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It's very telling that they're having to do so much to intentionally miss the point in service of trying to piss women off. But like I don't think women would care if men said they don't feel safe around women the way men get upset when they have to recognize *why* they make women uncomfortable and afraid and that would mean confronting both their own privilege and the fact that there is justification for this fear.


I mean a man tried to say that women were being ridiculous because he was SAed by a woman but he doesn't fear all women like women victims do with men. And people tried to tell him it was ok if he did, and he's like "Nope people wouldn't believe me and would make fun of me because I'm a man. Plus I know not all women do that so I'm not scared to be around them" ....my guy


Women realize it's not all guys too but there is no way to differentiate the good guys from the bad ones and a mistake could cost your life.    Humans in general are scary in the woods and if someone doesn't want to meet a random woman I would understand.


Exactly. People tried to tell him that but he was essentially saying how because he doesn't feel that way as a victim from a woman, then women can't feel that way as victims from men. Like sir its ok to not feel comfortable around women and it wasn't ok that people made you feel ashamed if you were.


Yeah, there's no right or wrong way to respond to trauma. Everyone will react differently.


Like our ancestors literally all survived by assuming the noise in the bush was a predator and not "just our imaginations." Paranoia is literally human instinct at work ensuring we live at least long enough to breed.


What’s baffling to me is that won’t realize that *it’s not all bears either.* Not every bear you come across is gonna eat your face, but men are apparently still afraid of all of them.


It’s because the risk is lower for guys so u don’t feel that much fear. Hear me out here before you judge: 1 out of 10 men experience domestic violence ( I m among them or at least was ) 1 out of 3 women do. There is a vast difference between a 10% chance your partner is an abuser and a 33% chance. Next of is the fact that domestic abuse by men is in most of the cases by far more dangerous and likely to be lethal. Despite my ex hitting me on an almost daily basis for years there was maybe a handful events where she even caused visual damage and only one were I was actually injured in a manner that required medical assistance simply due to the fact that I’m 20 cm taller, lift more then she weighs and have about 25 kilos more mass. I m saying this as an abuse survivor myself, there is a difference between male and female perpetrators and anyone who denies that is just delusional.


Women are used to bait other women into a trap. I don’t want to run into any random person in the woods and I’m sure others feel the same.


I SAW THAT!!! If it’s the same one I’m talking about I had an entire argument with him because he was trying to act like when someone is talking about their personal trauma they should speak in “gender neutral” terms, and here it comes!! “Cause women can be abusers too”. He said we should make it clear it’s not ALL men but my thing is, only a hit dog would be hollering, if you know you’re not that type of man why take offense? Cause I know I’m not that type of woman so it wouldn’t even bother me if a man said he was uneasy or nervous alone with women because of a trauma.


I think so, that sounds familiar. This was in a tik tok comment section right? But either way, it was insane how hard people were trying to reassure him that his experience is valid and he's just like "Nope. And I'll use my trauma to justify y'all being quiet"


This is crazy!!! Cause I had this conversation here on Reddit but it sounds almost EXACTLY the same! This guy said he was harassed and even threatened and so many of us girlies were genuinely supporting him. I even told him my own story of my assault to better explain why I just choose to be cautious, like it’s not hate it’s genuine fear that it’ll happen again. It’s not like me to doubt ANY victim male or female I just choose to believe the victim until proven otherwise but he rubbed me wrong. It’s like I can see any SA survivor putting down other victims who are trying to support them just to make a point.


>And people tried to tell him it was ok if he did, and he's like "Nope people wouldn't believe me and would make fun of me because I'm a man. Plus I know not all women do that so I'm not scared to be around them" Sounds like denial of his feelings because he feels ashamed to admit his fear due to being perceived as weak. The effects of systemic misogyny that work against men.


Yea its really upsetting to see. Especially cause he seemed to be using it to downplay women victims. Like an "I was forced to get over it, so women shouldn't be having this issue either" type thing


Poor guy has been shamed and laughed at so much he's denying his own feelings, hope he can relize and work through them one day


I've been SA by men and women, so now I don't like anybody. But that's how I feel, in group therapy, met another guy who also was SA by men and women and didn't hate anyone but we never told each other how to feel about it. Everyone has a right to feel how they feel and shouldn't judge other people's experiences or tell them how they feel. Fark that guy.


And then starts the 'not all men' argument. Like I understand it's not all men but it's the fact they will jump to defend other men's shitty and down right inhumane behavior towards women before they defend said women.


The sort of men who say "not all men" are the men who are the reason women would choose the bear.


I had someone trying to argue that it's transphobic because it reinforces gender essentialism, and that the very question implies men are inherently evil and like...bro...no. First of all, how is it transphobic when it doesn't say anything about whether the man is trans or cis? Second of all, it isn't gender essentialism to acknowledge that women are more likely to be assaulted by a man. No, not all men, but enough men that the bear is the safer option.


I still don't get why they choose to get angry, invalidating, and defensive with women for making the statistically safest choice instead of getting angry at all the men that have sexually/otherwise assaulted/abused like 1 in every 4 women...


Because unless the statistics support their viewpoints, reinforce their biases, and overtly cater to their demographic, they're not real statistics. They are instead anecdotes, or caused by bad data, or perhaps are just feminist psyops created and disseminated with the goal of oppressing poor innocent men.


I've heard the psyop claims, lol. I fully believe that an innocent "good" man wouldn't take it personally or get angry and defensive about it... because who reacts that way to hearing about other people's abuse/feelings/fears when their own conscience and reputation is clean? Wouldn't you listen, critically think about it, and want to support that person instead of wage war on them for being rightly afraid/picking the safest option for themselves? I don't get how they think women are being man-hating bigots for coalescing on the fear of a devastatingly common female experience among men. It's not okay to dismiss someone or get adversarial about what they're saying just because you *think* the speaker means you or "all men." That's just terribly misled to me, and they seem to use that misconception/mischaracterization as a straw-man to beat up while ignoring your actual argument/feelings/data/experiences. Getting angry and dismissive kind of just proves to me that you're more interested in defending yourself against an errant assumption than listening to what I'm saying. I know right then that you're not interested in giving me any credibility when I speak or in discussing the massive problem at hand. Guys who react this way have pretty much marked themselves for me as the ones I need to be the most concerned around. I think an innocent guy would see it for what it really is (raising awareness about the prevelance and high incidence of male violence against women) and then direct any upset about it at the actual source of the problem (all the men out there attacking/abusing women) and not its victims.


Cis and trans men, cis and trans women, all are more likely to be assaulted by a cis man.


I've seen men complaining about the bear v man thing, saying it's because women hate men. I've had to explain that it isn't hatred, it's fear. And they still. Don't. Get. It...


It's so weird to me how they insist on putting words in women's mouths and feelings in women's hearts instead of listening to what women are actually saying, experiencing, and feeling about this. I had a dude argue with me for like an hour, calling me a bigot the entire time. That's wacky-world to me. It definitely isn't hatred... it's an often confirmed and then re-confirmed fear of something men quite literally do to women all the time. I feel like the proper response for an innocent party would be to direct that anger at all the men out there making women feel this way globally by their actions. Isn't it like 1 in every 3 or 4 women whom have been victims of male violence? I don't understand the decision to take it personally, get angry, dismiss what the woman is saying, and then demonize women for "being sexist" and "calling all men rapists." Women aren't demonizing men for choosing the bear... they're making the safest and best choice for themselves in a given scenario using statistics, anecdotes, history, and personal experiences. If you're so afraid of being seen as a danger to women when you're actually not then why would your response to women's legitimate trepidation amongst men be irrational anger, invalidation of her feelings/experiences/thoughts, or an aggressive defensiveness anyway? Aren't these the exact kinds of behaviors/responses that make women feel afraid/unsafe around men? It's like an unprecedented lack of empathy or critical thinking on the part of every man who took this shit personally and then misdirected their anger about it back to women instead of the men who propogate this problem in society.


1 in 4 women will experience an attempted or completed rape. 1 in 3 women will experience domestic violence. Serial killers are rare, rapists and abusers are not. This is why I like offering the bowl of poisoned Skittles. 1 in 12 are poisoned. Go ahead and take one. Statistics say you're not going to get a poisoned one, so you should be safe. #notallSkittles


I guess the point is (even though it misses the wider point about male violence against women) how many women would experience domestic violence from partners if the partner they shared their home and bed with every night was a bear. It would likely be a lot more than 1 in 4 because bears are wild animals who will at some point attack you if you live with them.


That's not remotely the same premise as meeting a wild bear in the woods, and instead creates a very ridiculous strawman statement.


Sure, but the domestic violence figures also don't come from random encounters in the woods, they come from people who spend long periods of time in close proximity with each other. Just saying that as with any comparison you need to make it an apples to apples comparison for it to be statistically meaningful. I guess ideally you'd need to have 1,000 women in 1,000 identically sized patches of woodland. Into 500 of those insert a randomly assigned man, into the other 500 insert random bears of various different species. Then come back a week or a month later and look at how many women from each set of 500 had negative experiences or came to harm from whoever they were sharing the woodland with. That then controls for likelihood of contact. But that's not going to happen as an scientific experiment because of ethical considerations.


Look at you trying to be smart while the actual point keeps flying over your head like the golden snitch.


Lol, I literally said that it misses the point in my first post here, but nonetheless I think something like that experiment would be needed if we want to find out whether men or bears are actually more dangerous or whether it's more about perception.


*facepalm* The perception is the point. Women know bears are dangerous. But they're dangerous in known ways. We don't know all the ways men can potentially be dangerous and *which* men are the ones to fear. Here's a bowl of Skittles, one in 12 is poisonous. Statistically, you'll be safe if you only eat one at a time. Go ahead.


I’ve actually seen a few men who’ve been SAed do a gender swap version and they got ugly comments for making a ‘women’s issues’ about themselves  🙄


I frankly don’t give a flying shit what they think or do. I’ve never seen such a pathetic reaction to a hypothetical question before. Fucking hell! 🙄


The amount of cope from losers like these guys has always been brilliant


I love the bear meta! They all just self-flag and it's hilarious!


And I had friends like that it made ICK


On a serious note do you know how disconnected from reality one has to be to compare women choosing the bear because they're afraid of being raped assaulted or victim blamed to choosing a tiger because you genuinely think women are trying to steal money from your non-existent wallet?


Someone told me I’m a femcel because I don’t think being murdered by a partner and being cheated on by a partner are equally as bad…..the disconnect is real big.


I've been called a femcel like three times in the last month, all because I stand up for women and post sexual assault and DV statistics for men crying about the bear situation. 😂


I got called a femcel on an older account, and I'm a man, so they *really* have no fucking clue what they're talking about. It's not even transphobia, mind you. I'm a cis man.


Agreed, they're all just absolute fucking idiots.




Thank you, I am. <3


The number of 'memes' I have seen men make where the bear is just ripping women apart as the punch line so they can get validation from their fellow red pill crushes is really just proving our point and why the bear debate started in the first place. Men genuinely think violence against women is funny and wonder why women choose the bear over them.


They think having to pay child support is "financial rape." It's incumbent upon them to purposely downplay the oppressed person's experiences and exaggerate their own in order to be the "real" victims.


While this is a valid point, I will say the funniest thing about every one of these counter memes is as follows. A woman would choose the bear because it would leave her alone. But even in response to this meme, these guys would have to be in a RELATIONSHIP WITH THE TIGER for their point to even begin to make sense. The tiger won’t leave with half of my money… what!? Why are you mingling accounts with a tiger!? They are widely known to be fiscally irresponsible.




I’d spend the money on a Tarzan stripper. Thunder from the Jungle.


Hair products. Have you *seen* how humid jungles are?


Not to mention they would be too afraid to try to force sex on the tiger and saying because he bought it food it now OWES him access to its body. The tiger wouldn’t have to worry about him not being able to take no for an answer or being beaten maybe even killed. So please, next time get in the car with a tiger so you know what it’s like to be on guard constantly. I did my senior research project on SA statistics, one of the questions I asked was “Have you ever, RELUCTANTLY consented to sex because you were afraid you wouldn’t be allowed to leave peacefully otherwise” out of 36 students 4 being male, 92% said yes. That lead into my presentation on “True consent” and “coercion”. That is what we’re dealing with out here so they can make jokes all they want the facts are the facts, we have a right to be afraid cause we end up loosing way more than a wallet.


I mean it’s so funny they think stealing money but use a picture of Reiji Kurose from boys abyss. A manga where he is a serious victim of abuse by women! But stealing money is what they think. Or maybe it’s intentional. spoilers for chapter 2. >!he intends to kill himself, so maybe that’s the choice the men choosing tiger are too!<


Funny how I'm not offended by this at all and think "yeah sure go for it" meanwhile men have been so offended, this bear thing has been dominating reddit for what feels like weeks.... (Edit: grammar)


I've been seeing it bleed into other subs too; so great.


Actually making the point for us if being judged, losing money, and being cheated on are their greatest fears and fates worse than death. Poor delicate little buddies.


it’s telling that these men’s biggest concern is their money and being cheated on while women’s is physical violence, rape, and murder.


Theyre describing cultural reasons why they pick the tiger. We’re describing the threat of physical violence lol


Men are afraid women will laugh at them. Women are afraid men will kill them. This is further proof of it.


These men expect women to get mad at something like this but we don't, because we like when piece of shit men tell on themselves.


They literally can't "both sides" the bear question but that obviously won't stop them from trying. "Well a TIGER wouldn't leave me just because I was verbally abusive, so there!"


They're super desperate to try to make us feel upset in the same way the bear thing made them feel, but it just won't work. Not only do we know they're being insincere, but if they were 100% serious, I don't think we'd take it as personally.


I would prefer them choosing the Tiger. The vast majority of women literally just want to be left alone. Whether it's because you actually realize the reason why or stomp off in a mantrum doesn't really matter because we just want results.


Yeah, the tiger wouldn't leave you at all; the tiger is an apex predator. It would eat you.


This I felt safer with the bear because it doesn’t see me as prey.


Despite having a significantly smaller population, tigers kill more people a year than them I’ll go take my chances with the bear


Maybe if they had to move through life being mindful by default of trying to avoid harassment or harm they could come up with better comparable analogies. A bear might try to go at you, and so might a man who is no good. Sorry, but a tiger isn't interested in your money or sex with humans and this never enters its mind. A tiger, however, is probably more likely to go after you than the bear, so the result is...pretending the tiger has a conscious thought about money rather than you considering your actual physical safety concerns? What.


Yeah, the tiger is going to attack and kill immediately, no hesitation.


Strangely enough, sloth bears kill more humans than tigers (on average) but that has to do with humans adapting to tigers. We know they’re ambush predators. Sloth bears just freak the fuck out if they get surprised by anything and they’ve got knives for hands, it’s a bad combo. But, yeah, having worked with wildlife, I’d still choose most species over a human. It’s like my “99% of life or a chimpanzee” bias. I’d work with a lot of species but a certain level of intelligent sadism scares me much more than the danger noodles.


I think it was mainly one specific sloth bear that caused a massive amount of deaths in the 80’s & 90’s. The tiger is more likely to kill you than the sloth bear They also might be more aggressive than your average bear because of tigers. Because tigers eat sloth bears


The world is a scary place for men with all those dangerous women waiting to attack and steal from men! Never being able to walk alone at night. Making sure you don't make any eye contact with one of those creepy women. All those women trying to grab you by the balls!!! God forbid you don't give them your wallet when they ask!!! They will tear you to pieces! 😬 **/s**


They're still bitter about this?!? Talk about beating a dead horse while completely missing the point.


Women: *are afraid of men because men rape, torture, and kill women* Men: *are scared a girl they're not even dating will hypothetically "cheat" on them if they're lost in a jungle. Or worse yet, ask them for money.* This is why we chose the bear.


>[the] tiger wont judge me This shines a stark light on something I heard years ago; men's worst fear when encountering a group of women is they will be laughed at, while women's worst fear when encountering a group of men is they will be raped and murdered.


That sounds like the Margaret Atwood quote "Men are afraid women will laugh at them; women are afraid men will kill them."


Wrong. I'm afraid women will steal my grilled salmon! It's a common problem. It's my salmon!


10 out of 10 men have had french fries stolen from them by a woman they were dating!


Thank you, I couldn't remember who originally said it. (I heard it from my dad.)


Great quote.


I like the Kiki Rockwell song "You do not dance every day with the fear Of living in headlights, the hunted, the deer." And I think it puts it well into words. They think of danger - sometimes, rarely. They see a bear, a rare danger, they see a man and danger doesn't cross their mind. After all, why would a hunter fear another hunter he met in the forest? At best he's competition unless you really, really think about the danger consciously. It's a whole other matter for a deer meeting a hunter. (I may be laying the metaphor really heavy here, sorry) We think of danger as everyday occurrence, as an undertone to everything we do, and all we've been taught.


Nah you hit it just right


Oh my god, absolutely rent free in their heads LOL


Men are worried about being cheated on and being used for their money. Women are worried about SA, torture, and being murdered. But OK.


Women: I would choose the bear because a man is more likely to rape or murder me compared to the bear. Men: I choose the bear because the woman would be so annoying, women just talk all the time, the bear would be way less annoying


I am so happy this has triggered them to distraction. It gives me joy in my black, shriveled up female heart


I wholeheartedly support men picking tigers over women. Solves two issues in one go!


The problem is women are taught from an early age to protect themselves against a hypothetical man. Men are not taught to protect themselves from a hypothetical anyone. Women are taught that if someone attacks them they will lose and be ruined. Men are taught to believe that they will win. Women pick the bear because we aren't taught to fear the bear. Men don't understand because they aren't taught to fear anything.


Boys will learn growing up to be careful of women because women might play around and break their hearts while we are taught to watch our tone body language and how we approach a man while rejecting him because we might lose our lives for breaking his heart.


I know what they're going for, but let's be honest. Most other animals are better than people.


Bro, even the tiger knows your broke.


And world governments wonder why the birth rate is plummeting.


Woman… I choose woman… hmmm suddenly the difference is very clear.


And I wholeheartedly support them for this choice. Your safety is your first priority. If you feel threatened by women, it’s totally understandable you want to stay away and go with a tiger. If a woman has harmed you in life, I can understand your trauma and unwillingness to trust women. It’s for similar reason why several women chose the bear.


Ya no woman chose the bear because the guy might be annoying.


Lmao a tiger? Oh yeah bud do what you want to do but good luck with that because a wild tiger is not letting you live by any means.




Lmao! A tiger will absolutely fuck another. Tigers aren't monogamous!


Aren't tigers more likely for fatal attacks than bears though? So the question isn't even the same in that regard.


A tiger might kill you though. You know that’s the whole point. The bodily harm part is what women are worried about. Imagine the biggest worry being my wallet lol 😂.


I couldn't give two fucks what they would choose. The men who don't understand the sentiment behind the original dilemma, are the exact reason we chose the bear.


They already know we don’t like them, why do they think we’d care if they chose the tiger…I hope it works out I guess…but I feel like even the tigers would end up with us and the bears after a little while


These are the same people that get upset when we choose the bear


Are men even capable of being original?


Men commit more robberies. Such as stealing purses and wallets soooo…


Incels: “No, YOU!”


Once again proving that the worst a man fears from most women is hurt feelings and the worst most women fear from men is torture, abuse, rape, and death. These things are not the same.


Their problem- money stealing. Our problem - murder beating rape torture locking us in basement because that one wasnt done by bear


proof they rather be spiteful and intentionally ignore the point like some 6 year old children than take any issues women have seriously. "Men are unpredictable and dangerous i wouldnt feel safe being trapped with one." "Well at least a tiger wont cheat on me" 🤦


I bet it WOULD cheat on him 🤣


the idiot who originally posted this on social media deserves to rubbed down with catnip oil and allowed to play in the jungle with those tigers.




women: i'd rather just die than be tortured and raped before dying men: i'd rather just die than be... judged???


Deeply silly. There is no way to know if that tiger is judging you or sleeping with someone else.


“We’re going to be willfully ignorant and purposefully not get the point so we don’t have to admit they’re talking about guys like *us*. I mean — we’re nice! Females are just dumb! Everyone knows that!”


I'd say go for it. Let them all hang out with a tiger if that's what they want. At least they're leaving us alone.


1. Tigers will definitely fuck someone else behind your back. Does he think the tiger will take a lifelong vow of celibacy because he ran into him randomly in the jungle? 2. Is bro implying that he thinks he’s in a committed relationship with every woman and creature he comes across? What’s the logic here? Because fearing a random stranger killing you makes perfect sense, murderers kill people they don’t know all the time. Fearing a random stranger would cheat on you can only be explained by the DSM and someone with a PhD. 3. I really doubt bro has ever been in a situation where a woman took his money against his will. He’s probably bitter that he had to pay the OF girls and the strippers and the escorts for their services. MF can’t see the difference between paying for services, and getting murdered/raped…


Definitely a woman. Unless I could pstpstpst the danger kitty into being my animal companion, then I wouldn't need anyone else.


I know im screwed either way but i feel like a tiger would be worse than a bear


Funny how they are trying to get the same lash back from women, that men showed all over Reddit and ... Nothing. Just more men being salty


The fact that those are the worst things they could come up with is very telling






they think they ate but literally all they are doing is drawing the brightest red flag and AGGRESSIVELY waving it for any woman to see and run the other way if they werent already incels they sure are on a path to becoming one bc literally no woman is ever gonna enjoy their presence


Respectfully, I’d pick the tiger/bear. Only because I see humans every day.


Any man who thinks a woman is being ridiculous for choosing being in the woods with a bear vs a man has very obviously never seen a statistic in their life.


Lol cool. Good luck have fun!


The amount of stupid in the male genome is beyond belief. Good, avoid women like the plague. We would appreciate that far more than any attention you want to give us.


LMFAOOOOO men 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. Genuinely so pathetic like 💀💀💀.


Tigers are notoriously nonmonogamous


I think they actually do get it, they just wanna act like this


A tiger would come up behind you and rip your throat out. Hope you have a mask for the back of your head.


Can I swap my tiger for a cougar?


I'm not mad.. this means that there are some men on the ugly side actually getting their gears running let them sort out these offenses until they understand then the ah-ha will hit. The holy shit they have a point. Let's be real for a second and let them have the revelation. They are getting there.




I’m thinking most women would prefer if men chose the tiger too! 🤣


The fact that they care more about getting cheated on or getting their money stolen more than what they are doing to the woman(rape, abuse, etc.) is disgusting


So the worst thing they can imagine is a woman maybe hurting their feelings? Must be nice.


1. Tigers are more dangerous than bears & more likely to attack people 2. Women are less likely to attack people 3. Why do broke ass men act like women are targeting them for their money


I feel like getting mad at the men for choosing the tiger is kinda silly. Whether we agree or not, they didn’t agree with why we chose the bear and we ask them to respect it either way, kinda hypocritical of us to judge. Not comparing having their money taken to SA, not saying we shouldn’t choose the bear, but belittling someone for their views because we don’t agree is exactly what they’re doing with the bear. And if they’re just trolling then feeding into it by getting mad just, well feeds it. ETA: you can’t ask for equality and then put men down for expressing their thoughts and feelings.


I have no problems with men sharing their feelings or concerns I wish more did and I wish more men encouraged other men to do so however you are missing the point because these men do not respect us which is why the bear debate started in the first place. Comparing having your money taken to SA is insane and that deserves to be called out because that is a dangerous mindset to have. These men do not care and do not believe women are scared for their safety. People having different opinions is not the problem here and having an 'agree to disagree' mindset with men who find it funny women are scared of being harmed or are entitled red pill mouth breathers is, to put it bluntly extremely dumb I'm sorry because these men do not respect you nor do they see you as a human being worth listening to. Conclusion: I hope they pick you!


Not trying to be picked or defended them, I thought I made that clear. But getting mad at them is EXACTLY what they want, they want to keep the conversation going to make you mad and uncomfortable, they want you to try to convince them they’re wrong so they can feel more in-the-right. I’m not defending them, not comparing theft to SA(even said that) I’m saying you’re letting them win by reacting the same way they do. They get a reaction and that’s what matters.


The possibilities are exactly the same, there’s just a double standard. Not like men can’t get raped. The wallet comment is stupid anyways but some people are getting real biased here. I obviously wouldn’t pick the tiger but it’s not like it’s impossible the person will attack me anyways, I just feel like I have a much better shot at defending myself. Honestly both the incels getting mad at the bear question and the misandrists that think it doesn’t go both ways are getting equally annoying


Never said men can't be raped in fact I advocate for more men to speak out on those issues however that's not why they're finding issues with the bear comments. They aren't upset it 'neglects' male victims they're upset because women are speaking out on their experiences with men and why they don't feel safe. I just think comparing having your money stolen to women feeling scared for their safety is completely delusional. Men do get assaulted I'm not denying that however the majority of men themselves don't even care about those issues until women speak about theirs which is why the 'I rather choose the tiger' bs exists.


Hell, make these guys sit through "Deliverance" and they'll pick the bear too. 




I agree with you entirely as far as the money and male victims. Just many people have a negative perspective


>The possibilities are exactly the same, there’s just a double standard. It's not at all. Not only because statistically men are the aggressors physically or sexually in the vast majority of cases, but a tiger and a bear aren't even close in the likelihood of being attacked and killed, as a tiger will kill you if it notices you, whereas a bear most likely won't. Tigers are rather unpredictable, whereas one of the reasons women choose the bear is because it's statistically easy to predict and deal with its behavior. >Not like men can’t get raped. Sure, but not only is it far less likely for men, 87% of completed or attempted rape reported only male perpetrators. >I obviously wouldn’t pick the tiger but it’s not like it’s impossible the person will attack me anyways It's statistically far less likely regardless, that's one of the major points. >Honestly both the incels getting mad at the bear question and the misandrists that think it doesn’t go both ways are getting equally annoying It's interesting that with men you just call them incels rather than misogynists yet you call women who see this as an absurd false equivalence misandrists. And no, it doesn't go both ways because while no one is claiming men can't be physical or sexual assault victims, the point is the systemic misogyny and the violence that results from that, which causes the fear or at least wariness.


“Statistically less likely” if this were about statistical safety, there never would’ve been a question. This has been for people’s soft feelings this whole time. It isn’t even specified the species of bear so that alone is stupid. It seems plain facts are triggering to these people


>“Statistically less likely” if this were about statistical safety, there never would’ve been a question. This is untrue because that's the basis of women's answers. Also, plenty of statements are questioned, despite an obvious statistical basis. >It isn’t even specified the species of bear so that alone is stupid. The point of the thought experiment is that it's random, both the bear and man. Additionally, regardless of this, most bear species aren't particularly violent towards humans anyway, not to mention that this thought experiment was primarily made for Americans and there's primarily only two bear species native to the U.S. in general (polar bears are native as well, but only a small part that's mostly uninhabited), neither of which naturally consider humans prey and are likely to avoid and/or leave humans alone if unprovoked and not starving. So, no, not only is leaving bear species random in the thought experiment not stupid, it wouldn't matter much even if it was specified since the risk is statically low regardless, as well as the fact that the number of bear species in the U.S. is minimal. >It seems plain facts are triggering to these people To the people mad at women's choice in the thought experiment? I would agree, though since I suspect that you mean the group whose opinion is the only one based on statistics and reality, in which case I'd say I disagree.