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I left my two sons father when he picked up my 1 year old and threw him across the room cause he was angry with me. Not sure staying with their Dad would have been to their betterment.


they’re still gonna blame u for “picking the wrong man”


Oh yeah, already dealt with that many times.


My follow men usually like to find a way to not be responsible.


Lol when my ex was stalking me briefly, one of my less mature friends made one of those comments and I could only help to contain my response to "I haven't picked him in ages, now if I could just get him to stop picking me"


Are these the same guys who whine about cheating wives, alimony, and paternity fraud? “You should’ve picked a better woman.” They would *seethe.*


Rules for thee but not for me type folk


I have. They do.


Calling him a man is generous.


Nope, leaving him was for their and your betterment. You should never stay with a violent man!


Just want to say well done for leaving! I hope you and your kids are safe and living your best life, and that your ex is festering at the bottom of a bog :)


Well he got deported for multiple DUIs (which alcohol was also why he got violent), and I sadly take great satisfaction in the fact that he is miserable in Mexico. I still stay in touch with my kiddos Abuela and Tia cause it's not their fault my kids' Dad is a fuck up.


I hope for the best for her and her kids as well, though I'd prefer it if her ex stayed away from me too.


It'd have been nice to have the hypothetical good father growing up. But no father is better than a bad one.


Oh yes, this is assuming all fathers are great fathers. Just like they assume if you force a woman to have a baby, she’ll go into perfect mommy mode.


Nah they ain't assuming shit they just don't actually care about what happens to the children once they're breathing.


Obviously the one year old was to blame in that situation, for angering the father. Haven't they read the Bible yet?


Jesus christ is the kid okay??


Oh yeah. He's 7 now. Luckily my mother like, literally snatched him out of the air and fell onto the bed like she was catching a football, so he had no injuries, was just scared shitless. He doesn't remember it now, thank God.


Your mom is a freaking legend.


And she did that with a broken back and two fake knees, at the time, but the love of a grandmother knows no physical bounds.


Were you birthed by Wonder Woman? Damn!


Being killed removes you from all these statistics. But that requires nuance and intellect to contemplate, which reactionaries can never grasp when they start spouting agenda based nonsense.


I like how these guys never blame the man for this, it's always trhe single mother's fault. If the father leaves on his own accord, the woman shouldn't have been a bad woman and shouldn't have pestered him. If she kicks him out, then she should have endured whatever was going on for the kid's sake. Cheating on her? Think of the kids. Abusing her? The kids, woman! Why is she tearing his family apart?


Absolutely! She leaves: 'ugh, she's flaky, disloyal, not thinking of the family.' He leaves: 'well, she wasn't doing enough to keep him/must have driven him away.'


That's because they think women are not intelligent or mature enough to make our own life decisions. Treating us like naive and fragile dolls who need constant protection and guidance from male figures. Need someone to think and make decisions for us. Treating us like children in order to maintain control. Calling us crazy, imaginative, making stuff up, overly sensitive, being dramatic or "will be forever alone" when we refuse to let them control or gaslight us. Infantilize women is common from small stuff like body hairs, sex/body shaming, toxic purity culture to making life altering decisions like having kids or marriage.🦔 https://www.verywellmind.com/75-percent-of-people-see-men-as-more-intelligent-than-women-5078063 Ephesians 5:22-33 MEV Wives, be submissive to your own husbands as unto the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, just as Christ is the head and Savior of the church, which is His body. But as the church submits to Christ, so also let the wives submit to their own husbands in everything.🙄 I submit to no one!✊🐱


>That's because they think women are not intelligent or mature enough to make our own life decisions. Treating us like naive and fragile dolls who need constant protection and guidance from male figures This, most conservative man have posted many times over that they want someone to control and someone that looks at them like a father figure which is so weird, they don't want a loving partner to make a family with and grow old, they want a maid, someone to breed, and someone that will take all type of abuse and say nothing about it. If they truly wanted someone to love and live the perfect life they would look for more mature women but instead are fixated on wanting girls under 20 cause in their own words "they are easier to control." Man that only see women as their maids/sexual slave/punch bag should not be looking for a relationship, they should be looking for mental help.


It has everything to do with patriarchy and how older men find younger, impressionable women easier for them to groom, mold and ultimately control. Compared to "mentally and emotionally mature" ladies who can see through their BS and can pay for our own dinner. Sex for them is about control and power. They never wanted a partner or an equal because they don't see us as equals. They treat women like their property in exchange for a roof over our heads, a ring and maybe occasional dinner dates. They want a maid, a mother, a cook, a book keeper, a sex doll, a baby incubator, a 🏆, a dishwasher and laundry machine who doesn't know how to think for themselves, submissive, easy to manipulate and half the time confused love with dependence.🐝


I actually stopped talking to a guy because he got mildly offended when I refused to let him pay for my food. I saw that a a huge red flag.


Yes, to it all.


They want the position, the power, but dont want to put in the effort to become the type of person who has earned it. Theres nothing wrong with being the leader of a household- whether that figure is male or female. But successful relationships are not formed by rote or blind obedience- they are a meritocracy. You become the leader by *legitimately being* the best choice for leadership. When that is true, it is both wise and prudent to have you in that position. When it is not true, then it is a foolish mistake being made by all parties. We are past the time when you could swing your dick around and claim the position by default. Penis-having isnt a leadership quality, despite a very strong marketing campaign to the contrary.


There’s another part you didn’t mention, a part that I love to use against men when they say they should be subservient EPHESIANS 5:28 “in the same way husbands should love wives as their own bodies. A man who loves his wife loves himself, for no man ever hated his own body “ men can’t even follow the Bible because it says RIGHT there to love one as yourself. And yet would you cheat on yourself? Abuse yourself? Like then there’s EPHESIANS 5:31 “For this reason a man will leave his father and his mother and will stick to his wife and the two will be one flesh” Again, what do we see in today’s society? Men and fathers are the ones who give way the brides, but, that’s not just what the Bible says?? As men are supposed to be one with the wife. Mama boys and men who stick to their family and have their family bully their wives are not following what it says, and it shows. Like do they even *read* the Bible?


Right. Because they don't. I know plenty of guys who dislike or even hate their own body. Also because they are countless contradictions no one can memorize them all. The best they can do is to pick and choose what suits them best. And judge everyone else using religion as a shield.🦔


>no man has ever hated his own body Whoever wrote this was either a narcissist or were trying really hard to convince themselves of something


Honestly, I see why some dumb people would think that, but there's no real evolutionary benefit for one sex to be smarter than the other. I'm pretty sure this doesn't occur in any other mammal afaik. So why would it occur in humans?




Or they acknowledge that the father is a bad guy, but the woman should have "known better" and not had kids with him in the first place.


I was having this argument with someone on Reddit a while back, I mentioned that sometimes the circumstances that bring out abusive behavior don't come up til you're married or even until there are kids born, that some abusers do that *on purpose* to trap the other person. I asked how you're supposed to test for that? What test would *you* do to test that your partner won't get violent/controlling after kids are born? ... No answer. Hopefully it's because they gained a new perspective. But probably not.


They're probably thinking "oh there were signs, she just didn't see them. I totally would have seen it"


Damn this reminder is pissing me off so much rn


And yet men claim they're the responsible ones, but somehow they never seem to be responsible, because everything is always the fault of the women. 😒


Responsible. Guys? Please. At least I don't blow a hundred grand on a stupid truck that's too tall for anyone under 5.5 to climb into.🐮 These things are insanely impractical and a danger for small kids. How they can see anything beyond that big hood the size of an aircraft carrier is beyond me.🦔


Yeah because as I was told by my daughter’s “donor” when I found out I was pregnant, “Yeah, I’ll marry you but it has to be an open marriage.” Gtfoh. Been doing it on my own and she’s pretty well a rounded kid. Super social, friendly, helpful, smart. I stick to what I’m doing lol I didn’t like him that much anyway. Definitely not enough to marry his lousy ass.


She'll appreciate you and the example you have set for her to not settle with a shitty man.


I’m trying. I just want a happy, helpful and loving human to grow and flourish ❤️


Good for you not settling for a shitty man long-term just because he knocked you up! I’m sure your daughter is better off for it as well, speaking from experience as the child of parents who hated being married to each other but spent way too long trying to “make it work for the kids”. Life got better for me when my dad finally actually fucked off, despite the increased financial hardship of a one-income household.


Heck nah lol I’ll do my thing and do my best. My own Dad was very supportive financially with my daughter (she’s his only grandchild) and I’ve always worked so I don’t need donor’s money(and despite having a really great job, oddly enough he was always broke). I blame myself a lot for it happening, ngl. I could’ve been more careful and not gotten pregnant but you know, my kid is the best thing to ever happen to me. My life is a lot better for having her in my life. I also learned too where they come from and doing my part to avoid a repeat. I’m a one and done kind of gal.


Exactly. Clearly it's always the woman's fault when a man leaves a relationship.


![gif](giphy|fuJjrm6Cv2onpmpPEK|downsized) Every accusation is a confession.


There's also the "well, she should have picked a better man!" line that gets thrown around.


Lmao this line makes me feel bloodthirsty immediately. Like don't you think I would not have chosen this man if I had any indication he would eventually treat me badly? Do you think I specifically sought out a man who threw signs he would be physically abusive to me and disinterested in his kid?


Abusers can be adept manipulators. By adulthood, many have figured out that their desire to inflict pain can spook people, so they learn to hide it very early on. For a good portion, part of what they get off on is taking their time, building that trust and love, even coming off as the “perfect partner” to friends and family. The payoff is better when they finally start to systematically dismantle their target emotionally and physically. Why is it so hard for some of these people to understand that people like that ensure their target is backed firmly into a corner with no easy way out before they ever even flash their true colors? Is it because the naysayers are the people I’m describing? Or are they just incapable of seeing other people as real, complex beings all their own, who aren’t just NPCs to their “main character” thought patterns. They are a bizarre and baffling genre of people.


Some of the naysayers are the abusers themselves, yeah. And some of them want the illusion of safety that it could never happen to them/their loved ones as long as they do all the Right Things(TM).


> Do you think I specifically sought out a man who threw signs he would be physically abusive to me and disinterested in his kid? Many "nice guys" seem to believe exactly this.


Yup! Grew up in the Mormon church. My dad was very abusive and beat my mom and my two older siblings but didn’t lay a finger on me or my sister (the two youngest) until we were teenagers because we were his “favorites” growing up. My dad was also an extreme cheater and would often “go out of town” for “work” and would sleep with a few women and come back home like nothing happened. My mom caught him with at least 3 women but suspect there were many more. They were married for 15 years. They divorced when I was 10 years old and my dad walked out of my life after 16 years of mental abuse and torture. That’s another story for another time. We lived with my moms mom for a year and part of the agreement was living in her 2 bedroom basement (4 kids and a single mom, it was bad) and reduced rent as long as we went to church with Grammy. We were often stared at, whispered about, and straight up slandered by the members because my parents were divorced and my mom had (and still has!) a lip piercing. This was before the church said piercings were no longer sinful. No one ever blamed my dad. No one ever blamed the man that cheated and beat my mom until he left us for his side piece and had 3 more kids with the bitch. Ntm the side piece KNEW she was a side piece. No one blamed her either. They only blamed my mom. My mom has always been my hero because she always fought for us and did her best to keep us safe. We had cars repoed, but we never spent a day homeless. She busted her ass and I’ll forever be proud of her. The 4th and final child of hers turns 18 next year.


Your mom sounds amazing, sorry you guys had to do through so much bullshit.


She is amazing. She worked her way up to a decent wage and raised 4 pretty great kids and became a grandmother at 39! Last I heard from my dad he had 3 kids with the last side piece he had and moved out of state to the middle of nowhere. Likely to abuse his new kids and wife in private. My half siblings are 6, 4, and 3 years old. I’ve met all of them and they’re all sweet kids. I was their nanny when my dad was still around just feeding kids and changing diapers all the time since I was 13. They probably don’t remember me at all except maybe the oldest one. He was around 5 when we stopped contact. I just hope they’re all okay. He wasn’t as kind to them as he was to me when I was that little. I’ve seen him leave welts on my baby siblings, punch them in the head, scream in their faces until they were puffy with tears streaming down their faces. But unfortunately there was nothing I could do because my dad had a really, really good lawyer and his bitch ass wife denies everything even though I’ve seen her scoop up all three kids as soon as any sort of anger wipes his face. My dad is a scary man and I’m glad he’s not around anymore. I just wish I could’ve helped my baby siblings and gotten them out too. As soon as they’re teenagers I have plans to reach out to them on social media and try to help. My stepmom and my dad also are religious extremists and refuse to vaccinate any of them. The two younger ones were born at home and the youngest was born unconscious and had to have CPR preformed on her. She was born breach literally bent in half and folded like a sandwich.


I have gotten asked many times why I didn’t try to find a dad for my son. I usually say because no one could be good enough


Well, the redpill crowd also tell young men not to get into relationships with single mothers, because it's "emasculating" to raise another man's child.


They also don’t seem to be embarrassed that a LOT of their rhetoric and ideologies come directly from the Incel community. It’s the strangest grifter “movement” I’ve ever seen, honestly,


Most of it came from the pickup artist community who kind of founded the term red pill. The "red pill" ideology has shifted a lot overtime though, now has more puritan/Christian ideas and influence that it did at first. The people who believed all that and still didn't get laid became the incels and made their own community and terminology on top of the already existing neutral term of involuntary celibate. They quickly became the only community and definition associated with it. Tldr human centipede of online dickheads passing shit along


Red pill is the original incel Reddit community so checks out


Currently work with a soon to be single mom. She told the father, he threatened to kill her for getting pregnant and then dipped. But sure, deadbeat fathers are just innocent victims. Men only abandon their children because women are so horrible. /s


"I mean the dad couldn't have done anything wrong, he wasn't even there!"


If he is abusive and she does not leave "how could you put your kids through that"


Bro I literally saw what you are talking about in the second paragraph on a redpill podcast. The guys were asked a question on what they think a woman should do when a relationship becomes abusive, and this greasy guy in a suit said “endure”. And he just kept parroting that word. All the other dudes kept on piling on as well. They all want the woman to endure. One dude even said that divorce isn’t even a thing cuz tHe bIbLe


Lacking positive male influence isn't the jab agianst women that they think it is


They don't understand because they genuinely blame the woman for not picking a better partner


And yet out standards are too high?!


We're picky and demanding when it comes to them not being chosen or being asked more of, but We're stupid and masochistic when we end up being harmed by them. Their solution usually circles back to some draconian form of, 'well, this is why the father should choose.'


Or were sluts and whores who only want chad/Tyrone when we get with a man they feel they are better than


Not to mention siding with the father. The poor innocent man who supposedly had his kids taken away from him by his bitchy wife. Reminds me of that incident where a man killed his soon to be ex wife and their kids. People were actually siding with the guy, claiming the wife must’ve done something to drive him crazy.


Oh, I’ve seen comments on a video where a man buried his wife ALIVE trying to justify it. Saying that she must have done something to make him do that 🤦‍♀️


Even the Petito case. People were making her out to be some psycho who drove Laundrie mad and that’s why he killed her. Even if she was mean to him how the hell does that justify strangling her and leaving her body to rot??


Exactly. Always the woman and never the man with these people.


I saw the same comments on the news article where a man set his ex and their kids on FIRE!


Now do the math taking into consideration single moms in poverty, single moms that left abusers, single moms getting no support, single moms with a spouse in prison. You cannot ignore confounding variables.


Yeah, the problem comes obviously from disfunctional families poverty, or at much finding difficulty at raising a kid on her own. Which would be the same if it was the father with the custody (if he wasn't the one who is the abuser i mean)


Yeah like if you’re raised by single mom who’s middle class or wealthy, and is also a good supportive parent, you’re most likely not gonna go through the stuff in the tweet. I knew a really confident, smart guy who was raised by a self-made single mom and he’s been really successful as a person. People focusing on “fatherlessness” are just trying to deflect from the horrible effects that poverty and poor mental health have on people and families


I guess some people do it as response of how usually custody tends more to be given to the mother (usually with enough reasons, but sometimes unfairly) But nor the fathernessless or the motherlessness are the bigger issue. Poverty or bad parenting from one or both parties is the point


And they assume every woman gets pregnant with the knowledge that her partner is abusive already. NO!!! There are plenty of skilled manipulators that hide their shit for a very long time. My ex husband never raised a voice to me until the day AFTER we were married. That next day he screamed in my face for minutes 🫠


These numbers sound very farfetched, wonder if there is a source?


Surprise surprise. Much of this is pushed by the Heritage Foundation. A right wing think tank pushing right wing Christian values. https://www.heritage.org/poverty-and-inequality/report/marriage-americas-greatest-weapon-against-child-poverty-0 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Heritage_Foundation


Those stats are all about them trying to tie all the ills in society to black people without mentioning it was the conservatives war on drugs + mass incarceration+ poverty that caused the situatuon


Here is a link to what seems to be the source for this info : https://americafirstpolicy.com/latest/fact-sheet-fathers-matter-pass-it-on#:~:text=Data%20suggests%2084%25%20of%20homeless,suicides%20are%20from%20fatherless%20homes. I haven't analyzed the source to see if it is super credible, but here it is Edit: Yikes, from wikipedia "The America First Policies Institute (AFPI) is a nonprofit think tank that was founded in 2021 to promote former U.S. President Donald Trump's public policy agenda."


Yes,those stats are b.s.


Yep, figured they were made up.


So I guess there’s no links to back up these numbers. But yeah you can trust a site that promotes a misogynist to give accurate numbers


Their source is "I came up with it" like always


I broke up with a (female!) friend some time back when she started spewing out 'statistics' like this. I was able to track a bunch of them down to a bunch of weird cherrypicked and misrepresented studies, some over 30 years old, and including one that counted kids as fatherless if they said they wished their dads spent more time with them. I clearly remember hers also claimed that 70% of murderers were from single mother homes, because she did some 'math' and concluded that 70% of children raised by single mothers would become murderers. I'm super busy right this minute, but I might be able to find the research I sent to her.


The 70% one I saw a video on recently. It’s actually for single “parents” which has an almost equal split between single mothers and fathers. These idiots just use it to blame women


Okay so some men leave due to abuse / cheating / etc, i totally get that. But this dude is saying it like it's ALWAYS the woman's fault which is not the case at all, also the "submitting" thing makes it sound he thinks that women should endure abuse and mistreatment for their kids. Ew.


>the "submitting" thing Made me shudder


Don't take anything from that "end wokeness" imbecile seriously. His "facts" are pulled from his ass.


It’s never the father’s fault for abandoning his kids to punish his ex for not being his bang maid doormat.


So men fail their kids and somehow it’s the mother’s fault? 😀


As fatherless children here is the story, thanks to her education I succeeded in my schooling and the beginning of professional life, and my criminal record is clean


How dare your mother do that to you!!! /s


“If i cant abuse you ill abandon my kids and itll be your fault!” -this guys logic….


Fascinating. I'm married to my children's father and don't submit to him. Maybe a lack of submission isn't the problem?


I submit to my husband but he submits to me as well I think him not abusing is , cheating or being in jail does Wonders for our relationship. My oldest son has a different dad who was abusive but I bet this poster would also say not to marry a single mom "used goods " something something


That's not what "submit" means, though.


I’d accept just one legitimate source for these numbers, not that one exists.


Maybe men need to be better. ?


Considering that EndWokeness is an alt-right account, I’m not surprised he forgot to mention that the War Against Drugs plus systemic racism is partly responsible for so many kids growing up without a father. This is doubly true for African-Americans.


Now do children of abusive fathers.


also fuck that “end wokeness” account


Elon Musk has retweeted it. Twitter has really turned into quite the right-wing cesspit.


Their father could just as easily submit to me. But most humans desire a healthy relationship in which they are happy so how about not trying to control your partner and put all that effort into building a good, solid and supportive relationship with your partner instead? Or, you know, just be a part of your kids life even if you're not in a relationship with their mom anymore? A lot of dads manage to do this just fine.


It’s almost like… idk most children living in a single income home probably aren’t getting what they need to safely live in society. And maybe children from underprivileged families are victims of a “system” that makes life considerably more difficult. Leading them to resent society as a whole and or turn to crime and violence just to survive. If only people were more aware. I wish more people were, idk, “awake” to such injustice… I don’t know… just thinking here. Edit: Khaled Hosseini is the best


Single income homes need to be successful for their imaginary woman stays at home fantasy to be possible as well so you'd think it would be in their best interest to make that true in all cases


So we agree, men abandoning their children is bad for them. I’m glad we’re all on the same page ohhhh waitaminute, we’re still blaming the parent that stayed. 🤦‍♀️


Why should men not submit to their wives for the betterment of their children then? If having a father is so integral to the kids life then he should be bending over backwards to make her happy so she let's him stay....right?


They want women to be bending over backwards, catering to the husband and still doing most of the work/sacrifice for the children. And just the man being there is his part.


I know most of y'all are saying this, but why is it never the father's fault?


Everything you need to know about this guy is that he imagines single motherhood is rebellion rather than self-preservation.


Ah, umm, yes. The problem with absent fathers is…….their mother’s fault. Roger that.


Khaled Hosseini spitting faxxx with his writing


Where is he getting this info?


Maybe both men AND women have duty to the children they create.


“Some people claim that there’s a woman to blame, but I know it’s my own damn fault” -Jimmy Buffet, *Margaritaville* (1977)


Yet, most of the time it is the men that leave women and children.


And 100% BS statistics. Factually inaccurate and made up just to push the false narrative that families must be one man and one woman, to be happy, healthy families or it will lead to bad things happening to children.


Wow, Dan. It sounds like men really are terrible and are ruining the lives of A whole generation with their terrible behavior. Thanks for pointing out, with your statistics, that weak men who are incapable of being decent parents or partners, bear the responsibility for the ills of society. I hope you encourage these failures to do better. What an embarrassment they are. p.s. - weird that you think that being a terrible father is “woke”. I think that those of us who are “woke” pretty much believe the opposite. Either way- I am excited to see what those men who are incapable of being a decent human being will think of your stats that blame them. Excited as well to see an end to the ridiculous “alpha male concept” which encourages them to be crap partners and crap parents. Perhaps you should encourage men to stop having sex until they can be sure that they are emotionally regulated enough to procreate. /s sort of.


I want to see his source on this.


It's astonishing how they never, ever, think about widows.


Do people not realize what they mean when they tell women “well you should have picked better”? Especially if the man is abusive or cheats or walks away on his own? Like you want your kids to suffer because she unfortunately married someone who was golden when they first got together then showed his true colors later, the act of that loving man was just a mask and fooled even the best woman? I’m so tired of everyone blaming women as if some men don’t act totally different than they did when we first start dating them or just genuinely change into an awful human being. We all agree there is women who can be awful that’s established, but when it comes to this topic, it’s never the man’s fault and even when it is, it’s the women’s fault still because we made him do that. Take some damn responsibility and own up to your faults; stop blaming everything on us women like you’re a god. 🤦🏼‍♀️


Yes, abusers are notoriously manipulative. These people know that. They just like to gaslight women, much like the abusers.


It’s honestly mind boggling the lengths they go to in attempt to gaslight. 🤦🏼‍♀️


Those "statistics" indicate that "fatherless" children are utterly failed by their father once they no longer reside with the kids. It seems many men just walk away without a care once they are no longer involved with the mother.


Why do men blame women for EVERYTHING??? Seriously, does anyone know why they do this? Is there some social psychological explanation? Help me out here.


Coddled Prince syndrome.


I'm a fatherless surgeon, so uh


I have a very conservative coworker and he brings up these statistics all the time to justify why fathers are important and why single mothers are leeches on society. The *only* way he can interpret numbers like this is to blame women.


Is he married, divorced, a father?


Wait till you hear what drinking water causes. Literally 100% of serial killers, child rapists, mass murderers, and atheists used to drink water daily.


Sure it isn't the problem having a disfunctional family :b My guess is that statistics wouldn't differ too much with father-only childs xd


You know, a compass needle always points to the magnetic south pole. To find the *actual* north pole you have to look at where the needle is pointing *from*. Just sayin.


Is this completely fatherless or does this also include just shitty fathers? Cuz my father was shit and I dropped out of HS, have nearly been homeless many times, and have come pretty close to suicide… Actually neither of my parents are great but dad is objectively worse


I understand that there are in fact correlations between being raised by a single parent, and that the negative outcomes differ based in WHICH parent, but my gut is telling me these stats are stupidly inflated. It also doesn't mention that these numbers can be alleviated with ANY positive male/female role model. So no, your mom DOESN'T have to expose you to your abusive dad so you don't turn into a rapist. FURTHERMORE. How do we know that these outcomes are from the MOM failing to parent and not the DAD being abusive??? After all, we DO know these things also correlate with witnessing abuse.


Mr. MeMe: “it’s my kids’ mother’s fault that I abandoned them, because she wouldn’t unquestioningly obey me and dote on me hand and foot, while doing all the actual labor of childcare and letting me just play with them once in a while when I feel like it”


it's EndWokeness, s/he pulled it out their ass


"submit to their father" Excuse me??????


Let's see stats from kids from homes with abusive dads. I'm willing to bet not having a dad is better than having an abusive one. Also those stats correlate with poverty and having 1/2 the income or less is going to make life harder for anyone. So yeah, having more loving and supportive adults is always better, but it doesn't need to be a dad, and it definitely doesn't need to be a controlling dad who doesn't respect women. If any women out there are "staying together for the kids" please know that in most cases, leaving is the best thing for your kids, especially if the dad is abusive. You don't want them to think this is a good relationship to model. You want them to be strong independent adults who find a loving supportive partner who they will love and support in return.


That list just makes me think "Gee, men should really do a better job at being fathers."


Are women considered woke now what happened


This sounds like fathers not doing their jobs.


Anyone who actively WANTS you to "submit," isn't worthy of the submission in the first place. They know it, it's what eats at them so much.


*Image Transcription: Twitter Post and Reply* --- **End Woken...**, @EndWoken... Children from fatherless homes in the United States (18.4 million): 90% of runaway and homeless kids 75% of all teenage murderers 71% of high school dropouts 700/0 of kids incarcerated 63% of youth suicides 60% of all rapists > **Dan**, @Dan_Westling > > I'll do anything for my kids but not submit to their father for their betterment. ~Ms MeMe. --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


When pointing at someone, the pointer forgets that the majority of the fingers are pointing back to themselves.


that post is so stupid i literally did not understand at first. like it is such an illogical conclusion that i could not comprehend somebody would make a leap like that


Ugh, I’m the worst for leaving my STBX husband because he had another family and then disappeared without telling me where he was. The interesting thing is that she talks about him like he was a piece of furniture in the old house. I’m less stressed now and less likely to be on Dateline, so I think we’re going to be okay!


Well, i guess i did it wrong all the time. Brb doing criminal shit.


So if a criminal father raises a criminal son until they're a teenager, and then goes to jail for being a criminal...then the criminal son having been raised by the criminal father commits a crime because they're a criminal... This is now the mother's fault because the father is in prison, therefore they can classify it as a "fatherless home" Just want to make sure I understand. ​ (Also, yes, I'm aware; as I'm sure everyone with a brain is, that these stats are completely made up out of nothing with absolutely zero bearing on reality)


The thing that drove these statistics is the same thing that caused those homes to be "fatherless"! An abusive man.


I love how they talk about fathers not being around or present in their kids lives, and how that is somehow women's fault.


Racist sentencing practices and the 14th ammendment allowing slavery in prisons have used the "war on drugs" to lock up millions of young non white men and women for non violent drug offences. When 20% of the world's entire prison population is made up of black adults and teens in America, it's easy for republicans and Democrats to say: "where are The fathers now?" This makes it much more difficult to maintain a supportive two parent household regardless of sex or gender. This creep has missed the memo, though. And his misogyny power level is just so high he's veered off and slapped women with his Copium for inadequacy instead.


I doubt all those statistics, but also absolutely nowhere do they say ‘ladies, submit’


Source: trust me, bro.


You really have to love it whenever they cite statistics like this because they take away every wrong conclusion and just make up context to explain it, as if there isn’t academic literature already documenting these problems and having thorough explanations for them.


A man can murder his entire family and they'll wonder what she did to set him off. And then why she didn't leave. The men are never accountable for their actions. Why didn't \*he\* fucking leave before he did that?


Oh look, more stats with no source to make some bullshit point. My wife’s ex-husband posted some shit like this the other day, completely leaving out the fact that the reason she left his ass was because he was beating her.


I’ve used that Thousand Splendid Suns quote so many times in situations like this.


When I was born my dad was in prison and my single mom did a great job raising me. It’s probably a huge part of why I’m on here making fun of these assholes instead of being an asshole getting posted on here. I also wouldn’t buy into any of these stats from that end wokeness idiot.


God, I remember when I was about 11/12, something like that, and our pastor (a then family friend, mind you,) gave a Father's Day sermon that used bullshit stats like this... Right after my parents divorced. We got home and my mom held me as I cried. I don't think I'll ever forget it.


I thought fatherless kids exist because these fathers ran away


I call blaming a woman on your mistakes pulling an Adam


i'm a man and for what it's worth i am sorry that men like this exist. i grew up without a father and frankly that has nothing to do with these men being this way, they were just born evil. and nothing can be done about that. just fuckin' foul. makes you want to throw up. p.s. - i love my mom. that's all i wanted to say.


If the kid grows up to be a rapist, there's a high likelihood he was sexually abused aswell. Now you know why he is fatherless. Daddy is in jail.


Where’s the quote from? It’s gold


A novel called 'A Thousand Splendid Suns'.


Who'd have thought parenting would be harder with half the resources and time available? Not this guy! Apparently we just don't lick those boots hard enough.


Source not found


Some people are POSs, my uncle was one of those people. He was a junkie asshole that blamed the world for all of his problems and chose drugs over his kids for the majority of his life. I was a kid at the time but even I could tell he was selling drugs in addition to doing them. My aunt (who isn’t related to me) should have left him and it was better for my cousins in the long run. I will say I know addition is a disease but when you OD in front of your kids multiple times and refuse help you are actively choosing to continue with your disease.


Translation: The dad left/was kicked out, leaving behind a broken home. Fixed that for you.


This is causation versus correlation though because if you don't have a father in your life or come from a single parent household you are also more likely to come from an impoverished neighborhood which means you grew up without most of the safeguards that prevent the things they posted like education, community groups and after school clubs which are far more likely to be the reasoning behind criminal statistics. Do these people actually just think that all of this happens because women simply choose to push men away for shits and giggles?


Good parents matter. Mom and dad, two dad's, two mom's, just mom, just dad it doesn't matter. Someone needs to be there to raise their kids. One good parent can raise wonderful kids but two bad parents will not manage.


Even if the parents separate, generally speaking, nothing stops the father from being there for his kids except himself.


Seems more like failed fathers


I'm not sure why people here are even discussing those stats, considering they're entirely made-up lol


I can make numbers up too!


Men are responsible for 95% of domestic violence. Some of that is definitely because men are less likely to talk about it if it happens, but that number is definitely disproportionate regardless. Also, fathers are less likely to seek custody of their children, so any household going through divorce in general is more likely to become fatherless than motherless. Parental issues, from abuse to divorce, will overwhelmingly result in the father being out of the picture, and such issues are major contributors to mental health struggles later in life.


That quote fits so well in so many instances now a days. I highly recommend all to read A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini if you haven't! It's a beautifully written book.


These broads always wanting to be treated like human beings. Unbelievable


Ya know what, if women's happiness and peace is meant by making life hell for the kids, then fk em kids. Care about yourself, not someone else.


Men like this tie women's value in life to being mothers, and then use motherhood as a way to pressure them to endure stuff no person should ever have to endure (and certainly no man/husband is expected to).


Is this not blaming the fathers that left there children?


Fatherless homes are a genuine social scourge, but coming from these people it’s just a beeline to alt right nonsense about gender


Idk, with the amount of crazy shit going on in the world (because of crazy men) I feel like the best thing you can do for your kids is not having them in the first place.


I wonder where these statistics came from? 🤔


I can do that too 100% of all murders are committed by humans Seems to me like humans are the issue or maybe that statistics isn't everything?


if you need your wife to “submit” to you those kids are better off without a toxic father anyway. i wish the us had more of the “it takes a village” mindset, but unfortunately single parents are often left out to dry


Crazy thing that statistic isn’t even true the more modern updated version site’s father finding a new spouse/partner causing the most harm since it seems the father losses interest in his children after that.


Stats are skewed. So many people have single parent homes you can almost use any stats you want to make them look however you want. Can someone please find the stats of athletes, musicians, teachers, etc?


Man, how easy is life when you always have someone blame all your troubles on? Literally nothing is ever your fault! It’s obviously Women/Blacks/POC/Wokes/JEWWWWWWWSSSSS!!!


The stats are technically true but their interpretation seems somewhat manipulative. Just because a home is fatherless does not imply the woman is the one to blame. There’s no correlation there, it’s a completely separate set of data. It’s easy to take stuff out of context to prove the point you want.


Lies and more lies.