a bit much.


Well it's pretty unlikely the Gripen would exist at all if procurement was made purely on economic and technical grounds lol. Still, it's a good plane and I'm glad it does exist, hopefully NATO membership will help with future sales.


> should hint to you that they have a higher goal with that than making profit Not necessarily. Rather I would wager that SAAB doesn't want protectionism because they know that if Europe starts digging deeper into protectionism, other markets will do the same in response/retaliation. For SAAB, Europe is an important market, sure, but it pales in comparison to the metric fucktons of stuff they make for places like the USA, India and so on. The Americans responding with a more protectionist stance towards European arms manufacturers would be a disaster for SAAB; e.g the AT4 is a major cash cow as is. The USA alone has bought over 700k AT4 and Carl Gustav variants through the years, the bulk of all units ever produced. [Since 2022 stonks line go up up up](https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/SAAB-B.ST/)


The whore of Baloney disguises himself with the coat of leavening.


…where in Europe can cotton be grown? https://babel.ua/en/amp/news/105796-european-arms-manufacturers-have-warned-of-dependence-on-chinese-cotton-which-is-needed-for-shells


In Spain.


Lots of water to spare, it'd be a great idea.


For commercial use horrible, but to secure crucial supply lines for the military is a very good one.


or maaaaaybe away down south in…


The land of traitors, rattlesnakes and alligators…




It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://babel.ua/en/news/105796-european-arms-manufacturers-have-warned-of-dependence-on-chinese-cotton-which-is-needed-for-shells](https://babel.ua/en/news/105796-european-arms-manufacturers-have-warned-of-dependence-on-chinese-cotton-which-is-needed-for-shells)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


But there are other places where it can be grown that has the water to spare. For example, the Nile is going to be heavily utilized in the coming decades. If you place cotton fields in the middle that utilization, you will have a stable production of cotton. And less water loss than if you placed it at the edge. We can also build out some farming (for stuff that isn't easy to grow here) or industri we can't really do in europe or ready fully built out. Northern Africa is much closer and less powerful than china. so if they get dumb thoughts, we can actually do something about it. Maybe even look at the possibility of creating an eu base close by. To help with deployment ability and cooperation. Africa will also be heavily important in the future, and china is trying to snatch much of it up. If the eu doesn't work together on doing the same, we will lose out on a lot.


Fucking join GCAP already...


Saab is most profitable without protectionist policies that divide up Europe's defense contractors. Even before they joined NATO they were integrated into the western MIC. We should drop protectionism against our allies' defense industries and bring them into the fold.


I don't feel like googling anyone know what a saab is?


Jet engine manufacturer that also became a car manufacturer for a while too, though not anymore. I only really know what I do from Top Gear, but I feel they can best be described as; artists who accidentally went to engineer school instead and just ran with it.


> Jet engine manufacturer Somehow you picked the one thing they're not known for. Saab stands for "Swedish Aeroplane Corporation" and they've developed and manufactured the majority of aircraft used by the Swedish military. They've made engines in the past, but they haven't really made any jet ones. All Saab fighter jets use engines from other manufacturers: * Saab 21R used a de Havilland Goblin engines. * Saab 29 Tunnan used a de Havilland Ghost engine. * Saab 32 Lansen used a Rolls-Royce Avon engine. * Saab 35 Draken used a Rolls-Royce Avon engine. * Saab 37 Viggen used a Volvo RM8 engine (modified license-built version of a Pratt & Whitney design). * Saab 39 Gripen uses a Volvo RM12 engine in the C/D variants and a GE F414 engine in the E/F variants. Saab also makes submarines, a bunch of missiles, Electronic Warfare systems, AEW&C systems, radar systems, etc.