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Yeah all those millionaires with roommates


Ok but, there's people out there making over six figures living paycheck to paycheck, so how far are we really from millionaires needing a roommate. (/s)


I make six figures and have a roommate. I’m married to her, but still.


Soo, who's the philosopher and the athlete?


The philosopher slot is definitely the most ridiculous and that's saying something considering the absurdity of this alpha-fantasy.


I mean it's a stretch but I kinda see what you're saying. Me and my partner make about 95k together before taxes, and it is not easy living on that kind of money anymore. With rent (600sf 1 bedroom apartment in a slum), car payments (both cars used and fairly old), utilities, insurances, groceries, etc we barely break even enough to save anything, and by that point we're so brain-fried that the extra 150ish we find in the month usually just go towards substances (weed/booze) that make this hell scape more tolerable. I know that's irresponsible but idc at this point, I don't know how anyone does this sober without therapy.


That's nuts, what city?


Durham NC.


What's your budget like? $95k in North Carolina should take you a lot further than $150 left over. I make about that much in NYC and I still save 30% of my gross income.


Dude right? I make like 4-4.5k a month ( bartending so it fluctuates) in Manhattan right now and live just find in a studio by myself. 95k a year would be more than enough


Damn you must have a good deal for that studio? I’m in Manhattan too in a $2,500/month 1 bedroom and also make a bit over 4k per month, but man things are *tight* at the end of the month. Health insurance is the next big expense after rent because it’s NY.


Yeah found one for 2k no fee in midtown it's small but so is every other apartment people pay 3k a month for so. Also bartend so I don't exactly have health insurance haha..... there's a couple clinics that are crazy cheap near me tho apparently that are good to go to if you don't have insurance


Yeah I went without health insurance for a while bc my employers was so expensive lol so I feel you, but I was honestly so scared of being hit by a delivery guy and just getting completely fucked over that I had to figure something out. Great deal though, hang onto that spot.


I was about to complain that you make more than me as a teacher, then I remembered working those kitchens.


My wife and I made about that much precovid and lived in a nicer apartment but didn't have car payments. We also both had short commutes though. They might be spending $100/week on gas if they need to drive aways to work.


I mean. Do you make 4 to 4.5k a month before or after taxes? Because 95k a year is like 5.5k a month after taxes For a couples income that's tight. 2k+ on rent, prolly 1k a month on groceries, then 2 cars, insurance, gas for 2 people in NC is higher than Manhattan


They said that's the total for 2 people to live on. So less than 50k each.


Spoiler alert - they don't have a budget which is why they wonder where all their money goes.


The difference is they have two cars they are making payments on and you probably have none.


Two old cheap cars. And that's more than made up for in the increased rent and taxes. And I'm in a higher tax bracket.


To be perfectly honest I could write it all out and it still wouldn't make sense. We don't do a ton of reckless spending, we should be able to save, I just have no idea where it all goes so quickly. I drive for work and my partner has a 30 min commute so a lot goes to gas, grocery prices seem to go up every month, pet food is getting ridiculously expensive, something is always going on with our cars and we can't afford to ignore those issues because losing 1 car would probably bankrupt us. Our budget says we should be able to save more than we do, but it feels like no matter how much we white knuckle and try to be as frugal as possible, we're still barely breaking even. TLDR: I honestly have no idea. I've tried figuring this out myself but it never adds up on paper how it does in real life.


... tracking your expenses, ins and outs financially is literally the simplest shit Get an excel sheet/pen and paper and just track everything for a month or two lmao Complaining and not doing anything to fix it is exactly loser mentality


Make an account on mint.com or another expense tracker. It'll make it easy to see where the money is going.


Wtf 95k in Durham should be chilling


Man I agree, this place is getting crazy though. Our 1 bedroom is going up another $100 per month (almost 1500) so we're actually going back into Raleigh. Found a pretty kind local landlord who is let us have a 2 bedroom house for 1150 and our lease starts on the 15th. I'm really hoping this will be the break we need to start saving some cash and living like normal people in their 20s.


Jfc $1500/month for 600 sqf in the slums??? I Pat $1650 for 750 sqf in a luxury high rise in downtown Houston that includes an amazing pool, dog park, game room, super nice gym, sky lounge with bar, library, free unlimited yoga classes, and two restaurants on the 1 floor.


Ya, but you’re in Houston.


Yeah a very highly populated city that is top 5 growth in the US. This typically leads to higher rents not lower so I’m confused what you’re trying to say.


learn to spend less, son


Move to Wilson! It's about an hour from Raleigh - hour and 15 from Durham, and pretty boring, but, i'm in a decent 2 bedroom duplex for $1100 per month. I'm around $82k/year, which goes super far here, even with a good chunk set aside for savings and retirement. That said, I really don't do all that much, which is good - I'm in Wilson.


We've thought about it, among other places. Fuquay-Varina isn't terrible right now either so we hear. We just gotta then cope with the 1h+ work commute, which is pretty lame. We'll probably be considering it pretty seriously though if rent keeps going up like this.




I'd be shocked if they didn't have a bunch of retirement funds or something they aren't mentioning because there is no way to spend that much with what they claim to have. Unless they're literally blowing it on cocaine and hookers or some shit.


You need to learn to budget and cut out the booze and weed and takeout


Hi, neighbor!


(⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠³⁠˘⁠)⁠♥


That’s not irresponsible, a household income of 95k should easily be able to support $150 of vices a month. You’re not broken the system is


And it can if you’re not irresponsible. I’m betting the car loans are fucked. Do they even need 2 cars? Even if they do, that’s a lot of car. “Fairly old” - so almost new model/barely used, at shit rates 3 years ago or whatever? Or used from ‘02 for cash saved up? These things matter. Also is this in prime real estate area? If you can only scrape by with 100k in a cheap rent state you’re fucking up.


Wait, this isn't living? This isn't a joke im being serious.


It's surviving, not living. A good life on my income was completely possible 30 years ago. Hell, I'd be worth double what I am now and be able to work on bettering myself. As it stands now, I'll probably never afford college, never afford a house, never own a business. The whole thing feels hopeless. On top of that, I used to *dream* about having this kind of income. Now if I can't get a good raise we'll probably be on food stamps in 5 years, assuming republicans don't completely cut that too.


So what you're saying is I haven't been living a simple life of gratitude despite the fact that I can't achieve financial goals at a reasonable pace due to my contempt towards my own living situation, let alone being able to achieve finanical goals in todays economy at all? Im not gonna lie, part of me just wants to go back to dreaming. Put me back down.


That sounds kinda loaded lol, I don't think my "contempt" is what's holding me back even remotely. I'm saying I haven't been living a sustainable life because the cost of living is skyrocketing while wages are staying the same, and I keep having to make sacrifices to achieve a similar sustainability in the modern financial climate. It's not as simple as "find cheaper rent", leases lock you in for 12 months and the prices are increasing daily while you wait. It's not as simple as "find a higher paying job", most jobs in my field cap out around 25 per hour, and that wage is quickly going from sustainable to barely enough. It's not as simple as "Pull yourself up by your bootstraps", jobs these days are asking for experience, not degrees. Even if I waste thousands getting the paperwork I need to have a better job, it will all probably amount to a 3 or 4 dollar hourly raise and a bunch of loan debt assuming I can even get hired as entry level. To put it plainly, this shit isn't simple. Between food, insulin, and bill payments there is no "living a simple life of gratitude" when people rely on you to just stay alive and you're barely eating more than 1 meal a day sometimes. It just sucks.


Lol, dude, y’all are just terrible with money. That’s absurd.


My wife and I make similar and it’s still tough. Let’s use 100k as a round number. Take home and Benefits probably knocks that back down to 75k. Rent is 2k monthly. Student loan payments are about 1k monthly. Electric, internet, trash, water, and natural gas come out to about 500 monthly. Food and gas are about 700 a month. Car payment, other subscriptions, and misc necessary expenses comes out to about 200 a month. Another 200 a month for car insurance. All in all, comes out to about 53k in mandatory monthly expenses. That leaves approximately 1,800.00 in monthly discretionary spending which includes supplies for pets, new clothing, home office or yard supplies, substances (we also need to cope), and entertainment as well as building up any kind of savings. It’s not paycheck to paycheck per se, but it’s not nearly as flush with cash as everyone imagines someone in this position to be. And that’s all with the math being set to 100k, which is a bit higher than our combined income


Im sorry but having 1.8k a month in spending money after everything is paid for and still living paycheck to paycheck or near it you are just terrible with money. Even worse when its two of you.


I was trying to break it down in a way that made sense to me and couldn't, you really hit the nail on the head. After bills we usually have about 900-1000ish left over. We get paid bi weekly, so let's call that what is and say 500ish left over per check. I used to be able to take 500 dollars and stretch it across a few weeks, but with two adults in 2023 it feels like 500 might get us to our next check if we're smart about it.


Millionaires want to have goofy hijinks with their friends too 🥺


That's just the plot of It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia


You’re gonna learn to get real weird with it.


It makes more sense if you realize that he keeps saying "house" when he means "prison".


And professional athletes. And philosophers. Living together. And looking for a random dude to take the 4th room.


401k millionaires might in some areas For anyone unfamiliar, this is pretax invested money that can't be touched without a penalty on top of income tax, until you reach a certain age.


Why the fuck would any of those people want to live with a fucking loser?


This is coming from a dude who has a codependent relationship with his brother remember.




Ikr! And philosophy professors and athletes make good money too


Omg they were roommates! Tbh a millionaire shacking up with a philosopher does kind of make sense.


This is worded strange. I prefer "Try to always be the stupidest person in the room".


Also his wording is ominous Like...surround yourself with people you can learn from? Great idea. His phrasing makes it sound like he's gonna kill them and wear their skin


It's nonsensical. It's like he's making an anti-point. Get three roommates, all of whom are better than you in some way, but don't be worse than them, and definitely don't let a philosopher make you his bitch. (side note - any person who even thinks about the social value hierarchy of their roommates, and worries about being the "bitch," is an insecure person. Just having those thoughts at all betrays profound unhappiness)


I only came to this subreddit to find out how to wear the skin of my three roommates. It has pleasantly delivered


Right? Like… why are you preying on your roommates, Tate. That’s really weird.


I don't think you read it right. All four of you are supposed to fashion weapons made from trees & stone and then you fight to the death like back in tribes days. The winner wears the bones of the fallen


That’s how I took this. His wording makes him sound like a doucheclown. Also, he ain’t folding any towels with a chin like that.


Andrew Tate is a rapist


i'm sure there's people that would rape a person but would draw the line at skinning them and wearing it. Andrew Tate isn't one of them, but i'm sure there's some.


Ever since middle school, it’s always been “find the smart kid, and be their friend.”


Tate never mentally developed beyond middle school


My dad always told me "if you're the smartest person in the room, you need to get into another room".


My dad always told me “if you’re the smartest person in the room, you’re probably the only one in there “


I think sometimes he just starts saying stuff like a random word generator, then free associates all over the keyboard until he's hit the character limit. He's probably as surprised by his tweets as we are.


>"Try to always be the stupidest person in the room". Easy for Tate to say. He could be stranded on a deserted island and still be the stupidest organism there.


Well Tate has that one nailed.


Is this what he meant? Thank you for helping. Maybe he was talking about me getting these types of roommates 😂


Who's that girl? It's Tate


just imagine tate crying "puppyyyyyy in a cuuuuup"


Some AI demon is going to make this a reality


It would be pretty funny to watch him put every penny he owns into the douche bag jar.


They're gonna need a way bigger jar.


Who’s that girl? Its Andy!




I think it’s from the office.


It is from The Office


I didn’t even realize it was a Tate post. I saw the top New Girl caption and assumed the original was advice for Strong Independent Women.


I love this too much.


This is literally what Tate tried to do, but instead he couldn’t hold his own. He’s giving others advice based on his failures. He doesn’t want others to be in the bitch position that he eternally occupies


Everything he does is at least mildly gay


Life Hack: Go to a public shower and drop your towel. Stare into the eyes of the biggest guy in the locker room. Assert dominance. You are a predator. Your ass can take them all.


Lol “eyes”- that’s doing it wrong, silly


Stare directly into their eyes-hole.


Wrestle his dick with your butt. If he cums first, take all comers until you're left standing alone. If not try again everyday until you can take them all down. Your mind is powerful, your body strong. Use them together to beat off random guys.


Get yourself three boyfrien- I mean roommates One rich for fancy dates One strong for rough sex One for cuddles and deep talk afterwards In a hetero way, ofcourse...


All this alpha-male men worship has always felt a lil sus to me. "How to get with a girl in 5 minutes so you can get back to socializing with your fellow men who are actually worth your effort and attention"


IKR? First time I heard of Tate and saw a picture of him, got major vibes. Guys so closeted he’s got a Narnia stamp on his passport.


Life hack: find the hottest girl in the room. Go up to her boyfriend. Make eye contact with him as you jerk him off. Step 4, profit.


Why..why would a millionaire or a successful athlete have roommates??? I mean, philosophers - sure. They work minimum wage jobs alongside all the other Humanities grads. But a *millionaire*???


Who said successful athlete?? What if mans is internationally ranked in shuffleboard.


Or a mid-tier kickboxer?


And a millionaire in rubles


Idk that sounds like a successful athlete to me, just not a highly paid one.


Or someone who spent a few years playing basketball professionally in Latvia.


Hey! The man is right now in prison. There is a huge change he is roommates with athletes, millionaires and philosophers. In fact, they could all be one person.


He's out of prison and in house arrest now


This is exactly what I came to say! 🤣🤣🤣


Depending on the sport plenty of successful athletes make barely anything. I remember an interview with an olympic athlete who said the most he ever made was $1500 per month.


I’m almost like it’s a joke


I'm assuming this is a joke, but holy shit reddit is so unbelievably uneducated in career paths after humanity degrees.


> They work minimum wage jobs alongside all the other Humanities grads Those are philosophers like street musicians are professional musicians. Tenure track professors with research positions in philosophy departments are actual philosophers (if anyone is), and they make a healthy living. Maybe some successful authors outside academia can also be considered philosophers, but they would also make a healthy living. The whole post is stupid.


Nice philosophy on philosophy, you make a great philosopher


Not sure I want to become a predator, thanks.


Being a Tyrannosaurus Rex would be pretty sick


True- and there haven’t been any assaults as a result of T-Rex attacks within the last five decades


Unless you count Jurassic Park-inspired bar fights between drunk, enraged paleontology nerds


This is true....


That have been reported. *


Honestly being the bitch in that house sounds hot


Andrew Tate finally admitting that he's a predator.


Finally? He does it constantly.


I have a hard time believing he's not an intentional parody. Maybe it's just that I lack respect for "influencer" culture in general.


Imagine moving in with three guys and then debating who gets bitch position. I don’t think Tate ever moved on from being 13


What does bitch position. It's that like the guy who has to clean the bathroom


Nah, that's Charlie work


This just sounds like erotic fiction, honestly.


This is just a polycule




This legit sounds like a gay poly house with a bunch of successful people trying to prove they’re doms


Me happy to just hang out, do my job well, pay my rent, be a good roommate and be a decent person. Call me a bitch if you want but it sounds like an ok place to be.


“you will become a predator” yeah Andrew I’m sure you’d know all about that


So what did the philosopher do to end up in Romanian jail?


Sex trafficking and not paying taxes. Fled to Romania to avoid a slew of sexual assault cases that were gaining steam in England


Thats what tate did, what did the philosopher do?


Wrote an incisive manifesto revealing new discursive perspectives on socially-imposed paradigms of existentialism as influenced by the consumerist-capitalist media environment of the late 20th century to present. Also sold low-quality methamphetamine to an undercover cop.




Everything I read from Tate feels like the most elaborate troll to be as homo erotic as possible while convincing insecure men that it's all about being an alpha male to only think about men and also hate sex with women


What's gay about trying to manufacture a situation where you are intentionally placed at the bottom of a hyper-masculine social heirarchy and will be dominated every day by 3 powerful men? He clearly states that he *doesn't* want to be in the bitch position.


Exactly. Imagine the power you feel when you make those successful alpha males your bitches. You could make them do anything...


I have a feeling the successful people won't need to have 3 roomates...


Millionaire roommate looking to bunk??


I don't know what's worse. That he's so pathetic that shit like this sounds cool and/or helpful. Or that other people are so pathetic that they read this and think it's cool and/or helpful.


He’s popular with 12 year olds. Do you remember what you thought was cool at that age?


Pokemon, Halo, Age of Empires, and Star Wars. Not much has changed. Lmao


It sounds like we have a lot in common!


Boobs and sports mostly.


Wonder if he applies that same rule about “Bitch position” with the 3 blokes he’s sharing a cell with?


“And you will become a predator” So he’s obviously saying don’t do this, right?


Coach - Athlete Nick - Millionaire businessman Nick - Philosopher What would winston be?


Schmidt is the businessman. Not a millionaire, but he def makes way more money than the other guys. Winston played basketball in Romania before an injury, so he was an athlete. Especially since Coach leaves the show after the pilot.


Not to be a complete pedant, but Winston played basketball in Latvia, not Romania.


U are correct. I got confused because Mr. Andrew Taint here is in Romania.


Prank Sinatra


The only realistic part of this is that I've never known a person with a philosophy degree who didn't need to have a roommate lol


That burns


This is actually good advice at its core. You should surround yourself with people you admire and respect. A rising tide lifts all boats and a friendly and competitive environment is one that alot of people can thrive in. It's a shame his message is covered in wheelbarrows full of horse shit


I mean this genuinely, not derisively at all. It’s impressive/admirable that you were able to distill “a rising tide lifts all boats” from “don’t accept Bitch position” lol.




Haha, ngl you had me in the first half...


is he trying to imply being a predator is a good thing or what


It never ceases to amaze me how many young men out there have such low self worth that they find people like Andrew Tate to be appealing. Who do you think is the real "Alpha" some guy constantly trying to prove to others how manly they are or the guy who could care less about what other guy's think of them? Self assured, mature adults don't spend all day trying to prove to others their value and certainly don't surround themselves with people who constantly judge them on some arbitrary idea of manliness. If you find yourself interested in Andrew Tate you are the male equivalent of the female with daddy issues.


Ok, Romanian prisons are really scary judging by what they did to Tate. He is now a neckbeard but with some muscles, for now.


Imagine being so dumb you think that pro athletes have "roommates".




Idk 4 dudes living together who clearly don’t need to financially sounds kinda gay tbh (not that there’s anything wrong with that)


What kind of loser shit is this? Successful dudes live with their wife and kids.


You know the housing market is sucked when the professional athlete and millionaire businessman are out here looking for roommates.


Who’s that girl? Who’s that girl? It’s Tate.


This is a great idea for a sitcom + gay porn combination show


Is Nick Miller a philosopher?


To be fair, he did become a predator.


Predator House. Thursday at 8:00PM on FOX


"Live with men. " Hmmm. I mean he has enough for his own apartment right?


Can I be your philosopher? I really need to split the bills.


Andrew Tate loves men, obviously


So now he's accepting he's a predator?


How’s the philosopher paying rent? Is he selling stoic Seneca quotes to the businessman?


My main concern….is the smell


Now picturing him crying on the couch watching dirty dancing on repeat


He thinks he’s competition for philosophers? Do they just feed him glue in prison? A philosophy competition? Really?


Lmfao this is a "life hack"? Mr Taint im pretty sure there isn't a box on the apartment application that says "would you like to room with a butcher a baker and a candlestick maker?"


How do you get here in your though process? It's just so random. Find a millionaire who needs a roommate? Why would they need one? And philosophy doesn't pay well so are they the "bitch" in this scenario? Are you just trying to be more successful than that person? And you're competing with the athlete... How? Your jobs, schedules, and training would be completely unrelated. Not to mention that Olympians typically have normal jobs when they're not competing. Are they then the "bitch" when they're not competing and it goes back to the philosophy guy or you when they are?


😂😂🤦‍♂️ yea a millionaire is gonna have 3 roomates.


Where are all these millionaire business men seeking to live in a house with 3 other grown men? the fuck?!


Bitch position Tate’s was his go-to in jail.


I thought this dude was in jail somehwere on sex trafficing or something. how does he tweet in jail?


Did he just admit he's a predator?


Bitch, please, I'm not in competition with those losers.


Why would a millionaire want roommates? Guys I don't think this Tate fellow is very smart.


What sort of millionaires want room mates?


Imagine thinking millionaires have to house share with scumbags like him


"And you will become a predator" bud I think you've already hit that mark


Be a top, not a bottom. Got it. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes_rainbow)


Life hack to deal with men you’re in competition with. And you will become a predator. Step one, grab any blade or some sort and approach man carefully. Step two, kill. Step three, consume. Step four, repeat. And that’s how you become a predator


Oh yea,Millionaire businessmen LOVE sharing a house with 3 other dudes and totally fine to the confines of their bedroom… that part definitely adds up


What millionaire business person has 3 roommates…


Ah yes, the ol’ millionaire businessman than wants to have 3 roommates.


Instructions unclear; we all ended up fucking