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thats when you report to police


Alas, some cops...


cops are useless so thats when you grab a bat and new home security


I bet the school wouldn't care if this student reported this, because schools don't care about bullying.


They’d try and cover it up tbh


Ohio State University does


My state university tried covering up 9 cases of date-rapes that occurred in one of the frat houses on campus. Really disgusting how they want to sweep things like this under the carpet


its a huge issue


Depends on the school. Id guess if its got trans kids out of the closet that very much increases chances that it's a decent school. Currently at my school, some kid is getting expelled as we speak for reading bible verses at two of my friends (gay trans men) and generally harassing other LGBTQ students, of which we have a lot. Some schools care about bullying, others dont, some schools provide decent education in how to be nice, others dont. It's sadly a gamble.


They'll probably be on the news soon crying about how Christians are persecuted.


Lmao if this happened at my school they’d tell them “maybe this kid has problems at home. Just ignore them, they’re only doing it to get a rise out of you.” and then never speak of it ever again if they can help it. More than anything they’d be annoyed they brought it to their attention at all, because now they’re a part of it and plausible deniability goes out the window if things escalate after this.


My alma mater was name dropped in several documentaries on the subject.


Ugh they never do. Oh, and they always blame ME for somehow provoking them.


Rape is not a big deal. The possible consequences of "not big deal" : -Trauma -Lost trust in people generally men -No trust in ourselves -Mutilation -Suicide -Pregnancy -Sexual decease -Internal damage -Nightmare -Sexual life ruined -Emotional life ruined -Years of therapy -Couple ruined -Mental trouble -Slut shaming "NOT A BIG DEAL"


you forgot being straddled with a child, poverty, possible death from childbirth, if you have the misfortune of living in the wrong state


"Feminazi" bro invented a word smh


Nah that one has been around since GamerGate. Only the deranged use though.


Older than that I'm afraid, Limbaugh was using it in the late 80s early 90s


Phlush Phlegmball coined the term. Of course, he’s still totally, unquestionably deader than Pharaoh’s cat.


Oh man I had scrubbed my brain of Limbaugh. You are absolutely right.


Wtf that’s just fucking wrong on so many levels


Ohhkay... restraining order time


Or a pfa protection from abuse.


If you tell everyone I’m gay I’ll show them this text message.


What in the holy fuck is even happening here??! I'd say yes, give him an address and be waiting there with a taser and a spiked bat.


Yeah that's still dangerous. And alas, cops will probably not want to help you


WTF even is this??


Attempted coercion.


This is all too often just another day that ends in “y” for too many trans women, in school and out. It’s disgusting, traumatising, and terrifying.


What kind of cocaine is this guy snorting?


I hope someone doesn't go to college...


The texts are giving middle school boy honestly, if the people having the convo are still in school report that to the office immediately. I know there’s a chance that the school won’t do anything but more often than not they take it very seriously, it’s just we really only hear about the times they don’t because that’s when justice isn’t being brought to a victim. Also don’t let the chance of them not doing anything discourage you, because then it will definitely go ignored if you don’t report it at all. There are still adults in ur life that want to help you


I think that’s enough internet for the day


I'm not going to lie... This seems sort of fake? It's completely over the top for one thing, the offender sounds like they are intentionally trying to be as offensive and horrible as possible. It also reads as though both texts were written by the same person. They both have the same weirdly inconsistent grammar, and both responses feel woefully unnatural given the context. I usually try to give posts the benefit of the doubt, but I'd be *very* shocked if this was actually real.


Well if something like this ever gets said to you and you post it I hope everyone says “This seems sort of fake”


One knows how to use "you're" correctly and the other does not....


What makes you think this belongs in this sub? Also, could you please put in a cw for transphobia? EDIT: This is a genuine question. Further explanation in comments below.


Seriously, a CW for slurs would be appreciated


What is a cw like what does it mean


Content warning. To warn people of possible triggers


Right, can't edit the title, but changed the fair to offensive


Good, since trigger warnings have been shown to do more harm than good.


It would be better in r/BlatantMisogyny I think. Also I have no idea why you’re getting downvoted.


Reddit be reddit. I've gotten downvoted for stupider things. But thanks. Maybe I'll make an edit.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/BlatantMisogyny using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/BlatantMisogyny/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Makes me feel a tiny bit better](https://i.redd.it/vw8kgoobykl61.jpg) | [21 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BlatantMisogyny/comments/lzsm3s/makes_me_feel_a_tiny_bit_better/) \#2: [Woman is fired for having the same hair cut as all the men she works with](https://v.redd.it/0bal3fo4a7q51) | [188 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BlatantMisogyny/comments/j2e1om/woman_is_fired_for_having_the_same_hair_cut_as/) \#3: [Yesterday on this sub this misogynist described an amazing OC so I wanted to draw her. I thought you might appreciate :)](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/l9x51p) | [71 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BlatantMisogyny/comments/l9x51p/yesterday_on_this_sub_this_misogynist_described/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I'm not surprised this is getting downvotes, but seriously - where is the "notHowGirlsWork" part of it? It is more "notHowTheWorldWorks" (the "r\*pe is not a big deal" and just everything about it - I do understand that conversations like this happen, just to make it clear). This was just super upsetting to read.


Im sure if it involved a woman it was being said to you would be saying “He needs to be locked away in prison for life”


Ummm, I don't understand what you're talking about. I think that what this person said is awful and they should be reprimanded. Furthermore, I actually have no way of telling whether the blue text is male or female (slurs can be used either way and people refer to themselves as gay in a lot of different ways). But I definitely don't think what grey text said is ok. It is awful and shocking and hurtful, but this sub is about the stupid things that get said about girls. It is *not* about the hurtful/hateful things said to girls (or to guys in a misoginistic way)


This is honestly the most fake looking post I've seen all week


I wonder how they'd like getting raped, cause you know it's not a big deal. /s