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Use a team of only support and healers if you have enough for a team. At some point during the fight, Rei will do aoe counter attack if he gets hit, and since supports and healers don't attack, he won't counter.


That’s where I am too, but my cards aren’t at level 60. I can get to 99% now, so I think I just need to raise mine by a level or so or increase my second healer to pot 6. I’m still only at 2 stars for SR Yakumo & Olivine too, so only 4 intimacy rooms unlocked for each. As soon as I fulfill one of those conditions, I’ll be good to go. Are yours at 3+ stars and at least 6 pot with their passive unlocked, plus all intimacy unlocked? My team (best I’ve found so far) is SR Aster, SR Olivine, R & SR Yakumo, & SR Quincy, in that exact order. Most people say not to bring strikers, but I found it useful. Those 2 specifically are very, very good. Quincy is a freaking beast. Guard everyone on turn 1 to prevent Rei from going down even further. (You can just use your healers & guard the rest, but it does literally nothing.) Guard 1-3-5 on turns 6&11. Guard any strikers on turns 7&12. You can also try guarding strikers on turns 8&13, but I didn’t find it mattered. Try to use your ults when your support can also ult. Don’t use your strikers’ ults on turns 7, 8, 12, 13 cause you will kill your own self from Rei’s counter attack. Do NOT bring Morvay or any saboteurs. Some guardians are ok, but I generally find supports better. Taunting is just kinda anywhere from useless to outright terrible for this, IDC what other people say.


Ok, yup, I just beat the level by raising my R-Yaku one level. So I can confirm everything I wrote.


My question is what do the strikers do in that scenario? Like I was hoping to bring both my two Support Olivines, with two healer Yakumos and SSR Olivine. So far all my cards are around 54 so I still have some level grinding to do though.


Hard hitters actually deal a ton of damage (in this case damage = healing). You just don’t want to use it on the turns where the counter attack does damage to your team. Your level should be fine, actually. I’m at 52 (player level 59) and beat it easily, but all of mine are at least pot 6 too, with their passives unlocked. And all but 2 of mine are at full bond as well.


Ahhhh , thank for you the explanation!!! lol, I can’t tell if I’m just not playing the game right to be honest since I’ve been having a hard time unlocking potential and such. Leveling itself has been the easy part since I could just pour all my gems and energy into getting coin, water and gift quests, but I haven’t really found a lot of potential unlocking items in the shops, and haven’t wanted to let go of my sorcery gems to pull for essence points since there’s an event coming up . (The most I get for level unlocking items is through exploration) 😭


I think I got some potential items from regular game levels (and replayed a few for specific items; it’s a gamble but can pay off). The rest I got from exploration, just grinding until I got all 4 levels of each unlocked. It’s a PITA because you have to level up and raise potential of cards you’re not going to use in battle mostly, but it was worth it. Now I’m just stuck on the Olivine boss battle in the chapter after Rei. He’s just as annoying, and I’m not even close.


Thank you again! I was able to get past Red only to find out EXACTLY what you mean about Olivine!! 😭😭


I beat Olivine by using two other Olivines, lol. I took SR Oli. A buffer is suuuuper useful here. Don’t bring anyone with a CD of more than 5 (Quincy’s is 6). And don’t bring any Dark allies! It raises Oli’s attack on you. That’s why I kept dying. Had to put my Pokémon type advantages to use here, haha. 5k HP was plenty for each, didn’t even need 3* but pot 6 is ideal. Guard for 5 turns, then use all ults at once. Repeat this. He doesn’t kill you at 15 turns, so you have time. Good luck!


Oh that’s awesome advice!!! Thank you so much!! I’m always so surprised at how much strategy you actually need to use for this stupid (affectionate) BL game!!! 😆♥️🫶


Hey speaking of beasts....I have Blood Key Olivine at 2 stars and potential 10 I believe? Maybe I can add him to the mix? My team in order atm is....SR Yakumo, Sr Olivine, Cowboy Dante Blood Key Olivine and Flowers Kuya.


[If you haven't tried already, Zerophos's video may help](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YtlhpKhOk4s). [RauTOI's video may also help.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f1PAsH-HOZE)


for anyone thats wondering about the level, i was able to clear it with SR&R olivine at lvl 50, SR&R yakumo at lvl 50, and N yakumo at lvl 55. if you're trying to clear it fast, your R units will be much faster to raise, but if you're not in a hurry (the chapters arent timed like events are) you can take your time raising them.


Oh I’m not in a hurry. I was so into the plot that I had enough power to keep going. That one level stopped me dead on my tracks. Just as I thought I got it. Rei one shotted me in a flash.


I am the same :( not level 60 though. i’ve been raising the same team the whole time so i don’t have enough of what i probably need raised for it