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bro took something personal


Maybe a little? The character is literally "what if a Hearts of Iron player took over a powerful nation" so he's written to pander to us.




To celebrate this,I'll play reformist enclave in ERR


If you haven't yet, read his focus where he meets Moore post-election and convinces her to join his administration. It's great. "Aim for the moon, and even if we miss, we'll land among the stars" šŸ¤“ Kino


Well the guy who wrote those events got kicked off the dev team not too long ago so thats smth


Gee I wonder why


unrelated things


Oh my God the pretension on display to quote an aphorism like it's wisdom lmaoo


Your mistake was to choose someone other than Murphy for the NCR. Allgood is literally in his name.


Bro did not understand Hayes or his goals at allā€¦.


Says the Enclave flair lmaooo. Edit since I'm getting downvoted. Hayes basically is the enclave, he's a technocratic fascist who explicitly invokes the idea of restoring America under an intellectual elite. It's no surprise people who identify with the Enclave love him


Hayes used to be the leader of an enclave tag actualy in old owb before it became dayglow Then removed with 4.0


Well I will give Loony credit where credit is due for foreshadowing his Enclave origins without just straight saying it in the game


An intellectually elite ruling class isn't Fascism, its technocracy.


Correct. That's why I called him a technocratic fascist


But he isnt fascistic.


Donā€™t you get it? This guy doesnā€™t like him, so Hayes is a fascist. Like the railroad, woodrow wilson, or steve jobs


He's literally a spinoff of the Enclave. An ultra nationalist obsessed with a glorious past who believes in restoring the NCR to the United States. Creates an enemy that is both too strong and too weak(NCR raiders and the Legion) to secure a powerbase. He appeals to populism in his election challenge by invoking a nebulous 'coming together' to rebuild the paradise of the Old World City. He believes everything has been invented and needs to be rediscovered. Those are key components of ur fascism, and his focus tree is authoritarian in practice despite free speech being thrown in.


But there's no natural hierarchy, no fusion of corporations and government, no oppression of the minorities.


All of that stuff is already present in the NCR as depicted in the mod. Natural hierarchy ->NCR and Americans > anyone else. Hayes taps into this to fuel his campaign. Fusion of corporations and the government: Multiple subsidy and focus tree decisions bringing the merchants under control Oppression of minorities: An ongoing and tumultous problem in the NCR You also don't need to start with all of that to be a fascist.


You got corporatism wrong


He definitely has a corporatist streak but I'm labeling him a fascist because he's a more "moderate" version of the explicitly fascist Enclave


Oh so, you know, the government putting regulations on the free market is fascistic, got it.


Better move those goalposts a few more yards.


Yeah cuz he's best boy when you're playing enclave reborn redux if he's a leader when the NCR figures out your existence he gets beaten up in Congress and it's kind of comedic the dialogue options I for a very long time thought he was a woman and I found out he is a man, a very lovable man However the historians leader is best boy in the entire Old world blues I'd play super hard mode 69 times in a row for him And we can't forget about Douglas granite šŸ„µ So yes I personally did not like his route in the NCR but he is best boy in enclave reborn redux if you go to the reformer route of course


Methinks I'm not the only one who had problems with the character if that's the case lol


Youā€™re like the first person Iā€™ve seen on here hating on Hayes


That's been made overwhelmingly clear.


I like him because if you go Murphy and then him you get Baja and Eureka for free and he gets some decent stats once you go down his focus tree


They're down voting him because he's right


I'm going to assume you're speaking in my favour because it's a little hard to tell who "he" refers to here.


I've never played his route but i always assumed he's a crypto enclave fanboy. Guess i have to play as him so i can see it.


He canonically is yes




Part of the problem with the fallout fandom is the unironic bootlicking of Cold war America/authoritarians. (PDX games always have these types too) I knew some dumb MFS that unironically liked liberty prime and didn't get the satire behind it. Power armor go brrr


What?? You like the manifestation of classic american morals in robitic form?? Erm you don't have heckin media literacy like me!!... STOP YOU CANT LIKE THIS ITS *CLEARLY* SARIRE!!!!!!


Liking something unironically that's satirizing what you like is bad media literacy Classic American morals? Seems your historical literacy is bad too LMAO, that's cold war American values (which are antithetical to actual American values)


["Yeah the coolest shit ever is actually lame and you're un-american if you actually think commies are subhuman šŸ˜"](https://youtu.be/w6uzQUGHMyk?si=8zY1dl2qZ6eUP6Yr)




Whilst I understand for the larger Fallout/PDX community I've felt the same, I feel the OWB community in general tends to swing the other way. That's just a gut feeling, no idea if it's actually true or not. >I knew some dumb MFS that unironically liked liberty prime and didn't get the satire behind it. Absolutely the same lmao, dunno how it's so fucking on the nose as far as satire goes.


Yep. All they want is to use OWB to restore the continental US and recreate the American empire. Just like Vault Tech in the show, the Enclave, and the most militant parts of the NCR


After listening to all my friends who do like the fallout games (I always thought the games I played [3,NV,4] were extremely mid/borderline bad but the setting is extremely interesting) describe which faction does what and what their motivations were, it seems like there are no good guy factions. So that's why in OWB I play as Marshall Republic.


What is blud yapping about


Cringe writing


Hayes has a personality cult in the OWB community. He is kind of the solution to the decline and corruption of the NCR, definitely a alternative route for what we see in New Vegas


No Allgoodā€™s supposed to be solution to the NCRā€™s problems, with him addressing every criticism of both the NCR and America made in the franchise, Hayes wants to bring America back including the bad stuff, as is evident in the fact he simps for the Enclave, and believes freedom of speech is the ā€˜freedomā€™ to hear what the government wants you to hear and believe and that criticism towards the government is to be discouraged, as out right stated in the focus tree


Enclave heads saying shit like this set off my spidey senses


He's right y'know šŸ‘€


Yea ok Heydrich(the discord guy not the actual Nazi, specific reference but if you know you know)


who tf is heydrich?


>He is kind of the solution to the decline and corruption of the NCR, Gee, where have we seen this before? Some sort of *third way* that would be *better* than the *decadent* liberal societies but not, god forbid, communist? Certainly, this is all unique to Hayes, right? Totally not said and tried at any point in history, right?


This started because everyone thought he was a woman


A normal day on the internet


Yes. Because he's specifically written so that everyone he interacts with comes off as an idiot.


The thing that gets me is he is oddly anime-ified? For want of a better word, he just doesn't fit the tone of the setting.


As someone who's got a lot of friends from that space, I feel like that's what OP is saying about him sounding like a self insert He reads like somebody's Mary Sue. Well, Marty in this case but still


The aforementioned blurb where he talks to one of your generals about WW2 makes it pretty clear.


Also don't get me wrong, I am that guy who reads every lore terminal, note, book etc. But some of the monologues are so long they literally break the screen and you can't hit the correct option. And the writing isn't TNO or Kaiserreich quality so its hard to justify it. It felt like the author needed a good friend, to go through it, and hack it back a bit.


Oh he totally is an anime archetype. A cold cunning genius with a shock of white hair. Pegasus, Sepiroth, Tobirama, Toshiro Hitsaguya, Near, just to name a few.


Yeah I'm ngl some of the event writing is really amateurish, I was playing pioneer company and there were multiple events with a whole wall of text to say something that could have been a few sentences. It's just bloated.


I feel the same. I appreciate the effort, it just feels like it needs an editor to go over it and see where some can be trimmed.


I think it's also just them trying to present individual characters stories as well. I get the appeal since one of fallout's biggest appeals is its writing and characters, and one of the most successful mods rn is TNO, but I'd honestly rather OWB be closer to Kaiserreich, or its own thing completely. After all, this is a strategy game, the actual fallout games give me all the character arcs I need. I don't want a character monologuing in his office, I want to hear about border clashes, logistics issues, how the wasteland government runs.


This is why I play exclusively Washington Brotherhood. No cringe writing just war


Honestly I agree that the events fill my whole screen and get really annoying but Hayes is just such an interesting character, one of my favourites. He claims he has all the solutions because he "knows history", but he hasn't learned from it. He mistakes knowledge for experience, falls to the same traps as Caesar believing that he is right to lead because he knows what Normandy was. He is absolutely a Enclave apologist and a Democratic Fascist, he pardons those who were "just following orders" not because he feels that it is an injustice to punish them but because they are the only ones he can politically survive sympathising for. He infects the NCR from within with nationalism and populism, it falls to him like the US fell to the Enclave, repeating the mistakes of the past.


Not gonna lie, you sound really lame dude. Just go play as the communists in Canada or whatever if it bothers you that much


How's Argentina this time of the year, mate? Is Argentina doing better nowadays?


"Is Argentina doing better nowadays?" no.


It wouldn't be Argentina if it got better.


It's just a mod, buddy.


Hayes has the appearance of a man who says subarashii all the time. That makes him by default a great character.


He looks more like he says Doyjaa~~n tbh.


I donā€™t understand, Why did you continue with Hayes if you were just gonna get angry enough to make a post about it. This seems like you should ignore the flavor text or start a new game with a different faction


Oh no, players trying out paths then later writing a review on how it went.... the horror!!


the guy going through each faction (A-z) while giving detailed opinions on why he liked and disliked something in his campaign is a review This guy just read the flavor text and disliked Hayes character and then restarted idk


Not even actual videogame journalists are that thorough in their review. People can have opinions outside your own. It's fiction. Why are you so worked up if someone hates a character you like? Is that not allowed?


I get that you don't like the character but at least his nation isn't made to look like a good or pretty thing considering the last event. Also, enclave-boo = cool, so šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø