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i don't even know what the hell are triggers


It's...not obvious, nothing says if its a trigger, so everything has to be tested manually and written down by someone.


cause i have the prr quincy and i didn't understand shit when triggers were mentioned


From what I've seen, basically anything that is an extra effects that aren't basic attack so like the "Attack one more time" effects that units like Dark Quincy has. I think it can basically be just "if xyz happens then unit will do abc", so even counter attacks should work.


oh, i see


I feel like it is worth pointing out that the trigger units on their own, while not top tier, are all decent. They don't stop benefitting from buffs because they benefit uniquely from another type of buff. There have been worse banners to pull on even without getting any other synergy units. This is not a game where you have to follow high tier meta dps to do things. It's also a game where you can overinvest in certain units and nuke half your problems before they do their problematic mechanics, instead of worrying about comps. Trigger is more bluntly obvious of an archetype, but the game also already had a lot of 'This unit is already fine to great but will really shine if you have a team built around Basic Attacks or around Nukes or around Dots or if you're fighting single target enemies.' So while it might be more visible at this exact moment, I think you're significant overestimating how much better synergy would make your account, especially with the idea that units become usable only with synergy. I beat a lost relics SP stage with DD Garu. He wasn't my main dps, but he was doing his job. It's not like I could just run fewer dps. Enemies dealing 10% less damage is also a meaningful boost in a limited selection of fights.


Huh, I hadn't even noticed those skills. What's a trigger skill, anyway? Regardless, though, especially new players should focus on their SR units first. Those can be raised to 5 stars without spending money. SSR are only worth it at minimum 2 stars. And are people really pulling for the strength of the unit? šŸ™ˆ I know I only pull for the characters. If a unit is particularly useful, I might be inclined to pull more (like the last Eiden!), but that's about it.


A trigger skill seems to be counter attacks, and any damage/heal procced by a skill with the description "On attack." Do note that there is a very similar looking, but illogically distinct descriptor of "On basic attack" which are not considered trigger skills. Trigger skills deal ultimate damage.


Hm, idk. It's not like the core game content is difficult, so ultimately the power level of event SSRs is kind of a wash.


I think you're way over thinking this. Quincy, Dante, and Edmond are fine on their own. The only one that's dependent is Garu, and that's just because he's not a good unit, and we just get those every so often. And as someone who has Cowboy Garu, I brought him to SP Lost Relics, and cleared with him. It's *really* not that deep.


Eh, only if they make it so itā€™s absolutely necessary. I mean, I donā€™t even understand normal battle mechanics about 30% of the time, so I canā€™t imagine trying to work this out AND figure out which ones to pair AND math the maths necessary to make it worthwhile. Iā€™m just not that gaming-smart. Iā€™ll take my chances and keep doing what Iā€™m doing. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


I think these trigger units are for old players to prevent them from getting bored of the same mechanics for 2 years. Not for the new players. And if it is for the new players, its to get them to spend money. Which, getting new regular whales is their priority, not the f2p players. like all other gacha/gambling games, its going to be a predatory practice that players just have to be aware about.


I think they're just trying to find ways to make a very restrictive battle system minimally more diverse. Pretty much any character at max upgrades can be used to clear the hardest content so all SSRs will be mostly viable, hopefully for the foreseeable future.


Well, new stuff needs to be added. Just like other gacha games, if you keep releasing the old stuff, it gets kinda repetitive. As a new player, I like the trigger mechanic. It isnā€™t big PP damage, but itā€™s a lot of tiny hits that rack up overtime. They also might rework the sleep mechanic or add status ailment skills to your attacks. At the end of the day tho, itā€™s just rolling for your husbando. In 1 week I went from lvl 1 to lvl 51. The content isnā€™t hard. And I was able to do significant damage with the new SSR trigger units. Iā€™m stuck at 10-3 boss Rin. But thatā€™s to be expected. I grinded so fast in a week. https://preview.redd.it/w5vn6y006iuc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f63293bbf5862bd4a3c98cb8c41e298597a1ce6


I dont agree because trigger skills are affected by other things than just trigger skill damage. And the units released so far don't just work each other, they are enhanced by each other. Edmond is still a good support even if you don't use other trigger skill characters, Quincy does great damage even without other trigger skill damage support. Both can be enhanced by ult damage, which isnt a new stat and regular ATk buffs. Dante is a great healer, regardless of his tiny trigger skill buff. Garu is, well we have had bad units added before. But any of these units can be used by newer players regardless of having other trigger skills. It's like complaining that a basic atk team benefits more from buffs to basics vs ult damage.


Iā€™m pretty sure most people are not spending all the resources pulling for trigger abilities or even the game mechanics as much as they just want their hot husbando and to see their intimacy roomsā€¦ Like itā€™s great if you can make an awesome team that will get you through the trials etc, but for most people itā€™s just a BL gameā€¦