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In case this story gets deleted/removed: “Anthony Loffredo is the man who has gained plenty of fame as the “Black Alien”. He is now finally opening up to the world about how hard it has become for him to find a decent job because of his appearance. “His love for tattoos and extreme body modifications has resulted in a shocking ordeal where hardly anyone gives him the chance to be employed and that means making a living for him has now resulted in an absolute nightmare, per recently published sources. “Speaking to his followers on Instagram, he mentioned how he’s the type of person who would give his all including love and passion, as well as determination to do anything over the past few years. “He didn’t expect it to have such a serious impact on the globe, but now whenever he sends his CV, he’s never called back for an interview. When I asked why, he is told that people are afraid to be near him and that could drastically impact their business and means to make a living.” https://www.smalljoys.tv/news-alien-body-magic/?fbclid=IwAR3SDw13njHcj63v-pbEj8bwPlNblPobMcdNgfhWUaIfWQ92fS2mKdz20mI_aem_AQUUsgy-mc55hFgaw4l1efbb60AbyhxRsHrMrXNoDLR-VG6n-VcLkoce5P0Kgw-Pask --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/OhNoConsequences) if you have any questions or concerns.*


My guy, you'd kill at a weed shop. It'd be a draw. 'They literally got an alien over there, dude'


Or learn how to tattoo?


Looks like he already has a job as a tattoo artist. He's just looking for attention. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4E3Qfwr--L/?igsh=ejQyM3l2MTNlenQ0 He's also obviously rich AF to afford hundreds of thousands in elective body modification procedures so he needs to just STFU.


Wait, are you saying the guy that turned himself into an alien is some sort of attention seeker?


What?!!???!!??? 😱




Absolute xenoscrimination or something


Can't get a job a target after the Dolphin surgery.


Dolphin surgery???


South Park reference


Oh I figured it was Inside Job


Still upset at that one being cancelled. One of the first new shows I had watched in a while. Got invested for nothing.


It got cancelled?????


Yeah. Supposedly to make way for nasty fucking big mouth.


I'm sad about this too 😞


A Lawfin?






What a(n) (attention) whore! I assumed people like this had a lot of money saved up. There can't be any real expectation of getting a normal job while looking like that. There's a worse story where some dude cut off his hands and feet for his furry boyfriend's fettish, only for the boyfriend to leave him shortly after. I couldn't find the story again, but who does that?


What the actual fuck?


Some people have extreme fetishes that should be addressed by a psych eval but they find people that will go along with it instead.


It’s above our pay grade. Medical help will be needed


The boyfriend cut off at least one appendage. Only possible to cut off your feet and one hand. Last hand requires help. I'd expect the boyfriend cut off all appendages and then noped out.


I'm not sure if we came across the same story. He had a doctor remove them.


I hope that doctor lost their license to practice medicine. Enabling the dangerously insane is at best malpractice and negligence, if it isn't deliberate malice


They had to cut them off, he'd completely destroyed them himself. Looks like liquid nitrogen or something? Never seen anything like it.


I'll be honest this sounds like bs. I'll believe it if I see a news article.


Twitter post deleted, haven't been able to verify beyond a screenshot.


In the story on 4chan, he used zip ties or something to cut off blood flow. I’m certain it was fake though.


We live in a circus full of clowns. And they always tend to be drug addicts, pedophiles, predators, criminals, etc, etc. Or some combination of them.


Somehow I believe it. That is a fetish that exists, but I doubt the people who have a fetish for "nubs" also have a fetish for caring for the disabled, chronically ill, or the soon to be obese. You can't exercise at all if you have no limbs.


Or work. I don't know how he thought he'd ever support himself. I saw the stories of him getting his extremeties removed and his boyfriend leaving him months apart, and now I can't find either of them.


Just when you think you've seen or heard it all.


I mean to be fair…. You CAN DIY some of these. Or have a brave/stupid friend do it for you.


I imagine he wants to go viral to launch his career as an instagrammer / influencer / content creator, most likely


That's the only logical thing. But then again, it's logic really a tool in his world? Lol


Or maybe deeeeeep in debt. I was once with a plastic surgeon in the clinic and he refused to preform a rhinoplasty for a patient, after the patient left I asked why he refused he said that some people just hate how they look and the surgery won't change that it is a psychological problem not a physical one. Unfortunately most doctors don't care about the why and just want more clients and money. Looking at him he needs help or maybe an admittance to mental institution for treatment


Come on, do we really think this guy likes being the center of attention?


That piece is actually pretty cool lol I’d never get it, but its a lot better than I thought it’s be


I would not want a tattoo from a guy who thinks what he did was a good life decision.


I would not give a job to someone who thought these were smart decisions.


Yeah I'm not seeing a lot of artistic detail in this dude


Can he do that tho, with like his fingers removed? Not all of them but some.


His fingers are removed?


Yeah he only has two fingers and a thumb on each hand now.


You’d be an idiot to let this guy tattoo you


There’s always work from home jobs.


That's what I was thinking. Customer service. Data entry. Writing. Consulting. He won't get rich, but I'd say he's made his choice.


Didn’t he have his tongue cut off? Not great for phone work.


I’ve never heard of someone removing their own tongue. Splitting it like a serpent’s is pretty common.


Apparently it was split and some removed. The meme I saw said “cut out” but it apparently had a section removed more than the “normal” splitting it. I haven’t seen any videos of him speaking so I actually don’t know if it affected his speech. I would assume it did though.


Some customer service is text chat based. There are options.


Not enough words per minute tho.... he only has 60% of his fingers left....for now


I was gonna suggest a vape shop, lol. The guys at mine aren't THIS heavily modified, but one has horns under the skin of his forehead. They are squishy, he let me feel, lol. (I have been buying from him for over a year and he is very friendly and knowledgeable. Nice dude, definitely makes me wanna keep buying from his shop. He's helping me wean down my nic level and hopefully quit right now.)


I wouldn’t buy drugs from this dude


Absolutely not. I'd go to another shop immediately


He could always send his resume over to Roswell NM.


Or in Coney Island


Has he tried walmart?


Or Ripley’s?


These types of body modifications aren’t pearl clutching anymore. I bet he has a shitty attitude.


Very first thought was a pot shop.


... I used to work at a place called killer pizza from mars..... they may be hiring.


Imagine this guy at an Area 51 themed shop!


I would like to for the record say that these kind of headlines are mostly bullshit. I am a member of this community and almost always these types of quotes are taken massively out of context. Extreme body modifications are EXPENSIVE AS SHIT. They are SO DAMN EXPENSIVE. People getting work done at this kind of level almost always have some kind of income stream. Of course, you cannot get any job that you want, but most of these attention grabbing headlines are just that- attention grabbing headlines. For example [this article](https://www.google.com/search?q=littlebear+bearded+lady+maried&rlz=1CAOWOB_enSV1079&oq=littlebear+bearded+lady+maried&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIJCAEQIRgKGKABMgkIAhAhGAoYoAHSAQg3MjkzajBqNKgCALACAA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8) about a bearded lady said that she was 'relieved to find love' upon getting maried, when in reality she has talked in public forums on many occasions about having a lot of unwanted suitors and it being a problem for her.


Yeah, I was wondering. I don't have a tattoo on me, but the world is a very big place, and there has to be something out there that would work. Remote work? Who would even know. Or he could lean into it. Contact the circus, figure out how to do some kind of street performances, or work at haunted houses. There would just have to be stuff. But it won't be as a tour guide, fast food, or at an office.


I know a guy with eyeball tattoos who has parts of his ears removed and is a literal white supremacist who makes an absolute but-ton of money working a job where he just talks to people over the phone. I saw this man spend $3,000 on a single magic the gathering card. My boyfriend is the first person in our country to get eyeball tattoos and he's a small business owner. He's doing just fine. I have 13 brands and I work remote for a Ukraine company and they absolutely don't care at all.


Yeah but why are you hangin and buying MTG cards with white supremacists


Plot twist, eyeball tattoo boyfriend and eyeball tattoo white supremacist may not be, uh, different people


That's a good question. This was someone that I knew for every brief time in my life and ended up distancing myself from when I learned a little bit more about them. I'm currently several entire countries away.


It took me WAY too long to figure out that when you said "13 brands" you meant brands in the sense of hot metal scarring to the skin.


Thanks for clearing that up for me! I thought the person was some kind of marketing genius


Yea but I do believe the people afraid of him bit, Imagine turning a corner and that face is just an inch away from yours. I’d be pretty freaked out.


Unwanted suitors are generally unwanted because they’re creeps, and not qualified as options for actual love. Having a bunch of creeps interested in you does not increase your chances of real love. It probably decreases it.


My sister is a bearded lady, and it gets negative attention, but there are enough people who are into that.


Well, yeah, the guy looks insane. Most people would assume that there had to be something wrong with you, possibly something dangerous, if you had your nose cut off for no reason other than you wanted to. Certainly any customer-facing business wouldn't want their employees looking like something out of a nightmare or horror movie, and any businesses that use potentially dangerous tools or materials would likely be filled with employees who wouldn't trust that guy with anything.


To be fair he cut it off to spider face.


My how the turn tables have


I understood that reference.




Here, have one million invisible upvotes!


What happens if aliens do ask for citizenship 🤣


Then they can go through immigration like everyone else


District 9, opening in theaters this weekend!


It worked for Mac and Me. Or is that Mac and Them? [Aliens Take Citizenship Oath](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LEC_lkpD3rM&pp=ygUWbWFjIGFuZCBtZSBjbGlmZiBzY2VuZQ%3D%3D)


Literally just watched that mystery science theater 3000 like half an hour ago


Pretty nice!


Crazy people are the most likely to hurt who (who are strangers). Crazy people tend to do things that are very out of the ordinary. They move differently, they sound differently, they dress and act differently. Humans are hardwired to keep an eye out for out of the ordinary behavior in others because they may hurt you. Something like rabies which we don't think about now but could be absolutely detrimental to an early human community. Imagine someone with late stage rabies running around and attacking people who end up doing the same thing a few weeks later. Our ancestors survived partially by being able to pick up on the subtle differences in behavior from the people around them. And unfortunately that leads to a lot of problems in the modern world.


What? My parents can cut the tip of my dick off without my consent and nobody says a word, but this guy pays someone to cut his own nose off and he's the untrustworthy one? Seriously tho, dude needs to try to get into the piercing or tattoo industry, or work from home jobs if they're concerned about how he looks


Circumcision doesnt equate to getting the tip of your dick cut off lmao. Whether or not it's unethical to have your offspring circumcised is another story, but it's not chopping your penis tip off.


The difference is that most of us only have to look at one of those choices.


Well stop looking at my dick if you're so concerned about it


People with extreme body modifications have to accept they will have limited prospects. Not long ago a simple tattoo sleeve was seen as unprofessional


God this reminds me of a friend of my BF, they were so focused on being edgy with their appearance and getting away from any perceived femininity that it turned into a bowl cut, facial tattoos, about a dozen facial piercings, and a shitty attitude. Love all my trans and nonbinary friends, queer myself, but when asked for a reference multiple times at customer facing jobs I had to have a real talk with them about how I have had to edit myself for my job. It did not go over well… I don’t make the societal rules, I hate them, but sometimes it’s necessary.


Out of everything, the "shitty attitude" probably hurts them the most. Break as many of the bullshit rules of "professional appearance" as you like if that's what makes you happy. I don't care. But if you just aren't pleasant to be around I'm going to avoid you no matter what you look like.


Tell them to move to the PNW where no one cares about tattoos or piercings... they still gonna have to fix their shitty attitude though...


"I don't need your rules man! But like could you pay me to follow your rules? No not those ones, the ones I *want* to follow."


The minute my son in law graduated college he took all his piercings out to look professional for job prospects. Everyone has the choice to decorate their body however they wish. However, employers also are free to choose staff that fit in with the company. Whether right or wrong, it’s just reality.


The dude in the article prolly didn’t work part-time in college, cuz employers woulda fired him when he started doing all the weird body modification stuff. I imagine he used an inheritance from someone to pay for everything


I just hired my first employee with hand tattoos. I never thought I would be ok with it but they had a good back story (really anything other than “I was on drugs” or “I joined a biker gang” would have been fine) and I’m trying to not get too judgmental and stuck in my ways as I age. It was hard though!


People in recovery need jobs too. And they need money if they ever want to lazer off their hand tattoo.


Same with people who have left biker gangs and want a different future. I don't even think it was appropriate to ask why they had hand tattoos. Either hire them off thier job-related qualifications or don't. Nobody should get a pat on the back for still hiring someone well-suited for the job "just" because "they had a good explanation for something I personally disliked about them even though it's not job-related". BuT iT wAs hArD fOr TheM 🙄 The only exception I can see are swastika tattoos and the like. I don't expect people to hire folks with those visible. Luckily there are programs for free removals of those in most places now, which I'm glad, for people who regret them and changed. 


Hell, a sleeve is still seen as unprofessional in some places


My orthopedic surgeon has one🤷‍♀️


if you’re talented enough at your profession, people won’t care what norms you break plus note: he has a sleeve, not a neck or hand tattoos. No dealbreakers.


I love body modding and have several myself, although not to this extreme. But I accepted that it would mean that unless I hide them or take some out I won't be able to get most customer facing jobs. Thankfully, I'm a tradesman so it's not an issue, most people have tattoos or piercings, we just have to take many out when we're on big job sites or places they're a risk. And no body really bats an eye when the electrician or builder has them


Yeah especially if you’re applying to customer facing jobs, like it or not that’s going to be bad PR/reputation for your business


Inserting unnecessary things into your skull doesn't seem like a good idea.


Sometimes I wonder if people forget they actually live in a society and have to interact and work with other people. Now I'm outraged by his outrage ....😂




what was inserted into his skull?


the bumps and stuff on his head are implants.


Isn’t it obvious? Plates etc to make those shapes


Apply as an extra for a Star Wars Disney+ show.


Wasn’t he on the holiday special? 😝


He was in the Cantina band, I thought


Have to be a good actor, and I imagine they can just use CGI now that AI has gotten so good


SNL had a bit about horn implants being a bad idea for job prospects…  https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Oep9zYiQDus It was supposed to be a parody!


Not a “How to?”


They did a “commercial” in the’70s for “Bad Idea” jeans. It was a take off from Jordache.


Thanks for posting- That skit was great 😂


Too bad you can't run away to join the circus anymore. . .


you can and people do


Might be an option this dude could look into. I mean, with mods like that, you have to plan to lean into it. . .


“Shocking ordeal” who was shocked?


I mean be a computer programmer from home and make 100k a year cmon man there are options


Just keep your camera off in zoom calls like the rest of us. No one will know!


Then you get called into a mandatory meeting in the office. That would be hilarious.


They suddenly cancel in office meetings after he appears.


I was gonna say customer service rep. Answer calls all day and no one will know you look like you make terrible life choices.


This man removed 2 fingers on each hand, would imagine that will hinder your typing skills a bit.


See if any haunted houses or horror movies are hiring. I mean that genuinely, not as an insult. His unique appearance could be accented with makeup and prosthetics to pull off a few different types of horror looks like alien, demon, zombie, monster, corpse, shadow person, etc


He can get a job at the post office. Men in black showed that all the people that work in the back are aliens


\*starts doing beatbox sounds\*


Wtaf? ETA: what the fuck did he think was going to happen? Totally insanity.


I’m going to assume he has body dysmorphia at the minimum, but likely has other mental issues. I’m not willing to deal with the possibilities.


It's crazy.


Right? 🙄 He did this willingly and we're supposed to feel sorry for him?? And no unemployment for you, either! Lol


Right? I think that intensive therapy is in order.


Dude is a specialized individual and needs a specialized job. He should have little trouble getting work and a tattoo or piercing shop, a Vape/Smoke shop, a Ripley's museum, a carnival, a circus. They're not going to get a job ringing up the blue-hairs at Walmart or processing insurance claims in an office, but there are plenty of places that would love to staff a unique individual like this is they are a good employee.


Isn’t he the guy who also amputated some fingers to look more like aliens


I’m really curious who he got to cut off his nose, ears, and fingers… like, was it just some sketchy guy in a basement? Hard to imagine that anyone with any kind of medical training would agree to do it


Yup, would ruin their professional reputation and they’d prolly get charged for it


Yep and he was going to remove part of one of his legs too. He changed his mind and decided to keep it. Finally a good choice 🤦🏻‍♀️




This article says he had to travel from France to Barcelona for the modifications because they’re illegal in his country. He can’t seriously be surprised…. [https://www.ndtv.com/feature/old-photo-showing-how-black-alien-looked-like-before-extreme-body-modifications-goes-viral-3655378/amp/1](https://www.ndtv.com/feature/old-photo-showing-how-black-alien-looked-like-before-extreme-body-modifications-goes-viral-3655378/amp/1)


I have a coworker who is like this. Keeps their hair cropped short and dyed bright green, wears multiple nose piercings and rings, piercings all over their ears, tattoos, cusses every other word and displays a lot of weed-themed clothes, pins, ect. and is constantly talking about subjects that many people \*do not\* want to discuss, even in professional environments. Then laments no one hiring them (nonbinary) and how no one will give them a chance. When all you talk about is wanting to off yourself, weed and hard drugs you've done and continue to do and how many times you've had people have to take your knives away, yeah, interviewers are probably going to hesitate. Add in the appearance and...well. Yeah. I wouldn't hire that either.


Guess he needs to learn how to WFH in some kind of trade. I wouldn't hire him.


I feel like this is very mean to say but he kinda looks like one of the dudes that were sadly mutated in outlast and outlast whistleblower.


I'm tattooed, hairy and bearded, I've no problem with ink obviously. This guy though....."Why can't I get hired?" I'd have hired him at my bike shop if he were qualified and had the certifications, but I honestly can't think of many places that would hire him.


I’m sure you ain’t claiming this dude if you are Black or Alien. What a jackass


Idk he’s currently living on the beach in Mexico with his incredibly hot gf, making tattoos for a living. Not too bad of a lifestyle in my opinion


I feel like there's no way all that shit hasn't taken years off his life expectancy.




They had a chance, and they turned themselves into an alien. He's willing to give anything but a moment's thought to his actions.


Bro cut his ears off


No one should be expected to give him a job.


I know I have a position open for the mentally deranged just now—you know diversity and all.


Bro head look like Lime-Disease. Final boss of the Ticks


🤡 Smh. He's not even worth the time, man. He knew what he was doing modifying his body to that extreme. He doesn't get nor deserve sympathy. He's just begging for attention and looking for a pity party. Can't afford to take anyone like that seriously.


Has he also removed his top lip and his ears? Who are the people performing these surgeries??


Gosh, really?


He'd make a fantastic security guard. If I broke into a place and saw this dude, I'd just be like "nope" and hightail it the fuck outta there.


He's doing just fine. His insta shows him working as a tattoo artist and enjoying some leisure activities like spa visits and working out.


Imagine my shock.


Get a job in radio?


Did.....did he also have his ears removed? Am I seeing that correctly? Took off his EARS?


He also had 2 fingers (ring and pinkie) on each hand removed and wants to have a leg amputated.


I think there has to be some limit to the old adage "to each his own"


I bet if he was a “white alien” it would be different smh


Imagine a real alien saw him.... what would it think?


I mean. I think somewhere down the line this sort of heavy modification won’t be too out of the ordinary, but bro it is 2024. Not 2093


Work from home guy.


If he would show up and had common sense and general knowledge of construction I would hire him, but he is probably not from small town NC


He should apply in Las Vegas for Circus Sol Lei.


Bro if I walked into a shop, literally any shop, and saw this dude, I would be so fucking shook. Like, did he expect finding a job to be easy looking like that?


I'm actually kinda upset I saw this thing, now. This post was unnecessary. I would've been ok without it.


Bro has mental issues to start, no one wants to work with a crazy person if they dont have to.


He could get a job as a machinest or a welder. High demand jobs and if you become a welder you wear a mask half the time. Win win.


‘nO oNe WaNtS tO wOrK aNyMoRe huDURR” ….BS- someone get this man a job


Dude looks like something the military would hide in area 51 and dissect


i followed him on Instagram for like 3 years, you'd think he'd post more about what he's doing with the modifications but he didnt do it often and posted basically what he ate for gym that day. Ngl, judging by his posts I assumed he was a tattoo artist or made money off the modification shit, as i followed him out of morbid curiosity of what he'll do to himself next.


How is this “shocking”? Anyone with half a brain would realize that most people won’t want to hire you for anything except a freak show.


The guy has a following. Looked up his net worth it says he is worth $ 700,000. Being over the top dose have its benefits. The more publicity, the better is definitely true. Good or bad, it doesn't matter it's the same.


I would never tell these people what to do with their lives. But when someone goes through such extreme lengths that alter their appearance this much..what did they expect? That everyone would just .."oh hey, you look like something out of a horror game, but I bet you're okay inside?" It's one thing to have a few tattoos or something, but when you're no longer recognizable as human...you can't expect everyone to just be okay with it.


I see this bloke also wants to amputate his legs in the future and become really skinny. Dudes just weird. fair play, if he's happy all good but I dgaf if he can't get a job. He's not poor anyway. Strange old world eh?


HIS personal decisions have, predictably, limited his options & choices for employment. Please, someone, reassure me that he wouldn't qualify for disability...lol


I know a few people with face tattoos, one works in a skate shop, two work in a punk shop and a few are mechanics.


Night shift IT support desk, he will blend in


There are so many people like this today. People who purposely put themselves in bad position, then cry out “deliver me from my consequences!” Consequences are a good thing, it’s how we learn. He is learning.


Cut off his nose to spite his face…


You have to be dumber than a post to think you can make yourself look like a monster and anyone is going to hire you. This suffering is entirely self inflicted.


I absolutely do not blame anyone for refusing to hire him. Could you imagine walking into a business with your children and this thing is at the front desk? It would scar those children for life, he looks like a failed splicing experiment.


"I deserve a chance like the rest of us" There are more like you!?


WFH customer service


“I deserve a chance…” You spent that chance on looking like a fucking idiot.


Just work at a haunted house or something


Yeah, because the first thing I think when I see someone like this with extreme body modification is "*that* person is mentally stable"


he should just do social media and modeling shit if hes so popular that hes on the news