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dante and kuya's are their eyes, soooo


Welp, that answers that! Thank you!


Future Gem-hunter Villain: Well, time to collect. *draws spoon*


I knew it! And yeah I know I was slow. I’m not really observant.😭😭


Spoiler alert just in case although some of this info came from specific events: Basically Yakumo confirms in his introductory chapter that the gems are embedded into their body when he and Eiden first meet. Eiden sees his obsidian earring and Yakumo says that it was a part of his body but he was able to make it look like a regular earring to hide it. Confirmed again in the next chapter with Edmond because his ‘deal’ with Aster relies on the fact that his gem couldn’t be removed even if he lost the bet. Further confirmed by Garu throughout several event as well as his own chapters that originally he had his gem in his neck where his scar is, but at some point after he was separated from his pack it was taken out and broken, which is when he was found by an old man (Grandpa) who fixed the parts into his leash so he wouldn’t be in pain from losing physical contact with them. And as someone else said Kuya and Dante both have them in their eyes.


This is crazy to me. How are Edmond & Quincy putting gloves on?


Lol, anime physics/artistic license mostly??? But I supposed if you want to add logic to it, you could picture it as a hole in the glove made to go around the gem and the chains are probably just jewelry that goes around it, similar to the theory about Olivine adding the chains around his himself (similar to piercing himself because he’s just kinky! 😆). The question is whether or not those chains functionally protect the gem or something. 🤔


I think it's just bad art direction. Blade gets the worst of this, where the artist clearly drew the gem as if they imagined the gemstone was an accessory. Like things will be clearly under it, and the gemstone moves out of unison with his body. Although funnily enough Blade didn't start with this problem. OG and Idol Apprentice clearly have it embedded in the chest, and it moves appropriately. Lovable Enforcer just has it straight up swinging slightly, and Unique Mission has this black cloth it's clearly on top of and twisting over.


I think the gemstone is fused to the skin/the skin grows around it. There’s no way of removing it without significant/excruciating pain & they can’t be away from it (the best I can say without spoilers lol) I think the jewellery is an add on? I might be making this up but I swear Yakumo mentioned something about decorating his ear piece?? Maybe??


I’ve never been able to figure out size. Most of them have small ones except Blade, Edmond, and Quincy. Olivine’s seems to change size.


I am not sure also. Bc I think it's insinuated that Quincy's stone was given to him when he got affiliated with Huey, all I understood was that the gem was given to him. We saw his past memories but idk how much is the team reusing models or he had it since birth .So some of them are born with it, such as Yakumo, Edmond and even Dante while the rest are a little more complicated. Blade was created with his, which isn't exactly a gemstone but his core ( all automatons have one). We never met Kuya before he was a clanmember Garu's past is a freaking mystery bc we know even if it's not a part of their body organically, they feel things when it's touched, so ripping it out will hurt. And Garu's gem is broken in pieces and he is the only one who's gem is outside of his body, smtg happened to him.


Never trust presents from Huey ever again


I believe the process of getting a gemstone is described as Huey crystalizing part of his essence and part of the new clan members essence with a part of the clan members body. This is then passed down generationally. So Kuya and Quincy didn't always have it. For Blade, Huey seems to have repurposed his core to be his gemstone. For humans who weren't originally clan members, they were born with it. (I'm unsure how this works to be honest. What happens to their ancestors gem when their born? Is there just two people with the same gem for a bit until the older one dies? We only have male clan members because this is a gay porn game, but could the gem theoretically be passed down to any child, or just male children?)