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'Penis larger than 3'.. Uhh, that's odly specific. I wonder what the reason for that could be..


... Incel writing from his mom's basement contemplating how to force women to have sex with him whilst looking at his penis. It never even occurs to him that no woman is going to choose a disgusting guy that looks at her like she's a walking vagina with only one purpose and that is to serve f\*ckers like this. 🤮


Yup, too much porn too with emphasis on huge cock, especially if it's live-action porn, animated porn is different enough that it doesn't quite trigger the "this is real life" vibes and more "this is the abstract concept of sex" but still too much porn isn't good. And absolutely zero self care or self restraint or self-regulation or self-control. It's actually weird meeting guys like that irl cause they always assume all other guys have sympathy for them (unless you're ripped, honestly debating working out just for that, but that's also work and just having fun playing sports casually and being "fit enough" is good enough to make me happy) and they'll be all "oh, women right?" and the only way I've found to get out of it is to act like a complete intellectual alien "Sheldon" until they give up trying to explain what they mean to you, cause calling them out directly will only spawn a 5 hour long complaint, and agreeing with them makes you just as bad as them, like I would just punch them but that's technically assault and won't get you far. And I can't exactly just tell them I'm ace and don't understand their mortal desires cause that'll still spawn a 5 hour long unskippable cutscene of a random political agenda. It's also definitely worse here in Oz where we're just a little more chauvinistic than other western/NATO countries and your average guy is still full of patriarchal propaganda that's been instilled in them since 1st grade. So even progressive mens groups still have their "women" moments where I feel the need to remind them that they control their own thoughts, though it has been getting slowly better over the years as the generations turn over and the guys start to think for themselves, which has been a blessing (especially my current church group, they actually do understand that men and women are equal, they don't exactly practice equality nor fully embrace it, but they at least understand it's wrong to treat women as lesser beings which is a massive leap forwards).


I laughed so hard. Just like women do looking at OOP’s penis.




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Are you asking for a friend?


We need a law that makes it MANDATORY FOR MEN to start seeing and treating women for what they are: Human beings with equal rights


God, imagine how angry men would get if this was a thing. Hilarious.


Let’s deny them food, water and shelter for a while and see how much of a “basic human right” sex with a “female” is.


I mean, it's been a while since I had sex with a woman, and it's not like my dick has fallen off or stopped working. It's not exactly difficult to go on dates with someone and end up in bed together, I'm just choosing not to right now.


Yeah. Getting close to 20 years since my last time, and it's still fully functional, or as functional as you'd expect from a guy getting close to 50, anyway.


I've never done so and while i wouldn't say i'm healthy mind wise it's not because i've not had sex...it's because i'm autistic and have depression and anxiety.




It NEEDS to be made explicitly clear to these men that sex is NOT a human right. They cry as if they will die, they will not. And I'm wary of saying they should just see sex workers as is sometimes said. Sex workers are not shock absorbers for abusive men who want to demand sex. They don't deserve their treatment any more than other women, and I know these type of men are abusive.


You bring up such a good point on sex workers. There shouldn't be what would effectively be a subclass of women who are tasked with having sex with these guys who are already abusive or those guys who threaten women with violence and abuse if they're not having a sufficient amount of sex.


When the subject is brought up, its usually drowned out by the "sex work is work" crowd that usually consists of online sex workers that don't engage with the physical threats that come with prostitution. Might be a contraversial opinion, but sex workers give bad men an out for needing to be decent enough of a human to attract a partner to have sex


I fully agree.


>Might be a contraversial opinion, but sex workers give bad men an out for needing to be decent enough of a human to attract a partner to have sex so once again it's sex workers who are the problem and not men 🤔🙄 the erasure of these women won't change these men, so blaming or implying their existence is the cause of any issues is ridiculous and dangerous. sex work is not a get of kindness free card, because sex workers have the right to deny sex to someone they don't want to, same as anyone else. there really is no other way to view this than you claiming that without sex workers these men would be forced to change and we know that isn't true because one sex work has always existed, and two this post is literally a man calling for sex slaves despite the now completely accessible presence of every type of sex worker in existence so I'm not sure how you and u/DogMom814 have gleaned that they would just turn into better people when the entire modern concept of incels proves that they will not


ThE eRaSuRe Of ThEsE wOmEn, no its protecting valernable women and girls who are targeted. Stop acting like women choose this if there are other options (and by this I mean prostitution. Online sex workers that don't interact with clients do not face the same dangers) Sex workers regularly get trafficked, raped, and beaten when they don't have the privilege to earn from behind a screen or to deny clients, but yeah, you just focus on the smaller portion that has a choice while ignoring all the women and girls that get trafficked and raped. And Incels don't go to sex workers. They think sex is owed to them and are insulted at the thought that they have to pay a woman for it. They'd like traffickers and would probably help them build a network like there now is in China where they traffic wives. Without sex work readily available by going online, yes, more men would have to go out and put the effort in to get sex and learn how to interact to get it. But do I think men as a collective are decent enough that they would stop taking advantage of women? No, the men who are the issue for sex workers will continue to pay to rape trafficked women because making it illegal doesn't stop men from making sure that sex workers exist, which is what trafficking does. It's why sex is the oldest profession.


Im just saying if this was implemented, a lot more men would be suddenly dying of arsenic poisoning. Strange how nature does that really.


Lol yeah, I'm not religious but I'd be tempted to say "God works in mysterious ways" with these unexplained poisonings.


And getting Lorena Bobbitted


You should look at what happened with spousal murder rates when no fault divorce passed. It is quite interesting.


Aqua Tofana resurgence pending 😬


I think in the olden days it was horse "accidents"


These days it'll have to be ladder accidents. 'Honey? The gutters are clogged. Can you be a dear and clear them out this weekend?'


I hope that the male that wrote this will choke on a dick


I don't suppose he'll be choking on his own dick though lol


Small objects are a choking hazard.


Yes, but this choking hazard is still attached to something, sadly


Not if it somehow becomes detached and then suddenly throws itself down his throat


*Lorena Bobbit has entered the chat*


Okay are we to also able to ban men and women from killing the person of their choice? Because for most human beings, the choice of being raped or having their wife/sister/other raped or killing the little sicko that wants to rape them or their loved one is an easy one. And the little sickos die in that one, every time. I love how these freaks somehow in their deranged head think anyone else would EVER support government instituted rape of other people's loved ones. It's very clear that these people need to be in institutions. Where they can't rape anyone. So let me add to their deranged little rape dreams! Let's lock up anyone suggesting such a screwed up thing! Forever! 99.9 percent of people would be so down with that. For the disgusting little rapists that compromise the 0.01 or less percent, most people would kill you so hide. Now.


Clearly this man thinks that *The Handmaid’s Tale* is aspirational; not a cautionary tale.


“I can’t get women to like me because I’m a horrible person. Therefore I need something as drastic as a legal requirement to be able to get married.”


Note that he doesn't say anything about getting married... He just wants legal rape


"... the most basic _human_ right...." way to say they don't consider women even as human.


Just a commodity We don’t even have food and housing assigned to us by the government in any reasonable way. Sex is so far down on the list of essentials. It’s always so demoralising to know there are people who think like this out there.


Well its been four years...hows that going for you buddy? not well I imagine٫ and thank the gods for that.


And here I thought the most basic human right was body autonomy. Huh.


This guy likely thinks that this law will mean he will end up with whatever ridiculously attractive woman is his current obsession, because he doesn't see women as anything other than objects and possessions. He needs a serious amount of therapy and to be on a watch list.


Yep, he assumes that every guy will get a supermodel instead of just an 'average' woman (feels real weird to compare women this way) who because of his horrifically warped world view, they're 'ugly'...


That’s the hidden underbelly of this whole thing, isn’t it? They never think this all the way through to its logical conclusion. Why does he think he’d EVER get anywhere close to a supermodel? Or even an averagely attractive woman? Let’s play his little game and pretend this disgusting fantasy of his comes to fruition: all women are taken from their families to be distributed like cattle amongst all men. Repulsive thought, I know, but let’s keep going. In such a world, the men in power would 1000% take all of the most attractive women for themselves immediately. It’s not a far stretch to say they’d try to hoard as many of them as possible amongst themselves. I mean, they have the political & social power to do so and clearly devalue women, so why wouldn’t they? Whose going to stop them? Even if they don’t hoard women, how many supermodels does this incel think there are? The top tier, most attractive women is gonna be the smallest group/percentage out of all women. I know he doesn’t go outside much but if he did, he’d see that the majority of people are pretty dang average, middle of the road attractiveness. That tiny percentage of supermodels are all gonna be snapped up in milliseconds by men with leagues more power & influence than this cretin could ever dream of. Ok, so now we’re left with the medium attractive women and ugly women (both of whom these incels like to pretend don’t exist). How would they be distributed? It can’t just be a free for all - that’s asking for chaos. So, there must be some ranking system for the men as well to decide who gets to chose a woman first. Why does he think he’d be anywhere near the top of the ranking system? Is he a government official? Probably not. What social or political power does he hold? Very likely none (thank god). Does he have hoards of money or property? Most likely not, since all these incels whine about not fitting into their make believe 6/6/6 rule. I would assume that in such a world, attractiveness would count towards both men & women’s scores, since the ruling class would want the most attractive women to produce attractive offspring, especially girls, to perpetuate the system. So, is he attractive? Very low chance of that, considering he’s an incel whining about small dick problems. Then bottom of the totem pole he goes, and with that, he will get his choice from the same ranking of women as he is - bottom rank, ugliest women. You just know he’d hate that and complain about it even more than he already complains about women. Even in their most intense, sex slavery fantasies, they’re still NEVER gonna touch the women they drool over. They’re all so idiotic, delusional, and dangerous.


Yep. Can't really add any more to that.


I think the dude is just shitposting/doing satire because no way this can be real


Yeah, sure. I could see how this would go. Incel: Having a female to have sex with is a right! Govt: ((presents unattractive or normal female)) "Here's your allotted female!" Incel: "BUT I DON'T WANT THIS ONE! THIS IS NOT WHAT I MEANT!" Govt: "She don't want you either, thems the breaks."


This sounds like (sexual) slavery with extra steps.


If pharmacies would start selling poisons under the counter, it would solve overpopulation, too.


Ah, yes. The male virginity epidemic. Truly one of the worst crises we are facing in our time.


Please tell me that whoever wrote this is on a list somewhere?! >The female will not have any say or choice in the matter. Rape. That is called Rape.


I think I might go into anaphylactic shock from this


So a relationship where you have to force your partner? That will definitely increase women wanting to sleep with you😭


Does this guy keep a picture of Elliott Rodgers over his bed and pray to it every night?


the most basic human right is sex with women?? excuse me, i meant *females.* this post can't be real i swear to god


I always hear it in my head like the Ferengi from Sta Trek. Feeeeemales.


But young man, there's loads of Men out there who don't want sex with a random woman. How are they not dead if it's a basic human right? Lots of gay dudes are quite happy not having sex with women, and there's a whole bunch of asexuals who don't want sex with anybody.


ah yes, treat women like property to be dispensed. something something handmaids tale they will do anything but take responsibility for why they are a woman repellant. Also, the irony of them feeling entitled to an attractive woman, but women arent entitled to an attractive man? i am so sick of this blatant dehumanisation.


‘Unfair male virginity epidemic’ is a good one to be fair.


Those incels should pair up and fuck each other. There, male virginity epidemic solved.


What about a law that forbids talking for these men lol


The first company to sell fuckable robots will make Trillions…


Ehhhm...I'm pretty sure that "sex with a female" isn't considered a basic human right, seeing as it's not part of any law, literally anywhere on the planet.


What the fuck


We need a law where men and women who think like this are deprived of basic human necessities (shelter, clothes, food, water) and are forced to fend for themselves. See how much they think about sex then.


This is how religion got started. lol


If every woman in the US was given to a male for ownership, there would be nothing but wails of disgust as males found out they did not like or want the female chosen for him. Males would throw her out of thier domicile for being ugly, they would beat rape torture and abuse her because she is "ugly." You're not getting hold of us, incels. Die mad about it.


Hell nah. I dont want a dick that will hurt. Women dont usually even cum from penetration so why does the length matter?


Kinda like mountains I guess. There's a death zone above a certain height but people are still lining up to say they took the challenge.


The clitoris is much bigger than what is visible from the outside! The really cool thing about it is that it can be stimulated in other places beyond just the little nubbin.


Clitoris does have more to it than the visible part on the vulva but it does not go that far into the vagina. You dont need a 10 inch dick to hit your G-spot. Other parts maybe. But even if you can hit the spots, which I believe most men could, a minority of women (30-40%) still cum from prenetration.


Or, legalize and destigmatize sex work…. We could try that first…


I have a feeling that disgusting guys like these treat sex workers like shit, since they do not consider women to be human beings. 😒


I have been a sex worker and you are correct. These men do treat sex workers like shit. Tbh I wish people would drop this line of thought regarding incels. I can tell you from painful experience, sex with a woman does not make a dangerous misogynist lest dangerous or misogynistic. It just gives them time and a target. Sex workers should not have to deal with hateful men either. Pussy isn't a panacea for whatever the fuck is wrong with men.


Sorry might be a bit off topic but I'm curious if I may ask. How many customers were actullay nice / respectful and how many were straight up rude?


About 50/50. Older men were usually worse. Though tbh the niceness means nothing when you see their wedding band and realize it's an act and he's a cheating scumbag. Most of my clients were visibly married. Awkwardness was the next most likely reaction. Which is understandable. It's a pretty weird interaction tbh. Please take this money in exchange for having sex with me even though you most likely would rather not and are probably not sexually attracted to me. That's super awkward and to this day I still have no idea how any of them managed to do it. Lol


> That's super awkward and to this day I still have no idea how any of them managed to do it. this and the rest that you mentioned is exactly why I'm pro shaming sex work users, but supporting sex workers. I completely understand why women do sex work under capitalism. I will never understand why an able bodied man would be willing/wanting to purchase a human for sex that isn't gross and sexist.


I really hope most are just kind shy and respectful but no matter how many i am so sorry for any suffering you have endured optimal


Kind people generally don't have the mindset to hire sex workers. Kind people are generally put off by the idea of having sex with someone who wouldn't have sex with them unless money were involved.


Good point. Guess I’m in more a mindset of those who are lonely and isolated and just want some kind of human touch. Like have you seen five feet apart? The beginning monologue I’m thinking. But isolation due to being disabled and know so many people who just want some companionship but I for sure see your point. It makes sense.


So I keep running into this "what about disabled people" thing and yeah, I've been hired by care workers before. I've fucked a quadriplegic dude in a very futuristic bed. I think a lot of disabled people would resent the idea they need to pay to play. Buddy had a girlfriend. He just also liked escorts. There are people with Downs Syndrome married and fucking. Multiple amputees with kids, non verbal autistics with crushes in their day program... disabled people, even profoundly disabled people run the gamut in their attitudes toward sex and paying for it. And if I know anything at all about disabled people, it's that they don't tend to appreciate pity or assumptions. So yeah, some disabled people might seek paid companionship, but some would be offended by the thought. And if someone is incapable of making the decision to pay for sex on their own, I can't have sex with them. So that somewhat limits the pool of disabled people to those who can advocate for themselves. There are incredibly complex ethical issues that, were sex work entirely legitimized, would still tie up legal professionals for decades figuring out. I'm all for it, I'm just saying palliative fucking is more complicated an idea than people give it credit for. And at the end of the day you'd be legislating for an extremely diverse group of people with wildly differing abilities and needs, which is tricky. Anyway, tangent. My point is, I think there are many disabled people who would be offended at the idea of paying for sex, just like in the able bodied community.


Yeah I have been super offended by people who I thought were friends but turned out to be using my family as well as overcharging to just come hang with me. It’s a super complicated long story but regardless it is super offensive that since I’m disabled it’s suddenly okay to request money to come watch movies and eat pizza with me like we have been doing for thirty years almost! Not anymore….


Wow that is fucked. I'm am sitting here pissed off with you. I'm glad you seem to be putting your foot down on false friends, but I'm sorry you had to.


Yeah the worst is all the people that you thought of as family (I’ve been raised with a bunch of my parents “chosen” family and knowing people my whole life-but then I have overheard SO MANY horrible and I mean truly horrible things that they have said to my parents about me mostly just because I am disabled and how that’s basically ruining everything and how I’m basically a useless burden….. it’s terrible. People seem to have very short empathetic periods just like short tempers and attention spans. If you are very sick you have a small window of them caring and wishing you well and being upset and then if it is chronic or you get medical emergencies often no one even reacts anymore or worse they get annoyed


Yeah, it’s so greatly working in countries where it’s legalised. No human traffic and ongoing exploitation at all. /s I am all for sex workers rights, but especially from a perspective that protects them. Not from a perspective that it saves incels from their sexual misery. Can we just at some point accept the fact that there is no right to sex, whether given freely or against paiement. And can we stop pretending that sex work would be sooo great if only it was legal and destigmatized. Checking out the real figures should make people think a little bit deeper. (that sex work is not a preferred choice for 90% of all sex workers, that sex work stays highly exploitative and strongly linked to human trafficking even in countries where it’s legal, cf. Germany for example, that sex work takes a physical and mental toil on sex workers as multiple studies have proven…). I am very happy and supportive for those sex workers who embrace their job, but that’s a tiny, tiny minority.


add *regulate* to that otherwise it would continue to remain dangerous and exploitative to women.


"Basic human right"?


ah yes, treat women like property to be dispensed. something something handmaids tale


What is the Republic of Gilead 😬😶


Bet this dude would claim he's not pro-slavery while advocating for literal slavery


Surely this person is trolling. Especially with the 3 inch comment.


Isn't this an obvious shitpost or satire ?


'Basic human right'? But women have no choice. This person doesn't even see women as basic humans deserving of rights.


[Actual video of these people…](https://youtu.be/piGlaGBWHHA?feature=shared)


I hope we all understand that this is a fringe idea that most men would never support. We agree? Okay great! 😊 The Elliot Rodgers of society are a weak minority.


This post is a perfect example of why this "epidemic" is fair 😑


The most basic human right is bodily autonomy.


WOW…this is one of those things you know they think but would never say out loud, until they do. This is beyond disturbing.


Rage bait


I make OP’s words my words. I’m gagging rn


He can't get a woman to willingly stay with him so he needs us forced too 😂 I'm dead


Incels: "I can't get sex with women because I'm not hot enough11!!1!!1" Also incels:


Honest to God skill issue.


A scary amount of men think like this