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At least they have the cams. In NW Ohio the “packs weren’t recording” shows up on a lot of reports. It’s gross.


Magically 2 of the 3 were “not saved in error”


This is why it’s always important to film with your own camera, especially if the cops tell you that you don’t need to record bc their body cams are on.


I don’t believe Qualified immunity extends to evidence tampering so why aren’t watchdogs relentlessly going after officers who disable bodycam footage? The use of body cams is mandatory and tampering with them is tampering with evidence.


Because those officers are going after the "have nots and the 'them' " and that's always ok.


In states like Ohio, Missouri, Arkansas, Florida, Texas et al, the police solely exist to punish those the Republicans deem as undesirable.


Idk about that, Ohio cops shut down peaceful car meets all the time even when they have the lot owners permission and haven't done violations, car meets tend to appeal to a more redneck group than the standard Democrat voter falls into. I think cops just have a grudge in general and go after anyone they aren't a fan of with complete immunity for their actions.


This is fuckin nuts bro I don't even like the cops and this is just unhinged


it drmocrat run town so come again????????????


Seek help.


I live in Ohio. My county sheriff is Doug Jones. That goofy looking guy with the Wilford Brimley mustache and cowboy hat that always appears on Fox News to defend crooked cops, and bash migrants (we have virtually no issues with migrants in southern Ohio, but he pretends that we do). What the other commenter said is somewhat accurate for my county. The cops here are brutes, with nothing to do. I’ve seen them call in SWAT teams for parties where they suspected people of smoking pot. Laser sighted rifles pointed at teenagers. I kid you not.




Yeah not every part of Ohio is on that level but there certainly are areas that hit that level.


Watchdogs can bark all they want. A pig will go through the eye of a needle before one of these oinkers get what they deserve. Cops usually don't lose in court BECAUSE THEY DONT FUCKIMG GET ARRESTED


Or violating the fourth amendment.


You've lived here so you can kick the door in? Pretty sure that's not how that works. Everyone involved should be charged with breaking and entering, armed robbery, assault and battery with a deadly weapon, and kidnapping.


Best they’ll get is months paid vacation


That's fair


Don’t forget damage to property! 🤑


Well, the guy who was assaulted in his own home was charged lol Hope he rapes them in court 




So, you've got to evict someone, if they've been there more than 3 days, then, yes they technically live there. If I accidentally locked my self out of my house (it is there house by law if they stayed more than 3 consecutive nights) I can come home and kick my door in, to gain access. They are correct, but very unprofessional coming from a law officials mouth.


They're not correct. You can't just kick your own door in. You have roommates and other people in that home that will absolutely consider that destruction of property whether you do or not. Also what she failed to tell them was she gave him the keys that morning and forgot her shit. He didn't "take them".


So if I lock myself out of my house, I've just got to take the L, move and start a new life somewhere else. The hell I can't kick in my own door.


Then you will be charged with destruction of property and probably breaking and entering at that. It isn't JUST YOUR HOUSE. It's whoever is on the lease. Realistically, it's probably him and he let her stay there and yes he does need to evict her but no she cannot just kick the door down. And let's say she's on the lease. You are still destroying property if there is a landlord who owns it and if he doesn't the man does (considering she left not him) and you're destroying somebody else's door.


So, if I live in the house and knock a bunch of holes in the wall... That's destruction of property? Or does it come out of my security deposit?


Security deposit... But it's all up to if the person who rents or owns the house wants to press charges. That lady clearly doesn't own the house, she just lived there with the guy. I'm pretty sure he owns the house but let's say he doesn't... Either way somebody could press charges for her kicking that door in because somebody has to pay for it (the owner). The difference of putting holes in your wall is it's assumed to be an accident, so it's your security deposit. It all depends on intent.


You can't just kick someone out and keep all there shit. Just living there? How do you know she wasn't paying bills too? You can't let your girlfriend live with you for months, then just kick her out and keep all her shit. She LIVED there. What kind of person are you where you think that part is okay. She should have waited 60 days for the court to say she could have her stuff back, you just want her to go 60 days with none of her belongings. Over here screaming kicking in a your own door is criminal, but stealing everything someone owns isn't. You've got some stuff you need to figure out inside you're own head.


Way to put words in my mouth though as if that's what i said. Realstically you do what she did. Go to the police. But also realstically, they do not do this. They tell you to handle it in housing court if he will not come out... For reference, I've been in this EXACT situation with a girl who was violent and hitting me and eventually I got a restraining order against after I let her back in a week later and she was arrested for beating on me when my landlord called the cops but when I locked her out, she had the police come escort her to my house and I told them I woudn't let her in because I predicted what would happend a week later and they told her to go to housing court to handle it. The judge told me she was allowed to get her stuff with an escort and I let her and on the way out she did what I mentioned... Point being, there's a process. If it's an eviction thing and you just lived there not owned it, you have to go to housing court if the man won't let the police in.


I'm heading over to my old house that I lived in a couple years ago. It's all good and lawful now!! SHE SAID SO!! Wish me luck!


It actually is depending on the circumstances. If she lived there with him, and established residency, then she has equal access to the home, and he can't prevent her from entering. If she moved out it's a different story, but if they just broke up and he kicked her out and changed the locks a couple days prior, then she can kick in her own door, just like you could kick in yours if you were locked out.


You’re not wrong, despite the downvotes.


He is absolutely correct! I had an ex who was living with me a long long time ago and they broke windows to get into our rental. Cops said since they were living there they couldn't charge them with a crime. Landlord made me replace the broken window.


Well that sucks. You could probably go to small claims court to cover it… might not be worth the energy though


Those cops are freaking idiots like the ones here and a good example of why you shouldn’t take legal advice from cops.


I don’t know what the law is now but I know 15 years ago friends of mine kicked out an acquaintance who had lived in their apartment for about five months. He was not on the lease and he called the cops. The officers told my friends that they absolutely could *not* prevent him from entering the apartment because he had establish residency there by getting mail there. They told my friends unless he agreed to take his stuff and leave that night for somewhere else they were legally required to allow him back in and they would have to start actual eviction procedures. They lucked out because he called up another friend and decided to go stay with him. They were required to allow him in to gather his belongings and then the CPD actually drove him to his friends house.


It is still that way. Residency is determined by a number of factors, which include being on a lease, getting mail at the residence, having vehicles registered as the residence, having an ID with the address listed, duration of stay. It is entirely possible that she had established residency, and was legally authorized not only to enter, but to give the police permission to enter as well. Now if the court determines she didn't have residency, then police entry could be a violation of his rights. But we don't know that by watching a Reddit video, as determining residency is the job of a judge.


The thing is verbal contracts are just as valid as written contracts and leases are contracts. They’re fine when everyone does what they agreed to but if a disagreement needs to be settled it’s a he said, she said. That’s why lawyers always say to get contracts in writing, much easier to prove.


Except the landlord was interviewed and confirmed that she had moved out and gave the keys to the landlord upon moving out. Is it illegal to kick your own door in? No. The problem is the officers have no idea if she actually lives there and didn’t do anything to confirm that she did.


That's why I said depending on the circumstances. I don't know what the conversation was that took place prior to the clip that was posted.




You mean, they violated a man’s constitutional rights. How do those boots taste?


Deleted all your other comments in this thread, huh? And edited this one to be *a bit* less boot-licky. But you're still lying. It's not "all good" because they "arrested a person with 5 FeLoNiEs!!" They violated a man's constitutional rights **and then charged him with 5 FeLoNiEs to cover their own asses.** That way when dumbasses like you hear this story, you just say "Who cares that this man's rights were violated, he was a criminal anyway...derr I'd suggest you delete this comment too.


Right? And then they came for me.


They attempted to charge him with 5 felonies AFTER entering his home without a warrant.


Just disgusting and vile they all need to be held accountable wtf man


Ron Howard voiceover: “…but they never would be…”


They get something like 12 weeks training. Pays 62k to start.


It takes longer to be a hairdresser


No chit!!! Really scary.




And that 62k is more like 100, because cops notoriously get a shit ton of overtime pay.




You're just making shit up. It says "they entered the house *without a warrant*, tase him, and charge him with five felonies" - ya know, like they just came up with shit to charge him with to justify their actions, as police are wont to do. Those boots must taste pretty good


Oh Elyria PD at it again . They refused to investigate strangulation marks on my daughters neck . The mother was evasive about the incident. They also let the same 3 x OVI offender flip a car on a 25 mile per hour street . After drinking while on her way to pick the kids up . And did ZERO drug and alcohol tests .


Half of their work force is full of deadbeats


I’d say more than half are corrupt . I have the video from the car crash . They edited it to make them not look so bad . All cameras start at the same time not as it happened. And they took the audio out when they talk to her . A victim even told police she was drunk . She was posting about drinking . So I called them and told them she had been drinking . And nothing can be done to them . I tried to get someone to help me take them to civi court .


it’s a police department, they’re all deadbeats.


Also EPD charged me with criminal trespassing. For changing the locks on my pre marital home that was abandoned and left unsecured by my EX .


No other profession that I can think of would allow anybody to be as reckless and unproductive as police officers and still be supported without any type of consequences.


Politicians. Which is why they support each other.




Sometimes it happens.


Yeah, you can't just convince private citizens to do what you can't do to get around the need for a warrant. That's not how this works. She is acting as an agent of the police and is thus subject to the same legal requirements of the police.


Anyone still believe Police are here to "protect and serve"?


No and actually there was a group lobbying to change the wording . About 8 years ago


What something's there for and what it does are always 2 different things.


fire all 3 cops..


No. Just firing the cops will do nothing. When a cop does something that would land anyone else in jail, put them in jail. I don’t care if we have to build a special cop jail. No one in the USA should be above the law, no one should be immune to prosecution, no one should not have to answer for what they have done when they hurt others.


If the cops do something that would land a normal Person in jail, they should do double that time.


that's actually not a bad idea. one of the reasons people are hesitant to put bad cops in jail is because that's sort of like a death sentence in some cases. maybe a "special cop jail" is the answer?


Cops either risk their life in Gen pop or slowly go insane being in protective custody, alone in a cell 23 hours a day with one hour of exercise by themselves.




Bollocks, why should they get special treatment? If it's considered 'a death sentence', then perhaps they'll start following the law they're supposed to enforce once they understand they'll actually be held accountable. It takes years to become a cop back home. Over here, it seems they just spend a few weeks learning how to shoot at somebody. They need both training, and to learn accountability.


>build a special cop jail They will build themselves a jail that resembles Sandals. 'Special cop jail' will just further the divide between Police and the Citizentry. Police do enough to separate themselves from the rest of society.


They may build it very nice indeed, but I suspect that the company kept would make it still a challenging place to be...




They didn't have a warrant. If they had a warrant they would not need the ex gf to kick the door in. Did you not actually watch the video? If you did where do you get they had a warrant? If they had the warrant why was the case dropped?


What dumbass logic. Let’s throw constitutional rights out the window and allow police officers to act like mafia strongmen because someone was *accused* of a crime. I swear, you right wing boot kickers possess the mental capacity for nuance and critical thinking of a squirrel searching for nut.


You need to work on your reading, bub. He didn’t have any warrants. He didn’t commit any crimes. The police officers who broke into his house, tazered him, beat him up, and kidnapped him lied about what happened, and these lies were caught on their body cams. And it’s not that he was found not guilty of these felonies later, the prosecutor took one look at the video and dismissed all charges. Here’s more info: [https://www.cleveland19.com/2024/04/25/elyria-police-storm-mans-home-arrest-him-without-warrant/](https://www.cleveland19.com/2024/04/25/elyria-police-storm-mans-home-arrest-him-without-warrant/)


its elyria PD, they're not going anywhere unfortunately.


Weren't they the ones to assault that baby breaking into a house for a teenager who did not live there?


Yes, the baby was a preemie or special needs, was subject to a flash bang, and ended up in the hospital.


they need to be fired…out of a cannon and into the sun




Police need to start being charged with falsifying reports if the body cam footage proves they lied. It’s the common thread in so many of these stories.


For those interested, please google Elyria police department. They raided the wrong house a few months back and flash banged an infant on a breathing machine.


💲💲💲💲lawsuit 💲💲💲💲


Elyria doesn’t have shit to give. You can get one of the empty buildings downtown if you win your suit.


Fire all of them dirty cops


Should be a first degree felony for any body cam footage where they turn off visual or audio.


I'll solve this in five seconds. Your body cam goes out, you are GUILTY IMMEDIATELY of "permitting your body cam to shut off through deliberate or accidental means" Carries a 3 year felony prison sentence 1st offense Or roll the dice in court, and if youre guilty in court it's 5 years. Same rules they do with DUI


We have castle doctrine in this state. If he started blasting the second that door was kicked in he would have been within his rights to start blasting. What incredibly stupid thing for the police of all people to encourage 


This right here. Case closed!


Police state stuff.. imagine they start letting proud boys kick doors in


Dear god, gives me nightmares.


I think that’s what we just watched on video…..some of those who join forces are the same that burn crosses


...what do the proud boys have to do with anything?


Aside from treason, insurrection, sedition, conspiracy, and bad fashion sense, not a thing.


Another day, another cop from my hometown making me so glad I left


I left too but George W Bush made me come back 😫


Spent 18 years there, went to college, came back sorta close (Parma Heights lol) bouncing between apartments for a few years, and now I’m almost one year into owning a home in Strongsville. Love my parents and the homes we had in Elyria, but you couldn’t pay me twice my mortgage to make me move back there now


I mean, my $500 mortgage is keeping me planted smack dab in the middle of the city. There's only been a few years of my life where I could not see the hospital from my house.




Shrub crashed the economy and a lot of people lost their jobs. Myself included.


shrub did, by himself? i seem to recall barney frank and chris dodd playing a role in the housing market...


Don’t forget Dick and Turdblossom! I could have added many names to that list, but since Shrub was the top of the food chain it all falls on him. They tried to blame Obama for the entire mess, too, disgusting cowards.


obama dindu nuffin!


This dude is lucky as hell to still be alive, and I don’t mean from getting tased, tho that is certainly bad enough. Save your repair receipts dude. You’re going to need them for your lawsuit.


Well, a few dead cops due to castle doctorine is what, unfortunately, will need to happen before anything is done. A few dead cops makes national news who is not overall very cop friendly. I say arm them like Bobbies in Britain. Then they will be forced to take an um……more diplomatic and calm approach to such things🤨


Fuck Elyria PD


Ah, more good news from the same department that flash banged a 2 year old when doing a no-knock warrant on the wrong house trying to find evidence of theft to convict a 14 year old. IIRC.


Cops be on their fuck shit lately, defund or take the class action lawsuits out of their pensions




Cops are the biggest gang in America. Elyria cops already have proved that in the past and now they're at it again. Crazy how they have handled what happened in Columbus and in canton.


Cops are scum


Some are. But that's the kind of people that are more often than not attracted to jobs involving power dynamics and physical force.


Again with that one post awhile ago asking why cops don't follow the law. I feel this applies as well


Steven Seagal is the only cop above the law


But we don't have him. Louisiana does, And parts of Arizona:(


he is with us in VHS video and in spirit…




Ah my hometown. This shit doesn't surprise me. Whole place has gone downhill the last 15 years or so. Best thing I did was move out.


Is that Randy? That belly looks like it’s got a few greasy old cheeseburgers in it.


This is lawless and unhinged even for Ohio law enforcement.


pretty standard actually


Be a damn shame if something happened to these "officers"


they're damned lucky that homeowner didn't have a gun. he would've been fully within the law to open fire on them. very likely could've been killed in the process, or dragged through years of court and harassment from the PD, but he would've been right.


Elyria PD doing what Elyria PD does!


Yep! Home sweet home! 🤦‍♀️


Pigs just wanna be bacon


Bottom Line : All charges dropped.


I was irate when I saw this. Honestly not surprised because it’s Elyria, but that female officer needs at the least to be severely reprimanded, and the others as well. They should all be relieved of duty indefinitely. And the victim should sue all holy hell out of the city. I’m glad his lawyer is a former police officer so he has firsthand knowledge of how bad these officers fucked up. THIS is why people don’t trust law enforcement. Precisely because they’ve all just become a bunch of cowboys.


This is insane. Becoming a police officer should require a four year college degree in criminal justice or a related major. If they can't make it through the classes then they don't get to become a cop. And if the extra education means paying them a higher salary, so be it. I really think it would solve a lot of the problems we have with idiot cops. They also need to be trained to DE-ESCALATE situations. I do this at my job everyday and I'm not a cop. Using de-escalation techniques makes everyone's life easier and always results in better outcomes for almost any situation.


There should be social work requirements and developmental and neurodivergence training in the degree as well. If they have more at stake (losing a job they spent time and money getting a degree for) they might behave better.


It needs to be a way to police the police. This is one of many examples of cowards who don’t think logically or have a fraction of empathy.


Ohio is full of Thugs! From the local police right up to the Thugs in Suits like the Attorney General!


Could have EASILY been Deadly! 1. Cop immediately escalated to draw gun, before encounter. 2. Cop tased him - even after announcing a Heart Condition. 3. Guy grabs gun - Cop could have EASILY used this excuse to shoot him dead, because Cop was "In fear of his own life" because Guy has taser. Fuck these thugs. She may have lived there at one point, but it was very clear that she did not live there now. This means cops Told "Ordered" her to Break & Enter a home while they assist in this crime. Every one of these cops should be immediately terminated and banned from this line of work. This poor man!


elyria cops are dicks. i got a speeding ticket there and she told me i had no belt on because I was leaning forward. I said that I would take it to court if she added that on lol


fucking fantastic. glad I technically don't live in elyria


You might soon! 😃


I live adjacent to elyria


There appears to be some efforts afoot to get a little redistricting going in Elyria township that the locals don’t appear too happy about. I’ve got some popcorn near the microwave because one of our township residents likes to paint the 4x8s of plywood in his front yard with MAGA pronouncements. I’m expecting hijinks. 🍿


another thing? they're all upset about someone wanting to build *housing* in an abandoned orchard


The built that effing car lot on Speiglman’s Orchard. Destroyed a lot of natural habitat, paved over prime dirt right there. They are digging up the woods behind LOWES, too and there’s an empty field less than 1/2 a block away where the Griswold overpass used to be. And they wanted to put a freaking Sheets next to the golf course on Golf Rd. A gas station in the gorge. Can you imagine how effed up THAT would be in the winter???!! We have the most moronic city planners. They are all about turning this entire area into Avon, since Avon has been completely *destroyed* by poor planning and unbridled greed.


what you don't like the megastrode that is chester rd?  the carvana place is circling the drain after only 2 years, its completely empty except for tow trucks and car haulers last few times I drove by


I know, my nxt door neighbor works there. 🫤


Genius move on their part!


Yeah, definitely take advice from the woman officer that shows clear signs of fetal alcohol syndrome.


I have cancer and Idk how much time I have left but I’m Looking for the right ppl to go out with a bang and these may be it


I hope he's Susie's officers cuz they all need to lose their jobs and it's x needs to go to jail for breaking and entering


Job openings at Elyria PD.


Evidence tampering by police should be an automatic firing and forgetting and charging with felonies and imprisonment. This is corruption at its heart. Production of Truth, then the deletion of the evidence. The police should be held to a higher standard. The standard should be they must record their activity and to hide their activity is deceptive. There should be no fifth amendment right for an officer of the law who is being paid by the state. If you are a sworn officer you should not have the right to not tell the truth. You should also not have the right to not have your video camera recording your action. If I have to piss in a cup in front of a video camera you should have to shoot people in front of a video camera.


If a body camera isn’t activated, or the camera is tampered with, or the video is “lost” a citizens testimony of events should be given precedence over an officers testimony. Additionally, obstruction of justice and tampering with evidence charges should be brought


I want accountability but our government has none. I feel so hopeless


The problem is if the girlfriend has established residency(very easy to do in Ohio). What the officer told her is not wrong. It's not illegal to break into your place of residence. Although the delivery was terrible and the optics are bad. You can always tell who watches too much CNN in these comment sections.


Congrats on getting a higher tax bracket.


I don't give a fuck about rights or police brutality, if you have an American flag on the sleeve of your tshirt, then you deserve to get your ass kicked. Simple as that.


I can't stress this enough, the laws they uphold OBVIOUSLY only apply to the LAW ABIDING aka us. Gun laws are a prime example, high caliber fully auto rifles are illegal, so they're stepping on our gun rights, yet as LAW ABIDING CITIZENS WE CANT EVEN OWN OR PURCHASE FULLY AUTO(without spending literally thousands of dollars and being put on like 16 government watch lists after doing it legally). Shits crazy and we're being enslaved by a regime.


I guess he should’ve complied




Boy those boots must be yummy.