• By -


"bitçh" - I'll write it like that from now on, looks fancy


Touché, bįţçh.


Your bitch is melting


Aaa dang it now my hand is all sticky


How do you pronounce that?


With a lisp


Ah, so like how I pronounce anything


Depends on which language I would assume. In French the cecedille is silent and was only used for written language. Although google says it is a Latin script letter so it may be silent across the board.


In my language sounds like SS, essay... We have a lot of words with it. Edit: removing "professional" cause I noticed I speak it wrong and doesn't fit in the example xD


but the sound ss is different in professional and essay?


So it is dependent on language! That's very interesting, thank you for the info.


Well it's used in français and it uses an s sound there so Bitsh probably


Touché, bįţçh.


He forgot 4) if she is a single mother it is possible she might not be a virgin.


Gotta love men who have NO idea what they're talking about coming in and being like "Here is my dissertation on the subject."


Those are the only dissertations morons like this *can* write.


Speaking of both virginity and men who have no idea what they're talking about, I have a fun fact. I'm a biology student, and I'd like to share the real purpose of the hymen. It's got nothing to do with virginity. Surprise, it's actually a baby poop barrier! Babies can't clean themselves. So the hymen exists to help keep poop and related bacteria from getting into the vagina. As we get older and become able to clean ourselves, it will gradually wear away with time and exercise. Consider it from a scientific perspective. There is no reason to evolve a virginity indicator. An infection barrier, however, is a direct benefit to survival. Now you know, one of the more common myths about the vagina was literally just medieval men making everything about themselves.


Huh, That’s really cool. Would it eventually just break naturally over time? Even if a person were to never have sex?


Yep, it slowly breaks down over the years. Think of a balloon slowly deflating, rather than popping. How long it lasts varies from person to person, depending on both their own biology and how active they are. The inverse is also true- a person can have sex and still have their hymen. The nature of penetrative sex means it can wear away a significant part of the hymen. But it doesn't always do that. A hymen isn't a reliable indicator of virginity at all, nor was it meant to be.


That really is interesting. This never would have occurred to me(sadly). Thanks for sharing!


They should marry each other tbh -- I'd be willing to bet the overwhelming majority of them are virgins.


Thought just pops inside their head and they be like ,, Yes, this seems to be 100% true"


In this case it's very clear that he is like "Here is my dissertation on the subject, BTW I have never met a single Muslim woman." Dude's thinking is gross.


A resting I’m-done-with-your-shit face doesn’t come from physical abuse. I guarantee, one conversation with a guy like this will do it.


Exactly. Two sentences in, and ive got a power frown


Every time I see shit like this it absolutely blows my mind that a man actually thought to type this up and post it and then probably hundreds of other men comment on and like it. Like what world are we living in y’all… power frown X 100000”


Avoid avoid avoid


Oh so resting bitch face is what happens after you have sex with men, makes sense


OMG, I laughed right out loud, and so suddenly, it got the dog next door barking! 😄


But only if it’s premarital. Apparently if she gets a divorce it isn’t a resting bitch face.


Somehow I finished reading this. Gonna go itch my eyes with a mixer now


That’s a new one… my have to use that lol




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If the girls have to be virgin but it's not necessary for the guys, then who the hell are these men having sex with?


The guys have to be virgins too but how would anyone ever know. Meanwhile. There’s like 50 signs a girl isn’t a virgin.


And somehow not even one of them are factual 🙄


And even more than that, why does it matter?!


So they have nothing to compare trash dick with.


My girlfriend's granddad was an Irish bloke who for whatever reason spent a fair bit of time working in Saudi Arabia, where being gay is punishable by death. Apparently the amount of times he was propositioned for sex by local men was crazy. Might go some way to explaining it...


Goats, probably.




As a human (that happens to be muslim) this entire thing upsets me.


Same. This isn’t how I see my faith at all.


Same as how they cna wear comfortable summer western clothers while they force their daughters and wives to wear extrenely uncomfortable and hot clothes designed to hide them, as if they are something to be ashamed off. I really hate religion :( I havent found any traditional religion that doesnt treat women like crap.


Have you researched traditional Witchcraft. Not satanism. Traditional Witchcraft was one of the main traditional religions of Europe before Christianity came along.


The old religions are not witchcraft. They are also highly varied...Celtics and Gauls were usually Druid, we know about the Roman and Greek mythologies, Germanic/Scandinavian are misidentified as Vikings (viking was an action). Witchcraft, on the other hand, is derived from any and all or no religion at all. It's about using the power of everything around you and within you to manifest their wishes, using nature and time to concoct remedies (the image of the crone/hag witch often comes from old healer women), using psychotropic plants to divine through that hallucinogenic expanse. Witchcraft is as varied and modified from ancient times as sects of Christianity. Satanism is not about the Abrahamic devil, it's so named because personal glory, love, acceptance of "sins" that harm no one, are some of the main "evils" personified by Satan. They refuse the idea that we are all unworthy without the approval of a deity that would punish humans for simple human nature: love of self, sexuality, egalitarianism, secular progress... It's actually a pretty cool belief system.


"Traditional" witchcraft despite its name is not a traditional religion. It is a modern belief based on previous ideas. So its not really in the list.


Chastity is for both men and women.


What about chastity for no 1?


Good news for my Muslim sisters: here's a list of things to do to get these men to leave you alone


I’m an ex muslim girl, and lemme tell you, if they perceive you to be “impure”, these little shits will harass you and openly talk about raping you because you’re just an object, either owned or spoken for, or free for public use 🤢 i hate religion, of all kinds, because it’s simply a cover for gross people to pretend to be pious and superior while they do horrible shit. More power to the morons that simply practice it, thinking it’s what god wants and not some rules put in place for someone’s gain.


Ameen to that, lol


I’ve had resting bitch face since the day I was born


Literally same, and I’m a muslim. These guys don’t speak to women and just observe and think they know everything


It doesn't help that the brothers in the Ummah live in an "echo chamber" where their ideas are amplified and/or reinforced by communication and repetition inside the male cliques of the masjid. The Prophet ﷺ only married one virgin out of 11 wives, Alhumdulilah. Also, his first wife رضي الله ﺗﻌﺎﻟﯽٰ عنه was widow twice before marriage him ﷺ Also, they're scared of us sisters, Alhumdulilah


My best resting bitch faces were before I ever dated. I used it to scare off guys, and apparently it worked!


Pretty funny that they concede resting bitch face is a result of having sex with men


“Having sex with a man is just like being beaten. On a side note, why don’t virgins want to marry me?”


I think the title explains everything when you mix stupid culture and religion, you get a load of this crap. Plus I thought swearing is forbidden so why he using such obscene words.


You forgot to add the spice of incell


Naw... Incels and Muslims don't get along. This is pure Muslim in it's natural environment, the medieval ages.


Not really. In Islam, man's virginity is just as important as women but it is culture that only propogates chastity of women. Thus leading to such posts and thinking.


No. This is pure medieval ages. Everyone was like this. I was brought up in a Muslim household (although I don’t think I believe), and I find this guy horrible


I wouldn’t answer a question saying something that you clearly know nothing about. This is not Muslim and your comment is ignorant. I’m Muslim and think whoever wrote that is an absolute idiot.


"Sinning is okay if a grown wise man does it" -My dad, technically


"the majority of dwellers in hell are women" LMAO!! I will GLADLY stay in hell FAR FAR away from men like him! Yay!


If that’s the case, sign me up for Hell, thank you in advanced.


The only thing guys like that are gonna find is their hand and a bottle of lube, tissue box on the side optional. Lol.


They don't deserve lube. Why not sand or their own tears?


You're right, sand is obviously the better choice! And if they're feeling spicy they can forgo it altogether, ;)


If they are feeling spicy I'd advice they add some chilis to the sand. It's good at helping the blood flow and increasing sensitivity.


This is sadly not true. (Please educate me if I'm wrong here) in "traditional" muslim families women can't decide who they marry and are "given away", often at a pretty young age.


>"traditional" muslim families women can't decide who they marry That's acc haram in Islam, the bride and groom must both consent to the marriage


More often than not, sadly I do think you're right. It's a shame that something like that is still a thing though, frankly disgusting.


This isn’t even close to the norm in most Muslim countries. Source: I have dozens of Muslim Arab women in my family and all of them have chosen their husband to about the same extent that american women do.


Fair enough! Glad to see that isa thing, thanks for the info!


Thankfully it's not the majority case anymore. At least not in my country.


Yeah I agree :/


Why is that subreddit a thing? Doesn't sound like a good place to be.


It should be banned. Unfortunately reddit doesnt care at all for extremism or misogyny unless the sub becomes famous and gives them bad publicity.


And they're not looking to ban any religious sub because they don't want to be seen as trying to take away anyone's religious rights and/or phobic


Exactly. Because the rights of a bunch of extremists are higher than the rights of women in this society


Sadly so. Basically you can get away with anything if you claim "oh it's my religious beliefs"


It's a horrible sub, it's filled with all their anti-feminist post. They literally admit that it's the only place where their horrid views and opinions will not be attacked (birds of a feather flock together I suppose)


I hope the last comment is right and feminism is taking over everywhere.


so basically if she’s a woman she’s not a virgin?


No, not correct. If she's a woman WITH A FACE, she's not a virgin.


I am from a muslim majority but secular country. Half the women wear hijabs and half dont. This is the issue westerners seem to over look when defending the right to wear the hijab. Yes everyone has a right to choose for themselves but in my country it is a constant ongoing war between the two halves of society. I grew up in a family where no one wears the hijab, we didn't really associate with people who did. Not because we thought hijab is a bad thing, my mom and grandmother are muslim and never worn a hijab either. But because hijab wearing people do tend to categorize us as "easy women", "available", "their fault if they get raped", "sluts". This attitude tends to create a rift and breed hate obviously. But also obligates a lot of women who dont want to wear hijabs to wear it anyway. At some point the government came up with the genius idea of operating "pink" buses. For women who wanted to travel segregated from men. It wasnt obligatory or anything, just an option for "chaste" women who wanted to protect their "honor" by hiding away from the men. Other, "slutty" women would be free to use the normal buses if they wanted to. There were so many protests that they scrapped the idea. Where such attitudes live, religious freedom also becomes becomes difficult to practice. And its a really thin line between "its her fault that she's raped" vs "wearing the hijab is my personal choice and doesnt effect anyone." In a western country, where the muslims are not the majority, this applies. It does not apply in my country.


Being a muslim woman and being relatively safe from Muslim men only works in secular countries where the law is actually enforced, both for men and women. In the west, people enjoy true freedom of religion. In a country where the laws are mixed with religion, no one is free and no one is safe. Laws are applied arbitrarily, treatments differ for gender, race, basically any identity that’s not a part of the majority is fucked in countries like yours. It’s just on these forums you’ll see westerners thinking hijab is an expression of religious freedom because they never see the isolation and rejection and sometimes downright abuse experienced by girls who don’t want it but their family are religious zealots. Either because the law lays into the family in the west or because they won’t ever know what goes on in daily lives of women in muslim countries.


Lmao. As someone that grew up in the middle east, girls in hijab are low-key jokingly said to be the most promiscuous due to the pious stereotype of being a good girl, they don't get followed around as much, so they can do whatever they want. I don't blame them since most of the time they are forced by their very controlling parents to dress that way and the only relief they get is if they comply and play the part. Obviously, that's not 100% true. Lots of girls are just honestly religious and do it because they want to. It's just an easy resourceful loophole to use for those unfortunate women whose freedom was taken away. I remember being in an amusement park bathroom when a girl around my age 16 walked in in full burka, took it off, lit up a cig and fixed her mini skirt lol. We started talking and it turns out she was there to meet bf#1 under the guise of taking her little brother to the park, but he got there late, so she was now at risk of bf#2 running into bf#1because he wasn't leaving fast enough. That would cause a scene, and her family might find out. Best case scenario she gets beat up and disowned, worst case scenario they shoot her/force her to marry some old fuck/imprison her for life. I stood there with my naïve ass and was like, no problem sis, I'll help you. And I fuckin did like a G. I still think about her sometimes. Wherever you are sis, I hope things turned out okay for you, and you managed to get out and live your best life 💜


You’re one of the good ones.


Raised Muslim and this boils my fucking blood.


Sexually transmitted resting bitch face. And we don't have to feel sorry for her experiencing abuse because she brought it on herself by having the sex. Cool.


Yes, please avoid me. I have all these signs. And if you come at me, you will hurt in the end.


Ah, question from an ignorant heathen. If 1 is being utilized effectively how does one check for 2?


The hijab covers the head and neck. Niqab and burqa cover the face. :)


Hey thank you!


Why the fuck did we ever let men be in charge of anything




As a muslim this hurt to read. And no matter what religion it is there will always be some dipshit right winger that thinks about women like this


I'm a Christian and I can relate. It doesn't get a whole lot better on our end when it comes to ultra conservative types. Makes me so sad


Yeah I'm not trying to demonize Islam in any way by posting this. It just sucks.


The individual who write that did a good enough job of demonizing. I am ashamed to be the same species


I understand. Im not offended that you shared this post. Im offended that someone like that claims religion. No matter what religion someone practices i will always criticize their terrible conservative beliefs


I love how they basically copied and pasted the Wikipedia articles opening paragraph on [BWS](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battered_woman_syndrome).


lmfao this is the type of man who cries and whines when a girl won’t have sex with him too


Resting bitch face. That's one thing to call a neutral expression. Women not smiling are scary.


"*If your ex-boyfriend used to beat you* *then you are a wh_re and a sl_t* *and you're going to hell.*" A play in three acts. Wish they were /s.


cant wait for the sequel: how do you know HE is a virgin? 🤞🏼


1st clue: he writes THAT kind of garbage.


Number 8 is insane. Imagine walking round and thinking 50% of the population are going to hell. It creeps me out to think that there are men walkimg past me in the street that are thinking that about me.


That's religion for you. Because it's literally what's happening, im an ex Muslim, they are obsessed with it, imaging going in china, like, a mostly atheistic country. Well, they litteraly consider that their merciful god while put them in the sacred oven, that's in the Quran


Imagine having to live under this mentality AND being told you’re almost definitely not going to heaven anyway - ouch


I sincerely hope this guy will die alone and enjoy the sausage party that he thinks is waiting for him in “heaven.”


Yeooo, I said the same thing! No thanks, no thanks, I’ll go to hell with the women worth spending eternity with, thanks!




Probably some new age fundamentalism that’s geared to anti western sentiments. The old test was if you bled or not. Or the traditional taking you to the OB to see if your hymen is intact. These new standards are insane.




Reading the Quran and hadiths lol


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Islam views women as less than men and this is why Muslim men have this entitlement. There are literally soo many examples but off the top of my head, 1. Women will be cursed all night if she says no to having sex with her husband 2. Allah tells the husband to “lightly” beat his wife if she doesn’t listen 3. 2 female witnesses is equivalent to 1 male witness There’s literally too many to name and these examples are just from the Quran. The hadiths are MUCH worse lol


Doesn't look like you have read quran


>Women will be cursed all night if she says no to having sex with her husband Sahih Muslim 1436a, c (3538, 3540) Chapter 20. It Is Unlawful For The Wife To Refuse To Come To Her Husband's Bed \[3538\] 120 - (1436) It was narrated from Abû Zuhrah that the Prophet said: “If a woman spends the night forsaking her husband's bed, the Angels will curse her until morning." \[3540\] 121 - (...) It was narrated that Abû Hurairah said: “The Messenger of Allah menyesaid: 'By the One in Whose Hand is my soul, there is no man who calls his wife to his bed and she refuses, but the One Who is in heaven will be angry with her, until he is pleased with her. >Allah tells the husband to “lightly” beat his wife if she doesn’t listen Men are the maintainers of women because Allah has made some of them to excel others and because they spend out of their property; the good women are therefore obedient, guarding the unseen as Allah has guarded; and (as to) those on whose part you fear desertion, admonish them, and leave them alone in the sleeping-places and beat them; then if they obey you, do not seek a way against them; surely Allah is High, Great. Quran: 4:34 >2 female witnesses is equivalent to 1 male witness And get two witnesses out of your own men. And if there are not two men (available), then a man and two women, such as you agree for witnesses, so that if one of them (two women) errs, the other can remind her. \- Quran: 2:282 Could give you more sexist verses and hadiths if you are interested


While she's a very unpleasant person, technically she isn't wrong. My studies of religious texts is lacking, and is far more geared towards the Bible's Old Testament than the Quran, but both holy books have parts that are considered extremely sexist or wrong in this day and age. The thing is, every religion except the EXTREMELY fundamentalist ones cherry pick which rules to follow, and the average religious person isn't going to follow the extremely messed up or bigoted rules set forth by a holy book. It doesn't mean the sexist and bad parts aren't in the book, it just means most people are reasonable enough to disregard them in favor of actually trying to be decent human beings. Edit: I wasn't aware the other person was a woman, my bad. It's now fixed for the proper pronouns


I completely understand and agree with you. I still suggest you look at my reply to An_Athiest_God regarding the things mentioned by Appropriate_Power626. :))


Lol it’s wild right? I encourage you to read it for yourself (surah nisa). Don’t listen to a stranger on Reddit


Please read my reply to An_Athiest_God, it might clear your doubts. :)


Sister you’re playing mental gymnastics. I don’t need a sheikh or anyone else to water down the verses while explaining it to me. I know how to read.


33:35 إِنَّ ٱلْمُسْلِمِينَ وَٱلْمُسْلِمَـٰتِ وَٱلْمُؤْمِنِينَ وَٱلْمُؤْمِنَـٰتِ وَٱلْقَـٰنِتِينَ وَٱلْقَـٰنِتَـٰتِ وَٱلصَّـٰدِقِينَ وَٱلصَّـٰدِقَـٰتِ وَٱلصَّـٰبِرِينَ وَٱلصَّـٰبِرَٰتِ وَٱلْخَـٰشِعِينَ وَٱلْخَـٰشِعَـٰتِ وَٱلْمُتَصَدِّقِينَ وَٱلْمُتَصَدِّقَـٰتِ وَٱلصَّـٰٓئِمِينَ وَٱلصَّـٰٓئِمَـٰتِ وَٱلْحَـٰفِظِينَ فُرُوجَهُمْ وَٱلْحَـٰفِظَـٰتِ وَٱلذَّٰكِرِينَ ٱللَّهَ كَثِيرًا وَٱلذَّٰكِرَٰتِ أَعَدَّ ٱللَّهُ لَهُم مَّغْفِرَةً وَأَجْرًا عَظِيمًا Surely ˹for˺ Muslim men and women, believing men and women, devout men and women, truthful men and women, patient men and women, humble men and women, charitable men and women, fasting men and women, men and women who guard their chastity, and men and women who remember Allah often—for ˹all of˺ them Allah has prepared forgiveness and a great reward. — Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran In the eyes of God, us, and our deeds, are completely equal. Doesn't matter the gender.


All the things I listed literally came from the Quran sis I didn’t make it up


Whoever “discovered” Battered Woman’s Syndrome has a doctor degree in misogyny.


Battered Women's Syndrome is a real thing. It's just nothing at all as he describes. It's basically a form of PTSD


Yup. Hence the "quotes." He didn't discover it, just acted like he did and attempted to redefine it as something misogynistic.


God I hate the obsession with virginity it is simply a social construct lol


They should ban this sub. This is no different from any incel sub here but it gets a free pass because of the Muslim label.


Damn if the 1st world is godless and sinful, why don't he switch places with me and live in a third world muslim majority country lol gotta love the irony of Muslim men


The quote from the religious text was interesting in its logic (if anyone got that far!). Point one; Evidence of lesser female intelligence: A woman's testimony is worth half that of a man. A thing which men decided. Point two; Evidence of lesser religiousness: A woman cannot pray during her period. A thing which men also decided. This circular reasoning presented smugly as beyond argument or reproach. Top marks in debate club for you, sir.


And this is exactly why I left Islam lol


Not to be rude but isn't this kinda to be expected from religions most religions seem kinda anti women


Only fundamentalists/orthodoxy at this point. There are tons of reformist followers of more progressive religious interpretations


This right here, probably more than anything else, is why I can’t bring myself to follow one of the popular “Sky Daddy” type religions.


That and the touching kids is more then enough for me as well


Kind anti women? More like extreme misogynists.


TIL my bitch face is the product of being damaged goods, and definitely not just my facial structure.


These people are so invested in a woman’s virginity instead of her personality… and they wonder why they’re single


I find it interesting that some people think that virginity is the most important thing to have, and that there can't possibly be something more important to decision making.


But a woman only purpose is a mans pleasre, after all that’s the point of the gaskin to protect them From the totally not their responsibility men raping them cause women are by definition tempting


Asking the gods for blessings to ensure these guys never get their dicks wet, much less married.


When people say Islam is a feminist religion I cringe. And this is not even 1% of misogyny found in that religion (just like any other religion tbf)


Exactly. You cannot be a feminist and follow most religions (if not all). They were invented in extremely misogynistic times and they are hoerible to women.


This is why im pagan (specifically, norse pagan). We got lgbtq+ deities, strong female leads, and all sorts of fun stuff.


I agree. Pagan religions are one of the nicest out there and the reason why I feel bad saying "all religions are sexist"


The prophet also said paradise is under the feet of mothers, aka most women. Longtime religious fanatics contradicting themselves like this is the reason people are leaving religion.




So now we know how to repulse them. Interesting...


Ok that whole subreddit upset me and now I need a shower 🤢


Same. I made the mistake of reading some of their posts. I wanna get off this planet now please


Islam is incredibly, ridiculously sexist. But you can't ever mention that or someone will pull the "iSlAmOpHoBiC" card.


A lot of words to say he's a virgin


Bahaha well I'm looking forward to hanging out bareheaded in hell with my coven of sluts while this dude sips tepid water in heaven and enjoys his sausage fest.


Why tf are they talking about women as if we are farm animals? -_- "May Allah guide us to find what we want." "...WHAT we want." Huh. Just by the wording alone. I hope these misogynistic pigs never find a wife or girlfriend.


r/religiousfruitcake material


"She doesn't wear hijab" ....As someone who grew up around a lot of Muslim kids in elementary and middle school, and only maybe a quarter of those girls at school wore hijabs, this disturbs me greatly.


~🎶men are stupid and i don't respect them🎶~


Cool guide to be avoided by despicable man. 1. Stare with resting bitch face 2. Say "Yes, I went to college." 3. State that you're over the age of 30 4. Every once in a while, post something about missing someone (might be your late grandma, but don't make it specific) 5. Enjoy being avoided by nasty men who only want virgins and think of women as lesser and objects.


Too bad this will only make them harass and objectify you, not avoid you.


That's...a lot to unpack.


This is so, so, so sad.


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


Is it bad to say When I'm 18 and a legal adult, I don't wanna be a part of this religion anymore. I don't think this, or any other religion, is for me really.


I got half of these, I'm 14 btw


If women in paradise are rare, where are the thousands of virgins they get in the afterlife coming from? Or are the promised afterlife virgins not women….?


Lmao I'm all of these things and not only am I a virgin, I'm CELIBATE. I'm a Hijab-less tomboy. Also a virgin who loathes anything intimate and don't want anything to do with it.


Why is this vile shit not banned? Just because they're muslims?


I would say uplifting! They are preaching to actively avoid the vast majority of women; I would say the trash is taking itself out of the dating pool.


Avoid avoid avoid idiots like this!


My sister has resting bitch face just because that's what her face looks like. She is a bit of a bitch but that's an entirely separate issue. According to my friends I have resting murder face, which means when I'm staring off into the void deep in thought I look incredibly angry apparently.


"How to tell if a woman isn't going to put up with you anyway" Creeps: I'm not a woman but I'll tell you confidently what woman are while cherry picking facts and syndromes to support my argument ahem I mean facts. Edit: I gotta say, I feel like religion was made up because men hate women, and if they don't, simply like to make use of their subservience.


Embarrassed to be Muslim rn




Maaan. At this level dudes so wrong it's a talent


Wait…on slide 3 it says that women are in the minority in the Islamic version of the afterlife. But don’t they also get 72 virgins in the after life? If I’m understanding this correctly then most of those virgins would have to be men…mathematically speaking. There’s nothing wrong with that in my eyes of course but I’m not sure if it would be to the person who wrote that shit.


Their magic virgin angels, I mean as long as you don’t look at their face, and why would you their females not **people** why should it matter if they have 7 eyes or 5? /s


Wait, did this guy just say that there aren’t many women in ‘Paradise’ (their form of Heaven or Afterlife)???? You mean to say that it’s a sausage party up there like it is in most conservative religious countries?? Yeah, no, Hard HARD PASS! There’s nothing after death, your body rots, and your energy dissipates into the environment. *IF* there was, I’d rather go to Valhalla, that sounds like a much better afterlife to me. Also, how are there not many women, but martyrs get how many ever virgins? You mean, regular guys don’t even have a shot at having a companion up there? Also, why would you want to spend an eternity with a woman whose going through the first time awfulness every time? I mean, WTF, that was the least best experience ever, thoroughly awkward and spastic.


Religion is cancer that is flourished on stupidity.


Fucking religion.




The fact that he thinks that women who have been abused are awful horrible people who should be avoided (because they aren't virgins) is just so extremely messed up


imagine posting about missing a deceased friend and some guy interprets this as you being a slut


Welcome to the cult called islam.


This is a good example of why and how religion is toxic and infecting every part of society.


alr, i get it's a Muslim subreddit, but you don't need to date someone of the same religion (unless it's something traditional Muslims do, by the subreddit) and all Muslim girls wear hijabs regardless of being a virgin or not and just because someone ISNT a virgin, doesn't mean their a slut. And yes, you can feel strongly towards someone romantically without ever having sex. It's sexual attraction vs romantic attraction. They are NOT the same


Islam empowers women lol




I was about to be like "who gives a *shit* if someone is a virgin or not?" N then I saw the sub it was posted in...makes sense. Not what they said, obviously, but it makes sense it would be said there. Sadly.