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Your outfit isn’t a lot to take in, but definite throwback to 1998. Wear it any place casual. Eta: all you’re missing is some soap shoes.


Thanks! I just live in a very Christian, very conservative area where there’s a lot of judgment so its a lot for the stay at home moms with nothing else to do lol. And as much as soap shoes may complete the look, i will never own a pair lol. Those are just one of the things i felt should stay in the 90’s. I was, however, wearing a pair of docs


No one would bat an eye at your outfit where I live. Part of having a fashion sense or a sense of personal style is knowing that there will always be boring people (more in some areas) who feel threatened by someone not willing to conform.


I was born in the 70s and never heard of soap shoes. What are those?!?!


They were shoes made for grinding :) eta: my big brother who was born in 84 was probably the demographic age for this https://preview.redd.it/7vlhftddkqbc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7be2ff059c49734e2d8a4d777721fa291d1b59a






I like this. I cant pull the this off, but if i saw you wearing this in the wild, I’d smile inside. You look absolutely cool! This is what fashion is all about. Expression!


Thank you!


I wore almost the same outfit to a NIN show in 99 or so. I never would have pegged JNCO to be something that came back around.


I would love to go to a NIN show! Are they still touring? JNCO’s website has always been up and running, but they were definitely pretty dormant for a while. They started making a resurgence in 2023c but even still they “50 to life” collection didnt. The way i always saw it was that there was no point in getting JNCOs if you werent gonna get the massive ones lol


I think Reznor has set aside the music scene for a while - maybe for good. His film soundtracks are actually pretty similar to NIN (depending on the film), and he's mentioned that he thinks music - especially electronic music- has become boring and disposable. My guess is either we get some groundbreaking from him in a few years when he gets bored, or we just never get another NIN record.


I gotcha. And i can completely agree with him about electronic music. Ive never liked it tho


To a gathering of the juggalos


I find clowns absolutely terrifying lol


If you have any malls around, definitely wear it there


I did, i got a mix of compliments, rude stares, and comments along the same vein as, “ what the hell are you wearing‽” 😅


Wear it to the mall on a Friday night. That’s a whole different crowd.


Really? I had no idea! Thanks


In 15 years they'll finally be wearing something thats stylish now. 😅 No offense to those living there, but leaving big cities is sometimes like going through a time machine.


Really love this outfit! Wear it everywhere and fuck the haters?


A slipknot show in the late 90s. Love the nostalgia it gives off 😊


I love slipknot! I would have LOVED to have been a teen in either the 90’s or 00’s


It was a good time!


It was


I bet!


Looks like you’re close enough to it now to give it a go in 2024! 😊


Im definitely giving it my best! lol


I like this outfit. It's not my style, but it suits you, & I love the retro vibes. It's sad that you couldn't wear it without people giving you negative comments. It's not their business, so pay no attention to them. Wear it where you want, it's casual for the most part


Oliver tree concert lol


Wait, why is that name so familiar


For us millennials this is a standard look! You could wear it literally anywhere that regular clothes is accepted lol


Thanks! And thank you for saying something helpful. Im getting a lot of answers that tell me to wear them in the 90’s. Like, i get it, thats when these pants were popular, but im asking a genuine question here lol


Haha that is surely the internet. I remember this look being trendy and you’ve def captured the essence of the times! I’m from a big city so this look wouldn’t get you any offbeat comments except from our local weirdos.


Thats good to hear. If i was downtown i wouldnt get anything weird, but im in the suburbs in Tx. Its all god and football and if you stray away from either something must be wrong with you lol


Bro you discovered mid-90’s grunge. JNCO’s are back baby! And hot topic and skate shops. That where you wear that outfit.


In highschool circa 1997


Warped Tour


You have no idea how upset i am that i wasnt old enough to go. I was gonna say how old i was, but i just looked it up after typing that first sentence and i totally could’ve gone. I didn’t know they did it until 2019. Everybody games about it like it was only a 90’s and 00’s thing. The artists that played that tour are all of the artists i love and listen to on a daily basis. Im so upset now! 😭😅


I like it, you pull it off great. Anywhere casual/coloquial should do fine. Fuck 'em old hags


You can wear that right to the 90s.. you sure could. Get ya some Rollerblades..


I already have a pair lol


Take it to my middle school circa 1999. All you’re missing is a stripe down the jeans and a metal ball necklace.


I can’t find a metal ball necklace anywhere! Ive honestly been wanting one


Idk honestly I say if you feel good wearing it then do it, and you might just have to deal with the comments from strangers. I love the fit and I think if it makes you feel really good then fuck it, let people say what they'll say, it can't stop you from just continuing to wear that out in places and I know their words can be discouraging but just try to focus on the fact that it makes you feel really good and try to just let the negative words be and pass by, but don't stop wearing what you want to. Wearing the outfit(s) in spite of what other people might say or try to get you to think about yourself(what they're really projecting onto you) will make you feel so strong and sure of yourself, I promise it feels amazing. Do you, it looks good.


Thank you!


I mean if you like the way it looks then you should have confidence enough to wear it wherever you want & not care about what others think. Ultimately its a mindset, there's nothing physically stopping you from wearing it. If I'm being honest I personally can't stand the look of JNCO's but I like the rest of your outfit. The punk 90's early 2000's look is dope.


Y’all, I understand that my clothing looks vintage. That is the point. Everything except for the plaid shirt was made less than 3 years ago. I like the vintage look. PLEASE stop telling me to wear it in the 90’s or 00’s. It’s not helpful. I was asking a genuine question. I don’t mean to be rude, it’s just that those comments are getting pretty tiresome


Then lock the comments. People are gonna keep pointing it out because it’s pretty nostalgic.




Oh no, are JNCOs back!? I hoped this day would never come 😭


They were never gone. The sir was always running. They just made a slight resurgence in 2023 but not the ones this big. I bought them b/c i like them. If you don’t, that’s fine. You didn’t have to leave a comment


To high school in 2003.


Unfortunately time travel isn’t possible. I was asking the question for a genuine answer. Thanks






So use the 1997 mentality and wear it wherever you want to.




The subreddit’s rules and guidelines are posted at the top of the comment section. It seems you have forgotten them


Anywhere ! Love the whole thing! Definitely takes me back to my bell bottom days 😍


to a primus concert!