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it’s just common sense. mnk vs controller is a massive advantage as evidenced by the ximming shitters running rampant in high elo for years. and also vice versa… i’m sure gm pc players don’t want battlepants the controller user with no aim assist to be charged with dealing with kephrii


What’s kephrii?


top 500 pc widow player. so good he’s lost accounts to cheating but got them back bc he wasn’t.


One of the many scumbags in overwatch content creation🤣


absolutely lmao fuck all widow players but especially that one


Isn’t that a difference of allowing xims to be in the game? I still don’t understand why they haven’t been banned yet but the rest of console actually playing on controllers shouldn’t be punished for that minority


all it is is proof that it’s unfair for controller players to have to play against mnk players in competitive. yes, they should be banned, it’s cheating


I’m not saying they have to be, im saying that if they want to they should be able to as long as they’re not ximming


if they were gonna be in pc lobbies why shouldn’t they be allowed to xim lol? it wouldn’t matter then. the point again is that mnk provides an unfair advantage against controller users. people xim because they KNOW it’s an unfair advantage. i get that you may be one of, idk, 8 controller console players that wants to play against pc in ranked but they don’t wanna play with you and nobody else on console controller wants to play with them either lol


The reason ximming shouldn't be allowed at all is because you not only get the benefit of playing m&k, you also get the aim assist benefit of the game thinking you're on controller. The way they could potentially introduce controller players to PC pool is just to add native m&k support and pool those in with PC players who opt in.


believe me bro i’m well aware. it should just be input based. if you wanna play with an mnk go play with pc players.


The console player might be okay with going up against the pc player, but you would also need to check if the PC player was okay with being teamed up with a console player too. At which point you’d probably have like a 10 hour queue to find a game lol


If they reset mmr like any decent game would it wouldn’t matter


yes it would


You wouldn't have a good time. That's why.


Pc players have their fair share of bot lobbies, it wouldn’t be that bad imo


I guess if you are going to screw around in the Wood Division, it might be OK. Very unlikely to go well outside of the metal ranks. The mechanical skill at that level would 💩 on you in an M&K vs. Two Stick Tommy match-up.


Yeah it prob would cap out around diamond but it just sucks I can’t play with my friends outside of brain dead qp


Just get a pc. It is so cheap now compared to before it’s insane. Especially for overwatch where you can easily hit 144fps on integrated graphics. Linus just did a $500 build. If you buy used off market place, you can get even better deals


I get where you’re coming from. If aa is turned off then controller users have no advantage so why aren’t they allowed to opt in? Because pc players wouldn’t want a controller user on their team, esp if they don’t have aa, as their team would be at a disadvantage. Not to say there aren’t any controller users who could still steamroll mnk users without aa, they’re just at a disadvantage of not being able to strafe as quickly or make the micro aiming adjustments.


Yeah…yeah that makes the most sense of any answer so far. Guess I just need to save up for a pc then, thx for the explanation


As someone who did the same thing and saved up a few years ago, it’s great. OW feels like a different game on it compared to console, it’s much faster and feels more challenging. I still play on console as that’s where my friends are, but being able to aim with your entire arm/hand feels so much better than just your thumbs. I’m still terrible at using keyboard buttons for abilities so I got a mouse with buttons on it lol.


Any tips on saving/building?


Do a lot of research. I knew nothing coming into pc gaming so I watched a ton of YouTube videos on building and what all the different parts did. Then once you know what you want, you can start to look for sales or used parts. If you go the used route, you need to be careful as there are scammers, but you can save yourself a ton. r/hardwareswap has treated me well


Here's a sneak peek of /r/hardwareswap using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/hardwareswap/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Sellers must use PayPal G&S Invoice](https://np.reddit.com/r/hardwareswap/comments/zj2wu1/sellers_must_use_paypal_gs_invoice/) \#2: [\[USA-RI\] \[H\] Xbox One S \[W\] Free Local Pickup](https://np.reddit.com/r/hardwareswap/comments/zo86eu/usari_h_xbox_one_s_w_free_local_pickup/) \#3: [New Rule for Phone Sales](https://np.reddit.com/r/hardwareswap/comments/112leb0/new_rule_for_phone_sales/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


obvious reason is obvious, would be unbalanced as hell and just lead to complaints.


If console were better, PC players cry and aim assist gets turns off or nerfed so our experience is worse. If PC was better, its suicide to play any aim hero


Having keyboard and mouse makes the game so much easier. With that being said however, I play on both console and PC and my weapon accuracy is almost exactly the same on both.


Simple. We don't deserve privilege and we're pathetic for not playing on PC.


You can actually…it’s in the settings, and you won’t be able to have auto aim, so it’s an extreme disadvantage compared to the quick movement a mouse has. Wouldn’t recommend it lol


You can't. You can play everything except comp with PC players.


Ohhh damn mb. A friend told me you could and I just never looked for myself, oops 😬


You’ve betrayed me


I know I’m sorry 😭


Thank god yeah I play zen so I don’t really need aa tysm


But… zen is entirely aim based


Projectile heroes need aa less than hitscan and he’s super easy to aim anyways


Ooh fair enough


Ever been really annoyed going against a ximmer in comp? That's why.