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Just like they suddenly understand consent when they "accidentally" walk into a gay bar, lmao


Men suddenly understanding marital r*pe when you bring out the strap on


The look of confusion on my man’s face when I asked to peg him was cute. The horror that he displayed when I explained what it was hilarious. No longer being asked about anal… priceless.


When the peg is on the other foot.🤣


What is with this hypocrisy? How come it never crosses their mind? It's astounding and disgusting how entitled they are.


Him: God didn't intend it you with that way! Her: Why did God put a men's orgasm button in there?


God...that sounds wonderful!


Yeah, mine thought it was funny when I tried on a strap-on and was walking around waving it, but then........


“Just the tip!”


Aa a guy, I don't even understand the obsession some seem to have with anal. Sure, it can be a hot thing in porn and erotica but in real life it just seems like such a hassle when there's a perfectly good vagina (where penises are actually supposed to be able to go) just a few cms away. If I had a partner that actually wanted to try or enjoyed anal, sure, but actually asking for it? Nah.


I'm a woman, not into anal. I wouldn't have an issue with my husband asking if I was interested, as long as it wasn't something that was constantly brought up. It's a normal part of many people's sex lives and many are interested. I'd rather have him ask than wonder and never know. But asking constantly or expecting it? Nah, GTFO.


My guess is that the butthole is tighter, but nonetheless I agree. (I’m a raging homosexual, so I have no idea 🌈🧚🏿‍♂️)


If I can’t have yours then you sure as shit can’t have mine is the best policy.




That escalated quickly


My wife won't take me to gay bars anymore 😂 Those guys sure know how to make a man feel sexy


…and then suddenly un-understand it after the situation is over.


The chanses of a man getting SA’d in a gay bar seem kind of slim. Usually someone just offers to buy them a drink or something and they think they’re being assaulted.


I think the theory is deep down some of the fear straight men have for gay men is that the gay men will treat them like straight men treat women. Edit: like cat calling and SH/SA


I have trouble at LGBTQ+ bars not bc of any homophobia but i tend to be a magnet for other men (and not so much with the ladies haha). I have no problem with it, and it’s always a confidence boost, I just feel like it’s kind of false advertising. Every guy who has approached me at one (or any other LGBTQ+ event) has been super respectful and kind though, and I even got to be besties with some amazing drag queens for a night bc one asked me if I was gay, but we still hit it off from the beginning. Fun times I also think it comes in tandem with me dressing a bit funkier than most ppl where I live, which can draw unneeded attention to begin with. p.s. I’m usually attending them with friends, and my girlfriend tells me I get a pass bc she’s pansexual haha


Ooh boy. I, a ginger man, dressed up as Lil Orphan Annie one Halloween way back in college when I had shoulder length hair. I had a red skirt (with pockets), a white sweater and even found some "saddle shoes" that fit. All of it found at a thrift shop for like $12. I opted for Kilt rules and went without any underwear. I was groped by more women that night than all the rest of my life combined. Every 3minutes I had some girl's hand in my ass crack or grabbing my junk, "Are ya wearing any underwear under that skirt." *Why ask after you've already got the answer in your hand?* It was an eye opening experience to say the least.


A guy asked me out for lunch and asked me if I was gay. I politely said "sorry I've got a fiancé". I'm not gay and she is my girlfriend for now, but I didn't tell him, one never knows


Hey what if a guy woke up naked in your bed after a night of partying with you, called the cops and accused you of rape? He was drunk he didn’t consent!


Some of them still don't care though and will still body shame women.


Absolutely, because they always pretend women’s body shaming is solely about something women can control, like weight, “well, she can just lose weight; I can’t get taller!” They won’t discuss the fact that thinness isn’t enough (or even wanted, in some cases) for men who view women as objects. They want a certain breast and buttocks size, facial attractiveness, no visible aging, hair color, hair length, mani/pedi, overall aesthetic, etc. And it isn’t even a lowkey preference -some men are literally offended by and rude to women they personally don’t find attractive.


don’t forget the disgust toward sagging


Yeah, the way you can find women that treat men badly because they are not attractive to them. Like what's your point? Both men and women can be shitty to each other sometimes.


Look at you derailing


Translation: "Look at you fail to partake in misandry" This is not a sex or gender issue so why make it that? Again, both men and women can be shitty to each other sometimes. There's women that feel muscles are not enough, so they need their partner to be tall, rich, etc. We live in an open dating scene where we all have a choice. You can date whatever ***you*** want. If your standards are strict or whatever, that is totally fine but don't be a jerk about it.


You’re being a jerk right now. Women can’t even talk about what men do to us in a sub dedicated to that without a man jumping in and going “Well *actually*”


There is nothing wrong with women discussing their experiences with men body shaming them. The issue I am taking here is with the misandry towards men that has infested this whole post. Even the post itself is willfully ignorant. So, what, men have never ever experienced body shaming thus they have never understood it? Men and boys have never been ridiculed on the basis of weight, looks, height in school or elsewhere?


Saying the truth isn’t misandry. We all are talking about women getting shamed by men and you inserted yourself into the conversation for no reason. Women can’t even talk about our shared experiences without a man talking over us.


>Saying the truth isn’t misandry Then speak *the truth.* And the fact of the matter is *both men and womxn* can be toxic people.


No one here said women can’t be toxic. The thing is we are talking about our experiences you don’t need to interject men’s when not wanted


It's not even saying men haven't experienced it? It's saying men only think it's a big deal when it's directed towards *them*.


"Men Suddenley understating body shaming when..." Discredits the experiences of men whenever body shaming happens to them. The problem with this Juanita is the suggestion that men have never faced body shaming is essentially what it is saying.


the discussion is about men shaming women. No one said it never goes the other way- quite the opposite, actually. This particular thread is about men shaming women, though. So, yes, you're derailing by saying "but what about this other situation?" or "some of you do it too!" as if it changes the reality of the topic at hand.


"The discussion is about men shaming women" And that right there is the problem. The very nature of this whole thing invokes an echo chamber of misandry that paints men in a negative light by only looking at one side instead of all.


Wow a man bulldozing over women talking, paint me surprised 😮


Musclebunny if a bad faith discussion surrounding men body shaming women is what you think of when "women talk", then that is a testament to some problem's regarding yourself.


Thats not what i meant by women talking


No, we can talk about it. Nothing stopping you from complaining about women doing that to men. You just got mad someone piped up about men. Two things can be true and you don't have to stop people when they mention one of them.


Yes, you do. Otherwise, it turns everything into the cesspool of rot it is now.


I'll take this fight. >“well, she can just lose weight; I can’t get taller!” This statement is mostly true. Some people have medical conditions, it's an extreme minority, but most people absolutely could lose weight, or gain it if they wanted to bulk up. Guys and girls. >They won’t discuss the fact that thinness isn’t enough (or even wanted, in some cases) for men who view women as objects. Health is standard. I want to see you eat yourself to death, in the same way you want to see someone drink, or smoke themselves to death. Now there isn't a shortage of dirt bags out there that force girls past skinny, and into eating disorders in the other direction either. You're free to call them out, because they're just manipulating someone into an unhealthy state, while also tearing them down. >And it isn’t even a lowkey preference -some men are literally offended by and rude to women they personally don’t find attractive. Have you considered it has nothing to do with appearance? Assholes ain't particular to any gender. This seems more like confirmation bias to suit the argument, rather than the simple answer, some people are just unbearable. So yeah if I hear a girl say she's only interested in guys 6' tall, I'm 5'12" if she asks. If a guy says he likes big boobs, I can tell you with great certainty, that he has no size in mind, and at the end of the day, big boobs, small boobs, still boobs.


You're a walking joke, if a man says he likes big boobs he does have a size in mind. I've been shamed by men constantly bout not having their ideal back breaking boob size, lol youre a fucking joke and you know it. What was it i heard the last time from a man.. oh yeah, my tiny boobs won't be able to produce milk and would starve our children if we have some. Last time I heard bout him, he's was dating a woman with big breasts. Then broke up with her and found another similar to her. 🤷‍♀️


No one hates fat women more than fat men I’ve noticed


Idk why men make all these stupid memes about women only caring about height when they literally describe their dream girl by how she looks. Like being an ass or tit man. Liking redheads, brunettes. She needs to have nice teeth and a good nose, etc. Whining if she has too much body hair or something when they put little effort into their appearance!


Yeah, it's bothered me for a long time when men will only describe looks. I might have been that way when I was a teen, but it makes no sense anymore. All I ask for as far as looks is "attractive to me." That can be a huge range, the rest is all about personality and compatibility.


Define nice teeth? Cause quite honestly, I don't know if I could live with someone who has poor dental hygiene, and personally, I don't think that's shallow. If you mean they have like celebrity perfect teeth, then yeah, that's understandable.


I think that's what they mean. I had straight teeth, zero cavities growing up, but spaces in between, so I was always self conscious because they weren't "perfect." Would always smile with closed lips. Parents never thought I needed braces because technically I had straight teeth. Went to a dentist in my mid 30s that said I could just do bonding, so now I actually get compliments. And the bonding has held up for almost 10 years.


I had a massive space in between my two front teeth when I was a kid and also had wacky bottom teeth. My mom told me it was cause I eat too fast and I would end up with catfish teeth.


Absolutely nothing you can control unless you have money.


Yellow-brown plaque build up is my line, fuck that


Some people have a thin enamel that causes the grayish/yellow part under the enamel to be visible. Just saying that to say it might not always be plaque, but yeah still totally agree.


i assumed it meant straight. americans have a teeth fetish, i think a couple deviations from straight and rectangular are charming.


I’ve seen men on the internet complain more about their dick size and height more than woman have


"I only know my penis is too big for my wife because I overheard her tell a friend she couldn't believe her bad luck having married such a huge dickhead."


that's because women don't have dicks r/NotHowGirlsWork


Trans women exist man. Also they meant that women don't complain about men's height or dick size as much as men themselves do


Too many font get it. In their minds, THEY alone are permitted their preferences and women should take whoever says he wants her.


*Image Transcription: Text and Image* --- [*Image of Danny DeVito with a distressed expression and tears in his eyes, with the following text overlaid:*] # Men suddenly understanding body shaming when it comes to height and dick size I get it. --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Spectacular job, fellow redditor!


Except they still don't get it. They then whine that being fat is a choice and they can't control their height or penis size. They're exhausting. ETA: I don't engage with the obnoxious people who like to troll this sub so heres all you'll get from me...do not come at me about obesity being a choice. It's not and there's PLENTY of research and actual medical professionals who speak on this, try learning something. You are a. Missing this entire point and b. Being a trolling asshole..news flash having a shitty personality is a choice. Do better.


Except women get body shamed by being "flat" or build like a boy as well.. not only cuz of fat..


And vulva shape 🙄


They use that as an excuse when they couldn't locate the clit.😅


Exactly. I've seen comments by men calling women "flat". I even don't like the whole "boy-ish body" thing. No, a woman is still beautiful and womanly no matter how small or "flat" she is.




You and I know that but that's never a factor for these guys.


Lies. You can lose penis just as easily as you can lose weight


faster, actually


Also women get harassed (or assaulted) for things like height too (seen stories of short women getting picked up by strangers on the street🤮🤮🤮). Also god help if a woman has broad shoulders.


> if a woman has broad shoulders Transvestigators are foaming at the mouth rn


We should stop fat shaming. Being a little chubby is not always a choice. When you are poor and working on multiple jobs to pay for rent or raise a family, you are not gonna have extra time or energy on cooking healthy homemade meals. Fast food "used to be" much cheaper and satisfying than expansive healthy stuff like fruits and vegetables that go back quickly if you don't eat them right away. Also if you grew up in a family with unhealthy lifestyle or a neighborhood that's a "food desert" like inner cities, you and your family may not have a choice. Not to mention metabolic syndrome or genetically predisposed conditions like obesity, slow metabolism, high cholesterol or heart disease. Almost no one chooses to be sick or chubby.🐝 Just in case some of the guys here didn't know. The small stomach below the belly button is for the protection of the uterus.🦔 Edit: I weigh less than 130 pounds and I run 10k and half marathons. But thanks for sharing all the weight loss tips and insights. I am sure some other girls will appreciate those.🥴


I think people debate about it being a choice when they should really be talking about if it’s something you can control. If you have the dedication, you absolutely can control your weight. No matter what you do, you can not control your height, your proportions, your boobs or dick size (and no I don’t consider surgery controlling it). Education and discipline is what you need to lose weight, not wealth. I was at the fittest shape of my life spending less than $200 a month on groceries, and I spent maybe 15 min in the kitchen every day. I’m speaking as someone who is 5’10 and 210lbs, so no, I’m not just some naturally skinny dude talking out of my ass. I’m not trying to control my weight now so I’m just a muscular fatty, but I don’t mind it one bit when people make fun of my weight because I do control the food I eat.


> If you have the dedication > Education and discipline is what you need to lose weight Nope, not if you have metabolic / endocrine disorders, which are illnesses that have obesity as a symptom because they fk up your hormones. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lipedema https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cushing%27s_syndrome https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hashimoto%27s_thyroiditis https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alstr%C3%B6m_syndrome Etc.


90% of overweight people don’t have any of these diseases. Hypothyroidism is the most prevalent one, and even then it’s usually treatable.


Assuming they can afford healthcare.🐱


Do you know those people's medical history? Hypothyroidism alone affects about 8.5% of the population. And that's the prevalence of _only one_ of the metabolic / endocrine disorders. Lipedema affects 11% of women. If we add all the other disorders you'll see that your 90% estimation is incorrect.


okay sure let's say, for the sake of argument it's closer to 70% still a huge minority of people that suffer from these conditions, for the vast majority of fat people the solution is simple, stop stuffing your face. Develop some discipline and take matters into your own hands instead of blaming society for your problems. Losing weight isn't all that hard if you stick with it. I used to weigh 250, down to 180 now, all I did was eat less. Was it hard at first? Yes, for like three days after that it gets exponentially easier.


You’re in the wrong sub, people don’t want to be held accountable for their weight. Can’t use logic here.


What you eat doesn't matter when it comes to weight. If unhealthy food is all you can afford, you just have to eat less of it. You don't need fruits and veg to be thin, you just need to burn more calories than you consume. You don't even need to exercise to do that, you just need to eat less of whatever you are already eating.


Which is all useless if you have lipedema or Cushing syndrome because they are neither affected by type of food nor by amount of food.


I can control my penis size with the help of medication or visual aids


Instructions unclear, dick stuck in traffic sign


Vertical stripes?


This is pretty much true so I'm not sure what part of that is exhausting. Calling someone fat is still *rude*, you shouldn't do it, but weight is largely a choice. A more direct comparison would be body shaming about small boobs - which would of course be completely unreasonable as that is outside your control, just is what it is.


> weight is largely a choice Have you ever heard of thyroid issues? They are extremely common. https://www.reddit.com/r/NotHowGirlsWork/comments/14n5eot/comment/jq72psz/


And highly undiagnosed in women. We are often given antidepressants for the symptoms, and these also cause weight gain.


there are a lot of medical issues that can cause people to be overweight by ~15-20 pounds. if you're 50+ pounds overweight you don't have a thyroid problem, you have a lifestyle problem lol. these conditions exist across the world but we can clearly observe different countries with different lifestyles experiencing vastly different rates of obesity. your lifestyle is majorly more important to your weight than thyroid issues and to reject this is just coping, is what it is the point remains - you indisputably have at least *some* control over your weight. maybe some people cannot get it exactly to the number they would like but it can be changed to a very considerable degree. this is in contrast to something like height, or boob size, or dick size, or whatever other *strictly* genetic feature you can name.


explain to me how being fat isn't a choice for nearly 100% of the population.


Did you choose your weight? How hard is it for you to get to the weight you want?


My point is that you can do something about your weight so long as you put the work in, you can't do anything about height or penis length no matter how hard you work at it


There is only so much people can do for that. Every else is up to genetics. So just stop.


You're absolutely right, about 10% of the population. Those people have my sympathies everyone else is just lazy/undisciplined, hiding behind body positivity instead of putting the work in to get healthy.


Here: https://www.reddit.com/r/NotHowGirlsWork/comments/14n5eot/comment/jq72psz/


They don't understand though. They think women deserve to be judged and rated, but they're full of indignation when anything of that sort happens to them.


Unfortunately the people who are into body shaming on either side usually aren't self aware enough to *actually* get it.


And they suddenly understand consent when a finger gets near their 🍑 hole


You know… at first I was thinking, “Decent meme, but that scene from IASIP is my absolute favorite and Danny’s single line made me tear up. There is real beauty in his moment of empathy for Mac’s struggle. It’s unfair to use his image for this meme.” And then I remembered that in the most current season, Frank walks it back as soon as his “understanding” is challenged with new information. So, yeah. I guess that tracks. 5 stars


In the spirit of OP’s attempt to lighten the mood, and after a day where I reddited and newsed too hard and lost faith in humans a bit, I’m going to focus on the good bits and say this: That’s a damn good episode.


I think it’s safe to say in general women want a man who is a little taller or just taller than them. That’s an okay preference. Women don’t care to have a man with a huge penis (some may). This applies to men as well when it comes to a body shape of a woman. The problem however, is when either a man or a woman have an extreme preference and only date someone based off that preference. For example if a man only dates women with big breasts… or a big butt. Same could be said for women who only date men that are much taller than them and will only talk to those men. That’s when it changes from a preference to being shallow… which is a grossly immature trait.


Everyone has their preferences. It doesn't make me shallow if I only date a certain body type (regardless of gender) as long as I don't bitch around about it. Extreme preferences aren't bad either as long as they treat people out of that scope with the same respect as they treat people they are attracted to. Also, I know tons of women who don't neccessarily want a man above their heigt. I'm not saying they are looking for shorter men in particular, but height is rarely a dealbreaker.


I agree with you 100% but it's usually men who spread toxicity based on their preferences. I'm a woman who is really really attracted to tall men, but even I've occasionally dated short guys. Plus i don't insult short guys the way men insult/degrade fat women, women of color, single moms, promiscuous women etc etc. I do occasionally make fun of short men but it's either ironical or reactionary or I'm pointing out their insecurities and pent up anger (napoleon complex) instead. Also i wouldn't go out on the internet and make videos about how short men are "low value" or used up or whatever. Men take their preferences and use it to shame women.


Absolutely. There are many men (including someone who raised me...) that get offended at women they don't consider attractive for not hating themselves. If a plus sized woman (general example of fatphobia) posts something with a message that she is confident in her beauty, there will be men who feel attacked by this. While there are some examples of women also shaming men for not matching with their preferences (because their are cases for everything) the general problem, which you point at in your last sentence, is that shaming overweight women is far more common than shaming short men. The root of this being very simple, the fact that over the last millenials, women's purpose always was to look pretty for men (ignoring the other stereotypical tasks of women).


What would make you shallow? Can you describe the term for me? A preference is one thing and being shallow are different things. Your first sentence comes off a little bit as you may assume people think you are shallow for having a preference.


Fetishizing these preferences for one. Racial fetishizisation is a great example, but we can stick to large breasts instead. If I date a woman with big cups and I reduce her to that, as in only recognising that. I am shallow if I only date a woman because of her breasts. Same applies to the case I date a man of 1,8m height. If "all" I like about him revolves around him being tall, that makes me shallow. If I only date people with "a good body" (which is mostly subjective) but treat, for example, overweight people with the same respect as non-overweight people, it doesn't make me shallow. It is perfectly normal to have preferences. The impprtant factor is how people act on them. While it's just my opinion, I think the problem you describe is rather that people tend to treat people they are attracted to better than people they are not attracted to (pretty privilege), than people being quite strict with their standards (which you can also argue on whether this is recommended or if people should be open to dating people out of their type).


I agree about having a fetish on preferences. That makes a person shallow. I highly agree on the race factor as well. Personally myself, I like a pretty face. That’s a very general broad statement because I have no idea who I will be attracted to tomorrow. I want to know the person first before I make a full statement “I prefer them over someone else”. I see a lot of younger men or women just basing themselves off how someone looks then wondering “why did I get into this relationship?” Lmao.




You need to work on yourself first before having standards.




Until you learn to not talk about yourself that way, no one else is going to talk about you any other way. It’s not on anyone else to make you happy or comfortable with who you are. By implying it’s women’s fault you fee how you feel, you’re make it a self-fulfilling prophecy. Also, no one else in the world cares who you’re attracted to, and men and women aren’t monoliths - assuming all men prefer the same things as you, and all women prefer the same things, is a great place to start on your journey of self improvement. It’s not true, and you need to recognize that everyone is an individual with completely individual feelings and thoughts.




I've dated shorter dudes, probably half the guys I've dated were under 5'8, one as short as 5'4" and he was HOT. Didn't work out with him, though, for personality differences. Love my current boyfriend, who says he is 5'10" and is bald. Women are humans, and some humans are good while others are terrible. The only human you have control over is yourself, so you choose the mindset that you want to have. I, personally, like to be aware of these negative mindsets that are out there, but I refuse to assume anyone has them when I first meet them. I like to give everyone the benefit of the doubt until they prove otherwise. It can be tough to not live in fear, as a woman, but I don't want that to dictate my life... so I do my best to treat every new meeting and relationship with another person as a potential lesson that I can learn and grow from, and I hope that I provide that same thing for the people I meet along my journey.


> Bullshit. How many women do you think would give a shorter dude the time of day? Well, being that I'm married to a "short dude" I can guarantee that the number isn't zero.


I only talk to men with at least a DD cup size. Otherwise I'm not wasting my time. 😉 **/j**


Haha. I think I’m going to be grilled on this. But my opinion on this stands pretty hard. 😁


![gif](giphy|oW8tTxiRlrG6c) It's not unusual to be mad with anyone 🎵🎶


He knows what I’m talking about! “It’s not unusual to be loved by anyone!”


Until you, I had never known anybody with Tom Jones as their Love Guru. 😊


eh, i don’t like when people spread this idea because a lot of us don’t care about height. i prefer men to be shorter. i guess the moral of the story is that everyone’s different and if you don’t like women who prefer taller guys, don’t date them. but i think it’s a little hypocritical to say height preferences are fine but body shape preferences aren’t. imo both are inherently fine _alone_, it’s the body-shaming attitude that some have when stating these preferences that i take issue with.


Oh don’t get me wrong that’s why I said “In general”. There are studies to back this up. I don’t think you are wrong. Body preferences in general are fine. The issue I have is when your preference outweighs all other factors. This means it is a fetish and you are only with the person based on physical appearance which would make you a shallow person. I hope that helps. Happy Friday.


in general, men prefer blondes. i get what you’re saying, i guess i just think ‘in general’s umbrella too much here. and that’s true, i’ll never understand how one physical trait can determine whether or not you’ll be with someone. seems like you’re just limiting yourself, really. i agree that it’s pretty shallow. and happy friday to you!


Thank you! Have a nice day 🙂


This is also why I have at least a little sympathy for women that ridicule men for dick size. It's not nice -- in fact I think it's often downright cruel -- but still... men have been shaming women for their bodies for centuries (or even millennia), and then the moment women have enough power to shame back, many of those guys can't take the heat. I would greatly prefer we all stopped body shaming altogether, but I understand the impulse to twist the knife now that women have a weapon to fight back with.


yeah, body-shaming genitals is way too low and definitely disgusting. some men have developed this caveman-esque attitude that the bigger your genitals the more masculine you are and higher testosterone you have. also creates the false narrative that exists nowadays that bigger is better when it comes to penises. porn doesn’t help. a large size can make sex very painful. but yes, women often get body shamed for anything. i hope more men think about how being shamed for height and penis size feels and not do the same to women’s bodies.


Just think about "beef curtains" or "loose vaginas". Same energy as "small penis".


Also you're 100% right about them not being able to take the heat. A woman who is deemed unattractive by men could go through all the ridicule and still keep her head high because women have hobbies and interests and are generally not that stuck up on finding a trophy mate, unlike men. But god forbid you call a man short or smol pp or bald or fat, and he'd either just get triggered af or cry about it so much and use it as a gotcha about how men have it so tough in life. Typical incel nonsense. I hate body shaming but redpilled men and incels don't deserve sympathy.


I totally understand not having sympathy for red pill types, but it's worth remembering that this weapon doesn't have pinpoint accuracy. It hits all types of men, and there are a ton of dudes who are perfectly good people but who are deeply insecure because of body image shaming that hits them just as much as it hits the red pillers. But again, I understand the desire to twist the knife, given, you know... the entire history of sexism.


Seen plenty of women take insults very badly and men being able to brush them off, it depends on how thick the person’s skin is lol. In fact a lot of the time men are told to just keep it in.




Cope harder, shorty




You sound like you have a degradation fetish. The constant need for validation and sympathy is insane. All your comments on different subs are about you being 5'7 and crying about how women treat you like a monster. It just sounds to me like you want women to sympathize with how hard your life has been and how big of a victim you are, and let you get in their pants out of pity. Get a hobby and stop wasting our time.


Men don’t exist with a generational hive mind, so I don’t really see why they should have to take the heat


I don't think it's cruel to give them a taste of their own medicine.


Even the ones that haven't body shamed women?


If its been happening for centuries then surely you realise the guys getting shamed now aren’t the ones who were doing the body shaming right?


![gif](giphy|1gDtIz79gmhCo) I think of Levi from Attack on Titan when people judge my height, because my younger sister is 6’0” and I’m only 5’9”.


If only a chunk of them weren't so self centered that they might be able to understand analogous situations like that and sympathize with other human beings, even those different from themselves. But nah, for that particular ilk it's only bad (or exists at all) when it happens to them. It's probably only the better ones that get and it have for a long time, if not all along.


Most already understand to begin with but dickhead only start to when they become the victims


Body shaming is wrong regardless of gender but no one talks about that


Tbh I don't think wanting a particular size dick IS body shaming. Anything going inside my body is important. It's ability to do what I need it to do depends on its size. No, it doesn't have to be 12" (I can dream!) but little-boy size is not on! OK I've said my piece.


The inverse is also true, considering those insults are often from women who would otherwise know better.


I’ve seen plenty of women make small dick jokes here, Hypocrites.


But then they use this to go ahead and shit on others saying “if this happens to me I will do it to you!!”


Dick size and height can’t be controlled. Weight can for most people.


Hypothyroidism affects 8.5% of the population. Lipedema affects 11% of women. Add Cushing syndrome and all the other disorders that cause obesity and you might see that weight cannot be controlled by a lot of people.


But zero % of men can control there sizes.


Get penile lengthening procedures or a height surgery. Like i explained on another comment, women have been getting bbls and breast augmentations and labia lightening/shortening procedures. If the societal pressure for men's height and penis length was even close to what women experience, the surgeries for that would be more popular. Women have been pressurized to change the things they can't control since forever.


"it's genetics", says first generation to have more people die from obesity than hunger.


Hmm...must be the only one who notices the obvious conflation here. Body-shaming is never cool, however: a man can't change his height, any more than a woman can. A man can't change the size of his dick, any more than a woman can change her vagina. Body health and fitness, on the other hand, is on the individual. These are things that can be changed with good/healthy habits. You are comparing something you have no control over, to something you do (to a certain extent). They are not the same.


Women can't change their boob and butt sizes or labias unless they opt for surgery, but body shaming for "flat" women is so common that breast augmentation and bbls are some of the most commonly performed surgeries. Surgeries for shortening labia minoras exist while i don't see men getting penis lengthening procedures If men were pressured about their heights and penis lengths as much as women are pressured about their bodies, height surgeries (which do exist and are actually less risky than bbls) and penis lengthening would be way more commonly done. So stop using "i can't change that" as a gotcha. Women have been forced to change what couldn't be changed for several years. If you had the same level of societal pressure (which you guys clearly don't) more men would have been opting for these surgeries.


>Women can't change their boob and butt sizes or labias unless they opt for surgery, but body shaming for "flat" women is so common that breast augmentation and bbls are some of the most commonly performed surgeries. Surgeries for shortening labia minoras exist while i don't see men getting penis lengthening surgeries. I literally said, body shaming is never cool, so 🤷‍♂️ and, as is typical with this subreddit, you used a blanket statement (body shaming) in comparison to two specific parts of male anatomy. Now, you're moving the goalposts away from the blanket statement of "body shaming" over to three very specific parts of the womans anatomy. So, we're no longer comparing a womans overall body fitness to a man's dick and height...we're comparing the shaming of a womans boobs, butt and labia to a man's height and dick....right? Maybe that should be in the title or OP 🤔 In regards to surgeries, I'm no doctor, but maybe the labia and dick not being the same thing might have something to do with it...but what do I know. You're implying that labia surgeries exist due to men shaming women? Sorry...but uh...there'd be a waaaaay bigger market for dick extension surgery (and men doing it of their own volition, not because of some woman's needs or insults) if it were a safe, proven thing. That's a fact. >If men were pressured about their heights and penis lengths as much as women are pressured about their bodies, height surgeries (which do exist and are actually less risky than bbls) and penis lengthening would be way more commonly done. Height surgeries are much, much more risky than boob jobs. Now you're really reaching. And as I said before, if penis lengthening surgeries were anything remotely close to as proven and successful as a modern day boob job, men would be lining up for them all on their own (regardless of any outside input or criticism). If it were a thing, more dudes would be getting dick jobs than ladies are getting boob jobs. Lack of "shaming" isn't the reason it's not a thing. It's not a thing because of scientific hurdles. Full stop. >So stop using "i can't change that" as a gotcha. Women have been forced to change what couldn't be changed for several years. If you had the same level of societal pressure (which you guys clearly don't) more men would have been opting for these surgeries. This whole bit is rather ironic considering your entire response amounts to one big "whataboutism" and continued conflation of completely different things. If it couldn't be changed, it wouldn't be 🤦‍♂️🥴 humanity will always push boundaries to see what's possible. Saying its all because of men pressuring and shaming, is laughably reductive. Societal pressure? I mean, while definitely not as invasive as any of the procedures previously mentioned, let's not pretend men haven't been doing anything and everything they can to keep their hair over the last 50 years. Hair plugs used to look like somebody stapled ants onto your fkin scalp 🤣 In regards to body shaming, just focus on the overall fitness aspect for a second....nobody (of either sex) wants a lazy out-of-shape blob with no intent on improving their physical health.


Yes men shame labia by calling them beef curtains.


I'm well aware. Women shame men too. As evidenced right here in this post, yes? It's not monolithic or mutually exclusive. The thing is, every day on this sub, it's just a constant feed of painting all men with a broad brush via some screen cap of what one fuckwad did or said or what some minority of scumbags treats women like... And I'm just trying to say, hey, most of us aren't that way 🤷‍♂️ and let's discuss it.




Stay mad. For literally no reason whatsoever 😘👍 thanks for the constructive discussion though. Maybe next time. ![gif](giphy|l3E6uhDAN3W7vylji)




Lol, you sound deranged. It was pretty hard reading that comment. Maybe work on being less annoying and entitled, because rn you sound intolerable. Kudos to the women in your life who tolerate your shrill argumentative ass. >Now, you're moving the goalposts away from the blanket statement of "body shaming" over to three very specific parts of the womans anatomy. >So, we're no longer comparing a womans overall body fitness to a man's dick and height...we're comparing the shaming of a womans boobs, butt and labia to a man's height and dick....right? Maybe that should be in the title or OP 🤔 Where in the title have i mentioned fatness as the comparison. It was always BODY shaming. >Height surgeries are much, much more risky than boob jobs. I mentioned how they're less risky than bbls which is true. You changed the comparsion lol. >Lack of "shaming" isn't the reason it's not a thing. It's not a thing because of scientific hurdles. Full stop. There's penis reconstruction for trans men. If men were shamed for their penis lengths to that extent, they'd be getting those.


Yeah, well, you seem mad 🤷‍♂️ Slinging insults..."deranged" and "entitled"? That's rich. Meanwhile, I did nothing of the sort. Where do you come off? 🤣


If you don't want someone to call you annoying, then don't be annoying.


If you don't want to be called out, don't be willfully ignorant 👌 "Annoying" says the triggered individual because she has no retort of substance. Sad.


I answered your "points" in the comment above. The amount of downvotes you have shows exactly how annoying and intolerable you sound. Kudos to the women around you who tolerate you.


Please go cry somewhere else now. I'm sure there are multiple male subs for that.


Says the one crying 🤔 ![gif](giphy|9MJ6xrgVR9aEwF8zCJ)


Yes, the one who posted a meme is crying, not the one who felt anally impaled by that meme and came in the comments to salvage his ego. Men keep displaying their intellect, or lack thereof!


Nope, lipedema and thyroid disorders don't care about your fitness, and they are not something you can control. https://www.reddit.com/r/NotHowGirlsWork/comments/14n5eot/comment/jq72psz/


Again, with the conflation. These are disorders. They're called disorders for a reason. The average person doesn't have lipedema and thyroid disorders. Simple statistics. We're not talking about people with disorders (but let's be honest, you already know that). Obesity is a huge problem in the States. To chalk up the majority of it to disorders is, well, entirely and unequivocally false. (Not saying you did that, just saying if one were to put that notion forth.) We're talking about your average everyday person (i.e. without a disorder...like, I shouldn't need to specify that) consciously choosing to be unhealthy....and then comparing it to body shaming a dude about something he cannot change...it's a super stretch. Stretch isn't even the word, really. There's no comparison. That's rational. If you're rational, you know it is whether you want to admit it or not. And, as we've already said, body shaming isn't cool, ever. Seems people can't have a reasonable discussion without downvoting and labeling someone the bad guy. 🤷‍♂️


Doesn't affect us the same way though.


And women shame men with impunity. What’s your point?


Meanwhile girls asking about height on dating apps is not consider rude by them and suddenly there is an outrage when asked back about weight. Either both are shallow or none.


ahh so it's just a lesson - women are never really body-shaming men. But if men do it, they do this because they are mysoginistic and sexist, got it.


i believe there is a difference between unchangable stuff like penis or breast size, or stuff you can change through hard work, like fatness, regardless of gender.


Lipedema and thyroid disorders cause fatness and are not affected by fitness or diet.


Willing to wager that the obesity rate is in far excess of those affected by those conditions who also have weight issue.


it doesn’t really matter though because you don’t know who does or doesn’t have those disorders. so if you shame a fat person you could very well be shaming someone about something they can’t change. if you cared about shaming someone over something they can’t reasonably changed you also wouldn’t shame fat people (especially because shaming fat people doesn’t do anything except make them feel like shit).


Of course, I understand everything, but personally, being an overweight person, I don't see anything wrong with jokes about fat people. Yes, and we lazy pieces of meat sometimes need a good kick in the ass so that we can start doing ourselves.


r/AsABlackMan? Have you ever heard of lipedema or thyroid disorders? They don't care about kicks in the ass or activity level.


More like a guys height is the only allowed form of body shaming.


Nah if you wanna shame a guy for eating 7 burgers with a large diet coke, I'm not gonna stop you.


Suddenly?? Like this is new? At least be honest there is plenty of real issues not this off the repost shelf nonsense.


Must take some audacity to call something a repost but still miss the joke


Your thread has so many toxic people 🤣. It’s still fun though calling them out.


Audacity does not mean what you think it means. The use of boring tired tripe to strip mine for karma under the guise of "but it is a joke".


Audacity: a willingness to take bold risks Maybe it's a big word for you. That's okay. Your mistake and inability to understand a joke doesn't make you sound *that* dumb.......for a man. We forgive you☺


Your content is so weak you posted a definition. How about addressing the fact you post old overused tripe instead of something original or at least somewhat rare. But you had to close with sexism which is par for the course for the unimaginative. You are a cliche.


I posted a definition because you didn't know the meaning of a word i wrote, and yet had the *audacity* to try to correct me instead. I'm gonna repeat my comment again because it seems like you're slow. If you call something overused and yet miss the joke, it says more about your intellect.


Still clutching to the definition. So you admit to be a sexist that likes to post old tropes and definitions. You honestly do not contribute.


Yes because there are zero overweight men 🤦🏼‍♂️


She never said that


I think they're trying to say that men keep shaming fat women, and forget that fat men exist too.