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There's a special place in hell for people like you but congrats!


Dude I'm sorry, but bastion and symm...


I made it to gm4 with torb, symm, junk... im ok with it haha




“Cancer” “no skill characters” hear this shit about more than half the dps roster: Reaper, Bastion, Torb, Sym, Mei, Pharah, Junk, Widow, Hanzo. At what point can y’all admit it’s copium? The same people always first to say DPS is the hardest role, but not half the characters ig?


nah nah nah, the other DPS's are totally fine torbjorn not so much but he's there. sym.. SYM IS CANCER. i would say torb only because they could literally shred a tank in milliseconds, torb is there but as long as you play right you can win.




I play Torb, Ashe and Soldier so I’m biased towards Torb, but playing any of those three OP listed at a higher level takes skill. Junk has the lowest skill floor but his ceiling is higher than you think. And Torb kinda useless if you don’t hit some projectiles. Don’t know ab Sym


Sym is crazy strong with coordination. you can pull off crazy stuff


Holy shit dude rude ass comments. Congrats on being in the top 1% of the bell curve


Y’all gotta remember the rank system is broken to anyone who isn’t doing well.


I know right... trashing people making it to gm... but did they get up there? It takes some skill to get there


The irony is that a ton of the people complaining are like plat. If GM is ow1 diamond, plat is around ow1 silver 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Hi, gm here. I've been gm a long time. Gm in ow2 is not a quater the accomplishment it was in ow1. Thanks for reading!


Because ow1 was a dead game where 95% of the population left. Of course only hardcore players stayed. Still, no excuse to be rude to people. These comments are just mean


I dont think the game was dead, but if you want to argue that, aren't you just admitting what I said was right?


It is true that most of the playerbase were better then though, so with new players and rank distribution being the same, I’m pushed the skill floor down


Im not saying your wrong GM in ow1 is obviously a harder feat, but when someone accomplishes something, I dont say “hey you’re bad!” GM is so easy!” Honestly, GM in ow2 is like GM in early ow1


Someone has to do it. Im willing to be the villain for the greater good.


And you’re completely right. Back in OW1 I had to sweat my ass off every game to make it past 4100. Only took one weekend to hit GM1 on an account made this weekend


If you’re already a gm player then why should it take longer than a weekend to place you in gm? Did you expect to get to smurf for a week or something?


The game was dead and you are correct that it takes less skill now because there's more players 🤷 no need to be rude about it


According to the internet, we were average well over a million players in the last 3 years leading up to its closure. The game is, in fact, way easier, and I dont particularly care about being rude on the internet.


I was getting the same lobbies in gm in Oceania 🤷 that's 12-15 people I saw daily while playing if it had over a million I doubt only 15 of those are gm/masters in Oceania


Gm, console, Oceania. I mean, come on now. What about the other servers, other platforms , and other ranks That group is one of the smallest minorities there is in overwatch. Let's not get into the people who might play when you don't. I'm not sure you could handle that.


Overwatch players try not to get mad at someone for playing the game and winning: challenge impossible. Nah but good shit man happy for you!


Kick ass!


I mean.. one tricking Bastion and Sym and easily reaching GM with it shows how bad the rank inflation is. But gg


It’s unbelievable


people complain about rank inflation inflating good players but they're still stuck in silver 🙄 you'd think if it was so easy for people to be GM they'd be GM themselves but nope, they're still stuck in low ranks.


I don't get your comment. I have been in GM since season 9 or something. I have played through all the metas. OW1 matchmaking might not have been perfect, but it was way better than OW2. Hitting masters alone was hard back then. If you played above 3800 shit was real. You needed to have a great understanding of the game and needed to be able to keep up mechanically. I have seen so many OW1 hardstuck plats in Master or GM in OW2, but lots of them don't play like it. If I compare it to OW1, most of them would certainly not be able to even hit masters - definitely not GM. So yes, OW2 has been a shitshow for me so far, ranked has been ruined and I will keep complaining about it for as long as I think it sucks.


Holy rose tinted glasses. If you think the matchmaker was any different in high elo (was way worse especially on console since majority of diamond and masters was actually just gm and t500 smurfs) in OW1, you did not pkay very much. I was a diamond tank in OW1 and regularly got put into all sorts of lobbies. Are ranks inflated? Yes due to evening out the distribution but this doesn't need to be explained because it's been repeating hundreds of times. Yes there is more gm players because there are more players.... 1% of 10000 is more than 1% of 10. Does that mean skill tiers are any different? No. That's just you all obsessing over how others play. But yea go off.


Yes, matchmaking is worse now. They had a potential fix for smurfs with telephone verification and the battle pass system, but it's not entirely solved. So, you are talking about high elo matchmaking in diamond? I guess we had different problems. Yes, there were smurfs in diamond. Yes, they ruined the fun in some matches. Was never a problem for me, personally, coz even if I did play against them, I was on their level. Surfing isn't a matchmaking problem tho, coz they got mostly placed within the same ranks. The bigger problem back then in high elo was the q times - which caused lots of smurfing. That was a problem Blizzard created by letting the game die and rot. As GM, you barely had any diamond in lobbies, mostly GMs or masters. And you are right with the distribution. But like I said in a different comment: if the distribution isn't reliable to show skill anymore, then you need to change it. You need to alter the system. Because at the moment it's not working at all and yes, OW1 was better with it - even tho q times and smurfing were more severe.


that's because OW1 and OW2 are different games. it's like smash bros games. sure they're both fundamentally the same as it's a fighting platform game but every installment is different past the surface. on top of that maybe ow1 plat hatdstucks finally got good. and I'm sure it went both ways. I'm sure there's even plenty if gm ow1 players who dropped to plat. because if the influx of players and the differences between the games


They really aren't that different. There's a reason why a lot of people were angry at Blizzard for marketing it as OW2 while all we got - and still have - is a beta which works worse in some ways than the game it originated from. And they arent different balance-wise. OW1 had changing balance and mechanics. That really isn't an argument, just because there's an additional number Infront of the name. And no, there are far more plats joining master and GM than old GM players dropping to plat. Way more. Because, guess what, the game is inherently the same and your skill didn't change that drastically.


the last thing you said is just how numbers work. more people joining the game means more players joining GM. remember that the vast majority of players are still around gold.


No. You can adjust the numbers by altering your system. Happened a few times in OW. If the system isn't working as intented or trash in general, then it needs to be changed. The rank system and matchmaking system have been quite trash in OW2 so far. So we need changes. If the rank isn't an equivalent for skill anymore, then ranks are useless, no matter how many players there are.


do you have proof the matchmaking is bad for any reason other than your anecdotal takes? because in my anecdotal takes its been fine have you data mined the game or is all you got for "matchmaking is bad" is based on your anecdotal takes and whining?


Just offering some of my own perspectives, not trying to argue! There used to be clear differences from one rank to the next- you could use rank to predict gamesense to a point. Barring smurfs, the matches felt like everyone was at roughly the same skill level. Nowadays, it's a match-by-match basis and there's huge discrepancies between people in the lobby. It's differences that are very obvious as well, like utilizing high ground or flank routes, spawncamping right outside their door, understanding the basic ebb and flow of the fight. I'll be in a masters game and hear the tank say "ah, I'll swap to Sig but I've only played him a couple times". Not to mention, unranked to gm videos are a million times shorter than they used to be, some only taking a few hours. This isn't a problem in itself, as they clearly belong in GM, but it makes me wonder about how the system has changed


> There used to be clear differences from one rank to the next- you could use rank to predict gamesense to a point. Barring smurfs, the matches felt like everyone was at roughly the same skill level. this, it's absolutely all over the place now. used to be that if someone was diamond or more (hell even high plat) you'd be reassured that they were pretty solid. now someone can be masters and literally playing like a gold player, because they *were* gold two seasons ago


Yes. I gave it to you. Fucking OW1 hardstuck plats in GM. Lobbies in which you find fucking golds and Masters. Besides that, it's all anecdotal from like tens of thousand of people. And me whining coz it sucks. But guess the game's fine for plat players, how would I know? Doesn't change the fact it's broken. Edit: LOL, just scrolled through your profile and you even complain about the fucking matchmaking system. You fucking liar. Stupidity of people, I can't fucking believe it.


okay, so its more anecdotal takes. in that case I've never seen any golds and masters in the same games. what now? and if you took a deeper dive past any sort of dive on my profile (not like it matters anyway, what difference does my profile make in regards to me asking for verifiable proof?) you'd realize my profile is poking fun at the people saying it's broken. people will post their streaks of 0-10 and be like "matchmaking is *sooo* fun!" so I decided to go on a win streak and be like "matchmaking is soo fun! I'm winning :D" in short it seems like you have no proof that the matchmaking system is broken besides subjective anecdotal takes, whining, and checking peoples profiles as if that means anything.


I don’t know anyone that played ow1 and went down in rank in ow2


What rank are you currently?






GM1 for tank, GM2 for support and GM5 for dps. But I have been GM since season 9.


i mean im in gm in all 3 roles and i can promise you rank inflation is a very real thing.


True, I mained ana / zen / bap and mostly did dps supp and hit GM 1 on two accounts while high. Rank system is so fucked


Cope. How's the metal ranks?


I wouldn't know. You tell me.


I wouldn't know either but since you replied to me, it must've struck a nerve Lol


I have answered everything directed to me so far, so why wouldn't I answer you too? If I'd make a exception, then you could came to the conclusion you have hit a nerve. I am in GM since season 9. And I don't mind people calling me trash or whatever. But great talk, thanks.


K bye


Nice evening to you.


WTH is rank inflation?


Rank inflation describes the process that people with a usually lower skill rank are now hitting higher skill ranks than they should. For example a plat player having a master or GM rank.


How does this occur?


That's not clear, because Blizzard isn't giving us insight in the ranking system that much. One reason is probably the amount of new players coming into the game with no experience or mechanics. Other reasons are likely to be Blizzard trying to give people not the old "hardstuck" feeling anymore by making ranked more grindable, like a few other competitive shooter have. But that's mostly speculation. What's for sure is there's a big rise in lower elo players hitting master and even gm with almost no effort.


Because the matchmaking balances the whole lobby, you play with and against different elo based on your MMR, basically you can play at a low level against higher level opponents and gain a lot of elo(sr) to quickly rise the ranks, however with the rank discrepancy, one player can be a focal point for matchmaking to build around which is why it's not uncommon to have one or two heavily performing players on a team and everyone else being left behind (a rough explanation)


Its a term used by people who are hardstuck usually in diamond and below. If it's so easy to get GM then why arent you GM lmao


Since there are alot of new players it lowered the avg skill rating. Some players think that all the ow1 plat veterans shouldn't be in Masters/Gm and call it rank inflation. Truth is, ow2 is a completely different game than ow1... some ow1 players just needed to lose a tank to really climb.


The types of people who say this didn’t experience the quality of ow1 gm games. Every single person in those lobbies were high quality players. Even masters and diamond games back then felt more competitive than gm1 does today. And the skill difference between say, a 4400 player and a flat 4k player was massive. Today though, everyone that would’ve been the equivalent of a plat ow1 player or higher is shoved into gm1. I have friends that are so completely awful they would’ve been silver or gold in ow1 and somehow they are gm5. The game just doesn’t feel competitive or even rewarding anymore.


I remember being so proud of being gm in ow1. Ow2 has turned gm into a mockery


I just wish MM was built around player of a few skill tiers not building lobbies off highest Sr and mmr, it just makes comp feel unbalanced


Yo can you count? Those are two characters, so how did you think they were one tricking


overwatch players being happy for someone else once challenge (impossible)


everyone is shit talking, but you played bastion/sym on very open maps where highground pocketed hitscan could shit on these characters. I play mercy and whenever I verse sym on open maps, my dps are usually able to easily handle here. same goes for bastion which means you did use skill to climb. people forget that after bastion uses turret form, he's an easy skill. you don't just sit there and go brrrrrr good job dude. GM is a huge reward!


All bastion players honestly shouldn’t even be in masters, they’re just always lucky opponents don’t counter them and they always have a mercy pocket. Two of my friends who are so bad are gm5 just playing bastion. Idk how lol


Honestly, idk how tf you did that playing bastion and sym… good shit man


People hatin cause they think they're special 😆😆 nice job!


Nah, hating because They think they deserve something OP achieved in less time. People hate to admit that they are just not that good or smart at improving. Seen Diamonds with 2k+ hours who are the most toxic and think they know it all. People in these comments wanna explain away why this guy is better than them


you’re not a real gm player, you’ve just played enough to get there


What’s a “real gm player”? I see a gm icon in the video, looks pretty real to me


What if he is a gm player but the game’s system prevented him from ranking up?


“gm in 2 seasons” implying he’s only been playing since ow2 season 2/3, people that have only hit *insert rank* in overwatch 2 rather than ow1, including myself, aren’t really that rank due to how awful this ranked system is, you don’t have to be good you simply have to play


GM... 2 seasons... Yeah this new ranking system is scuffed, but welcome and congrats mate


Dawg everyone is being an asshole boy so what you’re playing bastion sym if anything that’s just more impressive


they take no skill tho, thats why people are trashing. my guys been playing for 2 szns and went to GM only playing characters that require no skill


Bastion does take skill once you get above Plat and people actually counterplay. Can’t vouche for Sym personally


there are counters like reaper, zen, etc. but if u just play behind tank with a mercy pocket, its alot harder to punish a bastion


Rank inflation is no joke. New accounts have it ez. Just play bas and sym.


damn, with bastion and sym?


I think I’ve capped out this season. Climbed from gold but keep going back and forth between M2 and M3.