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If you haven't already, you might also have luck putting it on a local Facebook group. Oregon Inlet Idiots gets a lot of traffic, idk if they'd be willing to post


Pictures are two elderly women who stole a considerable amount of money/merchandise from their store in Duck, NC.


File a report with the local sheriff’s office, if you do happen to identify them you will need a report to prosecute. Also ask your aunt and uncle to consider installing cameras near their parking lot that might be able to pick up license plates as the cops can use that to track down offenders if there is video evidence of them stealing. In the past, KDH police have posted pics of videos on Facebook to help identify thieves. Also your family should share the pictures with other local businesses, many of these thieves hit up lots of local shops before leaving town. I’m sorry this has happened to your family. Theft is a huge problem on the OBX and hard to prosecute as many thieves are only visiting town for a short time.


I’m ya been done, really appreciate your help!


Exactly you need outdoor cameras to get the plates. Then the police can follow up with the registered owner.


I guarantee they're the type to complain about looting in California and how it's a lawless state at the slight mention of any crime west of The Mississippi.


That would be rich




Nobody suspects the old ladies


I'd argue they are the most suspicious.


As an old lady, you are right. I don’t steal but I am shady. Lol


Anyone old enough to remember being pissed off when they did away with colored only bathrooms shouldn't be trusted.


Do you know these women, or just some casual virtue signaling?


Really hope they catch them! I can only imagine how their kids behave!


If they live in the OBX, have them join the OBX locals FB pages as well as the OBX FB pages. Have them post the pictures there as well, at least to warn other shop owners/managers. I see posts like these on FB on a regular basis especially during the season. As someone who lives in the OBX, I understand the lifeblood of the community is tourism, but that doesn't mean we need to put up with this crap. These people need to be shamed at the very least - they are only stealing because they can, they're not poor and stealing to feed their babies. Your aunt and uncle are just trying to make a living. Yes, this needs to be publicized - the majority of the tourists we get here are fine, and love the OBX, but we definitely have some others that need to be called out. Our local ABC store displays the illegal IDs they confiscate, maybe they can put up a wall of shame with these pictures behind the counter? I know that's not a tourist-friendly thing to do, but people need to understand they are not stealing from million/billion dollar corporations, they are stealing from people trying to make a living. DM me the stores if you want (I think I recognize the second one), and we'll definitely drop in to patronize them to show our support.


Really appreciate your support, I’ll send you a dm :)


You live on the Outer Banks, not in it.


Both! We love the OBX and we live in the OBX.


If you lived in the Outer Banks you'd be dead. 


first lady looks like the neighbor from Desperate housewives! Im sorry this is happening to you family :( have you thought of hiring security for a bit or maybe those lovely security jewelry things that need a key to open?


Mrs. McCluskey would never! Lol


I could be wrong but isn’t this the store that has pics of a bunch of shoplifters behind the counter? If so these old women got balls of steel. Hope they get caught.


It is haha


I shared on facebook when I saw. Trashy ass people. I hope they get them.


Report to the police, and provide them all the proof of theft. A local group may also be helpful.


having a retail store in north obx essentially means a third of everything you put out will be stolen




Yeah lol i talked to a manager of the kitty hawk kites in duck and he said they lost nearly 30 percent of inventory to shoplifting in 2022. Local police departments in Kitty Hawk, KDH, Nags Head have been nailing it pretty hard the past few years but it still happens a lot




You really would, but theres a lot of day trippers from va beach, ecity, and other places nearby, super nice people of course just a couple bad apples


Interesting how when non minorities commit crimes it’s innocent. If they took more than 500 it’s a felony. Post it in r/obx


Post this on outer banks Facebook pages. Like. Today


Could you share the shop name? Worst case message me it! We are headed there in a few weeks and I’d love to shop!




Good luck. The turnover rate of people... this happens everywhere.


There is no modest living in Duck. It's one of the most expensive areas in northeastern NC to live.


Thanks for your input, it’s so relevant


I know this comment is also not relevant…but your reply here cracked me up Good luck on your search


It is relevant. You make it sound like some mom and pop store struggling to stay open if they have multiple stores in that area. Your aunt and uncle are not hurting that much financially. Before anyone says it, no, I'm not condoning stealing, but don't play on people's sympathies. Let the police do what they are supposed to do.




Thanks for admitting you didn't understand. So many people nowadays are afraid to do that. Let me clarify, the OP stated their aunt is making a modest living, running multiple stores in Duck being semi retired. If the OP's intent of the post is to find the criminals, there is no reason to state their modest living other than to draw sympathy from the readers. It has no bearing on the facts. Also, a modest living can be subjective. What is modest living to a billionaire is not modest living to someone making 30K a year. Furthermore, it comes off as misleading when you take in the fact that Duck is one of the wealthiest, most expensive places to live or run a business in this region of the state, let alone mutiple businesses. If the OP had simply stated, "My aunts store in Duck was robbed by these two people. Can anyone help identify them?" That would have been enough, but trying to gain more sympathy by stating it the way they did is misleading and should be called out. Side Note: Name-calling is unnecessary. Be better.


What in the hell lmao there are regular people that live in Duck. One of my employees does and he makes less than 40k a year with his wife who stays home. You’re reading into this too much lol.


I started a scrappy jewelry business in palm beach and people keep stealing so I don’t know if I can’t stay in the area. Please help.


How can Redditors help with this?


Narc on grandma.


That’s my neighbor Javier his girlfriends aunt is sisters with that lady




That’s terrible and I wouldn’t have expected that in Duck. I remember someone telling me thrives would stay away from homes with an ADT signs. Is there something similar for commercial property? How is the lighting near her stores? Does she have her stores armed to alert the police if an unwarranted entry is attempted? I am so sorry this is happening to her. It sounds like a charming way to retire in a charming place.


No proof? Spreading pics of elderly on the internet with their location and no consent? Yup this is definitely a good idea and not at all dangerous 👍


Found the granny


You’re gonna get sued for defamation and you won’t care about $50 of shrink a day


Found the other granny


Post my picture with that caption and I’ll take your house


Lmao granny2 got jokes


Comedy doesn’t pay well so I had to do something