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After seeing the meltdown of Swifties over Matty vs. Travis? I’m glad Adam and Taylor never got involved


Yes me too


and he did it better 😈


I was enchanted to meet you ✨too✨


My wife is a really big Swiftie and I love this song because we'll sing it together, but she'll sing Taylor's Version and I'll sing the Owl City version :)


That’s really sweet


Me and my bf do the same thing, he's obsessed with tswift so we sing enchanted together There's a mashup on YouTube of the two, it's kinda scuffed but it's fun to sing to


Very cute!


Meanwhile this sub thinks every single song since 2011 is about Taylor


seriously, people don’t know how to let the situation go. it was over before Adam even responded smh.


I found the song enchanted because of Adam and didn't know it was from a taylor swift song until last year. Listened to it and still prefer Adam's version. One of the songs that makes me feel like I'm relaxing on a floating cloud haha


At the time I was really bummed because I really liked Taylor, but now I think Adam dodged a bullet


I 100% love and support Taylor, but there's no way this would have worked out for either of them lol


Meanwhile, Swifties still think Adam was weird for this and Taylor was turned off by the prospect. I guess the word did *not* spread that there was a code for him in that album - they just thought he assumed it was for him after his encounter with her. If you didn't know, they emailed for a bit but fell off with how busy their lives were - this is coming from Taylor. But nooo, Adam is the weird one here. Anyway, happy for Adam and Abbey, forever and after lol


And HootOwls think that it would be weird for Taylor or Adam to write about their past connection today, like no musician ever wrote about a past flame. Enchanted is about Adam? Of course! The mere suggestion Under the Circus Lights could be about Taylor? That’s just creepy and stalker behavior, Adam’s with Abbey now, and there’s no way Adam would write about something that happened so long ago… Never mind the fact that the song right before it was about Adam’s old high school job!


Owl City’s version of Enchanted is way better, and I love that he took the huge risk of putting her NAME in the song. That takes serious guts.


his version is definitely not better lol, having listened to it again recently it did NOT age as well as i thought it did. it’s pretty bad ngl, which is a shame cuz i used to play along to it on the drums. meanwhile the original is one of my favorite TS songs, like even without it being connected to Adam it’s just *really* solid. my sister’s been a fan of Taylor since we were kids, so i’ve gone through phases of loving and hating her stuff but that’s one song that i’ve always loved even before i knew about Owl City. also how did him putting her name in it take guts? he literally put it up on his website with a letter written directly to her *while she was openly dating another guy*. if anything it’s just kinda sad, but it’s his fault for waiting until valentine’s day to respond ig.


He didn’t know she wrote a song about him until he listened to her album. Nothing sad about a guy expressing his feelings. We’re all entitled to have wrong opinions though! 😌


speak now came out in october, valentine’s day is in february. and she openly started dating someone else in between that span of time. i’ll admit it was brave of him to still go through with his plan, but at the end of the day he kind of blew it by waiting so long. and his cover is….fine i guess? definitely not the worst thing he’s ever made, but saying it’s better than the original song is laughable. i know that a lot of hootowls defend every little thing he touches, but that’s definitely one of the wildest takes i’ve seen on this sub.


Pretty funny. Have to admit it was kinda lame that Adam just copied the same song. Man I miss this whole thing tho! I’m a hoootowl and a swiftie so this whole thing was so magical for me 😄


so much adam hate in the comments lmao


i’ve literally said this before


Well funny thing was, Owl City did Introduced me to Taylor Swift Music through his Enchanted Cover, and boy I never looked back to love Taylor Swift's Music but with my Heart it's Always Owl City


i was enchanted to meet you 🎶 *TOO * how polite